{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.State (lift) import SDL hiding (point, rotate) import Linear.V2 (V2(..)) import Linear.Affine (Point(..)) import SDL.Cairo import SDL.Cairo.Canvas import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C main :: IO () main = do initializeAll window <- createWindow "SDL2 Cairo Canvas" defaultWindow renderer <- createRenderer window (-1) defaultRenderer -- create a texture suitable to use cairo on texture <- createCairoTexture' renderer window appLoop renderer texture 0 (V2 0 0) -- clean up destroyTexture texture destroyRenderer renderer destroyWindow window return () appLoop :: Renderer -> Texture -> Int -> V2 Double -> IO () appLoop renderer texture framecount mousepos = do events <- pollEvents let quitEvent event = case eventPayload event of QuitEvent -> True _ -> False mouseMoveEvent e = case eventPayload e of MouseMotionEvent _ -> True _ -> False getMousePos (MouseMotionEvent (MouseMotionEventData _ _ _ (P p) _)) = fromIntegral <$> p getMousePos _ = V2 0 0 mousePositions = map getMousePos $ map eventPayload $ filter mouseMoveEvent events quit = any quitEvent events mousepos' = if null mousePositions then mousepos else head mousePositions -- draw on the texture withCanvas texture $ do drawExample drawRndCircle drawStars (fromIntegral framecount) drawTriangleStrip mousepos' drawBezierTest -- apply texture and show on screen copy renderer texture Nothing Nothing present renderer delay $ 1000 `div` 60 -- slow down to approx. 60 FPS unless quit (appLoop renderer texture (framecount+1) mousepos') -- | draw a circle in a random color drawRndCircle :: Canvas () drawRndCircle = do rnd <- random (0,255) fill $ gray rnd circle (V2 700 500) 100 fill $ gray 255 -- | some shapes, show some features drawExample :: Canvas () drawExample = do background $ gray 102 stroke $ blue 255 point $ V2 500 10 line (V2 0 0) (V2 100 100) line (V2 100 0) (V2 0 100) fill $ red 255 !@ 128 noStroke rect $ D 200 200 100 100 stroke $ green 255 !@ 128 fill $ blue 255 !@ 128 rect $ centered $ D 200 200 100 100 triangle (V2 700 300) (V2 750 400) (V2 700 400) strokeWeight 5 strokeJoin LineJoinRound stroke $ (blue 255 + red 255) !@ 128 fill $ rgb 0 255 255 !@ 128 polygon [V2 600 500,V2 610 505,V2 620 530, V2 600 530] circle (V2 200 500) 30 strokeWeight 1 ellipse $ D 100 500 30 50 pushMatrix translate $ V2 350 350 rotate $ pi/4 ellipse $ D 0 0 100 50 popMatrix ellipse $ D 0 0 100 50 -- render some text let txtpos = V2 100 50 textFont $ Font "Monospace" 30 False True offset <- text "sdl2-cairo " txtpos textFont $ Font "" 30 True False text "is AWESOME." $ txtpos + offset return () -- use Cairo Render API directly lift $ do C.setSourceRGB 1 1 0 C.moveTo 100 300 C.lineTo 200 400 C.stroke -- | ported star example from Processing home page drawStars :: Double -> Canvas () drawStars frameCount = do (V2 w h) <- getCanvasSize stroke $ gray 0 pushMatrix translate $ V2 (0.2*w) (0.3*h) rotate $ frameCount / 200 star 0 0 5 70 3 popMatrix pushMatrix translate $ V2 (0.5*w) (0.3*h) rotate $ frameCount / 400 star 0 0 80 100 40 popMatrix pushMatrix translate $ V2 (0.8*w) (0.3*h) rotate $ frameCount / (-100) star 0 0 30 70 5 popMatrix star :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Canvas () star x y r1 r2 n = do let angle = 2*pi/n halfAngle = angle/2 p1 a = V2 (x+cos a*r2) (y+sin a*r2) p2 a = V2 (x+cos (a+halfAngle)*r1) (y+sin (a+halfAngle)*r1) vertices = concatMap snd $ takeWhile (\(a, _) -> a<2*pi+angle) $ iterate (\(a, _) -> (a+angle,[p1 a, p2 a])) (0,[]) polygon vertices -- | ported triangle strip example from Processing homepage drawTriangleStrip :: V2 Double -> Canvas () drawTriangleStrip mousePos = do (V2 w h) <- getCanvasSize let (V2 mouseX mouseY) = mousePos pos = V2 (w/2) (h/4*3) n = fromIntegral $ round $ mapRange mouseX (0,w) (6,60) astep = 180/n insideRadius = 100 outsideRadius = 150 cossin a = V2 (cos a) (sin a) makeVert a = [ pos+cossin (radians a) * outsideRadius , pos+cossin (radians $ a+astep)*insideRadius ] vertices = concatMap makeVert $ map (2*astep*) [0..n] shape ShapeTriangleStrip vertices return () -- | draw bezier curve examples drawBezierTest :: Canvas () drawBezierTest = do pushMatrix translate $ V2 600 0 stroke $ rgb 255 102 0 line (V2 85 20) (V2 10 10) line (V2 90 90) (V2 15 80) stroke $ gray 0 bezier (V2 85 20) (V2 10 10) (V2 90 90) (V2 15 80) translate $ V2 100 0 stroke $ rgb 255 102 0 noFill line (V2 30 20) (V2 80 5) line (V2 80 75) (V2 30 75) stroke $ gray 0 bezier (V2 30 20) (V2 80 5) (V2 80 75) (V2 30 75) popMatrix