Processing math: 100%
sbv-program- Component-based program synthesis using SBV
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



These examples can from GHCi by importing this module. To get a human-readable pseudocode for the solution use

ghci> Right res <- someExample
ghci> putStrLn $ writePseudocode res

Reset most significant set bit

paperRunningExampleSpec :: SimpleSpec Word8 Source #

A running example from the original paper. The function should reset the least significant set bit of a 8-byte word: >>> 0001 0010 -> 0000 0010

Quadratic equation

quadEquExampleSpec :: SimpleSpec Int32 Source #

Synthesizes a formula for the quadratic equation x22x+1=0

Transform boolean formula into NAND-only expression

nandifyExample Source #


:: Int

Amount of NAND components available

-> SimpleSpec Bool

Specification of the desired function

-> IO (Either SynthesisError (Program Location (SimpleComponent Bool))) 

Reimplement arbitrary boolean formula with only NAND components. Example usage:

nandifyExample 2 (SimpleSpec 2 $ [i1, i2] o -> o .== (i1 .&& i2))