sdr- A software defined radio library

Safe HaskellNone




Create graphical plots of signals and their spectrums. Uses OpenGL.


Line Graphs

plotLine Source #


:: Int

Window width

-> Int

Window height

-> Int

Number of samples in each buffer

-> Int

Number of vertices in graph

-> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (Vector GLfloat) IO ()) 

Create a window and plot a dynamic line graph of the incoming data.

plotLineAxes Source #


:: Int

Window width

-> Int

Window height

-> Int

Number of samples in each buffer

-> Int

Number of vertices in graph

-> Render ()

Cairo Render object that draws the axes

-> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (Vector GLfloat) IO ()) 

Create a window and plot a dynamic line graph of the incoming data. With Axes.


plotWaterfall Source #


:: Int

Window width

-> Int

Window height

-> Int

Number of columns

-> Int

Number of rows

-> [GLfloat]

The color map

-> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (Vector GLfloat) IO ()) 

Create a window and plot a waterfall of the incoming data.

Filled In Line Graphs

plotFill Source #


:: Int

Window width

-> Int

Window height

-> Int

Number of samples in each buffer

-> [GLfloat]

The color map

-> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (Vector GLfloat) IO ()) 

Create a window and plot a dynamic filled in line graph of the incoming data.

plotFillAxes Source #


:: Int

Window width

-> Int

Window height

-> Int

Number of samples in each buffer

-> [GLfloat]

The color map

-> Render ()

Cairo Render object that draws the axes

-> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (Vector GLfloat) IO ()) 

Create a window and plot a dynamic filled in line graph of the incoming data. With Axes.


zeroAxes Source #


:: Int

Image width

-> Int

Image height

-> Double

X axis span

-> Double

X axis grid interval

-> Render () 

Create a Cairo RenderMode monad that draws a set of axes with 0 at the bottom left.

centeredAxes Source #


:: Int

Image width

-> Int

Image height

-> Double

Center X value

-> Double

X axis span

-> Double

X axis grid interval

-> Render () 

Create a Cairo RenderMode monad that draws a set of axes with the X axis centered on a specified value.