{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Servant.To.Elm where import Protolude hiding (Type, functionName, moduleName) import qualified Bound import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import Servant.API ((:<|>), (:>)) import qualified Servant.API as Servant import qualified Servant.Multipart as Servant import qualified Servant.API.Modifiers as Servant import Language.Elm.Definition (Definition) import qualified Language.Elm.Definition as Definition import Language.Elm.Expression (Expression) import qualified Language.Elm.Expression as Expression import qualified Language.Elm.Name as Name import qualified Language.Elm.Pattern as Pattern import Language.Elm.Type (Type) import qualified Language.Elm.Type as Type import Language.Haskell.To.Elm -- | Generate an Elm function for making a request to a Servant endpoint. elmEndpointDefinition :: Expression Void -- ^ The URL base of the endpoint -> Name.Module -- ^ The module that the function should be generated into -> Endpoint -- ^ A description of the endpoint -> Definition elmEndpointDefinition urlBase moduleName endpoint = Definition.Constant (Name.Qualified moduleName functionName) elmTypeSig (panic "expression not closed" <$> lambdaArgs argNames elmLambdaBody) where functionName = case _functionName endpoint of [] -> "" firstPart:rest -> firstPart <> foldMap capitalise rest capitalise s = case Text.uncons s of Nothing -> "" Just (c, s') -> Text.cons (Char.toUpper c) s' elmTypeSig :: Type Void elmTypeSig = Type.funs (concat [ [ _encodedType arg | (_, arg, _) <- _headers endpoint ] , [ _encodedType arg | Capture _ (_, arg) <- numberedPathSegments ] , [ case type_ of Required -> vacuous $ _encodedType arg Optional -> vacuous $ _encodedType arg Flag -> vacuous $ _encodedType arg List -> vacuous $ Type.App "List.List" $ _encodedType arg | (_, type_, arg) <- _queryString $ _url endpoint ] , [ _encodedType body | Just (_, body) <- [_body endpoint] ] ] ) elmReturnType elmReturnType = let type_ = maybe "Basics.()" _decodedType $ _returnType endpoint in Type.App "Cmd.Cmd" (Type.apps "Result.Result" [Type.tuple "Http.Error" (Type.App "Maybe.Maybe" $ Type.Record [("metadata", "Http.Metadata"), ("body", "String.String")]), type_] ) elmReturnDecoder = case _returnType endpoint of Nothing -> panic "elmRequest: No return type" -- TODO? Just ret -> vacuous $ _decoder ret numberedPathSegments = go 0 $ _path $ _url endpoint where go !i segments = case segments of [] -> [] Static p:segments' -> Static p : go i segments' Capture str arg:segments' -> Capture str (i, arg) : go (i + 1) segments' argNames = concat [ [ headerArgName i | (i, _) <- zip [0..] $ _headers endpoint ] , [ capturedArgName i | Capture _ (i, _) <- numberedPathSegments ] , [ paramArgName i | (i, _) <- zip [0..] $ _queryString $ _url endpoint ] , [ bodyArgName | Just _ <- [_body endpoint] ] ] lambdaArgs :: [Text] -> Expression Text -> Expression Text lambdaArgs args rhs = case args of [] -> rhs arg:args' -> Expression.Lam $ Bound.abstract1 arg $ lambdaArgs args' rhs elmLambdaBody :: Expression Text elmLambdaBody = Expression.App "Http.request" (Expression.Record [ ("method", Expression.String $ toS $ _method endpoint) , ("headers", elmHeaders) , ("url", elmUrl) , ("body", elmBody) , ("expect", elmExpect) , ("timeout", "Maybe.Nothing") , ("tracker", "Maybe.Nothing") ] ) elmParams = [ case type_ of Required -> Expression.List [Expression.String (name <> "=") Expression.++ encode (pure $ paramArgName i)] Optional -> Expression.apps "Maybe.Extra.unwrap" [ Expression.List [] , "List.singleton" Expression.<< Expression.App "Basics.++" (Expression.String $ name <> "=") , encode $ pure $ paramArgName i ] Flag -> Expression.if_ (pure $ paramArgName i) (Expression.List [Expression.String name]) (Expression.List []) List -> Expression.apps "List.map" [ Expression.App "Basics.++" (Expression.String (name <> "[]=")) Expression.<< encoder , pure $ paramArgName i ] | (i, (name, type_, arg)) <- zip [0..] $ _queryString $ _url endpoint , let encoder = vacuous $ _encoder arg encode = Expression.App encoder ] elmUrl = case elmParams of [] -> withoutParams [elmParams'] -> withParams elmParams' _ -> withParams (Expression.App "List.concat" $ Expression.List elmParams) where withoutParams = Expression.apps "String.join" [ Expression.String "/" , Expression.List $ vacuous urlBase : fmap elmPathSegment numberedPathSegments ] withParams params = withoutParams Expression.++ Expression.Case params [ (Pattern.List [], Bound.toScope $ Expression.String "") , ( Pattern.Var 0 , Bound.toScope $ Expression.String "?" Expression.++ Expression.apps "String.join" [Expression.String "&", pure $ Bound.B 0] ) ] elmHeaders = let headerDecoder i name arg = Expression.apps "Http.header" [ Expression.String name , Expression.App (vacuous $ _encoder arg) (pure $ headerArgName i) ] optionalHeaderDecoder i name arg = Expression.apps "Maybe.map" [ Expression.App "Http.header" (Expression.String name) , Expression.App (vacuous $ _encoder arg) (pure $ headerArgName i) ] in case _headers endpoint of [] -> Expression.List [] _ | all (\(_, _, required) -> required) (_headers endpoint) -> Expression.List [ headerDecoder i name arg | (i, (name, arg, _)) <- zip [0..] $ _headers endpoint ] _ -> Expression.apps "List.filterMap" [ "Basics.identity" , Expression.List [ if required then Expression.App "Maybe.Just" $ headerDecoder i name arg else optionalHeaderDecoder i name arg | (i, (name, arg, required)) <- zip [0..] $ _headers endpoint ] ] elmBody = case _body endpoint of Nothing -> "Http.emptyBody" Just (bodyType, body) -> Expression.App (vacuous bodyType) (Expression.App (vacuous $ _encoder body) $ pure bodyArgName) elmExpect = Expression.apps "Http.expectStringResponse" [ "Basics.identity" , Expression.Lam $ Bound.toScope $ Expression.Case (pure $ Bound.B ()) [ ( Pattern.Con "Http.BadUrl_" [Pattern.Var 0] , Bound.toScope $ Expression.App "Result.Err" $ Expression.tuple (Expression.App "Http.BadUrl" $ pure (Bound.B 0)) "Maybe.Nothing" ) , ( Pattern.Con "Http.Timeout_" [] , Bound.toScope $ Expression.App "Result.Err" $ Expression.tuple "Http.Timeout" "Maybe.Nothing" ) , ( Pattern.Con "Http.NetworkError_" [] , Bound.toScope $ Expression.App "Result.Err" $ Expression.tuple "Http.NetworkError" "Maybe.Nothing" ) , ( Pattern.Con "Http.BadStatus_" [Pattern.Var 0, Pattern.Var 1] , Bound.toScope $ Expression.App "Result.Err" $ Expression.tuple (Expression.App "Http.BadStatus" (Expression.App (Expression.Proj "statusCode") $ pure $ Bound.B 0)) (Expression.App "Maybe.Just" $ Expression.Record [("metadata", pure $ Bound.B 0), ("body", pure $ Bound.B 1)]) ) , ( Pattern.Con "Http.GoodStatus_" [Pattern.Var 0, Pattern.Var 1] , Bound.toScope $ if fmap _decodedType (_returnType endpoint) == Just (elmType @Servant.NoContent) then Expression.if_ (Expression.apps ("Basics.==") [pure $ Bound.B 1, Expression.String ""]) (Expression.App "Result.Ok" "NoContent.NoContent") (Expression.App "Result.Err" $ Expression.tuple (Expression.App "Http.BadBody" $ Expression.String "Expected the response body to be empty") (Expression.App "Maybe.Just" $ Expression.Record [("metadata", pure $ Bound.B 0), ("body", pure $ Bound.B 1)]) ) else Expression.apps "Result.mapError" [ Expression.Lam $ Bound.toScope $ Expression.tuple (Expression.App "Http.BadBody" $ Expression.App "Json.Decode.errorToString" $ pure $ Bound.B () ) (Expression.App "Maybe.Just" $ Expression.Record [("metadata", pure $ Bound.F $ Bound.B 0), ("body", pure $ Bound.F $ Bound.B 1)]) , Expression.apps "Json.Decode.decodeString" [elmReturnDecoder, pure $ Bound.B 1] ] ) ] ] elmPathSegment pathSegment = case pathSegment of Static s -> Expression.String s Capture _ (i, arg) -> Expression.App (vacuous $ _encoder arg) (pure $ capturedArgName i) bodyArgName :: Text bodyArgName = "body" headerArgName :: Int -> Text headerArgName i = "header" <> show i capturedArgName :: Int -> Text capturedArgName i = "capture" <> show i paramArgName :: Int -> Text paramArgName i = "param" <> show i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Endpoints -- | @'HasElmEndpoints' api@ means that the Servant API @api@ can be converted -- to a list of 'Endpoint's, which contains the information we need to generate -- an Elm client library for the API. class HasElmEndpoints api where elmEndpoints' :: Endpoint -> [Endpoint] -- | Convert an API to a list of Elm endpoint descriptors, 'Endpoint'. -- -- Usage: @'elmEndpoints' \@MyAPI@ elmEndpoints :: forall api. HasElmEndpoints api => [Endpoint] elmEndpoints = elmEndpoints' @api Endpoint { _url = URL { _path = [] , _queryString = [] } , _method = "GET" , _headers = [] , _body = Nothing , _returnType = Nothing , _functionName = [] } -- | Contains the information we need about an endpoint to generate an Elm -- definition that calls it. data Endpoint = Endpoint { _url :: URL , _method :: HTTP.Method , _headers :: [(Text, Encoder, Bool)] , _body :: Maybe (Expression Void, Encoder) , _returnType :: Maybe Decoder , _functionName :: [Text] } data PathSegment e = Static Text | Capture Text e deriving (Show) data QueryParamType = Required | Optional | Flag | List deriving (Show) data URL = URL { _path :: [PathSegment Encoder] , _queryString :: [(Text, QueryParamType, Encoder)] } deriving (Show) data Encoder = Encoder { _encoder :: Expression Void, _encodedType :: Type Void } deriving (Show) data Decoder = Decoder { _decoder :: Expression Void, _decodedType :: Type Void } deriving (Show) makeEncoder :: forall value a. HasElmEncoder value a => Encoder makeEncoder = Encoder (elmEncoder @value @a) (elmType @a) makeDecoder :: forall value a. HasElmDecoder value a => Decoder makeDecoder = Decoder (elmDecoder @value @a) (elmType @a) instance HasElmEndpoints Servant.EmptyAPI where elmEndpoints' _ = [] instance (HasElmEndpoints a, HasElmEndpoints b) => HasElmEndpoints (a :<|> b) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @a prefix <> elmEndpoints' @b prefix instance (KnownSymbol symbol, HasElmEncoder Text a, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Capture' mods symbol a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _path = _path (_url prefix) <> [Capture str $ makeEncoder @Text @a] } , _functionName = _functionName prefix <> ["by", str] } where str = toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol instance (KnownSymbol symbol, HasElmEncoder Text a, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.CaptureAll symbol a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _path = _path (_url prefix) <> [Capture str $ makeEncoder @Text @a] } , _functionName = _functionName prefix <> ["by", str] } where str = toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol instance (Servant.ReflectMethod method, HasElmDecoder Aeson.Value a, list ~ '[Servant.JSON]) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Verb method status list a) where elmEndpoints' prefix = [ prefix { _method = method , _returnType = Just $ makeDecoder @Aeson.Value @a , _functionName = Text.toLower (toS method) : _functionName prefix } ] where method = Servant.reflectMethod $ Proxy @method instance ( Servant.SBoolI (Servant.FoldRequired mods) , KnownSymbol symbol , HasElmEncoder (Servant.RequiredArgument mods Text) (Servant.RequiredArgument mods a) , HasElmEndpoints api ) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Header' mods symbol a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _headers = _headers prefix <> [ ( toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol , makeEncoder @(Servant.RequiredArgument mods Text) @(Servant.RequiredArgument mods a) , case Servant.sbool @(Servant.FoldRequired mods) of Servant.STrue -> True Servant.SFalse -> False ) ] } instance ( Servant.SBoolI (Servant.FoldRequired mods) , KnownSymbol symbol , HasElmEncoder (Servant.RequiredArgument mods Text) (Servant.RequiredArgument mods a) , HasElmEndpoints api ) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.QueryParam' mods symbol a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _queryString = _queryString (_url prefix) <> [ ( toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol , case Servant.sbool @(Servant.FoldRequired mods) of Servant.STrue -> Required Servant.SFalse -> Optional , makeEncoder @(Servant.RequiredArgument mods Text) @(Servant.RequiredArgument mods a) ) ] } } instance (KnownSymbol symbol, HasElmEncoder Text a, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.QueryParams symbol a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _queryString = _queryString (_url prefix) <> [ ( toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol , List , makeEncoder @Text @a ) ] } } instance (KnownSymbol symbol, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.QueryFlag symbol :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _queryString = _queryString (_url prefix) <> [ ( toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @symbol , Flag , Encoder "Basics.identity" "Basics.Bool" ) ] } } instance (HasElmEncoder Aeson.Value a, HasElmEndpoints api, list ~ '[Servant.JSON]) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.ReqBody' mods list a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _body = Just ("Http.jsonBody", makeEncoder @Aeson.Value @a) } instance (HasElmEncoder (Servant.MultipartData tag) a, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.MultipartForm tag a :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _body = Just ("Http.multipartBody", makeEncoder @(Servant.MultipartData tag) @a) } instance (KnownSymbol path, HasElmEndpoints api) => HasElmEndpoints (path :> api) where elmEndpoints' prefix = elmEndpoints' @api prefix { _url = (_url prefix) { _path = _path (_url prefix) <> [Static path] } , _functionName = _functionName prefix <> [path] } where path = toS $ symbolVal $ Proxy @path instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.RemoteHost :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.IsSecure :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Vault :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.WithNamedContext name context api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.HttpVersion :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Summary summary :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api instance HasElmEndpoints api => HasElmEndpoints (Servant.Description description :> api) where elmEndpoints' = elmEndpoints' @api ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Orphans instance HasElmType Servant.NoContent where elmDefinition = Just $ Definition.Type "NoContent.NoContent" [("NoContent", [])] instance HasElmDecoder Aeson.Value Servant.NoContent where elmDecoder = Expression.App "Json.Decode.succeed" "NoContent.NoContent" instance HasElmType (Servant.MultipartData tag) where elmType = Type.App "List.List" "Http.Part" instance HasElmEncoder (Servant.MultipartData tag) (Servant.MultipartData tag) where elmEncoder = "Basics.identity"