{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-| Module: Data.Semiring Description: Haskell semirings License: MIT Maintainer: mail@doisinkidney.com Stability: experimental -} module Data.Semiring ( Semiring(..) , Add(..) , Mul(..) ) where import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Functor.Const (Const (..)) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.Monoid import Data.Semigroup (Max (..), Min (..)) import Data.Complex (Complex) import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution) import Data.Ratio (Ratio) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8) import Foreign.C.Types (CChar, CClock, CDouble, CFloat, CInt, CIntMax, CIntPtr, CLLong, CLong, CPtrdiff, CSChar, CSUSeconds, CShort, CSigAtomic, CSize, CTime, CUChar, CUInt, CUIntMax, CUIntPtr, CULLong, CULong, CUSeconds, CUShort, CWchar) import Foreign.Ptr (IntPtr, WordPtr) import System.Posix.Types (CCc, CDev, CGid, CIno, CMode, CNlink, COff, CPid, CRLim, CSpeed, CSsize, CTcflag, CUid, Fd) import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary) -- | A is like the -- the combination of two 'Data.Monoid.Monoid's. The first -- is called '<+>'; it has the identity element 'zero', and it is -- commutative. The second is called '<.>'; it has identity element 'one', -- and it must distribute over '<+>'. -- -- = Laws -- == Normal 'Precursor.Algebra.Monoid.Monoid' laws -- * @(a '<+>' b) '<+>' c = a '<+>' (b '<+>' c)@ -- * @'zero' '<+>' a = a '<+>' 'zero' = a@ -- * @(a '<.>' b) '<.>' c = a '<.>' (b '<.>' c)@ -- * @'one' '<.>' a = a '<.>' 'one' = a@ -- -- == Commutativity of '<+>' -- * @a '<+>' b = b '<+>' a@ -- -- == Distribution of '<.>' over '<+>' -- * @a '<.>' (b '<+>' c) = (a '<.>' b) '<+>' (a '<.>' c)@ -- * @(a '<+>' b) '<.>' c = (a '<.>' c) '<+>' (b '<.>' c)@ -- -- Another useful law, annihilation, may be deduced from the axioms -- above: -- -- * @'zero' '<.>' a = a '<.>' 'zero' = 'zero'@ class Semiring a where -- | The identity of '<+>'. zero :: a -- | The identity of '<.>'. one :: a -- | An associative binary operation, which distributes over '<+>'. infixl 7 <.> (<.>) :: a -> a -> a -- | An associative, commutative binary operation. infixl 6 <+> (<+>) :: a -> a -> a default zero :: Num a => a default one :: Num a => a default (<+>) :: Num a => a -> a -> a default (<.>) :: Num a => a -> a -> a zero = 0 one = 1 (<+>) = (+) (<.>) = (*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance Semiring Bool where one = True zero = False (<+>) = (||) (<.>) = (&&) instance Semiring () where one = () zero = () _ <+> _ = () _ <.> _ = () cartProd :: (Ord a, Monoid a) => Set a -> Set a -> Set a cartProd xs ys = Set.foldl' (\a x -> Set.foldl' (flip (Set.insert . mappend x)) a ys) Set.empty xs -- | The 'Set' 'Semiring' is 'Data.Set.union' for '<+>', and a Cartesian -- product for '<.>'. instance (Ord a, Monoid a) => Semiring (Set a) where (<.>) = cartProd (<+>) = Set.union zero = Set.empty one = Set.singleton mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Addition and multiplication newtypes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type WrapBinary f a = (a -> a -> a) -> f a -> f a -> f a -- | Monoid under '<+>'. Analogous to 'Data.Monoid.Sum', but uses the -- 'Semiring' constraint, rather than 'Num'. newtype Add a = Add { getAdd :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num ,Arbitrary) -- | Monoid under '<.>'. Analogous to 'Data.Monoid.Product', but uses the -- 'Semiring' constraint, rather than 'Num'. newtype Mul a = Mul { getMul :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num ,Arbitrary) instance Functor Add where fmap = coerce instance Functor Mul where fmap = coerce instance Foldable Add where foldr = (coerce :: ((a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> Add a -> c)) flip foldl = coerce foldMap = coerce length = const 1 instance Foldable Mul where foldr = (coerce :: ((a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> Mul a -> c)) flip foldl = coerce foldMap = coerce length = const 1 instance Applicative Add where pure = coerce (<*>) = (coerce :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (Add (a -> b) -> Add a -> Add b)) ($) instance Applicative Mul where pure = coerce (<*>) = (coerce :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (Mul (a -> b) -> Mul a -> Mul b)) ($) instance Monad Add where (>>=) = flip coerce instance Monad Mul where (>>=) = flip coerce instance Semiring a => Monoid (Add a) where mempty = Add zero mappend = (coerce :: WrapBinary Add a) (<+>) instance Semiring a => Monoid (Mul a) where mempty = Mul one mappend = (coerce :: WrapBinary Mul a) (<.>) instance Semiring a => Semiring (Add a) where zero = Add zero one = Add one (<+>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Add a) (<+>) (<.>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Add a) (<.>) instance Semiring a => Semiring (Mul a) where zero = Mul zero one = Mul one (<+>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Mul a) (<+>) (<.>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Mul a) (<.>) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ord wrappers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The 'Semiring' for 'Max' uses the 'max' operation for '<+>', and -- normal '+' for '<.>'. instance (Ord a, Bounded a, Semiring a) => Semiring (Max a) where (<+>) = mappend zero = mempty (<.>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Max a) (<+>) one = Max zero -- | The 'Semiring' for 'Min' uses the 'min' operation for '<+>', and -- normal '+' for '<.>'. instance (Ord a, Bounded a, Semiring a) => Semiring (Min a) where (<+>) = mappend zero = mempty (<.>) = (coerce :: WrapBinary Min a) (<+>) one = Min zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- (->) instance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The @(->)@ instance is analogous to the one for 'Monoid'. instance Semiring b => Semiring (a -> b) where zero = const zero one = const one (f <+> g) x = f x <+> g x (f <.> g) x = f x <.> g x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Endo instance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The 'Endo' semiring uses function composition for '<.>', and -- pointwise 'mappend' for '<+>'. The underlying 'Monoid' needs to be -- commutative. instance Monoid a => Semiring (Endo a) where (<.>) = mappend one = mempty Endo f <+> Endo g = Endo (\x -> f x `mappend` g x) zero = Endo (const mempty) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Instances for Bool wrappers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance Semiring Any where (<+>) = coerce (||) zero = Any False (<.>) = coerce (&&) one = Any True instance Semiring All where (<+>) = coerce (||) zero = All False (<.>) = coerce (&&) one = All True ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Boring instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance Semiring Int instance Semiring Int8 instance Semiring Int16 instance Semiring Int32 instance Semiring Int64 instance Semiring Integer instance Semiring Word instance Semiring Word8 instance Semiring Word16 instance Semiring Word32 instance Semiring Word64 instance Semiring CUIntMax instance Semiring CIntMax instance Semiring CUIntPtr instance Semiring CIntPtr instance Semiring CSUSeconds instance Semiring CUSeconds instance Semiring CTime instance Semiring CClock instance Semiring CSigAtomic instance Semiring CWchar instance Semiring CSize instance Semiring CPtrdiff instance Semiring CDouble instance Semiring CFloat instance Semiring CULLong instance Semiring CLLong instance Semiring CULong instance Semiring CLong instance Semiring CUInt instance Semiring CInt instance Semiring CUShort instance Semiring CShort instance Semiring CUChar instance Semiring CSChar instance Semiring CChar instance Semiring IntPtr instance Semiring WordPtr instance Semiring Fd instance Semiring CRLim instance Semiring CTcflag instance Semiring CSpeed instance Semiring CCc instance Semiring CUid instance Semiring CNlink instance Semiring CGid instance Semiring CSsize instance Semiring CPid instance Semiring COff instance Semiring CMode instance Semiring CIno instance Semiring CDev instance Semiring Natural instance Integral a => Semiring (Ratio a) deriving instance Semiring a => Semiring (Product a) deriving instance Semiring a => Semiring (Sum a) instance RealFloat a => Semiring (Complex a) instance HasResolution a => Semiring (Fixed a) deriving instance Semiring a => Semiring (Identity a) deriving instance Semiring a => Semiring (Const a b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Very boring instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance (Semiring a, Semiring b) => Semiring (a,b) where zero = (zero, zero) (a1,b1) <+> (a2,b2) = (a1 <+> a2, b1 <+> b2) one = (one, one) (a1,b1) <.> (a2,b2) = (a1 <.> a2, b1 <.> b2) instance (Semiring a, Semiring b, Semiring c) => Semiring (a,b,c) where zero = (zero, zero, zero) (a1,b1,c1) <+> (a2,b2,c2) = (a1 <+> a2, b1 <+> b2, c1 <+> c2) one = (one, one, one) (a1,b1,c1) <.> (a2,b2,c2) = (a1 <.> a2, b1 <.> b2, c1 <.> c2) instance (Semiring a, Semiring b, Semiring c, Semiring d) => Semiring (a,b,c,d) where zero = (zero, zero, zero, zero) (a1,b1,c1,d1) <+> (a2,b2,c2,d2) = (a1 <+> a2, b1 <+> b2, c1 <+> c2, d1 <+> d2) one = (one, one, one, one) (a1,b1,c1,d1) <.> (a2,b2,c2,d2) = (a1 <.> a2, b1 <.> b2, c1 <.> c2, d1 <.> d2) instance (Semiring a, Semiring b, Semiring c, Semiring d, Semiring e) => Semiring (a,b,c,d,e) where zero = (zero, zero, zero, zero, zero) (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1) <+> (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2) = (a1 <+> a2, b1 <+> b2, c1 <+> c2, d1 <+> d2, e1 <+> e2) one = (one, one, one, one, one) (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1) <.> (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2) = (a1 <.> a2, b1 <.> b2, c1 <.> c2, d1 <.> d2, e1 <.> e2)