{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

-- NB: UndecidableInstances needed for nested type family application. :-/

module Data.InvertibleGrammar.Generic
  ( with
  , match
  , Coproduct (..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Category ((.))
import Control.Applicative
import Data.InvertibleGrammar
import Data.InvertibleGrammar.Monad
import Data.Profunctor (Choice(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Monoid (First(..))
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Set (singleton)
import GHC.Generics

-- | Provide a data constructor/stack isomorphism to a grammar working on
-- stacks. Works for types with one data constructor. For sum types use 'match'
-- and 'Coproduct'.
  :: forall a b s t g c d f.
     ( Generic a
     , MkPrismList (Rep a)
     , MkStackPrism f
     , Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f)
     , StackPrismLhs f t ~ b
     , Constructor c
     ) =>
     (Grammar g b (a :- t) -> Grammar g s (a :- t))
  -> Grammar g s (a :- t)
with g =
  let PrismList (P prism) = mkRevPrismList
      name = conName (undefined :: m c f e)
  in g (PartialIso
         (fwd prism)
         (maybe (Left $ Mismatch (singleton name) Nothing) Right . bkwd prism))

-- | Combine all grammars provided in 'Coproduct' list into a single grammar.
  :: ( Generic a
     , MkPrismList (Rep a)
     , Match (Rep a) bs t
     , bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t
     ) =>
     Coproduct g s bs a t
  -> Grammar g s (a :- t)
match = fst . match' mkRevPrismList

-- | Heterogenous list of grammars, each one matches a data constructor of type
-- @a@. 'With' is used to provide a data constructor/stack isomorphism to a
-- grammar working on stacks. 'End' ends the list of matches.
data Coproduct g s bs a t where

    :: (Grammar g b (a :- t) -> Grammar g s (a :- t))
    -> Coproduct g s bs a t
    -> Coproduct g s (b ': bs) a t

  End :: Coproduct g s '[] a t

-- Machinery

type family (:++) (as :: [k]) (bs :: [k]) :: [k] where
  (:++) (a ': as) bs = a ': (as :++ bs)
  (:++) '[] bs = bs

type family Coll (f :: * -> *) (t :: *) :: [*] where
  Coll (M1 D c f) t = Coll f t
  Coll (f :+: g)  t = Coll f t :++ Coll g t
  Coll (M1 C c f) t = '[StackPrismLhs f t]

type family Trav (t :: * -> *) (l :: [*]) :: [*] where
  Trav (M1 D c f) lst = Trav f lst
  Trav (f :+: g) lst = Trav g (Trav f lst)
  Trav (M1 C c f) (l ': ls) = ls

class Match (f :: * -> *) bs t where
  match' :: PrismList f a
         -> Coproduct g s bs a t
         -> ( Grammar g s (a :- t)
            , Coproduct g s (Trav f bs) a t

instance (Match f bs t, Trav f bs ~ '[]) => Match (M1 D c f) bs t where
  match' (PrismList p) = match' p

  ( Match f bs t
  , Match g (Trav f bs) t
  ) => Match (f :+: g) bs t where
  match' (p :& q) lst =
    let (gp, rest)  = match' p lst
        (qp, rest') = match' q rest
    in (gp :<>: qp, rest')

instance (StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) => Match (M1 C c f) (b ': bs) t where
  match' (P prism) (With g rest) =
    let name = conName (undefined :: m c f e)
        p = fwd prism
        q = maybe (Left $ Mismatch (singleton name) Nothing) Right . bkwd prism
    in (g $ PartialIso name p q, rest)

-- NB. The following machinery is heavily based on
-- https://github.com/MedeaMelana/stack-prism/blob/master/Data/StackPrism/Generic.hs

-- | Derive a list of stack prisms. For more information on the shape of a
-- 'PrismList', please see the documentation below.
mkRevPrismList :: (Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a)) => StackPrisms a
mkRevPrismList = mkPrismList' to (Just . from)

type StackPrism a b = forall p f. (Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f a) -> p b (f b)

-- | Construct a prism.
stackPrism :: (a -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> StackPrism a b
stackPrism f g = dimap (\b -> maybe (Left b) Right (g b)) (either pure (fmap f)) . right'

-- | Apply a prism in forward direction.
fwd :: StackPrism a b -> a -> b
fwd l = runIdentity #. unTagged #. l .# Tagged .# Identity

-- | Apply a prism in backward direction.
bkwd :: StackPrism a b -> b -> Maybe a
bkwd l = getFirst #. getConst #. l (Const #. First #. Just)

-- | Convenient shorthand for a 'PrismList' indexed by a type and its generic
-- representation.
type StackPrisms a = PrismList (Rep a) a

-- | A data family that is indexed on the building blocks from representation
-- types from @GHC.Generics@. It builds up to a list of prisms, one for each
-- constructor in the generic representation. The list is wrapped in the unary
-- constructor @PrismList@. Within that constructor, the prisms are separated by
-- the right-associative binary infix constructor @:&@. Finally, the individual
-- prisms are wrapped in the unary constructor @P@.
-- As an example, here is how to define the prisms @nil@ and @cons@ for @[a]@,
-- which is an instance of @Generic@:
-- > nil  :: StackPrism              t  ([a] :- t)
-- > cons :: StackPrism (a :- [a] :- t) ([a] :- t)
-- > PrismList (P nil :& P cons) = mkPrismList :: StackPrisms [a]
data family PrismList (f :: * -> *) (a :: *)

class MkPrismList (f :: * -> *) where
  mkPrismList' :: (f p -> a) -> (a -> Maybe (f q)) -> PrismList f a

data instance PrismList (M1 D c f) a = PrismList (PrismList f a)

instance MkPrismList f => MkPrismList (M1 D c f) where
  mkPrismList' f' g' = PrismList (mkPrismList' (f' . M1) (fmap unM1 . g'))

infixr :&
data instance PrismList (f :+: g) a = PrismList f a :& PrismList g a

instance (MkPrismList f, MkPrismList g) => MkPrismList (f :+: g) where
  mkPrismList' f' g' = f f' g' :& g f' g'
      f :: forall a p q. ((f :+: g) p -> a) -> (a -> Maybe ((f :+: g) q)) -> PrismList f a
      f _f' _g' = mkPrismList' (\fp -> _f' (L1 fp)) (matchL _g')
      g :: forall a p q. ((f :+: g) p -> a) -> (a -> Maybe ((f :+: g) q)) -> PrismList g a
      g _f' _g' = mkPrismList' (\gp -> _f' (R1 gp)) (matchR _g')

      matchL :: (a -> Maybe ((f :+: g) q)) -> a -> Maybe (f q)
      matchL _g' a = case _g' a of
        Just (L1 f'') -> Just f''
        _ -> Nothing

      matchR :: (a -> Maybe ((f :+: g) q)) -> a -> Maybe (g q)
      matchR _g' a = case _g' a of
        Just (R1 g'') -> Just g''
        _ -> Nothing

data instance PrismList (M1 C c f) a = P (forall t. StackPrism (StackPrismLhs f t) (a :- t))

instance MkStackPrism f => MkPrismList (M1 C c f) where
  mkPrismList' f' g' = P (stackPrism (f f') (g g'))
      f :: forall a p t. (M1 C c f p -> a) -> StackPrismLhs f t -> a :- t
      f _f' lhs = mapHead (_f' . M1) (mkR lhs)
      g :: forall a p t. (a -> Maybe (M1 C c f p)) -> (a :- t) -> Maybe (StackPrismLhs f t)
      g _g' (a :- t) = fmap (mkL . (:- t) . unM1) (_g' a)

-- Deriving types and conversions for single constructors

type family StackPrismLhs (f :: * -> *) (t :: *) :: *

class MkStackPrism (f :: * -> *) where
  mkR :: forall p t. StackPrismLhs f t -> (f p :- t)
  mkL :: forall p t. (f p :- t) -> StackPrismLhs f t

type instance StackPrismLhs U1 t = t
instance MkStackPrism U1 where
  mkR t         = U1 :- t
  mkL (U1 :- t) = t

type instance StackPrismLhs (K1 i a) t = a :- t
instance MkStackPrism (K1 i a) where
  mkR (h :- t) = K1 h :- t
  mkL (K1 h :- t) = h :- t

type instance StackPrismLhs (M1 i c f) t = StackPrismLhs f t
instance MkStackPrism f => MkStackPrism (M1 i c f) where
  mkR = mapHead M1 . mkR
  mkL = mkL . mapHead unM1

type instance StackPrismLhs (f :*: g) t = StackPrismLhs g (StackPrismLhs f t)
instance (MkStackPrism f, MkStackPrism g) => MkStackPrism (f :*: g) where
  mkR t = (hg :*: hf) :- tg
      hf :- tf = mkR t
      hg :- tg = mkR tf
  mkL ((hf :*: hg) :- t) = mkL (hg :- mkL (hf :- t))

mapHead :: (a -> b) -> (a :- t) -> (b :- t)
mapHead f (h :- t) = f h :- t