module Satchmo.Integer.Op
( negate, add, sub, times
, gt, ge, eq
import Satchmo.Integer.Data
import Prelude hiding ( and, or, not, negate )
import Satchmo.Boolean hiding ( constant )
import qualified Satchmo.Boolean as B
import qualified Satchmo.Binary.Op.Common as C
import qualified Satchmo.Binary.Op.Flexible as F
import Control.Monad ( forM, when )
negate :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> m Number
negate n = do
let ys = map B.not $ bits n
o <- B.constant True
( zs, c ) <- increment ys o
assertOr [ last $ ys, B.not $ last zs ]
return $ make zs
increment [] z = return ( [], z )
increment (y:ys) z = do
( r, d ) <- C.half_adder y z
( rs, c ) <- increment ys d
return ( r : rs, c )
add :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Number
add a b = do
when ( width a /= width b )
$ error "Satchmo.Integer.Op.add"
cin <- B.constant False
( zs, cout ) <-
F.add_with_carry cin ( bits a ) ( bits b )
monadic assertOr [ fun2 (==) cout $ last zs ]
return $ make zs
sub :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Number
sub a b = do
when ( width a /= width b )
$ error "Satchmo.Integer.Op.sub"
c <- negate b
add a c
times :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Number
times a b = do
when ( width a /= width b )
$ error "Satchmo.Integer.Op.times"
c <- F.times ( F.make $ bits a )
( F.make $ bits b )
let ( pre, post ) = splitAt ( width a ) $ F.bits c
monadic assertOr [ fun2 (==) ( head post) $ last pre ]
return $ make pre
positive :: MonadSAT m
=> Number
-> m Boolean
positive n = do
ok <- or $ init $ bits n
and [ ok, not $ last $ bits n ]
negative :: MonadSAT m
=> Number
-> m Boolean
negative n = do
return $ last $ bits n
nonnegative :: MonadSAT m
=> Number
-> m Boolean
nonnegative n = do
return $ not $ last $ bits n
eq :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Boolean
eq a b = do
when ( width a /= width b )
$ error "Satchmo.Integer.Op.eq"
eqs <- forM ( zip ( bits a ) ( bits b ) )
$ \ (x,y) -> fun2 (==) x y
and eqs
gt :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Boolean
gt a b = do
diff <- and [ not $ last $ bits a, last $ bits b ]
same <- fun2 (==) ( last $ bits a )
( last $ bits b )
g <- ( F.make $ bits a )
( F.make $ bits b )
monadic or [ return diff
, and [ same, g ]
ge :: MonadSAT m
=> Number -> Number
-> m Boolean
ge a b = do
diff <- and [ not $ last $ bits a, last $ bits b ]
same <- fun2 (==) ( last $ bits a )
( last $ bits b )
g <- ( F.make $ bits a )
( F.make $ bits b )
monadic or [ return diff
, and [ same, g ]