{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module Test.Random(main) where import Development.Shake import Numeric.Extra import Test.Type import Control.Exception.Extra import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Maybe import General.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Random import General.Extra import qualified System.IO.Extra as IO import System.Time.Extra inputRange = [1..10] data Value = Single Int | Multiple [[Value]] deriving (Read,Show,Eq) data Source = Input Int | Output Int | Bang deriving (Read,Show) data Logic = Logic Int [[Source]] | Want [Int] deriving (Read,Show) arg = [Option "" ["arg"] (ReqArg Right "") ""] main = testBuildArgs test arg $ \args -> do let toFile (Input i) = "input-" ++ show i ++ ".txt" toFile (Output i) = "output-" ++ show i ++ ".txt" toFile Bang = error "BANG" let randomSleep = liftIO $ do i <- randomRIO (0, 25) sleep $ intToDouble i / 100 forM_ (map read $ filter (isNothing . asDuration) args) $ \case Want xs -> want $ map (toFile . Output) xs Logic out srcs -> toFile (Output out) %> \out -> do res <- fmap (show . Multiple) $ forM srcs $ \src -> do randomSleep need $ map toFile src mapM (liftIO . fmap read . IO.readFile' . toFile) src randomSleep writeFileChanged out res asDuration :: String -> Maybe Double asDuration x | "s" `isSuffixOf` x, [(i,"")] <- reads $ init x = Just i | "m" `isSuffixOf` x, [(i,"")] <- reads $ init x = Just $ i * 60 | otherwise = Nothing test build = do limit <- do args <- getArgs let bound = listToMaybe $ reverse $ mapMaybe asDuration args time <- offsetTime pure $ when (isJust bound) $ do now <- time when (now > fromJust bound) exitSuccess forM_ [1..] $ \count -> do limit putStrLn $ "* PERFORMING RANDOM TEST " ++ show count build ["clean"] build [] -- to create the directory forM_ inputRange $ \i -> writeFile ("input-" ++ show i ++ ".txt") $ show $ Single i logic <- randomLogic runLogic [] logic chng <- filterM (const randomIO) inputRange forM_ chng $ \i -> writeFile ("input-" ++ show i ++ ".txt") $ show $ Single $ negate i runLogic chng logic forM_ inputRange $ \i -> writeFile ("input-" ++ show i ++ ".txt") $ show $ Single i logicBang <- addBang =<< addBang logic j <- randomRIO (1::Int,8) res <- try_ $ build $ "--exception" : ("-j" ++ show j) : map ((++) "--arg=" . show) (logicBang ++ [Want [i | Logic i _ <- logicBang]]) case res of Left err | "BANG" `isInfixOf` show err -> pure () -- error I expected | otherwise -> error $ "UNEXPECTED ERROR: " ++ show err _ -> pure () -- occasionally we only put BANG in places with no dependenies that don't get rebuilt runLogic [] $ logic ++ [Want [i | Logic i _ <- logic]] where runLogic :: [Int] -> [Logic] -> IO () runLogic negated xs = do let poss = [i | Logic i _ <- xs] i <- randomRIO (0, 7) wants <- replicateM i $ do i <- randomRIO (0, 5) replicateM i $ randomElem poss sleepFileTime j <- randomRIO (1::Int,8) build $ ("-j" ++ show j) : map ((++) "--arg=" . show) (xs ++ map Want wants) let value i = let ys = headErr [ys | Logic j ys <- xs, j == i] in Multiple $ flip map ys $ map $ \case Input i -> Single $ if i `elem` negated then negate i else i Output i -> value i Bang -> error "BANG" forM_ (concat wants) $ \i -> do let wanted = value i got <- fmap read $ IO.readFile' $ "output-" ++ show i ++ ".txt" when (wanted /= got) $ error $ "INCORRECT VALUE for " ++ show i addBang :: [Logic] -> IO [Logic] addBang xs = do i <- randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) let (before,now:after) = splitAt i xs now <- f now pure $ before ++ now : after where f (Logic log xs) = do i <- randomRIO (0, length xs) let (before,after) = splitAt i xs pure $ Logic log $ before ++ [Bang] : after f x = pure x randomLogic :: IO [Logic] -- only Logic constructors randomLogic = do rules <- randomRIO (1,100) f rules $ map Input inputRange where f 0 _ = pure [] f i avail = do needs <- randomRIO (0,3) xs <- replicateM needs $ do ns <- randomRIO (0,3) replicateM ns $ randomElem avail let r = Logic i xs (r:) <$> f (i-1) (Output i:avail)