module Control.Scheduling.Solve (solveSchedule, printSchedules) where import Data.SBV import Data.SBV.Trans.Control import Control.Scheduling.State (State(..), individualMeetings, groupMeetings, faculty, prospects, requestedMeetings) import Control.Scheduling.Preference import Control.Scheduling.Person import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Control.Scheduling.Person (Person(..), availability, firstName, lastName, fullName, preferences) import Control.Scheduling.TimeSpan (TimeSpan(..), stringsToSlots, start, end) import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.Bimap (Bimap) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Bimap as Bimap import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.SBV.List as L import Text.Read import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Text (Text) import Debug.Trace (traceShowId) type Vars = Map (Int, Int, Int) SBool type GVars = Map ((Int, [Int]), Int) SBool type SVars = Map (Int, Int) (SList Bool) -- [SBool] type Maxes = (Int, Int, Int) type Ctx = (Maxes, Bimap (Text, Text) Int, Bimap (Text, Text) Int, Bimap TimeSpan Int) type GMR = [((Text, Text), [[(Text, Text)]])] frequency :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)] frequency xs = Map.toList (Map.fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs]) getCurrentCount :: State -> Map (Text, Text) Int getCurrentCount state = Map.fromListWith (+) (pro ++ base) where fac = (Map.toList . fromMaybe Map.empty) $ state^.individualMeetings base = map (\p -> ((p^.firstName, p^.lastName), 0)) (state ^. prospects) mts = concat $ map (Map.toList . snd) fac pro = map ((,1) . fst) mts validate state oldstate = if all (\(f,p,t) -> t `elem` f && t `elem` p) mtgs then "valid" else "invalid" where flu = Map.fromList $ map (\p -> ((p^.firstName, p^.lastName), fromJust $ p^.availability)) (oldstate^.faculty) plu = Map.fromList $ map (\p -> ((p^.firstName, p^.lastName), fromJust $ p^.availability)) (oldstate^.prospects) mtgs = concat $ (map (\(k, v) -> concat $ [[(flu Map.! k, plu Map.! p, t) | t <- ts] | (p, ts) <- Map.toList v]) . Map.toList . fromJust) $ state^.individualMeetings people = [] -- -- -- solveSchedule :: State -> IO State solveSchedule state = do let state''' = state & individualMeetings .~ (Just Map.empty) --state' <- solveGroupMeetings state''' --state' <- solveScheduleTier state''' 1 Map.empty False state' <- solveSchedule' state''' -- let mtgs' = concat ((map Map.keys . Map.elems . fromMaybe Map.empty) $ state'' ^. individualMeetings) -- cts' = Map.fromListWith (+) (map (, 1) mtgs') -- pmaxes = Map.fromListWith (+) $ (map (,1) . map (\p -> (p^.firstName, p^.lastName)) . concat . map Map.keys . map (\f -> fromJust $ f^.preferences)) (state^.faculty) -- print cts' -- print $ (sum . map snd . Map.toList) cts' -- let target = 3 -- cur = getCurrentCount state'' -- needed = Map.mapWithKey (\k v -> max 0 ((max target (pmaxes Map.! k))- v)) cur -- print needed -- print $ (sum . map snd . Map.toList) needed -- print $ state'' ^. individualMeetings -- print $ validate state'' state -- state' <- solveScheduleTier state'' 1 needed True -- let bmtgs' = concat ((map Map.keys . Map.elems . fromMaybe Map.empty) $ state' ^. individualMeetings) -- bcts' = Map.fromListWith (+) (map (, 1) bmtgs') -- print bcts' -- print $ (sum . map snd . Map.toList) bcts' -- let target = 3 -- bcur = getCurrentCount state' -- bneeded = (\v -> max 0 (target - v)) bcur -- print bneeded -- print $ (sum . map snd . Map.toList) bneeded -- print $ validate state' state -- print $ getCurrentCount state' -- --print $ [(p ^. firstName, p ^. lastName, (length . fromJust) (p ^. availability)) | p <- state' ^. prospects] -- --print $ [(p ^. firstName, p ^. lastName, (length . fromJust) (p ^. availability)) | p <- state' ^. faculty] -- let mtgs'' = concat ((map Map.keys . Map.elems . fromMaybe Map.empty) $ state' ^. individualMeetings) -- cts'' = Map.fromListWith (+) (map (, 1) mtgs'') -- print cts'' -- state' = state'' --state' <- solveScheduleTier state'' 1 Map.empty -- needed --let fac = state' ^. faculty -- n = 2 -- state'' = state' & faculty .~ (map (unasked n (state' ^. prospects)) fac) -- sched = (map (Map.keys . snd) . Map.toList . fromJust) $ state' ^. individualMeetings -- counts = frequency $ concat sched --print $ state' ^. schedule --state''' <- solveScheduleTier state'' n --let state''''' = state''' -- let fac = state''' ^. faculty -- n = 1 -- state'''' = state''' & faculty .~ (map (unasked n (state''' ^. prospects)) fac) -- sched = (map (Map.keys . snd) . Map.toList . fromJust) $ state''' ^. schedule -- counts = frequency $ concat sched -- print counts -- state''''' <- solveScheduleTier state'' n --let sched = (map (Map.keys . snd) . Map.toList . fromJust) $ state''''' ^. schedule -- counts = frequency $ concat sched --print counts --printSchedules state''''' return state' unasked :: Int -> [Person] -> Person -> Person unasked n ps f = f & preferences ?~ prefs'' where prefs' = [p ^. fullName | p <- (Map.keys . fromJust) $ f ^. preferences] prefs'' = Map.fromList [(p, n) | p <- ps, not $ elem (p ^. fullName) prefs'] --(k, v) <- Map.toList prefs', v == (-1)] contiguous :: [TimeSpan] -> Bool contiguous [] = True contiguous (a:[]) = True contiguous (a:b:rest) = (a ^. end) == (b ^. start) && (contiguous (b:rest)) collapseSlots :: Int -> [TimeSpan] -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] collapseSlots n ss = Map.fromList $ go ss [] where go [] acc = acc go ss' acc = if contiguous s && length s == n then go e (tpl:acc) else go (tail ss') acc where (s, e) = splitAt n ss' s' = head s e' = last s tpl = (TimeSpan (s' ^. start) (e' ^. end), s) -- (s, e) = splitAt n ss' -- tpl = (TimeSpan ((head s) ^. start) ((last s) ^. end), s) solveScheduleTier :: State -> Int -> Map (Text, Text) Int -> Bool -> IO State solveScheduleTier state tier rem strict = do let sts = collapseSlots tier ((fromJust . _slots) state) facs = enblocken (_faculty state) sts prosps = enblocken (_prospects state) sts ctx@(_, _, plu, _) = makeContext facs prosps (Map.keys sts) rem' = Map.mapKeys (\k -> plu Bimap.! k) rem sol <- satWith z3 $ problem ctx facs prosps sts tier rem' strict state let sol' = getModelDictionary sol let iVars = Map.fromList $ map (\(k, v) -> (read k :: (Int, Int, Int), fromCV v :: Bool)) [(k, v) | (k, v) <- Map.toList sol', k /= "goal" && (not $ '[' `elem` k)] case sol of u@(SatResult (Unsatisfiable cfg cores)) -> print (u, cfg, cores) _ -> print $ "solved tier " ++ (show tier) return $ updateState state iVars ctx sts solveSchedule' :: State -> IO State solveSchedule' state = do let tier = 1 sts = collapseSlots tier ((fromJust . _slots) state) facs = enblocken (_faculty state) sts prosps = enblocken (_prospects state) sts ctx@(_, _, plu, _) = makeContext facs prosps (Map.keys sts) rem' = Map.empty --Map.mapKeys (\k -> plu Bimap.! k) rem strict = True sol <- satWith z3 $ problem ctx facs prosps sts tier rem' strict state let sol' = getModelDictionary sol let iVars = Map.fromList $ map (\(k, v) -> (read k :: (Int, Int, Int), fromCV v :: Bool)) [(k, v) | (k, v) <- Map.toList sol', k /= "goal" && (not $ '[' `elem` k)] case sol of u@(SatResult (Unsatisfiable cfg cores)) -> print (u, cfg, cores) _ -> print $ "solved!" return $ updateState state iVars ctx sts solveGroupMeetings :: State -> IO State solveGroupMeetings state = do let tier = 1 sts = collapseSlots tier ((fromJust . _slots) state) facs = enblocken (_faculty state) sts prosps = enblocken (_prospects state) sts ctx@(_, _, plu, _) = makeContext facs prosps (Map.keys sts) --rem' = Map.mapKeys (\k -> plu Bimap.! k) rem sol <- satWith z3 $ groupProblem ctx facs prosps sts tier state let sol' = getModelDictionary sol let iVars = Map.fromList $ map (\(k, v) -> (read k :: (Int, Int, Int), fromCV v :: Bool)) [(k, v) | (k, v) <- Map.toList sol', k /= "goal" && (not $ '[' `elem` k)] case sol of u@(SatResult (Unsatisfiable cfg cores)) -> print (u, cfg, cores) _ -> print $ "solved groups" return $ updateGroupMeetings state iVars ctx sts updateGroupMeetings :: State -> Map (Int, Int, Int) Bool -> Ctx -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] -> State updateGroupMeetings state vars ctx sts = state enblocken :: [Person] -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] -> [Person] enblocken facs lu = map go facs where go f = f & availability ?~ [k | (k, vs) <- Map.toList lu, all (\v -> elem v (fromJust $ f ^. availability)) vs] updateState :: State -> Map (Int, Int, Int) Bool -> Ctx -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] -> State updateState state vars ctx timeLookup = state & faculty .~ fac' & prospects .~ prosp' & individualMeetings ?~ newSched where ((nFac, nProsp, nSlot), fLU, pLU, sLU) = ctx fac' = [updateAvailability f (concat [timeLookup Map.! (sLU Bimap.!> sid) | ((fid, pid, sid), b) <- Map.toList vars, b == True, fid == fLU Bimap.! (f ^. fullName)]) | f <- state ^. faculty] prosp' = [updateAvailability p (concat [timeLookup Map.! (sLU Bimap.!> sid) | ((fid, pid, sid), b) <- Map.toList vars, b == True, pid == pLU Bimap.! (p ^. fullName)]) | p <- state ^. prospects] oldSched = fromMaybe Map.empty (state ^. individualMeetings) newSched = Map.fromList [(f ^. fullName, updateFacultySchedule (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty (f ^. fullName) oldSched) [(pLU Bimap.!> pid, timeLookup Map.! (sLU Bimap.!> sid)) | ((fid, pid, sid), b) <- Map.toList vars, b == True, fid == fLU Bimap.! (f ^. fullName)] ) | f <- state ^. faculty] -- Remove assigned time slots from faculty availability updateAvailability :: Person -> [TimeSpan] -> Person updateAvailability p ts = p & availability ?~ [a | a <- oldAvail, not $ elem a ts] where oldAvail = fromJust $ p ^. availability updateFacultySchedule :: Map (Text, Text) [TimeSpan] -> [((Text, Text), [TimeSpan])] -> Map (Text, Text) [TimeSpan] updateFacultySchedule sched assign = Map.fromList $ Map.toList sched ++ assign updateFacultyGroupSchedule :: Map [(Text, Text)] [TimeSpan] -> [([(Text, Text)], [TimeSpan])] -> Map [(Text, Text)] [TimeSpan] updateFacultyGroupSchedule sched assign = Map.fromList $ Map.toList sched ++ assign makeContext :: [Person] -> [Person] -> [TimeSpan] -> Ctx makeContext faculty prospects slots = (maxes, facLU, prospLU, slotLU) where nFac = length faculty nProsp = length prospects nSlot = length slots maxes = (nFac, nProsp, nSlot) facLU = Bimap.fromList (zip [f ^. fullName | f <- faculty] [1..]) prospLU = Bimap.fromList (zip [p ^. fullName | p <- prospects] [1..]) slotLU = Bimap.fromList (zip slots [1..]) testVars flu plu slu pst fst (f, p, s) = sl `elem` pls && sl `elem` fls where sl = slu Bimap.!> s pls = pst Map.! (plu Bimap.!> p) fls = fst Map.! (flu Bimap.!> f) groupProblem :: Ctx -> [Person] -> [Person] -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] -> Int -> State -> Goal groupProblem ctx interviewers interviewees slots tier state = undefined -- let mtgs = -- return () gms = [ (("Neha", "Verma"), [("Kenton", "Murray"), ("Kevin", "Duh")]) , (("Orion", "Weller"), [("Paul", "Mcnamee"), ("Kevin", "Duh")]) , (("Tucker", "Berckmann"), [("Kenton", "Murray"), ("Kevin", "Duh")]) ] -- faculty exact -- faculty loose -- cogsci students -- non-cogsci students -- groups problem :: Ctx -> [Person] -> [Person] -> Map TimeSpan [TimeSpan] -> Int -> Map Int Int -> Bool -> State -> Goal problem ctx faculty prospects slots tier rem strict state = do let ((nFac, nProsp, nSlot), flu, plu, slu) = ctx pst = Map.fromList $ [((p^.firstName, p^.lastName), fromJust $ p^.availability) | p <- prospects] fst = Map.fromList $ [((p^.firstName, p^.lastName), fromJust $ p^.availability) | p <- faculty] gms' = map (\(p, fs) -> (plu Bimap.! p, map (flu Bimap.!) fs)) gms ignore = concat $ map (\(p, fs) -> [(f, p) | f <- fs]) gms' -- individual meeting variables iVars' <- sequence $ [sBool $ show (i, j, k) | i <- [1..nFac], j <- [1..nProsp], k <- [1..nSlot], testVars flu plu slu pst fst (i, j, k)] -- variable lookups let iNames = [(i, j, k) | i <- [1..nFac], j <- [1..nProsp], k <- [1..nSlot], testVars flu plu slu pst fst (i, j, k)] let iVars = Map.fromList $ zip iNames iVars' maxes = (nFac, nProsp, nSlot) v = Map.size iVars -- fulfill individual meeting preferences sequence $ map (ensureIndividualMeeting ctx iVars state) [m | m <- fromMaybe [] (state^.requestedMeetings), (Set.size $ m^.interviewerParticipants) == 1] -- never double-book faculty (same slot, multiple prospects) sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | p <- [1..nProsp], (f,p,s) `Map.member` iVars] 1 | f <- [1..nFac], s <- [1..nSlot]] -- never double-book prospects (same slot, multiple faculty) let oneFac = [flu Bimap.! (traceShowId $ fac^.fullName) | fac <- faculty, (fac^.maxMeetingSize) == 1] twoFac = [flu Bimap.! (fac^.fullName) | fac <- faculty, (fac^.maxMeetingSize) == 2] -- never mix one and two meeting folks --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- oneFac, (f,p,s) `Map.member` iVars] 1 | p <- [1..nProsp], s <- [1..nSlot]] --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- twoFac, (f,p,s) `Map.member` iVars] 2 | p <- [1..nProsp], s <- [1..nSlot]] -- keep faculty and others separate --sequence $ [constrain $ pbLe [(if f `elem` oneFac then 2 else 1, v) | ((f, p, s), v) <- Map.toList iVars, s == s', p == p'] 2| s' <- [1..nSlot], p' <- [1..nProsp]] -- at least one group must have zero attendance for each possible meeting --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtLeast [ pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- oneFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars] 0 -- , pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- twoFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars] 0 -- ] 1 | s <- [1..nSlot], p <- [1..nProsp]] sequence $ [constrain $ pbExactly [pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- fs, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars] (length fs) | s <- [1..nSlot]] 1 | (p, fs) <- gms'] sequence $ [constrain $ pbExactly [ pbExactly [ pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- oneFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars && (not $ (f, p) `elem` ignore)] 1 , pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- twoFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars && (not $ (f, p) `elem` ignore)] 0 ] 2 , pbExactly [ pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- twoFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars && (not $ (f, p) `elem` ignore)] 2 , pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- oneFac, (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars && (not $ (f, p) `elem` ignore)] 0 ] 2 , pbExactly [iVars Map.! (f, p, s) | f <- [1..nFac], (f, p, s) `Map.member` iVars && (not $ (f, p) `elem` ignore)] 0 ] 1 | s <- [1..nSlot], p <- [1..nProsp]] -- make sure no faculty-prospect pair meets more than once sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost ([v | ((f', p', _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == f && p' == p]) 1 | f <- [1..nFac], p <- [1..nProsp]] -- don't reschedule if they already meet --sequence $ [constrain $ pbExactly ([v | ((f', p', _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == f && p' == p]) 0 | f <- [1..nFac], p <- [1..nProsp], -- (plu Bimap.!> p) `Map.member` fromMaybe Map.empty ((flu Bimap.!> f) `Map.lookup` (fromJust $ state^.individualMeetings)) -- ] -- require minimum number of meetings per faculty sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtLeast [b | ((f, p, s), b) <- Map.toList iVars, (flu Bimap.! (fac^.fullName)) == f] (fac^.minMeetings) | fac <- faculty] -- limit maximum number of meetings per faculty sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [b | ((f, p, s), b) <- Map.toList iVars, (flu Bimap.! (fac^.fullName)) == f] (fac^.maxMeetings) | fac <- faculty] -- require minimum number of meetings per prospect sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtLeast [b | ((f, p, s), b) <- Map.toList iVars, (plu Bimap.! (pr^.fullName)) == p] (pr^.minMeetings) | pr <- prospects] -- limit maximum number of meetings per prospect sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [b | ((f, p, s), b) <- Map.toList iVars, (plu Bimap.! (pr^.fullName)) == p] (pr^.maxMeetings) | pr <- prospects] --sequence $ [softConstrain $ pbAtLeast [v | ((_, p', _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, p' == p] n | (p, n) <- Map.toList rem] --sequence $ [constrain $ pbExactly [v | ((_, p', _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, p' == p] n | (p, n) <- Map.toList rem] -- limit the maximal number of meetings per prospect --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((_, p', _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, p' == p] (max n 2) | (p, n) <- Map.toList pmaxes] -- if tier == 1 then -- do -- sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == f] 19 | f <- [1..nFac]] --(p, n) <- Map.toList (traceShowId rem)] -- sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == (flu Bimap.! f)] n | (f, n) <- [ -- (("Jason", "Eisner"), 8), -- --(("Ben", "Van Durme"), 19), -- (("David", "Yarowsky"), 9), -- (("Mark", "Dredze"), 9), -- (("Tom", "Lippincott"), 10), -- (("Philipp", "Koehn"), 12), -- (("Ayah", "Zirikly"), 10), -- (("Kevin", "Duh"), 11), -- (("Dawn", "Lawrie"), 11), -- (("Alan", "Yuille"), 1) -- ]] -- sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == (flu Bimap.! f)] n | (f, n) <- [ -- (("Kenton", "Murray"), 6), -- (("Patrick", "Xia"), 6), -- (("Nils", "Holzenberger"), 6) -- ]] -- -- sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == (flu Bimap.! f)] n | (f, n) <- [ -- -- (("Jason", "Eisner"), 6), -- -- --(("Ben", "Van Durme"), 19), -- -- (("David", "Yarowsky"), 11), -- -- (("Mark", "Dredze"), 10), -- -- (("Tom", "Lippincott"), 11), -- -- (("Philipp", "Koehn"), 12), -- -- (("Ayah", "Zirikly"), 8), -- -- (("Kevin", "Duh"), 11), -- -- (("Dawn", "Lawrie"), 11) -- -- ]] -- -- sequence $ [constrain $ pbExactly [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == (flu Bimap.! f)] n | (f, n) <- [ -- -- (("Kenton", "Murray"), 6), -- -- (("Patrick", "Xia"), 6) -- -- ]] -- --sequence $ [constrain $ pbAtMost [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList iVars, f' == (flu Bimap.! f)] 10 | f <- [("Jason", "Eisner"), ("Patrick", "Xia")]] -- else return [] return () -- preferenceConstraint :: Ctx -> Vars -> Int -> Map Int Int -> [Person] -> Bool -> State -> Person -> Goal -- preferenceConstraint ctx@(maxes, flu, _, _) vars tier rem prosps strict state f = do -- let (_, fname) = f ^. fullName -- fid = flu Bimap.! (f ^. fullName) -- mtgs = [m | m <- fromMaybe [] (state^.requestedMeetings), (f^.firstName, f^.lastName) `Set.member` (m^.interviewerParticipants)] -- --mtgs = [head [x | x <- prosps, x ^. fullName == (p ^. fullName)] | (p, n) <- ((Map.toList . fromJust . _preferences) f), n == tier] -- --pb = if Map.size rem == 0 || f^.lastName == "Yuille" then pbExactly else pbAtLeast -- --pb = pbExactly -- sequence $ map (ensureMeeting ctx vars f strict) mtgs -- if tier == 2 then constrain $ pbExactly [v | ((f', _, _), v) <- Map.toList vars, f' == fid] (length mtgs) else return () -- return () ensureMeeting :: Ctx -> Vars -> Person -> Bool -> Person -> Goal ensureMeeting (maxes, flu, plu, slu) vars fac strict prosp = do let fid = flu Bimap.! (fac ^. fullName) pid = plu Bimap.! (prosp ^. fullName) availF = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability fac availP = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability prosp avail = Set.toList $ Set.intersection availF availP sids = catMaybes $ map (\x -> Bimap.lookup x slu) avail prefs = ((fromJust . _preferences) fac) num = Map.findWithDefault (0) prosp prefs (if strict then constrain else softConstrain) $ pbExactly [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 --(traceShowId num) constrain $ pbAtMost [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 ensureIndividualMeeting :: Ctx -> Vars -> State -> Preference -> Goal ensureIndividualMeeting (maxes, flu, plu, slu) vars state mtg = do let fac = (head . Set.toList) $ mtg^.interviewerParticipants prosp = (head . Set.toList) $ mtg^.intervieweeParticipants fid = flu Bimap.! fac --(fac ^. fullName) pid = plu Bimap.! prosp -- (prosp ^. fullName) fac' = head $ [x | x <- state^.faculty, (x^.firstName == (fst fac)) && (x ^.lastName == (snd fac))] prosp' = head $ [x | x <- state^.prospects, (x^.firstName == (fst prosp)) && (x ^.lastName == (snd prosp))] availF = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability fac' availP = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability prosp' avail = Set.toList $ Set.intersection availF availP sids = catMaybes $ map (\x -> Bimap.lookup x slu) avail strict = mtg^.required (if strict then constrain else softConstrain) $ pbExactly [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 --(traceShowId num) constrain $ pbAtMost [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 return () ensureGroupMeeting :: Ctx -> Vars -> State -> Preference -> Goal ensureGroupMeeting (maxes, flu, plu, slu) vars state mtg = do let facs = Set.toList $ mtg^.interviewerParticipants prosp = (head . Set.toList) $ mtg^.intervieweeParticipants fids = map (flu Bimap.!) facs --(fac ^. fullName) pid = plu Bimap.! prosp -- (prosp ^. fullName) facs' = map (\(f, l) -> head $ [x | x <- state^.faculty, (x^.firstName == f) && (x ^.lastName == l)]) facs prosp' = head $ [x | x <- state^.prospects, (x^.firstName == (fst prosp)) && (x ^.lastName == (snd prosp))] --availF = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability fac --availP = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability prosp --avail = Set.toList $ Set.intersection availF availP -- sids = catMaybes $ map (\x -> Bimap.lookup x slu) avail -- prefs = ((fromJust . _preferences) fac) -- num = Map.findWithDefault (0) prosp prefs -- (if strict then constrain else softConstrain) $ pbExactly [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 --(traceShowId num) -- constrain $ pbAtMost [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 return () -- preferenceConstraint' :: Ctx -> Vars -> Int -> [Person] -> Person -> Goal -- preferenceConstraint' ctx@(maxes, _, _, _) vars tier prosps f = do -- sequence $ map (ensureMeeting' ctx vars f tier) [head [x | x <- prosps, x ^. fullName == (p ^. fullName)] | (p, n) <- ((Map.toList . fromJust . _preferences) f), n == tier] -- return () -- ensureMeeting' :: Ctx -> Vars -> Person -> Int -> Person -> Goal -- ensureMeeting' (maxes, flu, plu, slu) vars fac tier prosp = do -- let fid = flu Bimap.! (fac ^. fullName) -- pid = plu Bimap.! (prosp ^. fullName) -- availF = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability fac -- availP = (Set.fromList . fromJust) $ _availability prosp -- avail = Set.toList $ Set.intersection availF availP -- sids = catMaybes $ map (\x -> Bimap.lookup x slu) avail -- prefs = ((fromJust . _preferences) fac) -- num = Map.findWithDefault (-1) prosp prefs -- -- liftIO $ print (fid, pid, availF) -- -- liftIO $ print (fid, pid, availP) -- -- liftIO $ print (fid, pid, avail) -- -- liftIO $ print "\n" -- softConstrain $ pbExactly [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 -- constrain $ pbAtMost [vars Map.! (fid, pid, sid) | sid <- sids] 1 printSchedules :: State -> IO () printSchedules state = do let facs = _faculty state prosps = _prospects state sts = ((fromJust . _slots) state) ctx = makeContext facs prosps sts ((nFac, nProsp, nSlot), fLU, pLU, sLU) = ctx sched = fromMaybe Map.empty (state ^. individualMeetings) vars = Map.fromList [((f, p, s), elem (sLU Bimap.!> s) (fromMaybe [] $ (fromMaybe Map.empty $ sched Map.!? ((fLU Bimap.!> f))) Map.!? (pLU Bimap.!> p))) | f <- [1..nFac], p <- [1..nProsp], s <- [1..nSlot]] let facGrid = [[printf "%2d-%14v" i (snd $ fLU Bimap.!> f)] ++ [case (head $ [p | p <- [1..nProsp], vars Map.! (f, p, s) == True] ++ [0] :: Int) of 0 -> " "; v -> printf "%2d" v | s <- [1..nSlot]] | (i, f) <- zip [1 :: Int ..] [1..nFac]] :: [[String]] prospGrid = [[printf "%2d-%14v" i (snd $ pLU Bimap.!> p)] ++ [case (head $ [f | f <- [1..nFac], vars Map.! (f, p, s) == True] ++ [0] :: Int) of 0 -> " "; v -> printf "%2d" v | s <- [1..nSlot]] | (i, p) <- zip [1 :: Int ..] [1..nProsp]] :: [[String]] putStrLn $ unlines (map unwords facGrid) putStrLn $ unlines (map unwords prospGrid)