{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.SES ( -- * Email creation sendEmailBlaze , sendEmail -- * Types , From , To , Subject , PublicKey (..) , SecretKey (..) , Region (..) , SESErrorType (..) , SESError (..) , SESResult (..) , SESErrorCode , SESErrorMessage ) where import Crypto.Hash ( Digest, SHA256 , hmac, hmacGetDigest ) import Data.Byteable ( toBytes ) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( pack, unpack, concat ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.ByteString.Base64 ( encode ) import Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Time.Clock ( getCurrentTime ) import Data.Time.Format ( formatTime ) import Network.Http.Client ( buildRequest, http, Method(POST), setContentType , setHeader,baselineContextSSL, openConnectionSSL , Connection, sendRequest, encodedFormBody , receiveResponse, closeConnection, getStatusCode , concatHandler, getStatusCode ) import OpenSSL ( withOpenSSL ) import Prelude hiding ( concat ) import System.Locale ( defaultTimeLocale ) import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 ( renderHtml ) import Text.Blaze.Html5 ( Html ) import Text.Read ( readMaybe ) import Control.Exception ( try, SomeException ) import Text.HTML.TagSoup ( parseTags, Tag(..) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Types for Email creation type ConnectionError a = IO (Either SomeException a) type Subject = L.ByteString type From = L.ByteString type To = [L.ByteString] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Types for AWS Keys newtype PublicKey = PublicKey ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) newtype SecretKey = SecretKey ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The result of invoking an SES action data SESResult = Error SESError -- ^ The encapsulated 'SESError' | Success -- ^ A successful email has been sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Types for AWS 'Region's data Region = USEast1 -- ^ US East 1 Region | USWest2 -- ^ US West 2 Region | EUWest1 -- ^ EU West 1 Region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Custome 'Show' instance for 'Region' instance Show Region where show USEast1 = "us-east-1" show USWest2 = "us-west-2" show EUWest1 = "eu-west-1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Send Emails templated with Blaze using SES -- -- > main :: IO () -- > main = print =<< sendEmailBlaze publicKey secretKey region from to subject html -- > where -- > publicKey = PublicKey "public key goes here" -- > secretKey = SecretKey "secret key goes here" -- > region = USEast1 -- > from = "verifiedSender@domain.com" -- > to = ["recipient@domain.com"] -- > subject = "Test Subject" -- > html = H.html $ do -- > H.body $ do -- > H.h1 "Html email!" -- sendEmailBlaze :: PublicKey -- ^ AWS Public Key -> SecretKey -- ^ AWS Secret Key -> Region -- ^ The Region to send the Request -> From -- ^ The Email sender -> To -- ^ The Email recipient -> Subject -- ^ The Subject of the Email -> Html -- ^ The Html of the email body -> IO SESResult sendEmailBlaze publicKey secretKey region from to subject html = sendEmail publicKey secretKey region from to subject (renderHtml html) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Send emails without using Blaze, raw bytes are expected to be valid HTML sendEmail :: PublicKey -- ^ AWS Public Key -> SecretKey -- ^ AWS Secret Key -> Region -- ^ The Region to send the Request -> From -- ^ The Email sender -> To -- ^ The Email recipient -> Subject -- ^ The Subject of the Email -> L.ByteString -- ^ Raw Html -> IO SESResult sendEmail = makeRequest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Types to hold SES Errors type SESErrorCode = Int -- ^ Error Code returned from SES XML response type SESErrorMessage = ByteString -- ^ Error Message returned from SES Message data SESError = -- | Connection Error, can occur on open & close or on send & receive of a Request or Response SESConnectionError ByteString -- | If a request is made successfully but the parameters specifed were incorrect | SESError SESErrorCode SESErrorType SESErrorMessage deriving (Show) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Common Error Types for SES -- -- -- data SESErrorType = IncompleteSignature | InternalFailure | InvalidAction | InvalidClientTokenId | InvalidParameterCombination | InvalidParameterValue | InvalidQueryParameter | MalformedQueryString | MissingAction | MissingAuthenticationToken | SignatureDoesNotMatch | MissingParameter | MessageRejected | OptInRequired | RequestExpired | ServiceUnavailable | Throttling | UnknownErrorType | ValidationError deriving (Show, Read) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | SES Request Dispatcher makeRequest :: PublicKey -- ^ AWS Public Key -> SecretKey -- ^ AWS Secret Key -> Region -- ^ The Region to send the Request -> From -- ^ The Email sender -> To -- ^ The Email recipient -> Subject -- ^ The Subject of the Email -> L.ByteString -- ^ Raw Html -> IO SESResult makeRequest (PublicKey publicKey) (SecretKey secretKey) region from to subject msg = withOpenSSL $ do now <- getCurrentTime let date = pack $ format now sig = makeSig date secretKey format = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" auth = concat [ "AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=" , publicKey , ", Algorithm=HmacSHA256, Signature=" , sig ] queryString = ("Action", "SendEmail") : ("Source", L.toStrict from) : ("Message.Subject.Data", L.toStrict subject) : ("Message.Body.Html.Data", L.toStrict msg) : zipWith mkDest [1 :: Int ..] to mkDest num addr = (pack $ "Destination.ToAddresses.member." ++ show num, L.toStrict addr) req <- buildRequest $ do http POST "/" setContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" setHeader "X-Amzn-Authorization" auth setHeader "Date" date ctx <- baselineContextSSL let connResult <- try (openConnectionSSL ctx ("email." <> pack (show region) <> ".amazonaws.com") 443) :: ConnectionError Connection case connResult of Left s -> connectionError s Right con -> do result <- try (sendRequest con req $ encodedFormBody queryString) :: ConnectionError () case result of Left s -> connectionError s Right _ -> do receiveResponse con $ \resp is -> do closeConnection con if getStatusCode resp == 200 then returnSuccess else do bs <- concatHandler resp is let tags = parseTags bs code = let c = getFromTagSoup "Code" tags in fromMaybe UnknownErrorType (readMaybe (unpack c) :: Maybe SESErrorType) sesMsg = getFromTagSoup "Message" tags return $ Error $ SESError (getStatusCode resp) code sesMsg where getFromTagSoup x tags = let [ _, TagText d] = filterFront . filterBack $ tags filterFront = dropWhile (/=(TagOpen x [])) filterBack = takeWhile (/=(TagClose x)) in d connectionError = return . Error . SESConnectionError . pack . show returnSuccess = return Success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Digital Signature creation makeSig :: ByteString -- ^ Payload -> ByteString -- ^ Key -> ByteString makeSig payload key = encode $ toBytes (hmacGetDigest $ hmac key payload :: Digest SHA256)