-- | Internal, hairy bits of Shellmate.
module Control.Shell.Internal (
    MonadIO (..), Shell, ExitReason (..),
    shell, shell_,
    (|>), exit,
    run, run_, genericRun, runInteractive,
    withTempDirectory, withCustomTempDirectory,
    withTempFile, withCustomTempFile,
  ) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.Process as Proc
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp

-- | A command name plus a ProcessHandle.
data Pid = Pid {pidName :: String, pidHandle :: Proc.ProcessHandle}

-- | Monad for running shell commands. If a command fails, the entire
--   computation is aborted unless @mayFail@ is used.
newtype Shell a = Shell {
    unSh :: IO ([Pid], Result a)

data Result a = Fail !String | Next !a | Done

data ExitReason = Success | Failure !String
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Functor Result where
  fmap f (Next x) = Next (f x)
  fmap _ (Fail x) = Fail x
  fmap _ Done     = Done

instance Monad Shell where
  fail err = Shell $ return ([], Fail err)
  return x = Shell $ return ([], Next x)
  -- | The bind operation of the Shell monad is effectively a barrier; all
  --   commands on the left hand side of a bind will complete before any
  --   command on the right hand side is attempted.
  --   To lazily stream data between two commands, use the @|>@ combinator.
  (Shell m) >>= f = Shell $ do
    (pids, x) <- m
    merr <- waitPids pids
    case (x, merr) of
      (Fail err, _) -> return ([], Fail err)
      (_, Just err) -> return ([], Fail err)
      (Next x', _)  -> unSh (f x')
      (Done, _)     -> return ([], Done)

instance MonadIO Shell where
  liftIO act = Shell $ flip Ex.catch exHandler $ do
    x <- act
    return ([], Next x)

instance Applicative Shell where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Functor Shell where
  fmap f (Shell x) = Shell (fmap (fmap (fmap f)) x)

-- | Run a Shell computation. The program's working directory and environment
--   will be restored after after the computation finishes.
shell :: Shell a -> IO (Either ExitReason a)
shell act = do
    dir <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
    env <- M.fromList <$> Env.getEnvironment
    (pids, res) <- unSh act
    merr <- waitPids pids
    Dir.setCurrentDirectory dir
    resetEnv env
    case merr of
      Just err -> return $ Left $ Failure err
      _        -> return $ resultToEither res
    resultToEither (Next x) = Right x
    resultToEither (Fail e) = Left (Failure e)
    resultToEither (Done)   = Left Success
    resetEnv old = do
      new <- M.fromList <$> Env.getEnvironment
      mapM_ (Env.unsetEnv . fst) (M.toList (new M.\\ old))
      mapM_ (uncurry Env.setEnv) (M.toList (M.filterWithKey (changed old) new))
    changed old k v = maybe True (/= v) (M.lookup k old)

-- | Run a shell computation and discard its return value. If the computation
--   fails, print its error message to @stderr@ and exit.
shell_ :: Shell a -> IO ()
shell_ act = do
  res <- shell act
  case res of
    Left (Failure err) -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr err >> Exit.exitFailure
    _                  -> return ()

-- | Lazy counterpart to monadic bind. To stream data from a command 'a' to a
--   command 'b', do 'a |> b'.
(|>) :: Shell String -> (String -> Shell a) -> Shell a
(Shell m) |> f = Shell $ do
  (pids, x) <- m
  (pids', x') <- case x of
    Fail err -> return ([], Fail err)
    Next x'  -> unSh (f x')
    Done     -> return ([], Done)
  return (pids ++ pids', x')
infixl 1 |>

-- | Terminate a computation, successfully.
exit :: Shell a
exit = Shell $ return ([], Done)

-- | Create a temp directory in the standard system temp directory, do
--   something with it, then remove it.
withTempDirectory :: String -> (FilePath -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withTempDirectory template act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withSystemTempDirectory template act'
    act' fp = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp directory in given directory, do something with it, then
--   remove it.
withCustomTempDirectory :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withCustomTempDirectory dir act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withTempDirectory dir "shellmate" act'
    act' fp = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp file in the standard system temp directory, do something
--   with it, then remove it.
withTempFile :: String -> (FilePath -> IO.Handle -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withTempFile template act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withSystemTempFile template act'
    act' fp h = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp h)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp file in the standard system temp directory, do something
--   with it, then remove it.
withCustomTempFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO.Handle -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withCustomTempFile dir act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withTempFile dir "shellmate" act'
    act' fp h = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp h)) exHandler

-- | Perform an action that may fail without aborting the entire computation.
--   Forces serialization. If the inner computation terminates successfully,
--   the outer computation terminates as well.
try :: Shell a -> Shell (Either String a)
try (Shell act) = Shell $ do
  (pids, x) <- Ex.catch act exHandler
  merr <- waitPids pids
  case (merr, x) of
    (Just err, _) -> return ([], Next (Left err))
    (_, Next x')  -> return ([], Next (Right x'))
    (_, Fail err) -> return ([], Next (Left err))
    (_, Done)     -> return ([], Done)

-- | Wait for all processes in the given list. If a process has failed, its
--   error message is returned and the rest are killed.
waitPids :: [Pid] -> IO (Maybe String)
waitPids (p:ps) = do
  exCode <- Proc.waitForProcess (pidHandle p)
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> do
      killPids ps
      return . Just $ "Command '" ++ (pidName p) ++ "' failed with error "
                    ++" code " ++ show ec
    _ -> do
      waitPids ps
waitPids _ = do
  return Nothing

-- | Kill all processes in the list.
killPids :: [Pid] -> IO ()
killPids = mapM_ (Proc.terminateProcess . pidHandle)

-- | General exception handler; any exception causes failure.
exHandler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO ([Pid], Result a)
exHandler x = return ([], Fail $ show x)

-- | Like 'run', but echoes the command's text output to the screen instead of
--   returning it.
run_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell ()
run_ p args stdin = do
  exCode <- liftIO $ do
    (Just inp, _, _, pid) <- runP p args Proc.CreatePipe
    IO.hPutStr inp stdin
    IO.hClose inp
    Proc.waitForProcess pid
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> fail $ "Command '" ++ p ++ "' failed with error " 
                                ++" code " ++ show ec
    _                   -> return ()

-- | Run an interactive process.
runInteractive :: FilePath -> [String] -> Shell ()
runInteractive p args = do
  exCode <- liftIO $ do
    (_, _, _, pid) <- runP p args Proc.Inherit Proc.Inherit Proc.Inherit
    Proc.waitForProcess pid
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> fail $ "Command '" ++ p ++ "' failed with error " 
                                ++" code " ++ show ec
    _                   -> return ()

-- | Execute an external command. No globbing, escaping or other external shell
--   magic is performed on either the command or arguments. The program's
--   stdout will be returned, and not echoed to the screen.
run :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell String
run p args stdin = Shell $ do
  (output, _, pid) <- runHelper p args stdin Proc.Inherit
  return ([Pid p pid], Next output)

-- | Like 'run', but always succeeds and returns the program's standard
--   error stream and exit code.
genericRun :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell (Int, String, String)
genericRun p args stdin = Shell $ do
  (output, Just errh, pid) <- runHelper p args stdin Proc.CreatePipe
  exCode <- Proc.waitForProcess pid
  errstr <- liftIO $ IO.hGetContents errh
  case errstr `seq` exCode of
    Exit.ExitSuccess    -> return ([], Next (0, output, errstr))
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> return ([], Next (ec, output, errstr))

-- | Helper for 'run' and 'runWithStderr'.
runHelper :: FilePath
           -> [String]
           -> String
           -> Proc.StdStream
           -> IO (String, Maybe IO.Handle, Proc.ProcessHandle)
runHelper p args inpstr errstream = do
  (Just inp, Just out, merr, pid) <- runP p args Proc.CreatePipe
  let feed str = do
        case splitAt 4096 str of
          ([], [])      -> IO.hClose inp
          (first, str') -> IO.hPutStr inp first >> feed str'
  _ <- Conc.forkIO $ feed inpstr
  output <- IO.hGetContents out
  output `seq` return (output, merr, pid)

-- | Create a process. Helper for 'run' and friends.
runP :: String
     -> [String]
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> IO (Maybe IO.Handle,
            Maybe IO.Handle,
            Maybe IO.Handle,
runP p args stdin stdout stderr =
    Proc.createProcess cproc
    cproc = Proc.CreateProcess {
        Proc.cmdspec      = Proc.RawCommand p args,
        Proc.cwd          = Nothing,
        Proc.env          = Nothing,
        Proc.std_in       = stdin,
        Proc.std_out      = stdout,
        Proc.std_err      = stderr,
        Proc.close_fds    = False,
#if MIN_VERSION_process(1,2,0)
        Proc.delegate_ctlc = False,
        Proc.create_group = False