-- |This module provides the serial port interface.
-- > import System.Hardware.Serialport
-- > let port = "COM3"          -- Windows
-- > let port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"  -- Linux
-- > s <- openSerial port defaultSerialSettings { commSpeed = CS2400 }
-- > sendString s "AT\r"
-- > recvString s >>= print
-- > closeSerial s

module System.Hardware.Serialport (
  -- * Types
  -- * Configure port
  -- | You don't need the get or set functions, they are used by openSerial
  -- * Serial methods
  -- ** Device
  -- ** Sending & receiving
  -- ** Line control
  ) where

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Hardware.Serialport.Windows
import System.Hardware.Serialport.Posix
import System.Hardware.Serialport.Types

-- |Safer device function, so you don't forget to close the device
withSerial :: String -> SerialPortSettings -> ( SerialPort -> IO a ) -> IO a
withSerial dev settings f = do
  s <- openSerial dev settings
  res <- f s
  closeSerial s
  return res