{-# LINE 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/MainLoop/OpenSSL_TLS.cpphs" #-}
# 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/MainLoop/OpenSSL_TLS.cpphs"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 12 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4

# 17 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4

# 12 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "./dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h" 1

# 12 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/MainLoop/OpenSSL_TLS.cpphs"
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, OverloadedStrings,  DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module SecondTransfer.MainLoop.OpenSSL_TLS(
    -- ,tlsServeWithALPNOnce

    ) where 

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar    
import           Control.Exception  
import qualified Control.Exception  as      E
import           Data.Foldable              (foldMap)
import           Data.Typeable              
import           Data.Monoid                ()
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C

import qualified Data.ByteString            as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder    as BB
import           Data.ByteString.Char8      (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy       as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe     as BU

import           System.Log.Logger

import           SecondTransfer.MainLoop.PushPullType

# 1 "macros/Logging.cpphs" 1

# 35 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/MainLoop/OpenSSL_TLS.cpphs" 2

-- | Exception inheriting from `IOProblem`. This is thrown by the 
-- OpenSSL subsystem to signal that the connection was broken or that 
-- otherwise there was a problem at the SSL layer. 
data TLSLayerGenericProblem = TLSLayerGenericProblem String
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception TLSLayerGenericProblem where 
    toException = toException . IOProblem 
    fromException x = do 
        IOProblem a <- fromException x 
        cast a

data InterruptibleEither a b = 
    Left_I a 
    |Right_I b 

-- | Singleton type. Used in conjunction with an `MVar`. If the MVar is full, 
--   the fuction `tlsServeWithALPNAndFinishOnRequest` knows that it should finish
--   at its earliest convenience and call the `CloseAction` for any open sessions.
data FinishRequest = FinishRequest

-- These names are absolutely improper....
-- Session creator
data Connection_t  
-- Session
data Wired_t

type Connection_Ptr = Ptr Connection_t 
type Wired_Ptr = Ptr Wired_t

-- Actually, this makes a listener for new connections
-- connection_t* make_connection(char* certificate_filename, char* privkey_filename, char* hostname, int portno, 
--     char* protocol_list, int protocol_list_len)
foreign import ccall "make_connection" makeConnection :: 
    CString         -- cert filename
    -> CString      -- privkey_filename
    -> CString      -- hostname
    -> CInt         -- port
    -> Ptr CChar    -- protocol list
    -> CInt         -- protocol list length
    -> IO Connection_Ptr

allOk :: CInt 
allOk = 0 

badHappened :: CInt 
badHappened = 1 

timeoutReached :: CInt 
timeoutReached = 3

-- int wait_for_connection(connection_t* conn, wired_session_t** wired_session);
foreign import ccall "wait_for_connection" waitForConnection :: Connection_Ptr -> CInt -> Ptr Wired_Ptr -> IO CInt 

-- int send_data(wired_session_t* ws, char* buffer, int buffer_size);
foreign import ccall "send_data" sendData :: Wired_Ptr -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO CInt 

-- int recv_data(wired_session_t* ws, char* inbuffer, int buffer_size, int* data_recvd);
foreign import ccall "recv_data" recvData :: Wired_Ptr -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

-- int get_selected_protocol(wired_session_t* ws){ return ws->protocol_index; }
foreign import ccall "get_selected_protocol" getSelectedProtocol :: Wired_Ptr -> IO CInt

-- void dispose_wired_session(wired_session_t* ws);
foreign import ccall "dispose_wired_session" disposeWiredSession :: Wired_Ptr -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "close_connection" closeConnection :: Connection_Ptr -> IO ()

useBufferSize :: Int
useBufferSize = 4096

type Protocols = [B.ByteString]

protocolsToWire :: Protocols -> B.ByteString
protocolsToWire protocols =  
    LB.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString $ 
        foldMap (\ protocol 
                ->  (BB.lazyByteString . LB.fromChunks)
                    [ B.singleton $ fromIntegral $ B.length protocol,
        ) protocols

-- | Simple function to open 
tlsServeWithALPN :: FilePath                -- ^ Path to a certificate the server is going to use to identify itself.
                                            --   Bear in mind that multiple domains can be served from the same HTTP/2 
                                            --   TLS socket, so please create the HTTP/2 certificate accordingly.
                 -> FilePath                -- ^ Path to the key of your certificate. 
                 -> String                  -- ^ Name of the network interface where you want to start your server
                 -> [(String, Attendant)]   -- ^ List of protocol names and the corresponding `Attendant` to use for 
                                            --   each. This way you can serve both HTTP\/1.1 over TLS and HTTP\/2 in the
                                            --   same socket. When no ALPN negotiation is present during the negotiation, 
                                            --   the first protocol in this list is used.
                 -> Int                     -- ^ Port to open to listen for connections. 
                 -> IO ()
tlsServeWithALPN certificate_filename key_filename interface_name attendants interface_port = do 

    let protocols_bs = protocolsToWire $ fmap (\ (s,_) -> pack s) attendants
    (return ())
    withCString certificate_filename $ \ c_certfn -> withCString key_filename $ \ c_keyfn -> withCString interface_name $ \ c_iname -> do 

        connection_ptr <- BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen protocols_bs $ \ (pchar, len) ->
                (fromIntegral interface_port)
                (fromIntegral len)

        if connection_ptr == nullPtr 
          then do
            (return ())
            throwIO $ TLSLayerGenericProblem "Could not create listening end"
          else do
            (return ())
            return ()

        forever $ do 
            either_wired_ptr <- alloca $ \ wired_ptr_ptr -> 
                    tryOnce = do 
                        result_code <- waitForConnection connection_ptr defaultWaitTime wired_ptr_ptr
                            r = case result_code of  
                                re  | re == allOk        -> do 
                                        p <- peek wired_ptr_ptr
                                        (return ())
                                        return $ Right  p
                                    | re == timeoutReached -> tryOnce 
                                    | re == badHappened  -> return $ Left "A wait for connection failed"
                in tryOnce

            case either_wired_ptr of 

                Left msg -> do 
                    (return ())
                    return ()

                Right wired_ptr -> do 
                    already_closed_mvar <- newMVar False
                        pushAction datum = BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen (LB.toStrict datum) $ \ (pchar, len) -> do 
                            result <- sendData wired_ptr pchar (fromIntegral len)
                            case result of  
                                r | r == allOk           -> return ()
                                  | r == badHappened     -> throwIO $ TLSLayerGenericProblem "Could not send data"
                        pullAction = do 
                            allocaBytes useBufferSize $ \ pcharbuffer -> 
                                alloca $ \ data_recvd_ptr -> do 
                                    result <- recvData wired_ptr pcharbuffer (fromIntegral useBufferSize) data_recvd_ptr
                                    (return ())
                                    recvd_bytes <- case result of 
                                        r | r == allOk       -> peek data_recvd_ptr
                                          | r == badHappened -> throwIO $ TLSLayerGenericProblem "Could not receive data"

                                    B.packCStringLen (pcharbuffer, fromIntegral recvd_bytes)

                        -- Ensure that the socket and the struct are only closed once
                        closeAction = do
                            b <- readMVar already_closed_mvar
                            if not b 
                              then do
                                putMVar already_closed_mvar True
                                disposeWiredSession wired_ptr
                                return ()

                    use_protocol <- getSelectedProtocol wired_ptr
                    (return ())

                        maybe_session_attendant = case fromIntegral use_protocol of 
                            n | (use_protocol >= 0)  -> Just $ snd $ attendants !! n 
                              -- Or just select the first one
                              | otherwise            -> Just . snd . head $ attendants

                    case maybe_session_attendant of 

                        Just session_attendant -> 
                                (session_attendant pushAction pullAction closeAction)
                                ((\ e -> do 
                                    (return ())
                                    throwIO e
                                )::TLSLayerGenericProblem -> IO () )

                        Nothing ->
                            return ()

-- | Interruptible version of `tlsServeWithALPN`. Use the extra argument to ask 
--   the server to finish: you pass an empty MVar and when you want to finish you 
--   just populate it. 
tlsServeWithALPNAndFinishOnRequest :: FilePath 
                 -> FilePath              -- ^ Same as for `tlsServeWithALPN`             
                 -> String                -- ^ Same as for `tlsServeWithALPN`
                 -> [(String, Attendant)] -- ^ Same as for `tlsServeWithALPN`
                 -> Int                   -- ^ Same as for `tlsServeWithALPN`
                 -> MVar FinishRequest    -- ^ Finish request, write a value here to finish serving
                 -> IO ()
tlsServeWithALPNAndFinishOnRequest certificate_filename key_filename interface_name attendants interface_port finish_request = do 

    let protocols_bs = protocolsToWire $ fmap (\ (s,_) -> pack s) attendants
    withCString certificate_filename $ \ c_certfn -> withCString key_filename $ \ c_keyfn -> withCString interface_name $ \ c_iname -> do 

        -- Create an accepting endpoint
        connection_ptr <- BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen protocols_bs $ \ (pchar, len) ->
                (fromIntegral interface_port)
                (fromIntegral len)

        -- Create a computation that accepts a connection, runs a session on it and recurses
            recursion = do 
                -- Get a SSL session
                either_wired_ptr <- alloca $ \ wired_ptr_ptr -> 
                        tryOnce = do 
                            result_code <- waitForConnection connection_ptr smallWaitTime wired_ptr_ptr
                                r = case result_code of  
                                    re  | re == allOk        -> do 
                                            p <- peek wired_ptr_ptr
                                            return $ Right_I  p
                                        | re == timeoutReached -> do 
                                            got_finish_request <- tryTakeMVar finish_request
                                            case got_finish_request of 
                                                Nothing ->
                                                Just _ ->
                                                    return Interrupted 

                                        | re == badHappened  -> return $ Left_I "A wait for connection failed"
                    in tryOnce

                -- With the potentially obtained SSL session do...
                case either_wired_ptr of 

                    Left_I msg -> do 
                        errorM "OpenSSL" $ ".. wait for connection failed. " ++ msg

                        -- // .. //

                    Right_I wired_ptr -> do 
                        already_closed_mvar <- newMVar False
                            pushAction datum = BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen (LB.toStrict datum) $ \ (pchar, len) -> do 
                                result <- sendData wired_ptr pchar (fromIntegral len)
                                case result of  
                                    r | r == allOk           -> return ()
                                      | r == badHappened     -> throwIO $ TLSLayerGenericProblem "Could not send data"
                            pullAction = do 
                                allocaBytes useBufferSize $ \ pcharbuffer -> 
                                    alloca $ \ data_recvd_ptr -> do 
                                        result <- recvData wired_ptr pcharbuffer (fromIntegral useBufferSize) data_recvd_ptr
                                        recvd_bytes <- case result of 
                                            r | r == allOk       -> peek data_recvd_ptr
                                              | r == badHappened -> throwIO $ TLSLayerGenericProblem "Could not receive data"

                                        B.packCStringLen (pcharbuffer, fromIntegral recvd_bytes)
                            closeAction = do
                                b <- readMVar already_closed_mvar
                                if not b 
                                  then do
                                    putMVar already_closed_mvar True
                                    disposeWiredSession wired_ptr
                                    return ()

                        use_protocol <- getSelectedProtocol wired_ptr

                        infoM "OpenSSL" $ ".. Using protocol: " ++ (show use_protocol)

                            maybe_session_attendant = case fromIntegral use_protocol of 
                                n | (use_protocol >= 0)  -> Just $ snd $ attendants !! n 
                                  | otherwise            -> Just . snd . head $ attendants

                        case maybe_session_attendant of 

                            Just session_attendant -> 
                                session_attendant pushAction pullAction closeAction

                            Nothing ->
                                return ()

                        -- // .. //

                    Interrupted -> do
                        infoM "OpenSSL" "Connection closed"
                        closeConnection connection_ptr

        -- Start the loop defined above...

-- When we are using the eternal version of this function, wake up 
-- each second .... 
defaultWaitTime :: CInt
defaultWaitTime = 200000
-- Okej, more responsiviness needed 
smallWaitTime :: CInt 
smallWaitTime = 50000