-- | Demo tutorial, accessed with --demo module Development.Shake.Internal.Demo(demo) where import Development.Shake.Internal.Paths import Development.Shake.Command import Control.Exception.Extra import Control.Monad import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import General.Extra import Development.Shake.FilePath(exe) import System.IO import System.Info.Extra demo :: Bool -> IO () demo auto = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering putStrLn $ "% Welcome to the Shake v" ++ shakeVersionString ++ " demo mode!" putStr "% Detecting machine configuration... " hasManual <- hasManualData ghc <- isJust <$> findExecutable "ghc" (gcc, gccPath) <- findGcc shakeLib <- wrap $ fmap (not . null . words . fromStdout) (cmd ("ghc-pkg list --simple-output shake" :: String)) ninja <- findExecutable "ninja" putStrLn "done\n" let path = if isWindows then "%PATH%" else "$PATH" require ghc $ "% You don't have 'ghc' on your " ++ path ++ ", which is required to run the demo." require gcc $ "% You don't have 'gcc' on your " ++ path ++ ", which is required to run the demo." require shakeLib "% You don't have the 'shake' library installed with GHC, which is required to run the demo." require hasManual "% You don't have the Shake data files installed, which are required to run the demo." empty <- all (all (== '.')) <$> getDirectoryContents "." dir <- if empty then getCurrentDirectory else do home <- getHomeDirectory dir <- getDirectoryContents home pure $ home headErr (map ("shake-demo" ++) ("":map show [2..]) \\ dir) putStrLn "% The Shake demo uses an empty directory, OK to use:" putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir b <- yesNo auto require b "% Please create an empty directory to run the demo from, then run 'shake --demo' again." putStr "% Copying files... " copyManualData dir unless isWindows $ do p <- getPermissions $ dir "build.sh" setPermissions (dir "build.sh") p{executable=True} putStrLn "done" let pause = do putStr "% Press ENTER to continue: " if auto then putLine "" else getLine let execute x = do putStrLn $ "% RUNNING: " ++ x cmd (Cwd dir) (AddPath [] (maybeToList gccPath)) Shell x :: IO () let build = if isWindows then "build" else "./build.sh" putStrLn "\n% [1/5] Building an example project with Shake." pause putStrLn $ "% RUNNING: cd " ++ dir execute build putStrLn "\n% [2/5] Running the produced example." pause execute $ "_build" "run" <.> exe putStrLn "\n% [3/5] Rebuilding an example project with Shake (nothing should change)." pause execute build putStrLn "\n% [4/5] Cleaning the build." pause execute $ build ++ " clean" putStrLn "\n% [5/5] Rebuilding with 2 threads and profiling." pause execute $ build ++ " -j2 --report --report=-" putStrLn "\n% See the profiling summary above, or look at the HTML profile report in" putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir "report.html" putStrLn "\n% Demo complete - all the examples can be run from:" putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir putStrLn "% For more info see https://shakebuild.com" when (isJust ninja) $ do putStrLn "\n% PS. Shake can also execute Ninja build files" putStrLn "% For more info see https://shakebuild.com/ninja" -- | Require the user to press @y@ before continuing. yesNo :: Bool -> IO Bool yesNo auto = do putStr "% [Y/N] (then ENTER): " x <- if auto then putLine "y" else lower <$> getLine if "y" `isPrefixOf` x then pure True else if "n" `isPrefixOf` x then pure False else yesNo auto putLine :: String -> IO String putLine x = putStrLn x >> pure x -- | Replace exceptions with 'False'. wrap :: IO Bool -> IO Bool wrap act = act `catch_` const (pure False) -- | Require a condition to be true, or exit with a message. require :: Bool -> String -> IO () require b msg = unless b $ putStrLn msg >> exitFailure