{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}

module Servant.PureScript.CodeGen where

import           Control.Lens                       hiding (List)
import qualified Data.Map                           as Map
import           Data.Maybe                         (mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set                           as Set
import           Data.Text                          (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                 as T
import           Language.PureScript.Bridge
import           Language.PureScript.Bridge.PSTypes (psString)
import           Network.HTTP.Types.URI             (urlEncode)
import           Servant.Foreign
import           Servant.PureScript.Internal
import           Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland

genModule :: Settings -> [Req PSType] -> Doc
genModule opts reqs = let
    allParams  = concatMap reqToParams reqs
    rParams    = getReaderParams opts allParams
    apiImports = reqsToImportLines reqs
    imports    = mergeImportLines (_standardImports opts) apiImports
    genModuleHeader (_apiModuleName opts) imports
    </> genParamSettings rParams <> line
    </> (docIntercalate line . map (genFunction rParams)) reqs

genModuleHeader :: Text -> ImportLines -> Doc
genModuleHeader moduleName imports = let
    importLines = map (strictText . importLineToText) . Map.elems $ imports
        "-- File auto generated by servant-purescript! --"
    </> "module" <+> strictText moduleName <+> "where" <> line
    </> "import Prelude" <> line
    </> docIntercalate line importLines <> line

getReaderParams :: Settings -> [PSParam] -> [PSParam]
getReaderParams opts allParams = let
    isReaderParam      = (`Set.member` _readerParams opts) . _pName
    rParamsDirty       = filter isReaderParam allParams
    rParamsMap         = Map.fromListWith useOld . map toPair $ rParamsDirty
    rParams            = map fromPair . Map.toList $ rParamsMap
    -- Helpers
    toPair (Param n t) = (n, t)
    fromPair (n, t) = Param n t
    useOld            = flip const

genParamSettings :: [PSParam]-> Doc
genParamSettings rParams = let
    genEntry arg = arg ^. pName ^. to psVar <+> "::" <+> arg ^. pType ^. typeName ^. to strictText
    genEntries   = docIntercalate (line <> ", ") . map genEntry
    "newtype SPParams_ = SPParams_" <+/> align (
          <+> genEntries rParams
          </> rbrace

genFunction :: [PSParam] -> Req PSType -> Doc
genFunction allRParams req = let
    rParamsSet = Set.fromList allRParams
    fnName = req ^. reqFuncName ^. camelCaseL
    allParamsList = baseURLParam : reqToParams req
    allParams = Set.fromList allParamsList
    fnParams = filter (not . flip Set.member rParamsSet) allParamsList -- Use list not set, as we don't want to change order of parameters
    rParams = Set.toList $ rParamsSet `Set.intersection` allParams

    pTypes = map _pType fnParams
    pNames = map _pName fnParams
    signature = genSignature fnName pTypes (req ^. reqReturnType)
    body = genFnHead fnName pNames <+> genFnBody rParams req
  in signature </> body

genGetReaderParams :: [PSParam] -> Doc
genGetReaderParams = stack . map (genGetReaderParam . psVar . _pName)
    genGetReaderParam pName' = "let" <+> pName' <+> "= spParams_." <> pName'

genSignature :: Text -> [PSType] -> Maybe PSType -> Doc
genSignature = genSignatureBuilder $ "forall eff m." <+/> "(MonadReader (SPSettings_ SPParams_) m, MonadError AjaxError m, MonadAff ( ajax :: AJAX | eff) m)" <+/> "=>"

genSignatureBuilder :: Doc -> Text -> [PSType] -> Maybe PSType -> Doc
genSignatureBuilder constraint fnName params mRet = fName <+> "::" <+> align (constraint <+/> parameterString)
    fName = strictText fnName
    retName = maybe "Unit" (strictText . typeInfoToText False) mRet
    retString = "m" <+> retName
    typeNames = map (strictText . typeInfoToText True) params
    parameterString = docIntercalate (softline <> "-> ") (typeNames <> [retString])

genFnHead :: Text -> [Text] -> Doc
genFnHead fnName params = fName <+> align (docIntercalate softline docParams <+> "=")
    docParams = map psVar params
    fName = strictText fnName

genFnBody :: [PSParam] -> Req PSType -> Doc
genFnBody rParams req = "do"
    </> indent 2 (
          "spOpts_' <- ask"
      </> "let spOpts_ = case spOpts_' of SPSettings_ o -> o"
      </> "let spParams_ = case spOpts_.params of SPParams_ ps_ -> ps_"
      </> genGetReaderParams rParams
      </> hang 6 ("let httpMethod =" <+> dquotes (req ^. reqMethod ^. to T.decodeUtf8 ^. to strictText))
      </> hang 6 ("let reqUrl ="     <+> genBuildURL (req ^. reqUrl))
      </> "let reqHeaders =" </> indent 6 (req ^. reqHeaders ^. to genBuildHeaders)
      </> "let affReq =" <+> hang 2 ( "defaultRequest" </>
            "{ method ="  <+> "httpMethod"
        </> ", url ="     <+> "reqUrl"
        </> ", headers =" <+> "defaultRequest.headers <> reqHeaders"
        </> case req ^. reqBody of
              Nothing -> "}"
              Just _  -> ", content =" <+> "toNullable <<< Just <<< printJson <<< encodeJson $ reqBody" </> "}"
      </> "affResp <- affjax affReq"
      </> "getResult affReq decodeJson affResp" <> line

genBuildURL :: Url PSType -> Doc
genBuildURL url = psVar baseURLId <+> "<>"
    <+> genBuildPath (url ^. path ) <+> genBuildQuery (url ^. queryStr)

genBuildPath :: Path PSType -> Doc
genBuildPath = docIntercalate (softline <> "<> \"/\" <> ") . map (genBuildSegment . unSegment)

genBuildSegment :: SegmentType PSType -> Doc
genBuildSegment (Static (PathSegment seg)) = dquotes $ strictText (textURLEncode False seg)
genBuildSegment (Cap arg) = "encodeURLPiece spOpts_'" <+> arg ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment ^. to psVar

genBuildQuery :: [QueryArg PSType] -> Doc
genBuildQuery [] = ""
genBuildQuery args = softline <> "<> \"?\" <> " <> (docIntercalate (softline <> "<> \"&\" <> ") . map genBuildQueryArg $ args)

genBuildQueryArg :: QueryArg PSType -> Doc
genBuildQueryArg arg = case arg ^. queryArgType of
    Normal -> genQueryEncoding "encodeQueryItem spOpts_'"
    Flag   -> genQueryEncoding "encodeQueryItem spOpts_'"
    List   -> genQueryEncoding "encodeListQuery spOpts_'"
    argText = arg ^. queryArgName ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment
    encodedArgName = strictText . textURLEncode True $ argText
    genQueryEncoding fn = fn <+> dquotes encodedArgName <+> psVar argText


genBuildHeaders :: [HeaderArg PSType] -> Doc
genBuildHeaders = list . map genBuildHeader

genBuildHeader :: HeaderArg PSType -> Doc
genBuildHeader (HeaderArg arg) = let
    argText = arg ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment
    encodedArgName = strictText . textURLEncode True $ argText
    align $ "{ field : " <> dquotes encodedArgName
      <+/> comma <+> "value :"
      <+> "encodeHeader spOpts_'" <+> psVar argText
      </> "}"
genBuildHeader (ReplaceHeaderArg _ _) = error "ReplaceHeaderArg - not yet implemented!"

reqsToImportLines :: [Req PSType] -> ImportLines
reqsToImportLines = typesToImportLines Map.empty . Set.fromList . concatMap reqToPSTypes

reqToPSTypes :: Req PSType -> [PSType]
reqToPSTypes req = map _pType (reqToParams req) ++ maybeToList (req ^. reqReturnType)

-- | Extract all function parameters from a given Req.
reqToParams :: Req PSType -> [Param PSType]
reqToParams req = Param baseURLId psString
               : fmap headerArgToParam (req ^. reqHeaders)
               ++ maybeToList (reqBodyToParam (req ^. reqBody))
               ++ urlToParams (req ^. reqUrl)

urlToParams :: Url f -> [Param f]
urlToParams url = mapMaybe (segmentToParam . unSegment) (url ^. path) ++ map queryArgToParam (url ^. queryStr)

segmentToParam :: SegmentType f -> Maybe (Param f)
segmentToParam (Static _) = Nothing
segmentToParam (Cap arg) = Just Param {
    _pType = arg ^. argType
  , _pName = arg ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment

queryArgToParam :: QueryArg f -> Param f
queryArgToParam arg = Param {
    _pType = arg ^. queryArgName ^. argType
  , _pName = arg ^. queryArgName ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment

headerArgToParam :: HeaderArg f -> Param f
headerArgToParam (HeaderArg arg) = Param {
    _pName = arg ^. argName ^. to unPathSegment
  , _pType = arg ^. argType
headerArgToParam _ = error "We do not support ReplaceHeaderArg - as I have no idea what this is all about."

reqBodyToParam :: Maybe f -> Maybe (Param f)
reqBodyToParam = fmap (Param "reqBody")

docIntercalate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
docIntercalate i = mconcat . punctuate i

textURLEncode :: Bool -> Text -> Text
textURLEncode spaceIsPlus = T.decodeUtf8 . urlEncode spaceIsPlus . T.encodeUtf8

-- | Little helper for generating valid variable names
psVar :: Text -> Doc
psVar = strictText . toPSVarName