{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Servant.Elm.Internal.Generate where import Prelude hiding ((<$>)) import Control.Lens (to, (^.)) import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, nub) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Text.IO as TIO import Elm.Json (jsonParserForType, jsonSerForType) import qualified Elm.Module as Elm import Elm.TyRep (ETCon(..), EType(..), ETypeDef(..), toElmType) import Elm.TyRender (renderElm) import Elm.Versions (ElmVersion(Elm0p18)) import Servant.Elm.Internal.Foreign (LangElm, getEndpoints) import qualified Servant.Foreign as F import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text toElmTypeRefWith :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Text toElmTypeRefWith ElmOptions{..} = T.pack . renderElm . elmTypeAlterations toElmDecoderRefWith :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Text toElmDecoderRefWith ElmOptions{..} = T.pack . jsonParserForType . elmTypeAlterations toElmEncoderRefWith :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Text toElmEncoderRefWith ElmOptions{..} = T.pack . jsonSerForType . elmTypeAlterations {-| Options to configure how code is generated. -} data ElmOptions = ElmOptions { {- | The protocol, host and any path prefix to be used as the base for all requests. Example: @Static "https://mydomain.com/api/v1"@ When @Dynamic@, the generated Elm functions take the base URL as the first argument. -} urlPrefix :: UrlPrefix , elmTypeAlterations :: (EType -> EType) -- ^ Alterations to perform on ETypes before code generation. , elmAlterations :: (ETypeDef -> ETypeDef) -- ^ Alterations to perform on ETypeDefs before code generation. , emptyResponseElmTypes :: [EType] -- ^ Types that represent an empty Http response. , stringElmTypes :: [EType] -- ^ Types that represent a String. } data UrlPrefix = Static T.Text | Dynamic type Namespace = [String] {-| Default options for generating Elm code. The default options are: > { urlPrefix = > Static "" > , elmAlterations = > Elm.defaultTypeAlterations > , emptyResponseElmTypes = > [ getType (Proxy :: Proxy ()) ] > , stringElmTypes = > [ getType (Proxy :: Proxy String) > , getType (Proxy :: Proxy T.Text) ] > } -} defElmOptions :: ElmOptions defElmOptions = ElmOptions { urlPrefix = Static "" , elmTypeAlterations = Elm.defaultTypeAlterations , elmAlterations = Elm.defaultAlterations , emptyResponseElmTypes = [ toElmType (Proxy :: Proxy ()) ] , stringElmTypes = [ toElmType (Proxy :: Proxy String) , toElmType (Proxy :: Proxy T.Text) ] } {-| Default imports required by generated Elm code. You probably want to include this at the top of your generated Elm module. The default required imports are: > import Json.Decode > import Json.Encode exposing (Value) > -- The following module comes from bartavelle/json-helpers > import Json.Helpers exposing (..) > import Dict exposing (Dict) > import Set > import Http > import String > import Url.Builder -} defElmImports :: Text defElmImports = T.unlines [ "import Json.Decode" , "import Json.Encode exposing (Value)" , "-- The following module comes from bartavelle/json-helpers" , "import Json.Helpers exposing (..)" , "import Dict exposing (Dict)" , "import Set" , "import Http" , "import String" , "import Url.Builder" , "" , "maybeBoolToIntStr : Maybe Bool -> String" , "maybeBoolToIntStr mx =" , " case mx of" , " Nothing -> \"\"" , " Just True -> \"1\"" , " Just False -> \"0\"" ] {-| Helper to generate a complete Elm module given a list of Elm type definitions and an API. -} generateElmModuleWith :: ( F.HasForeign LangElm EType api , F.GenerateList EType (F.Foreign EType api) ) => ElmOptions -> Namespace -> Text -> FilePath -> [Elm.DefineElm] -> Proxy api -> IO () generateElmModuleWith options namespace imports rootDir typeDefs api = do let out = T.unlines $ [ T.pack $ Elm.moduleHeader Elm0p18 moduleName , "" , imports , T.pack $ Elm.makeModuleContentWithAlterations (elmAlterations options) typeDefs ] ++ generateElmForAPIWith options api moduleName = intercalate "." namespace filePath = intercalate "/" $ rootDir:init namespace fileName = intercalate "/" $ filePath:[last namespace ++ ".elm"] createDirectoryIfMissing True filePath TIO.writeFile fileName out {-| Calls generateElmModuleWith with @defElmOptions@. -} generateElmModule :: ( F.HasForeign LangElm EType api , F.GenerateList EType (F.Foreign EType api) ) => Namespace -> Text -> FilePath -> [Elm.DefineElm] -> Proxy api -> IO () generateElmModule namespace imports filePath typeDefs api = generateElmModuleWith defElmOptions namespace imports filePath typeDefs api {-| Generate Elm code for the API with default options. Returns a list of Elm functions to query your Servant API from Elm. You could spit these out to a file and call them from your Elm code, but you would be better off creating a 'Spec' with the result and using 'specsToDir', which handles the module name for you. -} generateElmForAPI :: ( F.HasForeign LangElm EType api , F.GenerateList EType (F.Foreign EType api)) => Proxy api -> [Text] generateElmForAPI = generateElmForAPIWith defElmOptions {-| Generate Elm code for the API with custom options. -} generateElmForAPIWith :: ( F.HasForeign LangElm EType api , F.GenerateList EType (F.Foreign EType api)) => ElmOptions -> Proxy api -> [Text] generateElmForAPIWith opts = intersperse "" . nub . map docToText . map (generateElmForRequest opts) . getEndpoints i :: Int i = 4 {-| Generate an Elm function for one endpoint. -} generateElmForRequest :: ElmOptions -> F.Req EType -> Doc generateElmForRequest opts request = funcDef where funcDef = vsep [ fnName <+> ":" <+> typeSignature , fnName <+> args <+> equals , case letParams of Just params -> indent i (vsep ["let" , indent i params , "in" , indent i elmRequest ]) Nothing -> indent i elmRequest ] fnName = request ^. F.reqFuncName . to (replace . F.camelCase) . to stext replace = T.replace "-" "" . T.replace "." "" typeSignature = mkTypeSignature opts request args = mkArgs opts request letParams = mkLetParams opts request elmRequest = mkRequest opts request mkTypeSignature :: ElmOptions -> F.Req EType -> Doc mkTypeSignature opts request = (hsep . punctuate " ->" . concat) [ catMaybes [urlPrefixType] , headerTypes , urlCaptureTypes , queryTypes , catMaybes [bodyType, toMsgType, returnType] ] where urlPrefixType :: Maybe Doc urlPrefixType = case (urlPrefix opts) of Dynamic -> Just "String" Static _ -> Nothing elmTypeRef :: EType -> Doc elmTypeRef eType = stext (toElmTypeRefWith opts eType) headerTypes :: [Doc] headerTypes = [ header ^. F.headerArg . F.argType . to elmTypeRef | header <- request ^. F.reqHeaders , isNotCookie header ] urlCaptureTypes :: [Doc] urlCaptureTypes = [ F.captureArg capture ^. F.argType . to elmTypeRef | capture <- request ^. F.reqUrl . F.path , F.isCapture capture ] queryTypes :: [Doc] queryTypes = [ arg ^. F.queryArgName . F.argType . to elmTypeRef | arg <- request ^. F.reqUrl . F.queryStr ] bodyType :: Maybe Doc bodyType = fmap elmTypeRef $ request ^. F.reqBody toMsgType :: Maybe Doc toMsgType = do result <- fmap elmTypeRef $ request ^. F.reqReturnType Just ("(Result Http.Error " <+> parens result <+> " -> msg)") returnType :: Maybe Doc returnType = do pure ("Cmd msg") elmHeaderArg :: F.HeaderArg EType -> Doc elmHeaderArg header = "header_" <> header ^. F.headerArg . F.argName . to (stext . T.replace "-" "_" . F.unPathSegment) elmCaptureArg :: F.Segment EType -> Doc elmCaptureArg segment = "capture_" <> F.captureArg segment ^. F.argName . to (stext . replace . F.unPathSegment) where replace = T.replace "-" "_" elmQueryArg :: F.QueryArg EType -> Doc elmQueryArg arg = "query_" <> arg ^. F.queryArgName . F.argName . to (stext . F.unPathSegment) elmBodyArg :: Doc elmBodyArg = "body" isNotCookie :: F.HeaderArg f -> Bool isNotCookie header = header ^. F.headerArg . F.argName . to ((/= "cookie") . T.toLower . F.unPathSegment) mkArgs :: ElmOptions -> F.Req EType -> Doc mkArgs opts request = (hsep . concat) $ [ -- Dynamic url prefix case urlPrefix opts of Dynamic -> ["urlBase"] Static _ -> [] , -- Headers [ elmHeaderArg header | header <- request ^. F.reqHeaders , isNotCookie header ] , -- URL Captures [ elmCaptureArg segment | segment <- request ^. F.reqUrl . F.path , F.isCapture segment ] , -- Query params [ elmQueryArg arg | arg <- request ^. F.reqUrl . F.queryStr ] , -- Request body maybe [] (const [elmBodyArg]) (request ^. F.reqBody) , pure "toMsg" ] mkLetParams :: ElmOptions -> F.Req EType -> Maybe Doc mkLetParams opts request = Just $ "params =" <$> indent i ("List.filterMap identity" <$> parens ("List.concat" <$> indent i (elmList params))) where params :: [Doc] params = map paramToDoc (request ^. F.reqUrl . F.queryStr) paramToDoc :: F.QueryArg EType -> Doc paramToDoc qarg = -- something wrong with indentation here... case qarg ^. F.queryArgType of F.Normal -> let argType = qarg ^. F.queryArgName . F.argType wrapped = isElmMaybeType argType -- Don't use "toString" on Elm Strings, otherwise we get extraneous quotes. toStringSrc = if isElmStringType opts argType || isElmMaybeStringType opts argType then "" else "String.fromInt >> " in "[" <+> (if wrapped then elmName else "Just" <+> elmName) <> line <> (indent 4 ("|> Maybe.map" <+> parens (toStringSrc <> "Url.Builder.string" <+> dquotes elmName))) <+> "]" -- (if wrapped then name else "Just" <+> name) <$> -- indent 4 ("|> Maybe.map" <+> parens (toStringSrc <> "Http.encodeUri >> (++)" <+> dquotes (elmName <> equals)) <$> -- "|> Maybe.withDefault" <+> dquotes empty) F.Flag -> "[" <+> ("if" <+> elmName <+> "then" <$> indent 4 ("Just" <+> parens ("Url.Builder.string" <+> dquotes name <+> dquotes empty)) <$> indent 2 "else" <$> indent 4 "Nothing") <+> "]" F.List -> let argType = qarg ^. F.queryArgName . F.argType convertedVal = if isElmListOfMaybeBoolType argType then parens ("maybeBoolToIntStr" <+> "val") else "val" in elmName <$> indent 4 ("|> List.map" <+> parens (backslash <> "val ->" <+> "Just" <+> parens ("Url.Builder.string" <+> dquotes (name <> "[]") <+> convertedVal))) where elmName = elmQueryArg qarg name = qarg ^. F.queryArgName . F.argName . to (stext . F.unPathSegment) mkRequest :: ElmOptions -> F.Req EType -> Doc mkRequest opts request = "Http.request" <$> indent i (elmRecord [ "method =" <$> indent i (dquotes method) , "headers =" <$> indent i (elmListOfMaybes headers) , "url =" <$> indent i url , "body =" <$> indent i body , "expect =" <$> indent i expect , "timeout =" <$> indent i "Nothing" , "tracker =" <$> indent i "Nothing" ]) where method = request ^. F.reqMethod . to (stext . T.decodeUtf8) mkHeader header = let headerName = header ^. F.headerArg . F.argName . to (stext . F.unPathSegment) headerArgName = elmHeaderArg header argType = header ^. F.headerArg . F.argType wrapped = isElmMaybeType argType toStringSrc = if isElmMaybeStringType opts argType || isElmStringType opts argType then mempty else " << String.fromInt" in "Maybe.map" <+> parens (("Http.header" <+> dquotes headerName <> toStringSrc)) <+> (if wrapped then headerArgName else parens ("Just" <+> headerArgName)) headers = [ mkHeader header | header <- request ^. F.reqHeaders , isNotCookie header ] url = mkUrl opts (request ^. F.reqUrl . F.path) <> mkQueryParams request body = case request ^. F.reqBody of Nothing -> "Http.emptyBody" Just elmTypeExpr -> let encoderName = toElmEncoderRefWith opts elmTypeExpr in "Http.jsonBody" <+> parens (stext encoderName <+> elmBodyArg) expect = case request ^. F.reqReturnType of Just elmTypeExpr | isEmptyType opts elmTypeExpr -- let elmConstructor = T.pack (renderElm elmTypeExpr) -> "Http.expectString " <> line <+> indent i "(\\x -> case x of" <> line <+> indent i "Err e -> toMsg (Err e)" <> line <+> indent i "Ok _ -> toMsg (Ok ()))" Just elmTypeExpr -> "Http.expectJson toMsg" <+> renderDecoderName elmTypeExpr Nothing -> error "mkHttpRequest: no reqReturnType?" -- case request ^. F.reqReturnType of -- Just elmTypeExpr | isEmptyType opts elmTypeExpr -> -- let elmConstructor = -- toElmTypeRefWith opts elmTypeExpr -- in -- "Http.expectStringResponse" <$> -- indent i (parens (backslash <> " rsp " <+> "->" <$> -- indent i ("if String.isEmpty rsp.body then" <$> -- indent i "Ok" <+> stext elmConstructor <$> -- "else" <$> -- indent i ("Err" <+> dquotes "Expected the response body to be empty")) <> line)) -- Just elmTypeExpr -> -- "Http.expectJson <|" <+> stext (toElmDecoderRefWith opts elmTypeExpr) -- Nothing -> -- error "mkHttpRequest: no reqReturnType?" renderDecoderName :: EType -> Doc renderDecoderName elmTypeExpr = case elmTypeExpr of ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "List")) t -> parens ("Json.Decode.list " <> parens (renderDecoderName t)) ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) t -> parens ("Json.Decode.maybe " <> parens (renderDecoderName t)) ETyCon (ETCon "Int") -> "Json.Decode.int" ETyCon (ETCon "String") -> "Json.Decode.string" _ -> ("jsonDec" <> stext (T.pack (renderElm elmTypeExpr))) mkUrl :: ElmOptions -> [F.Segment EType] -> Doc mkUrl opts segments = urlBuilder <$> (indent i . elmList) ( map segmentToDoc segments) -- ( case urlPrefix opts of -- Dynamic -> "urlBase" -- Static url -> dquotes (stext url) -- : map segmentToDoc segments) where urlBuilder :: Doc urlBuilder = case urlPrefix opts of Dynamic -> "Url.Builder.absolute" :: Doc Static url -> "Url.Builder.crossOrigin" <+> dquotes (stext url) segmentToDoc :: F.Segment EType -> Doc segmentToDoc s = case F.unSegment s of F.Static path -> dquotes (stext (F.unPathSegment path)) F.Cap arg -> let -- Don't use "toString" on Elm Strings, otherwise we get extraneous quotes. toStringSrc = if isElmStringType opts (arg ^. F.argType) then empty else " |> String.fromInt" in (elmCaptureArg s) <> toStringSrc mkQueryParams :: F.Req EType -> Doc mkQueryParams _request = -- if null (request ^. F.reqUrl . F.queryStr) then -- empty -- else line <> indent 4 (align "params") {- | Determines whether we construct an Elm function that expects an empty response body. -} isEmptyType :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Bool isEmptyType opts elmTypeExpr = elmTypeExpr `elem` emptyResponseElmTypes opts {- | Determines whether we call `toString` on URL captures and query params of this type in Elm. -} isElmStringType :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Bool isElmStringType opts elmTypeExpr = elmTypeExpr `elem` stringElmTypes opts {- | Determines whether a type is 'Maybe a' where 'a' is something akin to a 'String'. -} isElmMaybeStringType :: ElmOptions -> EType -> Bool isElmMaybeStringType opts (ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) elmTypeExpr) = elmTypeExpr `elem` stringElmTypes opts isElmMaybeStringType _ _ = False isElmMaybeType :: EType -> Bool isElmMaybeType (ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) _) = True isElmMaybeType _ = False isElmListOfMaybeBoolType :: EType -> Bool isElmListOfMaybeBoolType t = case t of (ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "List")) (ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) (ETyCon (ETCon "Bool")))) -> True _ -> False -- Doc helpers docToText :: Doc -> Text docToText = L.toStrict . displayT . renderPretty 0.4 100 stext :: Text -> Doc stext = text . L.fromStrict elmRecord :: [Doc] -> Doc elmRecord = encloseSep (lbrace <> space) (line <> rbrace) (comma <> space) elmList :: [Doc] -> Doc elmList [] = lbracket <> rbracket elmList ds = lbracket <+> hsep (punctuate (line <> comma) ds) <$> rbracket elmListOfMaybes :: [Doc] -> Doc elmListOfMaybes [] = lbracket <> rbracket elmListOfMaybes ds = "List.filterMap identity" <$> indent 4 (elmList ds)