setdown: Treating files as sets to perform rapid set manipulation.

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There will be times when you have lots of set data and you want to perform many set operations quickly and reliably, you will also want to be able to add new data to your set operations and be able to run the same set operations with little effort. This is the problem that setdown aims to solve. Setdown was built with the intention that you would use it in conjunction with version control tools to manage your set data and set description file.

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Dependencies array (>=0.5), base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring (>=0.10.4), cmdargs (>=0.10), containers (>=0.6 && <0.7), directory (>=1.1 && <3), filepath (>=1.2 && <3), mtl (>=2.2 && <2.3), split (>=0.2 && <0.3), table-layout (>=0.8), text (>=1.2), uuid (>=1.3 && <1.4) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2015 Robert Massaioli
Author Robert Massaioli
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Readme for setdown-

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Setdown - Line based set manipulation

Author: Robert Massaioli
Created in: 2015

Installation Steps

If you just want to install setdown then you just need to make sure that you have Haskell and Cabal installed and then:

cabal install setdown

This works because setdown is on hackage!

What is setdown and how does it work?

Setdown is a command line tool for line based set operations. To use setdown you write a "setdown definitions file" often suffixed with .setdown. If you are familiar with Make then you can think of this .setdown file much like a Makefile. Inside that file you write a number of definitions of the form:

definitionName: "file-1.txt" /\ "file-2.txt"

This line says that "definitionName" is a new set definition that is a label for the intersection of "file-1.txt" and "file-2.txt". You can write more complicated expressions that this.

Example Setdown Projects

Checkout the setdown-examples project on Bitbucket; it will show you how setdown works.

However, to get an in-depth description of setdown and its abilities you should read the sections below.

Input Files

In setdown each file is treated as a list of elements where each line is an element. Input files do not need to begin as sets; they can contain duplicate and unsorted elements. Setdown will automatically sort and de-duplicate all input files, turning them into sets.

Another important point is that of relativity: specifically, if have a .setdown file that references the input file "some-elements.txt" and I run the setdown executable from a directory that is not the same directory as the .setdown file then where will setdown look for the some-elements.txt file? The answer is that we always look for files relative to the .setdown file. That is where you wrote your definitions so the paths are relative to that. It was designed in this way so that you could run setdown from anywhere in the directory tree and still get the same result. It was an important design of setdown that you always get the same result every time that you run it. Setdown has been designed to be current working directory invariant, as opposed to many other command line programs. Please keep this in mind.

Set Operations and Precidence

In the setdown language there are a number of supported operators:

  • Intersection: /\
  • Union: /
  • Difference: -

For example, they might be used in the following way:

definition: (A - B) \/ (C /\ D)

You may be wondering what operator precidence the setdown language uses and the answer is: there is no operator precidence at all, instead you must clearly specify the precidence of nested expressions with brackets. This is very important because it will result in parsing errors otherwise. To explain the reasoning for explicit operator precedence:

-- Here is a simple expression
def: A /\ B \/ C
-- Now, should this be parsed as:
defV1: (A /\ B) \/ C
-- or as:
defV2: A /\ (B \/ C)
-- If you pretend that B is the empty set (E) then you can see that these expression evaluate
-- completely differently. If we simplify them with that assumption then they become:
defV1-bempty: E
defV2-bempty: A /\ C

So as you can see, order of operations really matters for set operations. Because it is so critical the use of brackets is mandatory.


In the setdown language you can add comments by writing a double-dash (--) and then writing the comment till the end of the line. The following comments are valid:

-- This is a definition for A, created because we wanted to do X
A: "y.txt" - "z.txt"

-- This is an example of a comment halfway through an expression
B: (A \/ C) -- \/ D This is still a comment and \/ D never happens

You can use comments to leave messages for any people that might read your setdown definitions in the future. It may help explain to them what you were trying to do.

Writing your own definitions

In the setdown language you can write a definition in the following format:

 <definitionName>: <expression>

Where the definition name is the identifier that you give to that expression. An expression is the application of set operations on identifiers or files. A practical example of what this looks like should help cement what this means. Here is a valid setdown file:

-- A is the intersection of the file b-1.out and the set B
A: "b-1.out" /\ B

-- B is the union of the file a-1.out and a-2.out
B: "a-1.out" \/ "a-2.out"

-- C is the difference of the file b-1.out and the set B
C: "b-1.out" - B

Usually, when you write these definitions you put them in a file that has a suffix of .setdown. You can then feed this file into the setdown executable like so:

setdown path/to/mydefinitions.setdown

For more information on the options that you can pass to the setdown executable try running

setdown --help

And good luck!

Building the code

To build the code for this project just have Haskell installed and cabal and then:

cabal new-install

And that should have the code built on your machine. Then, if you modify the code, just use cabal run to run setdown:

cabal run setdown -- --help
cabal run setdown -- mydefinitions.setdown

That is all that there is to it!

With nix for local development

If you want to install setdown locally using nix for local development then do the following:

$ nix-shell
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install

That should install setdown in development mode locally.

Contributing to the setdown project

If you wish to contribute to the setdown project then please just:

  1. Raise an issue with what you intend to fix / improve.
  2. Wait for Robert Massioli to get back to you and give you the thumbs up. If you get Robert Massaioli's "merge approval" then that means that, if you write the code to Roberts satisfaction then it will be merged in.
  3. Write the code.
  4. Raise a PR and ask Robert Massaioli to review it. (Maybe iterate a bit to get it cleaned up)
  5. Get it merged in.
  6. Celebrate!

I would love to have contributions to the project and, even though it may look like a complicated process just follow it because it is designed to make your life, and my life, easier. Cheers!