{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SequenceFormats.VCFSpec (spec) where import Control.Foldl (list, purely) import Pipes.Prelude (fold) import Pipes.Safe (runSafeT) import SequenceFormats.FreqSum (FreqSumEntry(..)) import SequenceFormats.Utils (Chrom(..)) import SequenceFormats.VCF (readVCFfromFile, getGenotypes, getDosages, isTransversionSnp, vcfToFreqSumEntry, isBiallelicSnp, VCFheader(..), VCFentry(..)) import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do testReadVCFfromFile testGetGenotypes testGetDosages testIsTransversionSnp testVcfToFreqsumEntry testIsBiallelicSnp testReadVCFfromFile :: Spec testReadVCFfromFile = describe "readVCFfromFile" $ do (vcfH, vcfRows) <- runIO . runSafeT $ do (vcfH_, vcfProd_) <- readVCFfromFile "testDat/example.vcf" vcfRows_ <- purely fold list vcfProd_ return (vcfH_, vcfRows_) let vcfHc = vcfHeaderComments vcfH it "reads the correct header lines" $ do vcfHc !! 0 `shouldBe` "##fileformat=VCFv4.2" vcfHc !! 18 `shouldBe` "##bcftools_callCommand=call -c -v" it "reads the correct sample names" $ vcfSampleNames vcfH `shouldBe` ["12880A", "12881A", "12883A", "12884A", "12885A"] it "reads the correct vcf genotype rows" $ do vcfRows !! 0 `shouldBe` vcf1 vcfRows !! 6 `shouldBe` vcf7 vcf1 :: VCFentry vcf1 = VCFentry (Chrom "1") 10492 (Just "testId") "C" ["T"] 15.0302 Nothing ["DP=28", "PV4=1,1,0.30985,1"] ["GT", "PL"] [["0/0", "0,3,37"], ["0/0", "0,6,67"], ["0/1", "51,0,28"], ["0/0", "0,54,255"], ["0/0", "0,9,83"]] vcf7 :: VCFentry vcf7 = VCFentry (Chrom "2") 30923 Nothing "G" [] 110.112 Nothing ["DP=5", "FQ=-28.9619"] ["GT", "PL"] [["1/1", "0,0,0"], ["1/1", "0,0,0"], ["1/1", "40,6,0"], ["1/1", "105,9,0"], ["1/1", "0,0,0"]] testGetGenotypes :: Spec testGetGenotypes = describe "getGenotypes" $ do it "should successfully read genotypes if GT format field is there" $ getGenotypes vcf1 `shouldBe` Right ["0/0", "0/0", "0/1", "0/0", "0/0"] it "should yield Left err if GT format field isn't found" $ getGenotypes (vcf1 {vcfFormatString=["PL"]}) `shouldBe` Left "GT format field not found" testGetDosages :: Spec testGetDosages = describe "getDosages" $ do it "should read correct dosages" $ do getDosages vcf1 `shouldBe` Right [Just 0, Just 0, Just 1, Just 0, Just 0] let vcf1' = vcf1 {vcfGenotypeInfo=[ ["0/0", "0,3,37"], ["0/0", "0,6,67"], [".", "51,0,28"], ["0/0", "0,54,255"], ["0/0", "0,9,83"]]} getDosages vcf1' `shouldBe` Right [Just 0, Just 0, Nothing, Just 0, Just 0] testIsTransversionSnp :: Spec testIsTransversionSnp = describe "isTransversionSnp" $ do it "should reject triAllelic SNPs" $ isTransversionSnp "A" ["C", "T"] `shouldBe` False it "should reject transitions" $ do isTransversionSnp "A" ["G"] `shouldBe` False isTransversionSnp "T" ["C"] `shouldBe` False it "should accept transversions" $ do isTransversionSnp "T" ["A"] `shouldBe` True isTransversionSnp "C" ["G"] `shouldBe` True testVcfToFreqsumEntry :: Spec testVcfToFreqsumEntry = describe "vcfToFreqsumEntry" $ it "should convert correctly" $ do let r = Right (FreqSumEntry (Chrom "1") 10492 (Just "testId") 'C' 'T' [Just 0, Just 0, Just 1, Just 0, Just 0]) vcfToFreqSumEntry vcf1 `shouldBe` r testIsBiallelicSnp :: Spec testIsBiallelicSnp = describe "isBiallelicSnp" $ do it "should reject triAllelic" $ isBiallelicSnp "A" ["C", "T"] `shouldBe` False it "should accept biallelic" $ isBiallelicSnp "A" ["T"] `shouldBe` True