module Graphics.UI.SDL.Types ( -- * Type Aliases AudioCallback, AudioDeviceID, AudioFormat, Cond, Cursor, EventFilter, FingerID, GameController, GestureID, GLContext, Haptic, HintCallback, Joystick, JoystickID, LogOutputFunction, Mutex, Renderer, Sem, SpinLock, SysWMinfo, SysWMmsg, Texture, Thread, ThreadFunction, ThreadID, TimerCallback, TimerID, TLSID, TouchID, Window, -- * Data Structures Atomic(..), AudioCVT(..), AudioSpec(..), Color(..), DisplayMode(..), Event(..), Finger(..), GameControllerButtonBind(..), HapticDirection(..), HapticEffect(..), JoystickGUID(..), Keysym(..), MessageBoxButtonData(..), MessageBoxColor(..), MessageBoxColorScheme(..), MessageBoxData(..), Palette(..), PixelFormat(..), Point(..), Rect(..), RendererInfo(..), RWops(..), Surface(..), Version(..) ) where #include "SDL.h" import Data.Int import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Graphics.UI.SDL.Enum type AudioCallback = FunPtr (Ptr () -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO ()) type AudioDeviceID = Word32 type AudioFormat = Word16 type Cond = Ptr () type Cursor = Ptr () type EventFilter = FunPtr (Ptr () -> Ptr Event -> IO CInt) type FingerID = Int64 type GameController = Ptr () type GestureID = Int64 type GLContext = Ptr () type Haptic = Ptr () type HintCallback = FunPtr (Ptr () -> CString -> CString -> CString -> IO ()) type Joystick = Ptr () type JoystickID = Int32 type LogOutputFunction = FunPtr (Ptr () -> CInt -> LogPriority -> CString -> IO ()) type Mutex = Ptr () type Renderer = Ptr () type Sem = Ptr () type SpinLock = CInt type SysWMinfo = Ptr () type SysWMmsg = Ptr () type Texture = Ptr () type Thread = Ptr () type ThreadFunction = FunPtr (Ptr () -> IO CInt) type ThreadID = CULong type TimerCallback = FunPtr (Word32 -> Ptr () -> IO Word32) type TimerID = CInt type TLSID = CUInt type TouchID = Int64 type Window = Ptr () data Atomic = Atomic { atomicValue :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Atomic where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_atomic_t) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do value <- (#peek SDL_atomic_t, value) ptr return $! Atomic value poke ptr (Atomic value) = do (#poke SDL_atomic_t, value) ptr value data AudioCVT = AudioCVT { audioCVTNeeded :: CInt , audioCVTSrcFormat :: AudioFormat , audioCVTDstFormat :: AudioFormat , audioCVTRateIncr :: CDouble , audioCVTBuf :: Ptr Word8 , audioCVTLen :: CInt , audioCVTLenCvt :: CInt , audioCVTLenMult :: CInt , audioCVTLenRatio :: CDouble } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable AudioCVT where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_AudioCVT) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do needed <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, needed) ptr src_format <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, src_format) ptr dst_format <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, dst_format) ptr rate_incr <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, rate_incr) ptr buf <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, buf) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, len) ptr len_cvt <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, len_cvt) ptr len_mult <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, len_mult) ptr len_ratio <- (#peek SDL_AudioCVT, len_ratio) ptr return $! AudioCVT needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio poke ptr (AudioCVT needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio) = do (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, needed) ptr needed (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, src_format) ptr src_format (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, dst_format) ptr dst_format (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, rate_incr) ptr rate_incr (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, buf) ptr buf (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, len) ptr len (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, len_cvt) ptr len_cvt (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, len_mult) ptr len_mult (#poke SDL_AudioCVT, len_ratio) ptr len_ratio data AudioSpec = AudioSpec { audioSpecFreq :: CInt , audioSpecFormat :: AudioFormat , audioSpecChannels :: Word8 , audioSpecSilence :: Word8 , audioSpecSamples :: Word16 , audioSpecSize :: Word32 , audioSpecCallback :: AudioCallback , audioSpecUserdata :: Ptr () } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable AudioSpec where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_AudioSpec) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do freq <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, freq) ptr format <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, format) ptr channels <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, channels) ptr silence <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, silence) ptr samples <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, samples) ptr size <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, size) ptr callback <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, callback) ptr userdata <- (#peek SDL_AudioSpec, userdata) ptr return $! AudioSpec freq format channels silence samples size callback userdata poke ptr (AudioSpec freq format channels silence samples size callback userdata) = do (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, freq) ptr freq (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, format) ptr format (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, channels) ptr channels (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, silence) ptr silence (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, samples) ptr samples (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, size) ptr size (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, callback) ptr callback (#poke SDL_AudioSpec, userdata) ptr userdata data Color = Color { colorR :: Word8 , colorG :: Word8 , colorB :: Word8 , colorA :: Word8 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Color where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Color) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do r <- (#peek SDL_Color, r) ptr g <- (#peek SDL_Color, g) ptr b <- (#peek SDL_Color, b) ptr a <- (#peek SDL_Color, a) ptr return $! Color r g b a poke ptr (Color r g b a) = do (#poke SDL_Color, r) ptr r (#poke SDL_Color, g) ptr g (#poke SDL_Color, b) ptr b (#poke SDL_Color, a) ptr a data DisplayMode = DisplayMode { displayModeFormat :: Word32 , displayModeW :: CInt , displayModeH :: CInt , displayModeRefreshRate :: CInt , displayModeDriverData :: Ptr () } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable DisplayMode where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_DisplayMode) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do format <- (#peek SDL_DisplayMode, format) ptr w <- (#peek SDL_DisplayMode, w) ptr h <- (#peek SDL_DisplayMode, h) ptr refresh_rate <- (#peek SDL_DisplayMode, refresh_rate) ptr driverdata <- (#peek SDL_DisplayMode, driverdata) ptr return $! DisplayMode format w h refresh_rate driverdata poke ptr (DisplayMode format w h refresh_rate driverdata) = do (#poke SDL_DisplayMode, format) ptr format (#poke SDL_DisplayMode, w) ptr w (#poke SDL_DisplayMode, h) ptr h (#poke SDL_DisplayMode, refresh_rate) ptr refresh_rate (#poke SDL_DisplayMode, driverdata) ptr driverdata data Event = WindowEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , windowEventWindowID :: Word32 , windowEventEvent :: Word8 , windowEventData1 :: Int32 , windowEventData2 :: Int32 } | KeyboardEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , keyboardEventWindowID :: Word32 , keyboardEventState :: Word8 , keyboardEventRepeat :: Word8 , keyboardEventKeysym :: Keysym } | TextEditingEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , textEditingEventWindowID :: Word32 , textEditingEventText :: [CChar] , textEditingEventStart :: Int32 , textEditingEventLength :: Int32 } | TextInputEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , textInputEventWindowID :: Word32 , textInputEventText :: [CChar] } | MouseMotionEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , mouseMotionEventWindowID :: Word32 , mouseMotionEventWhich :: Word32 , mouseMotionEventState :: Word32 , mouseMotionEventX :: Int32 , mouseMotionEventY :: Int32 , mouseMotionEventXRel :: Int32 , mouseMotionEventYRel :: Int32 } | MouseButtonEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , mouseButtonEventWindowID :: Word32 , mouseButtonEventWhich :: Word32 , mouseButtonEventButton :: Word8 , mouseButtonEventState :: Word8 , mouseButtonEventClicks :: Word8 , mouseButtonEventX :: Int32 , mouseButtonEventY :: Int32 } | MouseWheelEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , mouseWheelEventWindowID :: Word32 , mouseWheelEventWhich :: Word32 , mouseWheelEventX :: Int32 , mouseWheelEventY :: Int32 } | JoyAxisEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , joyAxisEventWhich :: JoystickID , joyAxisEventAxis :: Word8 , joyAxisEventValue :: Int16 } | JoyBallEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , joyBallEventWhich :: JoystickID , joyBallEventBall :: Word8 , joyBallEventXRel :: Int16 , joyBallEventYRel :: Int16 } | JoyHatEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , joyHatEventWhich :: JoystickID , joyHatEventHat :: Word8 , joyHatEventValue :: Word8 } | JoyButtonEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , joyButtonEventWhich :: JoystickID , joyButtonEventButton :: Word8 , joyButtonEventState :: Word8 } | JoyDeviceEvent{ eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , joyDeviceEventWhich :: Int32 } | ControllerAxisEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , controllerAxisEventWhich :: JoystickID , controllerAxisEventAxis :: Word8 , controllerAxisEventValue :: Int16 } | ControllerButtonEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , controllerButtonEventWhich :: JoystickID , controllerButtonEventButton :: Word8 , controllerButtonEventState :: Word8 } | ControllerDeviceEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , controllerDeviceEventWhich :: Int32 } | QuitEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 } | UserEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , userEventWindowID :: Word32 , userEventCode :: Int32 , userEventData1 :: Ptr () , userEventData2 :: Ptr () } | SysWMEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , sysWMEventMsg :: SysWMmsg } | TouchFingerEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , touchFingerEventTouchID :: TouchID , touchFingerEventFingerID :: FingerID , touchFingerEventX :: CFloat , touchFingerEventY :: CFloat , touchFingerEventDX :: CFloat , touchFingerEventDY :: CFloat , touchFingerEventPressure :: CFloat } | MultiGestureEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , multiGestureEventTouchID :: TouchID , multiGestureEventDTheta :: CFloat , multiGestureEventDDist :: CFloat , multiGestureEventX :: CFloat , multiGestureEventY :: CFloat , multiGestureEventNumFingers :: Word16 } | DollarGestureEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , dollarGestureEventTouchID :: TouchID , dollarGestureEventGestureID :: GestureID , dollarGestureEventNumFingers :: Word32 , dollarGestureEventError :: CFloat , dollarGestureEventX :: CFloat , dollarGestureEventY :: CFloat } | DropEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 , dropEventFile :: CString } | ClipboardUpdateEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 } | UnknownEvent { eventType :: Word32 , eventTimestamp :: Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Event where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Event) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do typ <- (#peek SDL_Event, common.type) ptr timestamp <- (#peek SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr case typ of (#const SDL_QUIT) -> return $! QuitEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_WINDOWEVENT) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, window.windowID) ptr event <- (#peek SDL_Event, window.event) ptr data1 <- (#peek SDL_Event, window.data1) ptr data2 <- (#peek SDL_Event, window.data2) ptr return $! WindowEvent typ timestamp wid event data1 data2 (#const SDL_SYSWMEVENT) -> do msg <- (#peek SDL_Event, syswm.msg) ptr return $! SysWMEvent typ timestamp msg (#const SDL_KEYDOWN) -> key $ KeyboardEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_KEYUP) -> key $ KeyboardEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_TEXTEDITING) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, edit.windowID) ptr text <- peekArray (#const SDL_TEXTEDITINGEVENT_TEXT_SIZE) $ (#ptr SDL_Event, edit.text) ptr start <- (#peek SDL_Event, edit.start) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_Event, edit.length) ptr return $! TextEditingEvent typ timestamp wid text start len (#const SDL_TEXTINPUT) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, text.windowID) ptr text <- peekArray (#const SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE) $ (#ptr SDL_Event, text.text) ptr return $! TextInputEvent typ timestamp wid text (#const SDL_MOUSEMOTION) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.windowID) ptr which <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.which) ptr state <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.state) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.y) ptr xrel <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.xrel) ptr yrel <- (#peek SDL_Event, motion.yrel) ptr return $! MouseMotionEvent typ timestamp wid which state x y xrel yrel (#const SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) -> mouse $ MouseButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) -> mouse $ MouseButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, wheel.windowID) ptr which <- (#peek SDL_Event, wheel.which) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, wheel.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, wheel.y) ptr return $! MouseWheelEvent typ timestamp wid which x y (#const SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) -> do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, jaxis.which) ptr axis <- (#peek SDL_Event, jaxis.axis) ptr value <- (#peek SDL_Event, jaxis.value) ptr return $! JoyAxisEvent typ timestamp which axis value (#const SDL_JOYBALLMOTION) -> do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, jball.which) ptr ball <- (#peek SDL_Event, jball.ball) ptr xrel <- (#peek SDL_Event, jball.xrel) ptr yrel <- (#peek SDL_Event, jball.yrel) ptr return $! JoyBallEvent typ timestamp which ball xrel yrel (#const SDL_JOYHATMOTION) -> do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, jhat.which) ptr hat <- (#peek SDL_Event, jhat.hat) ptr value <- (#peek SDL_Event, jhat.value) ptr return $! JoyHatEvent typ timestamp which hat value (#const SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) -> joybutton $ JoyButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) -> joybutton $ JoyButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED) -> joydevice $ JoyDeviceEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED) -> joydevice $ JoyDeviceEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION) -> do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, caxis.which) ptr axis <- (#peek SDL_Event, caxis.axis) ptr value <- (#peek SDL_Event, caxis.value) ptr return $! ControllerButtonEvent typ timestamp which axis value (#const SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN) -> controllerbutton $ ControllerButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP) -> controllerbutton $ ControllerButtonEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED) -> controllerdevice $ ControllerDeviceEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED) -> controllerdevice $ ControllerDeviceEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED) -> controllerdevice $ ControllerDeviceEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_FINGERDOWN) -> finger $ TouchFingerEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_FINGERUP) -> finger $ TouchFingerEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_FINGERMOTION) -> finger $ TouchFingerEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_DOLLARGESTURE) -> dollargesture $ DollarGestureEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_DOLLARRECORD) -> dollargesture $ DollarGestureEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_MULTIGESTURE) -> do touchId <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.touchId) ptr dTheta <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.dTheta) ptr dDist <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.dDist) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.y) ptr numFingers <- (#peek SDL_Event, mgesture.numFingers) ptr return $! MultiGestureEvent typ timestamp touchId dTheta dDist x y numFingers (#const SDL_CLIPBOARDUPDATE) -> return $! ClipboardUpdateEvent typ timestamp (#const SDL_DROPFILE) -> do file <- (#peek SDL_Event, drop.file) ptr return $! DropEvent typ timestamp file x | x >= (#const SDL_USEREVENT) -> do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, user.windowID) ptr code <- (#peek SDL_Event, user.code) ptr data1 <- (#peek SDL_Event, user.data1) ptr data2 <- (#peek SDL_Event, user.data2) ptr return $! UserEvent typ timestamp wid code data1 data2 _ -> return $! UnknownEvent typ timestamp where key f = do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, key.windowID) ptr state <- (#peek SDL_Event, key.state) ptr repeat' <- (#peek SDL_Event, key.repeat) ptr keysym <- (#peek SDL_Event, key.keysym) ptr return $! f wid state repeat' keysym mouse f = do wid <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.windowID) ptr which <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.which) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.button) ptr state <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.state) ptr clicks <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.clicks) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, button.y) ptr return $! f wid which button state clicks x y joybutton f = do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, jbutton.which) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_Event, jbutton.button) ptr state <- (#peek SDL_Event, jbutton.state) ptr return $! f which button state joydevice f = do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, jdevice.which) ptr return $! f which controllerbutton f = do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, cbutton.which) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_Event, cbutton.button) ptr state <- (#peek SDL_Event, cbutton.state) ptr return $! f which button state controllerdevice f = do which <- (#peek SDL_Event, cdevice.which) ptr return $! f which finger f = do touchId <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.touchId) ptr fingerId <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.fingerId) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.y) ptr dx <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.dx) ptr dy <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.dy) ptr pressure <- (#peek SDL_Event, tfinger.pressure) ptr return $! f touchId fingerId x y dx dy pressure dollargesture f = do touchId <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.touchId) ptr gestureId <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.gestureId) ptr numFingers <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.numFingers) ptr err <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.error) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Event, dgesture.y) ptr return $! f touchId gestureId numFingers err x y poke ptr ev = case ev of WindowEvent typ timestamp wid event data1 data2 -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, window.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, window.event) ptr event (#poke SDL_Event, window.data1) ptr data1 (#poke SDL_Event, window.data2) ptr data2 KeyboardEvent typ timestamp wid state repeat' keysym -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, key.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, key.state) ptr state (#poke SDL_Event, key.repeat) ptr repeat' (#poke SDL_Event, key.keysym) ptr keysym TextEditingEvent typ timestamp wid text start len -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, edit.windowID) ptr wid pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_Event, edit.text) ptr) text (#poke SDL_Event, edit.start) ptr start (#poke SDL_Event, edit.length) ptr len TextInputEvent typ timestamp wid text -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, text.windowID) ptr wid pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_Event, text.text) ptr) text MouseMotionEvent typ timestamp wid which state x y xrel yrel -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, motion.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, motion.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, motion.state) ptr state (#poke SDL_Event, motion.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, motion.y) ptr y (#poke SDL_Event, motion.xrel) ptr xrel (#poke SDL_Event, motion.yrel) ptr yrel MouseButtonEvent typ timestamp wid which button state clicks x y -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, button.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, button.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, button.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_Event, button.state) ptr state (#poke SDL_Event, button.clicks) ptr clicks (#poke SDL_Event, button.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, button.y) ptr y MouseWheelEvent typ timestamp wid which x y -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, wheel.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, wheel.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, wheel.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, wheel.y) ptr y JoyAxisEvent typ timestamp which axis value -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, jaxis.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, jaxis.axis) ptr axis (#poke SDL_Event, jaxis.value) ptr value JoyBallEvent typ timestamp which ball xrel yrel -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, jball.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, jball.ball) ptr ball (#poke SDL_Event, jball.xrel) ptr xrel (#poke SDL_Event, jball.yrel) ptr yrel JoyHatEvent typ timestamp which hat value -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, jhat.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, jhat.hat) ptr hat (#poke SDL_Event, jhat.value) ptr value JoyButtonEvent typ timestamp which button state -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, jbutton.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, jbutton.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_Event, jbutton.state) ptr state JoyDeviceEvent typ timestamp which -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, jdevice.which) ptr which ControllerAxisEvent typ timestamp which axis value -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, caxis.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, caxis.axis) ptr axis (#poke SDL_Event, caxis.value) ptr value ControllerButtonEvent typ timestamp which button state -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, cbutton.which) ptr which (#poke SDL_Event, cbutton.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_Event, cbutton.state) ptr state ControllerDeviceEvent typ timestamp which -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, cdevice.which) ptr which QuitEvent typ timestamp -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp UserEvent typ timestamp wid code data1 data2 -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, user.windowID) ptr wid (#poke SDL_Event, user.code) ptr code (#poke SDL_Event, user.data1) ptr data1 (#poke SDL_Event, user.data2) ptr data2 SysWMEvent typ timestamp msg -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, syswm.msg) ptr msg TouchFingerEvent typ timestamp touchid fingerid x y dx dy pressure -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.touchId) ptr touchid (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.fingerId) ptr fingerid (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.y) ptr y (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.dx) ptr dx (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.dy) ptr dy (#poke SDL_Event, tfinger.pressure) ptr pressure MultiGestureEvent typ timestamp touchid dtheta ddist x y numfingers -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.touchId) ptr touchid (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.dTheta) ptr dtheta (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.dDist) ptr ddist (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.y) ptr y (#poke SDL_Event, mgesture.numFingers) ptr numfingers DollarGestureEvent typ timestamp touchid gestureid numfingers err x y -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.touchId) ptr touchid (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.gestureId) ptr gestureid (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.numFingers) ptr numfingers (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.error) ptr err (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Event, dgesture.y) ptr y ClipboardUpdateEvent typ timestamp -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp DropEvent typ timestamp file -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp (#poke SDL_Event, drop.file) ptr file UnknownEvent typ timestamp -> do (#poke SDL_Event, common.type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_Event, common.timestamp) ptr timestamp data Finger = Finger { fingerID :: FingerID , fingerX :: CFloat , fingerY :: CFloat , fingerPressure :: CFloat } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Finger where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Finger) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do fingerId <- (#peek SDL_Finger, id) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_Finger, x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Finger, y) ptr pressure <- (#peek SDL_Finger, pressure) ptr return $! Finger fingerId x y pressure poke ptr (Finger fingerId x y pressure) = do (#poke SDL_Finger, id) ptr fingerId (#poke SDL_Finger, x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Finger, y) ptr y (#poke SDL_Finger, pressure) ptr pressure data GameControllerButtonBind = GameControllerButtonBindNone | GameControllerButtonBindButton { gameControllerButtonBindButton :: CInt } | GameControllerButtonBindAxis { gameControllerButtonBindAxis :: CInt } | GameControllerButtonBindHat { gameControllerButtonBindHat :: CInt , gameControllerButtonBindHatMask :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable GameControllerButtonBind where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_GameControllerButtonBind) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do bind_type <- (#peek SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, bindType) ptr case bind_type :: (#type SDL_GameControllerBindType) of (#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_NONE) -> do return $! GameControllerButtonBindNone (#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON) -> do button <- (#peek SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.button) ptr return $! GameControllerButtonBindButton button (#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_AXIS) -> do axis <- (#peek SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.axis) ptr return $! GameControllerButtonBindAxis axis (#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_HAT) -> do hat <- (#peek SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.hat.hat) ptr hat_mask <- (#peek SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.hat.hat_mask) ptr return $! GameControllerButtonBindHat hat hat_mask _ -> error $ "Unknown type " ++ show bind_type ++ " for SDL_GameControllerButtonBind" poke ptr bind = case bind of GameControllerButtonBindNone -> do (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, bindType) ptr ((#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_NONE) :: (#type SDL_GameControllerBindType)) GameControllerButtonBindButton button -> do (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, bindType) ptr ((#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON) :: (#type SDL_GameControllerBindType)) (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.button) ptr button GameControllerButtonBindAxis axis -> do (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, bindType) ptr ((#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_AXIS) :: (#type SDL_GameControllerBindType)) (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.axis) ptr axis GameControllerButtonBindHat hat hat_mask -> do (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, bindType) ptr ((#const SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_HAT) :: (#type SDL_GameControllerBindType)) (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.hat.hat) ptr hat (#poke SDL_GameControllerButtonBind, value.hat.hat_mask) ptr hat_mask data HapticDirection = HapticDirection { hapticDirectionType :: Word8 , hapticDirectionX :: Int32 , hapticDirectionY :: Int32 , hapticDirectionZ :: Int32 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable HapticDirection where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_HapticDirection) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do typ <- (#peek SDL_HapticDirection, type) ptr x <- (#peek SDL_HapticDirection, dir[0]) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_HapticDirection, dir[1]) ptr z <- (#peek SDL_HapticDirection, dir[2]) ptr return $! HapticDirection typ x y z poke ptr (HapticDirection typ x y z) = do (#poke SDL_HapticDirection, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticDirection, dir[0]) ptr x (#poke SDL_HapticDirection, dir[1]) ptr y (#poke SDL_HapticDirection, dir[2]) ptr z data HapticEffect = HapticConstant { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticConstantDirection :: HapticDirection , hapticConstantLength :: Word32 , hapticConstantDelay :: Word16 , hapticConstantButton :: Word16 , hapticConstantInterval :: Word16 , hapticConstantLevel :: Int16 , hapticConstantAttackLength :: Word16 , hapticConstantAttackLevel :: Word16 , hapticConstantFadeLength :: Word16 , hapticConstantFadeLevel :: Word16 } | HapticPeriodic { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicDirection :: HapticDirection , hapticPeriodicLength :: Word32 , hapticPeriodicDelay :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicButton :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicInterval :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicPeriod :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicMagnitude :: Int16 , hapticPeriodicOffset :: Int16 , hapticPeriodicPhase :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicAttackLength :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicAttackLevel :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicFadeLength :: Word16 , hapticPeriodicFadeLevel :: Word16 } | HapticCondition { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticConditionLength :: Word32 , hapticConditionDelay :: Word16 , hapticConditionButton :: Word16 , hapticConditionInterval :: Word16 , hapticConditionRightSat :: [Word16] , hapticConditionLeftSat :: [Word16] , hapticConditionRightCoeff :: [Int16] , hapticConditionLeftCoeff :: [Int16] , hapticConditionDeadband :: [Word16] , hapticConditionCenter :: [Int16] } | HapticRamp { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticRampDirection :: HapticDirection , hapticRampLength :: Word32 , hapticRampDelay :: Word16 , hapticRampButton :: Word16 , hapticRampInterval :: Word16 , hapticRampStart :: Int16 , hapticRampEnd :: Int16 , hapticRampAttackLength :: Word16 , hapticRampAttackLevel :: Word16 , hapticRampFadeLength :: Word16 , hapticRampFadeLevel :: Word16 } | HapticLeftRight { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticLeftRightLength :: Word32 , hapticLeftRightLargeMagnitude :: Word16 , hapticLeftRightSmallMagnitude :: Word16 } | HapticCustom { hapticEffectType :: Word16 , hapticCustomDirection :: HapticDirection , hapticCustomLength :: Word32 , hapticCustomDelay :: Word16 , hapticCustomButton :: Word16 , hapticCustomInterval :: Word16 , hapticCustomChannels :: Word8 , hapticCustomPeriod :: Word16 , hapticCustomSamples :: Word16 , hapticCustomData :: Ptr Word16 , hapticCustomAttackLength :: Word16 , hapticCustomAttackLevel :: Word16 , hapticCustomFadeLength :: Word16 , hapticCustomFadeLevel :: Word16 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable HapticEffect where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_HapticEffect) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do typ <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr case typ of (#const SDL_HAPTIC_CONSTANT) -> do direction <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.direction) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.length) ptr delay <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.delay) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.button) ptr interval <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.interval) ptr level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.level) ptr attack_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.attack_length) ptr attack_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.attack_level) ptr fade_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.fade_length) ptr fade_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, constant.fade_level) ptr return $! HapticConstant typ direction len delay button interval level attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level (#const SDL_HAPTIC_SINE) -> hapticperiodic $ HapticPeriodic typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_TRIANGLE) -> hapticperiodic $ HapticPeriodic typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_SAWTOOTHUP) -> hapticperiodic $ HapticPeriodic typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_SAWTOOTHDOWN) -> hapticperiodic $ HapticPeriodic typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_RAMP) -> do direction <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.direction) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.length) ptr delay <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.delay) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.button) ptr interval <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.interval) ptr start <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.start) ptr end <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.end) ptr attack_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.attack_length) ptr attack_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.attack_level) ptr fade_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.fade_length) ptr fade_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.fade_level) ptr return $! HapticRamp typ direction len delay button interval start end attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level (#const SDL_HAPTIC_SPRING) -> hapticcondition $ HapticCondition typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_DAMPER) -> hapticcondition $ HapticCondition typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_INERTIA) -> hapticcondition $ HapticCondition typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_FRICTION) -> hapticcondition $ HapticCondition typ (#const SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT) -> do len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.length) ptr large_magnitude <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.large_magnitude) ptr small_magnitude <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.small_magnitude) ptr return $! HapticLeftRight typ len large_magnitude small_magnitude (#const SDL_HAPTIC_CUSTOM) -> do direction <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.direction) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.length) ptr delay <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.delay) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.button) ptr interval <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.interval) ptr channels <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.channels) ptr period <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.period) ptr samples <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.samples) ptr datum <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, ptr attack_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.attack_length) ptr attack_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.attack_level) ptr fade_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.fade_length) ptr fade_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, custom.fade_level) ptr return $! HapticCustom typ direction len delay button interval channels period samples datum attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level _ -> error $ "Unknown type " ++ show typ ++ " for SDL_HapticEffect" where hapticperiodic f = do direction <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.direction) ptr len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.length) ptr delay <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.delay) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.button) ptr interval <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.interval) ptr period <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.period) ptr magnitude <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.magnitude) ptr offset <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.offset) ptr phase <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.phase) ptr attack_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.attack_length) ptr attack_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.attack_level) ptr fade_length <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.fade_length) ptr fade_level <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.fade_level) ptr return $! f direction len delay button interval period magnitude offset phase attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level hapticcondition f = do len <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, condition.length) ptr delay <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, condition.delay) ptr button <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, condition.button) ptr interval <- (#peek SDL_HapticEffect, condition.interval) ptr right_sat <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.right_sat) ptr left_sat <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.left_sat) ptr right_coeff <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.right_coeff) ptr left_coeff <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.left_coeff) ptr deadband <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.deadband) ptr center <- peekArray 3 $ (#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, ptr return $! f len delay button interval right_sat left_sat right_coeff left_coeff deadband center poke ptr event = case event of HapticConstant typ direction len delay button interval level attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.direction) ptr direction (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.delay) ptr delay (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.interval) ptr interval (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.level) ptr level (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.attack_length) ptr attack_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.attack_level) ptr attack_level (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.fade_length) ptr fade_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, constant.fade_level) ptr fade_level HapticPeriodic typ direction len delay button interval period magnitude offset phase attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.direction) ptr direction (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.delay) ptr delay (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.interval) ptr interval (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.period) ptr period (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.magnitude) ptr magnitude (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.offset) ptr offset (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.phase) ptr phase (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.attack_length) ptr attack_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.attack_level) ptr attack_level (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.fade_length) ptr fade_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, periodic.fade_level) ptr fade_level HapticCondition typ len delay button interval right_sat left_sat right_coeff left_coeff deadband center -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, condition.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, condition.delay) ptr delay (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, condition.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, condition.interval) ptr interval pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.right_sat) ptr) right_sat pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.left_sat) ptr) left_sat pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.right_coeff) ptr) right_coeff pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.left_coeff) ptr) left_coeff pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, condition.deadband) ptr) deadband pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_HapticEffect, ptr) center HapticRamp typ direction len delay button interval start end attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.direction) ptr direction (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.delay) ptr delay (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.interval) ptr interval (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.start) ptr start (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.end) ptr end (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.attack_length) ptr attack_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.attack_level) ptr attack_level (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.fade_length) ptr fade_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ramp.fade_level) ptr fade_level HapticLeftRight typ len large_magnitude small_magnitude -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.large_magnitude) ptr large_magnitude (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, leftright.small_magnitude) ptr small_magnitude HapticCustom typ direction len delay button interval channels period samples datum attack_length attack_level fade_length fade_level -> do (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, type) ptr typ (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.direction) ptr direction (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.length) ptr len (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.delay) ptr delay (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.button) ptr button (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.interval) ptr interval (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.channels) ptr channels (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.period) ptr period (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.samples) ptr samples (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, ptr datum (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.attack_length) ptr attack_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.attack_level) ptr attack_level (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.fade_length) ptr fade_length (#poke SDL_HapticEffect, custom.fade_level) ptr fade_level data JoystickGUID = JoystickGUID { joystickGUID :: [Word8] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable JoystickGUID where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_JoystickGUID) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do guid <- peekArray 16 $ (#ptr SDL_JoystickGUID, data) ptr return $! JoystickGUID guid poke ptr (JoystickGUID guid) = pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_JoystickGUID, data) ptr) guid data Keysym = Keysym { keysymScancode :: Scancode , keysymKeycode :: Keycode , keysymMod :: Word16 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Keysym where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Keysym) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do scancode <- (#peek SDL_Keysym, scancode) ptr sym <- (#peek SDL_Keysym, sym) ptr mod' <- (#peek SDL_Keysym, mod) ptr return $! Keysym scancode sym mod' poke ptr (Keysym scancode sym mod') = do (#poke SDL_Keysym, scancode) ptr scancode (#poke SDL_Keysym, sym) ptr sym (#poke SDL_Keysym, mod) ptr mod' data MessageBoxButtonData = MessageBoxButtonData { messageBoxButtonDataFlags :: Word32 , messageBoxButtonButtonID :: CInt , messageBoxButtonText :: CString } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable MessageBoxButtonData where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_MessageBoxButtonData) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do flags <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, flags) ptr buttonid <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, buttonid) ptr text <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, text) ptr return $! MessageBoxButtonData flags buttonid text poke ptr (MessageBoxButtonData flags buttonid text) = do (#poke SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, flags) ptr flags (#poke SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, buttonid) ptr buttonid (#poke SDL_MessageBoxButtonData, text) ptr text data MessageBoxColor = MessageBoxColor { messageBoxColorR :: Word8 , messageBoxColorG :: Word8 , messageBoxColorB :: Word8 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable MessageBoxColor where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_MessageBoxColor) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do r <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColor, r) ptr g <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColor, g) ptr b <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColor, b) ptr return $! MessageBoxColor r g b poke ptr (MessageBoxColor r g b) = do (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColor, r) ptr r (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColor, g) ptr g (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColor, b) ptr b data MessageBoxColorScheme = MessageBoxColorScheme { messageBoxColorSchemeColorBackground :: MessageBoxColor , messageBoxColorSchemeColorText :: MessageBoxColor , messageBoxColorSchemeColorButtonBorder :: MessageBoxColor , messageBoxColorSchemeColorButtonBackground :: MessageBoxColor , messageBoxColorSchemeColorButtonSelected :: MessageBoxColor } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable MessageBoxColorScheme where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do background <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BACKGROUND]) ptr text <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_TEXT]) ptr button_border <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_BORDER]) ptr button_background <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND]) ptr button_selected <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_SELECTED]) ptr return $! MessageBoxColorScheme background text button_border button_background button_selected poke ptr (MessageBoxColorScheme background text button_border button_background button_selected) = do (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BACKGROUND]) ptr background (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_TEXT]) ptr text (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_BORDER]) ptr button_border (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND]) ptr button_background (#poke SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, colors[SDL_MESSAGEBOX_COLOR_BUTTON_SELECTED]) ptr button_selected data MessageBoxData = MessageBoxData { messageBoxDataFlags :: Word32 , messageBoxDataWindow :: Window , messageBoxDataTitle :: CString , messageBoxDataMessage :: CString , messageBoxDataNumButtons :: CInt , messageBoxDataButtons :: Ptr MessageBoxButtonData , messageBoxDataColorScheme :: Ptr MessageBoxColorScheme } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable MessageBoxData where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_MessageBoxData) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do flags <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, flags) ptr window <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, window) ptr title <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, title) ptr message <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, message) ptr numbuttons <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, numbuttons) ptr buttons <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, buttons) ptr color_scheme <- (#peek SDL_MessageBoxData, colorScheme) ptr return $! MessageBoxData flags window title message numbuttons buttons color_scheme poke ptr (MessageBoxData flags window title message numbuttons buttons color_scheme) = do (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, flags) ptr flags (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, window) ptr window (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, title) ptr title (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, message) ptr message (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, numbuttons) ptr numbuttons (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, buttons) ptr buttons (#poke SDL_MessageBoxData, colorScheme) ptr color_scheme data Palette = Palette { paletteNColors :: CInt , paletteColors :: Ptr Color } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Palette where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Palette) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do ncolors <- (#peek SDL_Palette, ncolors) ptr colors <- (#peek SDL_Palette, colors) ptr return $! Palette ncolors colors poke ptr (Palette ncolors colors) = do (#poke SDL_Palette, ncolors) ptr ncolors (#poke SDL_Palette, colors) ptr colors data PixelFormat = PixelFormat { pixelFormatFormat :: Word32 , pixelFormatPalette :: Ptr Palette , pixelFormatBitsPerPixel :: Word8 , pixelFormatBytesPerPixel :: Word8 , pixelFormatRMask :: Word32 , pixelFormatGMask :: Word32 , pixelFormatBMask :: Word32 , pixelFormatAMask :: Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable PixelFormat where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_PixelFormat) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do format <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, format) ptr palette <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, palette) ptr bits_per_pixel <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, BitsPerPixel) ptr bytes_per_pixel <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, BytesPerPixel) ptr rmask <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, Rmask) ptr gmask <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, Gmask) ptr bmask <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, Bmask) ptr amask <- (#peek SDL_PixelFormat, Amask) ptr return $! PixelFormat format palette bits_per_pixel bytes_per_pixel rmask gmask bmask amask poke ptr (PixelFormat format palette bits_per_pixel bytes_per_pixel rmask gmask bmask amask) = do (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, format) ptr format (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, palette) ptr palette (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, BitsPerPixel) ptr bits_per_pixel (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, BytesPerPixel) ptr bytes_per_pixel (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, Rmask) ptr rmask (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, Gmask) ptr gmask (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, Bmask) ptr bmask (#poke SDL_PixelFormat, Amask) ptr amask data Point = Point { pointX :: CInt , pointY :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Point where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Point) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do x <- (#peek SDL_Point, x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Point, y) ptr return $! Point x y poke ptr (Point x y) = do (#poke SDL_Point, x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Point, y) ptr y data Rect = Rect { rectX :: CInt , rectY :: CInt , rectW :: CInt , rectH :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Rect where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Rect) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do x <- (#peek SDL_Rect, x) ptr y <- (#peek SDL_Rect, y) ptr w <- (#peek SDL_Rect, w) ptr h <- (#peek SDL_Rect, h) ptr return $! Rect x y w h poke ptr (Rect x y w h) = do (#poke SDL_Rect, x) ptr x (#poke SDL_Rect, y) ptr y (#poke SDL_Rect, w) ptr w (#poke SDL_Rect, h) ptr h data RendererInfo = RendererInfo { rendererInfoName :: CString , rendererInfoFlags :: Word32 , rendererInfoNumTextureFormats :: Word32 , rendererInfoTextureFormats :: [Word32] , rendererInfoMaxTextureWidth :: CInt , rendererInfoMaxTextureHeight :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable RendererInfo where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_RendererInfo) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do name <- (#peek SDL_RendererInfo, name) ptr flags <- (#peek SDL_RendererInfo, flags) ptr num_texture_formats <- (#peek SDL_RendererInfo, num_texture_formats) ptr texture_formats <- peekArray 16 $ (#ptr SDL_RendererInfo, texture_formats) ptr max_texture_width <- (#peek SDL_RendererInfo, max_texture_width) ptr max_texture_height <- (#peek SDL_RendererInfo, max_texture_height) ptr return $! RendererInfo name flags num_texture_formats texture_formats max_texture_width max_texture_height poke ptr (RendererInfo name flags num_texture_formats texture_formats max_texture_width max_texture_height) = do (#poke SDL_RendererInfo, name) ptr name (#poke SDL_RendererInfo, flags) ptr flags (#poke SDL_RendererInfo, num_texture_formats) ptr num_texture_formats pokeArray ((#ptr SDL_RendererInfo, texture_formats) ptr) texture_formats (#poke SDL_RendererInfo, max_texture_width) ptr max_texture_width (#poke SDL_RendererInfo, max_texture_height) ptr max_texture_height data RWops = RWops { rwopsSize :: FunPtr (Ptr RWops -> IO Int64) , rwopsSeek :: FunPtr (Ptr RWops -> Int64 -> CInt -> IO Int64) , rwopsRead :: FunPtr (Ptr RWops -> Ptr () -> CSize -> CSize -> IO CSize) , rwopsWrite :: FunPtr (Ptr RWops -> Ptr () -> CSize -> CSize -> IO CSize) , rwopsClose :: FunPtr (Ptr RWops -> IO CInt) , rwopsType :: Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable RWops where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_RWops) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do size <- (#peek SDL_RWops, size) ptr seek <- (#peek SDL_RWops, seek) ptr read' <- (#peek SDL_RWops, read) ptr write <- (#peek SDL_RWops, write) ptr close <- (#peek SDL_RWops, close) ptr typ <- (#peek SDL_RWops, type) ptr return $! RWops size seek read' write close typ poke ptr (RWops size seek read' write close typ) = do (#poke SDL_RWops, size) ptr size (#poke SDL_RWops, seek) ptr seek (#poke SDL_RWops, read) ptr read' (#poke SDL_RWops, write) ptr write (#poke SDL_RWops, close) ptr close (#poke SDL_RWops, type) ptr typ data Surface = Surface { surfaceFormat :: Ptr PixelFormat , surfaceW :: CInt , surfaceH :: CInt , surfacePixels :: Ptr () , surfaceUserdata :: Ptr () , surfaceClipRect :: Rect , surfaceRefcount :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Surface where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_Surface) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do format <- (#peek SDL_Surface, format) ptr w <- (#peek SDL_Surface, w) ptr h <- (#peek SDL_Surface, h) ptr pixels <- (#peek SDL_Surface, pixels) ptr userdata <- (#peek SDL_Surface, userdata) ptr cliprect <- (#peek SDL_Surface, clip_rect) ptr refcount <- (#peek SDL_Surface, refcount) ptr return $! Surface format w h pixels userdata cliprect refcount poke ptr (Surface format w h pixels userdata cliprect refcount) = do (#poke SDL_Surface, format) ptr format (#poke SDL_Surface, w) ptr w (#poke SDL_Surface, h) ptr h (#poke SDL_Surface, pixels) ptr pixels (#poke SDL_Surface, userdata) ptr userdata (#poke SDL_Surface, clip_rect) ptr cliprect (#poke SDL_Surface, refcount) ptr refcount data Version = Version { versionMajor :: Word8 , versionMinor :: Word8 , versionPatch :: Word8 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Version where sizeOf _ = (#size SDL_version) alignment = sizeOf peek ptr = do major <- (#peek SDL_version, major) ptr minor <- (#peek SDL_version, minor) ptr patch <- (#peek SDL_version, patch) ptr return $! Version major minor patch poke ptr (Version major minor patch) = do (#poke SDL_version, major) ptr major (#poke SDL_version, minor) ptr minor (#poke SDL_version, patch) ptr patch