module Servant.Util.Combinators.Tag ( Tag , TagDescriptions , TagsVerification (..) ) where import Universum import Control.Lens (at, (?~)) import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as HS import qualified Data.Swagger as S import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), KnownSymbol, Symbol, TypeError) import Servant (HasServer (..), StdMethod, Verb, (:<|>), (:>)) import Servant.Client (HasClient (..)) import Servant.Swagger (HasSwagger (..)) import Servant.Util.Combinators.Logging import Servant.Util.Common -- | Attaches a tag to swagger documentation. -- Server implementation remains intact. data Tag (name :: Symbol) instance HasServer subApi ctx => HasServer (Tag name :> subApi) ctx where type ServerT (Tag name :> subApi) m = ServerT subApi m route _ = route (Proxy @subApi) hoistServerWithContext _ = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @subApi) instance HasClient m subApi => HasClient m (Tag name :> subApi) where type Client m (Tag name :> subApi) = Client m subApi clientWithRoute pm _ = clientWithRoute pm (Proxy @subApi) hoistClientMonad pm _ hst = hoistClientMonad pm (Proxy @subApi) hst instance HasLoggingServer config lcontext subApi ctx => HasLoggingServer config lcontext (Tag name :> subApi) ctx where routeWithLog = inRouteServer @(Tag name :> LoggingApiRec config lcontext subApi) route id instance (HasSwagger subApi, KnownSymbol name) => HasSwagger (Tag name :> subApi) where toSwagger _ = toSwagger (Proxy @subApi) & S.allOperations . S.tags . at name ?~ () where name = symbolValT @name -- | Whether to enable some type-level checks for 'Tag's and 'TagsDescription's -- correspondence. data TagsVerification = -- | Ensure that mappings are specified exactly for those tags which -- appear in API. -- This may slow down compilation dramatically starting from ~15 tags. VerifyTags -- | Do not check anything. | NoVerifyTags -- | Attaches descriptions to tags according to the given -- @name -> description@ mapping. -- Unused elements of mapping will cause a compile error; tags which have -- no mapping declared are not allowed as well. data TagDescriptions (verify :: TagsVerification) (mapping :: [TyNamedParam Symbol]) instance HasServer subApi ctx => HasServer (TagDescriptions ver mapping :> subApi) ctx where type ServerT (TagDescriptions ver mapping :> subApi) m = ServerT subApi m route _ = route (Proxy @subApi) hoistServerWithContext _ = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @subApi) instance HasClient m subApi => HasClient m (TagDescriptions ver mapping :> subApi) where type Client m (TagDescriptions ver mapping :> subApi) = Client m subApi clientWithRoute pm _ = clientWithRoute pm (Proxy @subApi) hoistClientMonad pm _ hst = hoistClientMonad pm (Proxy @subApi) hst instance HasLoggingServer config context subApi ctx => HasLoggingServer config context (TagDescriptions ver mapping :> subApi) ctx where routeWithLog = inRouteServer @(TagDescriptions ver mapping :> LoggingApiRec config context subApi) route id -- | Gather all tag names used in API. Result may contain duplicates. type family AllApiTags api :: [Symbol] where AllApiTags (Tag name :> api) = name `InsSorted` AllApiTags api AllApiTags (arg :> api) = AllApiTags api AllApiTags ((path :: Symbol) :> api) = AllApiTags api AllApiTags (api1 :<|> api2) = AllApiTags api1 `UnionSorted` AllApiTags api2 AllApiTags (Verb (method :: StdMethod) (code :: Nat) ctx a) = '[] -- | Extract tags defined by this mapping. class ReifyTagsFromMapping (mapping :: [TyNamedParam Symbol]) where reifyTagsFromMapping :: HS.InsOrdHashSet S.Tag instance ReifyTagsFromMapping '[] where reifyTagsFromMapping = mempty instance ( KnownSymbol name, KnownSymbol desc , ReifyTagsFromMapping mapping , ParamsContainNoName mapping name ) => ReifyTagsFromMapping ('TyNamedParam name desc ': mapping) where reifyTagsFromMapping = S.Tag { S._tagName = symbolValT @name , S._tagDescription = Just $ symbolValT @desc , S._tagExternalDocs = Nothing } `HS.insert` reifyTagsFromMapping @mapping instance ( HasSwagger api , ReifyTagsFromMapping mapping ) => HasSwagger (TagDescriptions 'NoVerifyTags mapping :> api) where toSwagger _ = toSwagger (Proxy @api) & S.tags .~ reifyTagsFromMapping @mapping instance ( HasSwagger api , ReifyTagsFromMapping mapping , missingMapping ~ (AllApiTags api // TyNamedParamsNames mapping) , If (missingMapping == '[]) (() :: Constraint) (TypeError ('Text "Following tags have no mapping specified in \ \TagDescriptions: " ':<>: 'ShowType missingMapping)) , extraMapping ~ (TyNamedParamsNames mapping // AllApiTags api) , If (extraMapping == '[]) (() :: Constraint) (TypeError ('Text "Mappings for the following names specified in \ \TagDescriptions are unused: " ':<>: 'ShowType extraMapping)) ) => HasSwagger (TagDescriptions 'VerifyTags mapping :> api) where toSwagger _ = toSwagger (Proxy @api) & S.tags .~ reifyTagsFromMapping @mapping