{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ExistentialQuantification #-}
Module      : SecondTransfer.Exception
module SecondTransfer.Exception (
    -- * Exceptions thrown by the HTTP/2 sessions
    HTTP2SessionException (..)
    ,FramerException (..)
    ,BadPrefaceException (..)
    ,HTTP11Exception (..)
    ,HTTP11SyntaxException (..)
    ,HTTP500PrecursorException (..)
    ,ContentLengthMissingException (..)

    -- * Exceptions related to the IO layer

    -- * Internal exceptions
    ) where

import           Control.Exception
import           Data.Typeable

-- | Abstract exception. All HTTP/2 exceptions derive from here
data HTTP2SessionException = forall e . Exception e => HTTP2SessionException e
    deriving Typeable

instance Show HTTP2SessionException where
    show (HTTP2SessionException e) = show e

instance Exception HTTP2SessionException

convertHTTP2SessionExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
convertHTTP2SessionExceptionToException = toException . HTTP2SessionException

getHTTP2SessionExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
getHTTP2SessionExceptionFromException x = do
    HTTP2SessionException a <- fromException x
    cast a

-- | Concrete exception. Used internally to signal that the client violated
--   the protocol. Clients of the library shall never see this exception.
data HTTP2ProtocolException = HTTP2ProtocolException
    deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception HTTP2ProtocolException where
    toException   = convertHTTP2SessionExceptionToException
    fromException = getHTTP2SessionExceptionFromException

-- | Abstract exception. Thrown when encoding/decoding of a frame fails
data FramerException = forall e . Exception e => FramerException e
    deriving Typeable

instance Show FramerException where
    show (FramerException e) = show e

instance Exception FramerException where
    toException = convertHTTP2SessionExceptionToException
    fromException = getHTTP2SessionExceptionFromException

convertFramerExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
convertFramerExceptionToException = toException . FramerException

getFramerExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
getFramerExceptionFromException x = do
    FramerException a <- fromException x
    cast a

-- | Thrown when the HTTP/2 connection prefix doesn't
--   match the expected prefix.
data BadPrefaceException = BadPrefaceException
    deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception BadPrefaceException where
    toException   = convertFramerExceptionToException
    fromException = getFramerExceptionFromException

-- | Abstract exception. All HTTP/1.1 related exceptions derive from here.
--   Notice that this includes a lot of logical errors and they can be
--   raised when handling HTTP/2 sessions as well
data HTTP11Exception = forall e . Exception e => HTTP11Exception e
    deriving Typeable

instance Show HTTP11Exception where
    show (HTTP11Exception e) = show e

instance Exception HTTP11Exception

convertHTTP11ExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
convertHTTP11ExceptionToException = toException . HTTP11Exception

getHTTP11ExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
getHTTP11ExceptionFromException x = do
    HTTP11Exception a <- fromException x
    cast a

-- | Abstract exception. It is an error if an exception of this type bubbles
--   to this library, but we will do our best to handle it gracefully.
--   All internal error precursors at the workers can thus inherit from here
--   to have a fallback option in case they forget to handle the error.
--   This exception inherits from HTTP11Exception
data HTTP500PrecursorException = forall e . Exception e => HTTP500PrecursorException e
    deriving Typeable

instance Show HTTP500PrecursorException where
    show (HTTP500PrecursorException e) = show e

-- | Use the traditional idiom if you need to derive from 'HTTP500PrecursorException',
--   this is one of the helpers
convertHTTP500PrecursorExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
convertHTTP500PrecursorExceptionToException = toException . HTTP500PrecursorException

-- | Use the traditional idiom if you need to derive from 'HTTP500PrecursorException',
--   this is one of the helpers
getHTTP500PrecursorExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
getHTTP500PrecursorExceptionFromException x = do
    HTTP500PrecursorException a <- fromException x
    cast a

-- Here we say how we go with these exceptions....
instance Exception HTTP500PrecursorException where
    toException = convertHTTP11ExceptionToException
    fromException = getHTTP11ExceptionFromException

-- | Thrown with HTTP/1.1 over HTTP/1.1 sessions when the response body
--   or the request body doesn't include a Content-Length header field,
--   given that should have included it
data ContentLengthMissingException = ContentLengthMissingException
    deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception ContentLengthMissingException where
    toException = convertHTTP11ExceptionToException
    fromException = getHTTP11ExceptionFromException

data HTTP11SyntaxException = HTTP11SyntaxException String
    deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception HTTP11SyntaxException where
    toException = convertHTTP11ExceptionToException
    fromException = getHTTP11ExceptionFromException

-- | Throw exceptions derived from this (e.g, `GenericIOProblem` below)
--   to have the HTTP/2 session to terminate gracefully.
data IOProblem = forall e . Exception e => IOProblem e
    deriving Typeable

instance  Show IOProblem where
    show (IOProblem e) = show e

instance Exception IOProblem

-- | A concrete case of the above exception. Throw one of this
--   if you don't want to implement your own type. Use
--   `IOProblem` in catch signatures.
data GenericIOProblem = GenericIOProblem
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception GenericIOProblem where
    toException = toException . IOProblem
    fromException x = do
        IOProblem a <- fromException x
        cast a

-- | This exception will be raised inside a `CoherentWorker` when the underlying
-- stream is cancelled (STREAM_RESET in HTTP\/2). Do any necessary cleanup
-- in a handler, or simply use the fact that the exception is asynchronously
-- delivered
-- to your CoherentWorker Haskell thread, giving you an opportunity to
-- interrupt any blocked operations.
data StreamCancelledException = StreamCancelledException
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception StreamCancelledException