{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI ( -- | The terminal UI formatter produces an interactive UI for running tests and inspecting their results. defaultTerminalUIFormatter -- * Options , terminalUIVisibilityThreshold , terminalUIShowRunTimes , terminalUIShowVisibilityThresholds , terminalUILogLevel , terminalUIInitialFolding , terminalUIDefaultEditor , terminalUIOpenInEditor , terminalUICustomExceptionFormatters -- * Auxiliary types , InitialFolding(..) , CustomTUIException(..) -- * Util , isTuiFormatterSupported ) where import Brick as B import Brick.BChan import Brick.Widgets.List import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift import Control.Monad.Logger hiding (logError) import Data.Either import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String.Interpolate import Data.Time import qualified Data.Vector as Vec import GHC.Stack import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import Lens.Micro import Safe import System.FilePath import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.AttrMap import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.CrossPlatform import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.Draw import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.Filter import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.Keys import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.TerminalUI.Types import Test.Sandwich.Interpreters.RunTree.Util import Test.Sandwich.Interpreters.StartTree import Test.Sandwich.Logging import Test.Sandwich.RunTree import Test.Sandwich.Shutdown import Test.Sandwich.Types.ArgParsing import Test.Sandwich.Types.RunTree import Test.Sandwich.Types.Spec import Test.Sandwich.Util instance Formatter TerminalUIFormatter where formatterName _ = "terminal-ui-formatter" runFormatter = runApp finalizeFormatter _ _ _ = return () isTuiFormatterSupported :: IO Bool isTuiFormatterSupported = isRight <$> tryAny (V.mkVty V.defaultConfig) runApp :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => TerminalUIFormatter -> [RunNode BaseContext] -> Maybe (CommandLineOptions ()) -> BaseContext -> m () runApp (TerminalUIFormatter {..}) rts _maybeCommandLineOptions baseContext = do startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime liftIO $ setInitialFolding terminalUIInitialFolding rts rtsFixed <- liftIO $ atomically $ mapM fixRunTree rts let initialState = updateFilteredTree $ AppState { _appRunTreeBase = rts , _appRunTree = rtsFixed , _appMainList = list MainList mempty 1 , _appBaseContext = baseContext , _appStartTime = startTime , _appTimeSinceStart = 0 , _appVisibilityThresholdSteps = L.sort $ L.nub $ terminalUIVisibilityThreshold : (fmap runTreeVisibilityLevel $ concatMap getCommons rts) , _appVisibilityThreshold = terminalUIVisibilityThreshold , _appLogLevel = terminalUILogLevel , _appShowRunTimes = terminalUIShowRunTimes , _appShowFileLocations = terminalUIShowFileLocations , _appShowVisibilityThresholds = terminalUIShowVisibilityThresholds , _appOpenInEditor = terminalUIOpenInEditor terminalUIDefaultEditor (const $ return ()) , _appDebug = (const $ return ()) , _appCustomExceptionFormatters = terminalUICustomExceptionFormatters } eventChan <- liftIO $ newBChan 10 logFn <- askLoggerIO currentFixedTree <- liftIO $ newTVarIO rtsFixed eventAsync <- liftIO $ async $ forever $ do handleAny (\e -> flip runLoggingT logFn (logError [i|Got exception in event async: #{e}|]) >> threadDelay terminalUIRefreshPeriod) $ do newFixedTree <- atomically $ do currentFixed <- readTVar currentFixedTree newFixed <- mapM fixRunTree rts when (fmap getCommons newFixed == fmap getCommons currentFixed) retry writeTVar currentFixedTree newFixed return newFixed writeBChan eventChan (RunTreeUpdated newFixedTree) threadDelay terminalUIRefreshPeriod let buildVty = do v <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig let output = V.outputIface v when (V.supportsMode output V.Mouse) $ liftIO $ V.setMode output V.Mouse True return v initialVty <- liftIO buildVty liftIO $ flip onException (cancel eventAsync) $ void $ customMain initialVty buildVty (Just eventChan) app initialState app :: App AppState AppEvent ClickableName app = App { appDraw = drawUI , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) , appHandleEvent = \event -> get >>= \s -> appEvent s event , appStartEvent = return () #else , appHandleEvent = appEvent , appStartEvent = return #endif , appAttrMap = const mainAttrMap } #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) continue :: AppState -> EventM ClickableName AppState () continue = put continueNoChange :: AppState -> EventM ClickableName AppState () continueNoChange _ = return () doHalt _ = halt #else continueNoChange :: AppState -> EventM ClickableName (Next AppState) continueNoChange = continue doHalt = halt #endif #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) appEvent :: AppState -> BrickEvent ClickableName AppEvent -> EventM ClickableName AppState () #else appEvent :: AppState -> BrickEvent ClickableName AppEvent -> EventM ClickableName (Next AppState) #endif appEvent s (AppEvent (RunTreeUpdated newTree)) = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime continue $ s & appRunTree .~ newTree & appTimeSinceStart .~ (diffUTCTime now (s ^. appStartTime)) & updateFilteredTree appEvent s (MouseDown ColorBar _ _ (B.Location (x, _))) = do lookupExtent ColorBar >>= \case Nothing -> continue s Just (Extent {extentSize=(w, _), extentUpperLeft=(B.Location (l, _))}) -> do let percent :: Double = (fromIntegral (x - l)) / (fromIntegral w) let allCommons = concatMap getCommons $ s ^. appRunTree let index = max 0 $ min (length allCommons - 1) $ round $ percent * (fromIntegral $ (length allCommons - 1)) -- A subsequent RunTreeUpdated will pick up the new open nodes liftIO $ openIndices (s ^. appRunTreeBase) (runTreeAncestors $ allCommons !! index) continue $ s & appMainList %~ (listMoveTo index) & updateFilteredTree appEvent s (MouseDown (ListRow _i) V.BScrollUp _ _) = do vScrollBy (viewportScroll MainList) (-1) continueNoChange s appEvent s (MouseDown (ListRow _i) V.BScrollDown _ _) = do vScrollBy (viewportScroll MainList) 1 continueNoChange s appEvent s (MouseDown (ListRow i) V.BLeft _ _) = do continue (s & appMainList %~ (listMoveTo i)) appEvent s (VtyEvent e) = case e of -- Column 1 V.EvKey c [] | c == nextKey -> continue (s & appMainList %~ (listMoveBy 1)) V.EvKey c [] | c == previousKey -> continue (s & appMainList %~ (listMoveBy (-1))) V.EvKey c [] | c == nextFailureKey -> do let ls = Vec.toList $ listElements (s ^. appMainList) let listToSearch = case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Just (i, MainListElem {}) -> let (front, back) = L.splitAt (i + 1) (zip [0..] ls) in back <> front Nothing -> zip [0..] ls case L.find (isFailureStatus . status . snd) listToSearch of Nothing -> continue s Just (i', _) -> continue (s & appMainList %~ (listMoveTo i')) V.EvKey c [] | c == previousFailureKey -> do let ls = Vec.toList $ listElements (s ^. appMainList) let listToSearch = case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Just (i, MainListElem {}) -> let (front, back) = L.splitAt i (zip [0..] ls) in (L.reverse front) <> (L.reverse back) Nothing -> L.reverse (zip [0..] ls) case L.find (isFailureStatus . status . snd) listToSearch of Nothing -> continue s Just (i', _) -> continue (s & appMainList %~ (listMoveTo i')) V.EvKey c [] | c == closeNodeKey -> modifyOpen s (const False) V.EvKey c [] | c == openNodeKey -> modifyOpen s (const True) V.EvKey c@(V.KChar ch) [V.MMeta] | c `elem` (fmap V.KChar ['0'..'9']) -> do let num :: Int = read [ch] liftIO $ openToDepth (s ^. (appMainList . listElementsL)) num continue s V.EvKey c [] | c `elem` toggleKeys -> modifyToggled s not -- Scrolling in toggled items -- Wanted to make these uniformly Ctrl+whatever, but Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown was causing it to get KEsc and exit (?) V.EvKey V.KUp [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollBy vp (-1) V.EvKey (V.KChar 'p') [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollBy vp (-1) V.EvKey V.KDown [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollBy vp 1 V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollBy vp 1 V.EvKey (V.KChar 'v') [V.MMeta] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollPage vp Up V.EvKey (V.KChar 'v') [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollPage vp Down V.EvKey V.KHome [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollToBeginning vp V.EvKey V.KEnd [V.MCtrl] -> withScroll s $ \vp -> vScrollToEnd vp -- Column 2 V.EvKey c [] | c == cancelAllKey -> do liftIO $ mapM_ cancelNode (s ^. appRunTreeBase) continue s V.EvKey c [] | c == cancelSelectedKey -> withContinueS s $ do whenJust (listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList)) $ \(_, MainListElem {..}) -> liftIO $ (readTVarIO $ runTreeStatus node) >>= \case Running {..} -> cancel statusAsync _ -> return () V.EvKey c [] | c == runAllKey -> withContinueS s $ do when (all (not . isRunning . runTreeStatus . runNodeCommon) (s ^. appRunTree)) $ liftIO $ do mapM_ clearRecursively (s ^. appRunTreeBase) void $ async $ void $ runNodesSequentially (s ^. appRunTreeBase) (s ^. appBaseContext) V.EvKey c [] | c == runSelectedKey -> withContinueS s $ whenJust (listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList)) $ \(_, MainListElem {..}) -> case status of Running {} -> return () _ -> do -- Get the set of IDs for only this node's ancestors and children let ancestorIds = S.fromList $ toList $ runTreeAncestors node case findRunNodeChildrenById ident (s ^. appRunTree) of Nothing -> return () Just childIds -> do let allIds = ancestorIds <> childIds -- Clear the status of all affected nodes liftIO $ mapM_ (clearRecursivelyWhere (\x -> runTreeId x `S.member` allIds)) (s ^. appRunTreeBase) -- Start a run for all affected nodes let bc = (s ^. appBaseContext) { baseContextOnlyRunIds = Just allIds } void $ liftIO $ async $ void $ runNodesSequentially (s ^. appRunTreeBase) bc V.EvKey c [] | c == clearSelectedKey -> withContinueS s $ do whenJust (listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList)) $ \(_, MainListElem {..}) -> case status of Running {} -> return () _ -> case findRunNodeChildrenById ident (s ^. appRunTree) of Nothing -> return () Just childIds -> liftIO $ mapM_ (clearRecursivelyWhere (\x -> runTreeId x `S.member` childIds)) (s ^. appRunTreeBase) V.EvKey c [] | c == clearAllKey -> withContinueS s $ do liftIO $ mapM_ clearRecursively (s ^. appRunTreeBase) V.EvKey c [] | c == openSelectedFolderInFileExplorer -> withContinueS s $ do whenJust (listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList)) $ \(_i, MainListElem {folderPath}) -> whenJust folderPath $ liftIO . openFileExplorerFolderPortable V.EvKey c [] | c == openTestRootKey -> withContinueS s $ whenJust (baseContextRunRoot (s ^. appBaseContext)) $ liftIO . openFileExplorerFolderPortable V.EvKey c [] | c == openTestInEditorKey -> case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Just (_i, MainListElem {node=(runTreeLoc -> Just loc)}) -> openSrcLoc s loc _ -> continue s V.EvKey c [] | c == openLogsInEditorKey -> case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Just (_i, MainListElem {node=(runTreeFolder -> Just dir)}) -> do let srcLoc = SrcLoc { srcLocPackage = "" , srcLocModule = "" , srcLocFile = dir "test_logs.txt" , srcLocStartLine = 0 , srcLocStartCol = 0 , srcLocEndLine = 0 , srcLocEndCol = 0 } suspendAndResume ((s ^. appOpenInEditor) srcLoc >> return s) _ -> continue s V.EvKey c [] | c == openFailureInEditorKey -> do case (listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList)) of Nothing -> continue s Just (_i, MainListElem {status}) -> case status of Done _ _ (Failure (failureCallStack -> Just (getCallStack -> ((_, loc):_)))) -> openSrcLoc s loc _ -> continue s -- Column 3 V.EvKey c [] | c == cycleVisibilityThresholdKey -> do let newVisibilityThreshold = case [(i, x) | (i, x) <- zip [0..] (s ^. appVisibilityThresholdSteps) , x > s ^. appVisibilityThreshold] of [] -> 0 xs -> minimum $ fmap snd xs continue $ s & appVisibilityThreshold .~ newVisibilityThreshold & updateFilteredTree V.EvKey c [] | c == toggleShowRunTimesKey -> continue $ s & appShowRunTimes %~ not V.EvKey c [] | c == toggleFileLocationsKey -> continue $ s & appShowFileLocations %~ not V.EvKey c [] | c == toggleVisibilityThresholdsKey -> continue $ s & appShowVisibilityThresholds %~ not V.EvKey c [] | c `elem` [V.KEsc, exitKey] -> do -- Cancel everything and wait for cleanups liftIO $ mapM_ cancelNode (s ^. appRunTreeBase) forM_ (s ^. appRunTreeBase) (liftIO . waitForTree) doHalt s V.EvKey c [] | c == debugKey -> continue (s & appLogLevel ?~ LevelDebug) V.EvKey c [] | c == infoKey -> continue (s & appLogLevel ?~ LevelInfo) V.EvKey c [] | c == warnKey -> continue (s & appLogLevel ?~ LevelWarn) V.EvKey c [] | c == errorKey -> continue (s & appLogLevel ?~ LevelError) #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) ev -> zoom appMainList $ handleListEvent ev #else ev -> handleEventLensed s appMainList handleListEvent ev >>= continue #endif where withContinueS s action = action >> continue s #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) appEvent _ _ = return () #else appEvent s _ = continue s #endif modifyToggled s f = case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Nothing -> continue s Just (_i, MainListElem {..}) -> do liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar (runTreeToggled node) f continue s modifyOpen s f = case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Nothing -> continue s Just (_i, MainListElem {..}) -> do liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar (runTreeOpen node) f continue s openIndices :: [RunNode context] -> Seq.Seq Int -> IO () openIndices nodes openSet = atomically $ forM_ (concatMap getCommons nodes) $ \node -> when ((runTreeId node) `elem` (toList openSet)) $ modifyTVar (runTreeOpen node) (const True) openToDepth :: (Foldable t) => t MainListElem -> Int -> IO () openToDepth elems thresh = atomically $ forM_ elems $ \(MainListElem {..}) -> if | (depth < thresh) -> modifyTVar (runTreeOpen node) (const True) | otherwise -> modifyTVar (runTreeOpen node) (const False) setInitialFolding :: InitialFolding -> [RunNode BaseContext] -> IO () setInitialFolding InitialFoldingAllOpen _rts = return () setInitialFolding InitialFoldingAllClosed rts = atomically $ forM_ (concatMap getCommons rts) $ \(RunNodeCommonWithStatus {..}) -> modifyTVar runTreeOpen (const False) setInitialFolding (InitialFoldingTopNOpen n) rts = atomically $ forM_ (concatMap getCommons rts) $ \(RunNodeCommonWithStatus {..}) -> when (Seq.length runTreeAncestors > n) $ modifyTVar runTreeOpen (const False) updateFilteredTree :: AppState -> AppState updateFilteredTree s = s & appMainList %~ listReplace elems (listSelected $ s ^. appMainList) where filteredTree = filterRunTree (s ^. appVisibilityThreshold) (s ^. appRunTree) elems :: Vec.Vector MainListElem = Vec.fromList $ concatMap treeToList (zip filteredTree (s ^. appRunTreeBase)) -- * Clearing clearRecursively :: RunNode context -> IO () clearRecursively = mapM_ clearCommon . getCommons clearRecursivelyWhere :: (RunNodeCommon -> Bool) -> RunNode context -> IO () clearRecursivelyWhere f = mapM_ clearCommon . filter f . getCommons clearCommon :: RunNodeCommon -> IO () clearCommon (RunNodeCommonWithStatus {..}) = do atomically $ do writeTVar runTreeStatus NotStarted writeTVar runTreeLogs mempty -- TODO: clearing the folders might be better for reproducibility, but it might be more surprising than not doing it. -- Also, we'd want to be a little judicious about which folders get cleared -- clearing entire "describe" folders would -- blow away unrelated test results. So maybe it's better to not clear, and for tests to just do idempotent things in -- their folders. -- whenJust runTreeFolder $ \folder -> do -- doesDirectoryExist folder >>= \case -- False -> return () -- True -> clearDirectoryContents folder -- where -- clearDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO () -- clearDirectoryContents path = do -- paths <- listDirectory path -- forM_ paths removePathForcibly findRunNodeChildrenById :: Int -> [RunNodeFixed context] -> Maybe (S.Set Int) findRunNodeChildrenById ident rts = headMay $ mapMaybe (findRunNodeChildrenById' ident) rts findRunNodeChildrenById' :: Int -> RunNodeFixed context -> Maybe (S.Set Int) findRunNodeChildrenById' ident node | ident == runTreeId (runNodeCommon node) = Just $ S.fromList $ extractValues (runTreeId . runNodeCommon) node findRunNodeChildrenById' _ident (RunNodeIt {}) = Nothing findRunNodeChildrenById' ident (RunNodeIntroduce {..}) = findRunNodeChildrenById ident runNodeChildrenAugmented findRunNodeChildrenById' ident (RunNodeIntroduceWith {..}) = findRunNodeChildrenById ident runNodeChildrenAugmented findRunNodeChildrenById' ident node = findRunNodeChildrenById ident (runNodeChildren node) #if MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) withScroll :: AppState -> (forall s. ViewportScroll ClickableName -> EventM n s ()) -> EventM n AppState () #else withScroll :: AppState -> (ViewportScroll ClickableName -> EventM n ()) -> EventM n (Next AppState) #endif withScroll s action = do case listSelectedElement (s ^. appMainList) of Nothing -> return () Just (_, MainListElem {..}) -> do let scroll = viewportScroll (InnerViewport [i|viewport_#{ident}|]) action scroll #if !MIN_VERSION_brick(1,0,0) continue s #endif openSrcLoc s loc' = do -- Try to make the file path in the SrcLoc absolute loc <- case isRelative (srcLocFile loc') of False -> return loc' True -> do case optionsProjectRoot (baseContextOptions (s ^. appBaseContext)) of Just d -> return $ loc' { srcLocFile = d (srcLocFile loc') } Nothing -> return loc' -- TODO: check if the path exists and show a warning message if not -- Maybe choose the first callstack location we can find? suspendAndResume (((s ^. appOpenInEditor) loc) >> return s)