{-# LINE 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/Http2/Framer.cpphs" #-}
# 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/Http2/Framer.cpphs"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 12 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4

# 17 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4

# 12 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "./dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h" 1

# 12 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/Http2/Framer.cpphs"
-- The framer has two functions: to convert bytes to Frames and the other way around,
-- and two keep track of flow-control quotas. 
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, 
             DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module SecondTransfer.Http2.Framer (


    -- Not needed anywhere, but supress the warning about unneeded symbol
    ) where 

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Exception                      as E
import           Control.Lens                           (view)
import qualified Control.Lens                           as L
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class                 (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch                    as C
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class              (lift)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Data.Binary                            (decode)
import qualified Data.ByteString                        as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                   as LB
import           Data.Conduit
import           Data.Foldable                          (find)

import qualified Network.HTTP2                          as NH2
-- Logging utilities
import           System.Log.Logger

import qualified Data.HashTable.IO                      as H

import           SecondTransfer.Http2.Session           
import           SecondTransfer.MainLoop.CoherentWorker (CoherentWorker)
import qualified SecondTransfer.MainLoop.Framer         as F
import           SecondTransfer.MainLoop.PushPullType   (Attendant, CloseAction,
                                                         PullAction, PushAction, IOProblem)
import           SecondTransfer.Utils                   (Word24, word24ToInt)
import           SecondTransfer.Exception

# 1 "macros/Logging.cpphs" 1

# 49 "hs-src/SecondTransfer/Http2/Framer.cpphs" 2

http2PrefixLength :: Int
http2PrefixLength = B.length NH2.connectionPreface

-- Let's do flow control here here .... 

type HashTable k v = H.CuckooHashTable k v

type GlobalStreamId = Int

data FlowControlCommand = 
     AddBytes_FCM Int 

-- A hashtable from stream id to channel of availabiliy increases
type Stream2AvailSpace = HashTable GlobalStreamId (Chan FlowControlCommand)

data CanOutput = CanOutput

data NoHeadersInChannel = NoHeadersInChannel

data FramerSessionData = FramerSessionData {
      _stream2flow           :: Stream2AvailSpace
    , _stream2outputBytes    :: HashTable GlobalStreamId (Chan LB.ByteString)
    , _defaultStreamWindow   :: MVar Int

    -- Wait variable to output bytes to the channel
    , _canOutput             :: MVar CanOutput
    -- Flag that says if the session has been unwound... if such, 
    -- threads are adviced to exit as early as possible
    , _outputIsForbidden     :: MVar Bool 
    , _noHeadersInChannel    :: MVar NoHeadersInChannel
    , _pushAction            :: PushAction
    , _closeAction           :: CloseAction

    -- Global id of the session, used for e.g. error reporting.
    , _sessionId             :: Int 

    -- Sessions context, used for thing like e.g. error reporting
    , _sessionsContext       :: SessionsContext

    -- For GoAway frames
    , _lastStream            :: MVar Int 

L.makeLenses ''FramerSessionData

type FramerSession = ReaderT FramerSessionData IO

wrapSession :: CoherentWorker -> SessionsContext -> Attendant
wrapSession coherent_worker sessions_context push_action pull_action close_action = do

        session_id_mvar = view nextSessionId sessions_context

    new_session_id <- modifyMVarMasked
        (\ session_id -> return (session_id+1, session_id))

    (session_input, session_output) <- (http2Session 
        coherent_worker new_session_id sessions_context)

    -- TODO : Add type annotations....
    s2f                       <- H.new 
    s2o                       <- H.new 
    default_stream_size_mvar  <- newMVar 65536
    can_output                <- newMVar CanOutput
    no_headers_in_channel     <- newMVar NoHeadersInChannel
    last_stream_id            <- newMVar 0
    output_is_forbidden       <- newMVar False

    -- We need some shared state 
    let framer_session_data = FramerSessionData {
        _stream2flow          = s2f
        ,_stream2outputBytes  = s2o 
        ,_defaultStreamWindow = default_stream_size_mvar
        ,_canOutput           = can_output 
        ,_noHeadersInChannel  = no_headers_in_channel
        ,_pushAction          = push_action
        ,_closeAction         = close_action
        ,_sessionId           = new_session_id
        ,_sessionsContext     = sessions_context
        ,_lastStream          = last_stream_id
        ,_outputIsForbidden   = output_is_forbidden

        -- TODO: Dodgy exception handling here...
        close_on_error session_id session_context comp = E.finally (
            E.catch comp (exc_handler session_id session_context)) close_action

        exc_handler :: Int -> SessionsContext -> FramerException -> IO ()
        exc_handler x y e = do
            modifyMVar_ output_is_forbidden (\ _ -> return True) 
            sessionExceptionHandler Framer_SessionComponent x y e

        $ close_on_error new_session_id sessions_context 
        $ runReaderT (inputGatherer pull_action session_input ) framer_session_data  
        $ close_on_error new_session_id sessions_context 
        $ runReaderT (outputGatherer session_output ) framer_session_data 

    return ()

http2FrameLength :: F.LengthCallback
http2FrameLength bs | (B.length bs) >= 3     = let
    word24 = decode input_as_lbs :: Word24
    input_as_lbs = LB.fromStrict bs
    Just $ (word24ToInt word24) + 9 -- Nine bytes that the frame header always uses
http2FrameLength _ = Nothing

addCapacity :: 
        GlobalStreamId ->
        Int           -> 
        FramerSession ()
addCapacity stream_id delta_cap = do 

    if stream_id == 0 
        -- TODO: Add session flow control
        return ()
      else do
        table <- view stream2flow  
        val <- liftIO $ H.lookup table stream_id
        case val of 
            Nothing -> do
                -- ??
                liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Tried to update window of unexistent stream (creating): " ++ (show stream_id)
                (_, command_chan) <- startStreamOutputQueue stream_id 
                -- And try again
                liftIO $ writeChan command_chan $ AddBytes_FCM delta_cap

            Just command_chan -> do
                liftIO $ writeChan command_chan $ AddBytes_FCM delta_cap

-- This works by pulling bytes from the input side of the pipeline and converting them to frames.
-- The frames are then put in the SessionInput. In the other end of the SessionInput they can be 
-- interpreted according to their HTTP/2 meaning. 
-- This function also does part of the flow control: it registers WindowUpdate frames and triggers
-- quota updates on the streams. 
inputGatherer :: PullAction -> SessionInput -> FramerSession ()
inputGatherer pull_action session_input = do 
    -- We can start by reading off the prefix....
    (return ())
    (prefix, remaining) <- liftIO $ F.readLength http2PrefixLength pull_action

    if prefix /= NH2.connectionPreface 
      then do 
        sendGoAwayFrame NH2.ProtocolError
        liftIO $ do 
            -- We just the the GoAway frame, although this is awfully early
            -- and probably wrong
            (return ())
            throwIO BadPrefaceException
        (return ())
        source::Source FramerSession B.ByteString
        source = transPipe liftIO $ F.readNextChunk http2FrameLength remaining pull_action
    ( source $$ consume)

    consume :: Sink B.ByteString FramerSession ()
    consume = do 
        maybe_bytes <- await 
        -- Deserialize

        case maybe_bytes of 

            Just bytes -> do
                    error_or_frame = NH2.decodeFrame some_settings bytes
                    -- TODO: See how we can change these....
                    some_settings = NH2.defaultSettings

                case error_or_frame of 

                    Left _ -> do 
                        -- Got an error from the decoder... meaning that a frame could 
                        -- not be decoded.... in this case we send a cancel session command 
                        -- to the session. 
                        liftIO $ errorM "HTTP2.Framer" "CouldNotDecodeFrame"
                        -- Send frames like GoAway and such...
                        lift $ sendGoAwayFrame NH2.ProtocolError
                        -- Inform the session that it can tear down itself
                        liftIO $ sendCommandToSession session_input CancelSession_SIC
                        -- Any resources remaining here can be disposed
                        lift $ releaseFramer
                        -- And end this thread

                    Right right_frame -> do
                        case right_frame of 

                            (NH2.Frame (NH2.FrameHeader _ _ stream_id) (NH2.WindowUpdateFrame credit) ) -> do 
                                -- Bookkeep the increase on bytes on that stream
                                -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Extra capacity for stream " ++ (show stream_id)
                                lift $ addCapacity (NH2.fromStreamIdentifier stream_id) (fromIntegral credit)
                                return ()

                            frame@(NH2.Frame _ (NH2.SettingsFrame settings_list) ) -> do 
                                -- Increase all the stuff....
                                case find (\(i,_) -> i == NH2.SettingsInitialWindowSize) settings_list of 

                                    Just (_, new_default_stream_size) -> do 
                                        old_default_stream_size_mvar <- view defaultStreamWindow
                                        old_default_stream_size <- liftIO $ takeMVar old_default_stream_size_mvar
                                        let general_delta = new_default_stream_size - old_default_stream_size
                                        stream_to_flow <- view stream2flow
                                        -- Add capacity to everybody's windows
                                        liftIO $ 
                                            H.mapM_ (
                                                    \ (k,v) -> if k /=0 
                                                                  then writeChan v (AddBytes_FCM general_delta) 
                                                                  else return () )

                                        -- And set a new value 
                                        liftIO $ putMVar old_default_stream_size_mvar new_default_stream_size

                                    Nothing -> 
                                        -- This is a silenced internal error
                                        return ()

                                -- And send the frame down to the session, so that session specific settings
                                -- can be applied. 
                                liftIO $ sendFrameToSession session_input frame

                            a_frame@(NH2.Frame (NH2.FrameHeader _ _ stream_id) _ )   -> do 
                                -- Update the keep of last stream 
                                lift $ updateLastStream $ NH2.fromStreamIdentifier stream_id

                                -- Send frame to the session
                                liftIO $ sendFrameToSession session_input a_frame
                        -- tail recursion: go again...

            Nothing    -> 
                -- We may as well exit this thread
               return ()

-- All the output frames come this way first
outputGatherer :: SessionOutput -> FramerSession ()
outputGatherer session_output = do 

    -- We start by sending a settings frame 
        (NH2.EncodeInfo NH2.defaultFlags (NH2.toStreamIdentifier 0) Nothing)
        (NH2.SettingsFrame [])



    dataForFrame p1 p2 = 
        LB.fromStrict $ NH2.encodeFrame p1 p2

    loopPart :: FramerSession ()
    loopPart = do 

        command_or_frame  <- liftIO $ getFrameFromSession session_output

        case command_or_frame of 

            Left CancelSession_SOC -> do 
                -- The session wants to cancel things

            Right ( p1@(NH2.EncodeInfo _ stream_idii _), p2@(NH2.DataFrame _) ) -> do
                -- This frame is flow-controlled... I may be unable to send this frame in
                -- some circumstances... 
                let stream_id = NH2.fromStreamIdentifier stream_idii
                s2o <- view stream2outputBytes
                lookup_result <- liftIO $ H.lookup s2o stream_id 
                stream_bytes_chan <- case lookup_result of 

                    Nothing ->  do 
                        (bc, _) <- startStreamOutputQueue stream_id
                        return bc

                    Just bytes_chan -> return bytes_chan 

                liftIO $ writeChan stream_bytes_chan $ dataForFrame p1 p2


            Right (p1, p2@(NH2.HeadersFrame _ _) ) -> do
                handleHeadersOfStream p1 p2

            Right (p1, p2@(NH2.ContinuationFrame _) ) -> do
                handleHeadersOfStream p1 p2


            Right (p1, p2) -> do 
                -- Most other frames go right away... as long as no headers are in process...
                no_headers <- view noHeadersInChannel
                liftIO $ takeMVar no_headers
                pushFrame p1 p2 
                liftIO $ putMVar no_headers NoHeadersInChannel

updateLastStream :: GlobalStreamId  -> FramerSession ()
updateLastStream stream_id = do 
    last_stream_id_mvar <- view lastStream
    liftIO $ modifyMVar_ last_stream_id_mvar (\ x -> return $ max x stream_id)

startStreamOutputQueue :: Int -> FramerSession (Chan LB.ByteString, Chan FlowControlCommand)
startStreamOutputQueue stream_id = do
    -- New thread for handling outputs of this stream is needed
    bytes_chan <- liftIO newChan 
    command_chan <- liftIO newChan 

    s2o <- view stream2outputBytes

    liftIO $ H.insert s2o stream_id bytes_chan 

    s2c <- view stream2flow

    liftIO $ H.insert s2c stream_id command_chan

    initial_cap_mvar <- view defaultStreamWindow
    initial_cap <- liftIO $ readMVar initial_cap_mvar
    close_action <- view closeAction
    sessions_context <- view sessionsContext 
    session_id' <- view SecondTransfer.Http2.Framer.sessionId
    output_is_forbidden_mvar <- view outputIsForbidden 

    -- And don't forget the thread itself
        close_on_error session_id session_context comp = E.finally (
            E.catch comp (exc_handler session_id session_context)) close_action

        exc_handler :: Int -> SessionsContext -> IOProblem -> IO ()
        exc_handler x y e = do
            -- Let's also decree that other streams don't even try
            modifyMVar_ output_is_forbidden_mvar ( \ _ -> return True)
            sessionExceptionHandler Framer_SessionComponent x y e

    read_state <- ask 
    liftIO $ forkIO $ close_on_error session_id' sessions_context  $ runReaderT
        (flowControlOutput stream_id initial_cap "" command_chan bytes_chan)

    return (bytes_chan , command_chan)

-- This works in the output side of the HTTP/2 framing session, and it acts as a 
-- semaphore ensuring that headers are output without any interleaved frames. 
-- There are more synchronization mechanisms in the session, this does not act 
-- alone. 
handleHeadersOfStream :: NH2.EncodeInfo -> NH2.FramePayload -> FramerSession ()
handleHeadersOfStream p1@(NH2.EncodeInfo _ _ _) frame_payload
    | (frameIsHeaderOfStream frame_payload) && (not $ frameEndsHeaders p1 frame_payload) = do
        -- Take it 
        no_headers <- view noHeadersInChannel
        liftIO $ takeMVar no_headers
        pushFrame p1 frame_payload 
        -- DONT PUT THE MvAR HERE 

    | (frameIsHeaderOfStream frame_payload) && (frameEndsHeaders p1 frame_payload) = do
        no_headers <- view noHeadersInChannel
        liftIO $ takeMVar no_headers
        pushFrame p1 frame_payload 
        -- Since we finish.... 
        liftIO $ putMVar no_headers NoHeadersInChannel

    | frameEndsHeaders p1 frame_payload = do 
        -- I can only get here for a continuation frame  after something else that is a headers
        no_headers <- view noHeadersInChannel
        liftIO $ putMVar no_headers NoHeadersInChannel
        return ()

frameIsHeaderOfStream :: NH2.FramePayload -> Bool
frameIsHeaderOfStream (NH2.HeadersFrame _  _ )
    = True
frameIsHeaderOfStream _                                       
    = False 

frameEndsHeaders  :: NH2.EncodeInfo -> NH2.FramePayload -> Bool 
frameEndsHeaders (NH2.EncodeInfo flags _ _) (NH2.HeadersFrame _ _) = NH2.testEndHeader flags
frameEndsHeaders (NH2.EncodeInfo flags _ _) (NH2.ContinuationFrame _) = NH2.testEndHeader flags
frameEndsHeaders _ _ = False

-- Push a frame into the output channel... this waits for the 
-- channel to be free to send. 
pushFrame :: NH2.EncodeInfo
             -> NH2.FramePayload -> FramerSession ()
pushFrame p1 p2 = do
    let bs = LB.fromStrict $ NH2.encodeFrame p1 p2  
    sendBytes bs

sendGoAwayFrame :: NH2.ErrorCodeId -> FramerSession ()
sendGoAwayFrame error_code = do
    last_stream_id_mvar <- view lastStream
    last_stream_id <- liftIO $ readMVar last_stream_id_mvar
    pushFrame (NH2.EncodeInfo NH2.defaultFlags (NH2.toStreamIdentifier 0) Nothing)
        (NH2.GoAwayFrame (NH2.toStreamIdentifier last_stream_id) error_code "")

sendBytes :: LB.ByteString -> FramerSession ()
sendBytes bs = do
    push_action <- view pushAction
    can_output <- view canOutput 
    liftIO $ do 
        bs `seq` 
                (takeMVar   can_output)
                (\ _ -> push_action bs)
                (\ c -> putMVar  can_output c)

-- A thread in charge of doing flow control transmission....This sends already
-- formatted frames (ByteStrings), not the frames themselves. And it doesn't 
-- mess with the structure of the packets.
flowControlOutput :: Int -> Int -> LB.ByteString -> (Chan FlowControlCommand) -> (Chan LB.ByteString) ->  FramerSession ()
flowControlOutput stream_id capacity leftovers commands_chan bytes_chan = do 
    if leftovers == "" 
      then do
        -- Get more data (possibly block waiting for it)
        bytes_to_send <- liftIO $ readChan bytes_chan
        flowControlOutput stream_id capacity  bytes_to_send commands_chan bytes_chan
      else do
        -- Length?
        let amount = fromIntegral $ ((LB.length leftovers) - 9)
        if  amount <= capacity 
          then do
            -- Is 
            -- I can send ... if no headers are in process....
            no_headers <- view noHeadersInChannel
                (liftIO $ takeMVar no_headers)
                (\ _ -> liftIO $ putMVar no_headers NoHeadersInChannel)
                (\ _ -> sendBytes leftovers )
            flowControlOutput  stream_id (capacity - amount) "" commands_chan bytes_chan
          else do
            -- I can not send because flow-control is full, wait for a command instead 
            -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Warning: channel flow-saturated " ++ (show stream_id)
            command <- liftIO $ readChan commands_chan
            case command of 
                AddBytes_FCM delta_cap -> do 
                    -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Flow control delta_cap stream " ++ (show stream_id)
                    flowControlOutput stream_id (capacity + delta_cap) leftovers commands_chan bytes_chan

releaseFramer :: FramerSession ()
releaseFramer = do 
    -- Release any resources pending...

    return ()