{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.List (stripPrefix) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Text (Text) import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, findExecutable, getHomeDirectory, removeFile) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, takeDirectory, takeFileName, ()) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as PInfo import qualified Distribution.Text as Cabal import qualified Options.Applicative as O import qualified System.Process as Proc import Sandman.InstalledPackage import Sandman.PackageDb import Sandman.Util ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Main context for the program. -- -- Currently this just consists of the root directory where all sandman files -- will be stored. newtype Sandman = Sandman { sandmanDirectory :: FilePath } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) -- | Build the context with default settings. defaultSandman :: IO Sandman defaultSandman = do home <- getHomeDirectory return $! Sandman (home ".sandman") -- | Path to the directory which will hold the sandboxes. sandboxesDirectory :: Sandman -> FilePath sandboxesDirectory Sandman{sandmanDirectory} = sandmanDirectory "sandboxes" -- | Get all managed sandboxes. getSandboxes :: Sandman -> IO [Sandbox] getSandboxes sandman = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist sandboxesDir if exists then map Sandbox <$> listDirectory sandboxesDir else return [] where sandboxesDir = sandboxesDirectory sandman -- | Get the sandbox with the given name. getSandbox :: Sandman -> Text -> IO (Maybe Sandbox) getSandbox sandman name = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist sandboxDir if exists then return . Just . Sandbox $ sandboxDir else return Nothing where sandboxDir = sandboxesDirectory sandman T.unpack name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Represents a cabal sandbox. newtype Sandbox = Sandbox { sandboxRoot :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the sandbox root. -- -- Note: This is /not/ the project root. It just happens to be that the -- project root and sandbox root is the same for managed sandboxes. } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) -- | Name of the sandbox. sandboxName :: Sandbox -> Text sandboxName = T.pack . takeFileName . sandboxRoot -- | Create a new managed sandbox with the given name. createSandbox :: Sandman -> Text -> IO Sandbox createSandbox sandman name = do whenM (doesDirectoryExist sandboxDir) $ die $ "Sandbox " <> name <> " already exists." createDirectoryIfMissing True sandboxDir let proc = (Proc.proc "cabal" ["sandbox", "init", "--sandbox=."]) { Proc.cwd = Just sandboxDir } (_, _, _, procHandle) <- Proc.createProcess proc exitResult <- Proc.waitForProcess procHandle case exitResult of ExitSuccess -> return $! Sandbox sandboxDir ExitFailure _ -> die $ "Failed to create sandbox " <> name where sandboxDir = sandboxesDirectory sandman T.unpack name -- | Install the specified packages into the sandbox. installPackages :: Sandbox -> [Text] -> IO () installPackages sandbox@Sandbox{sandboxRoot} packages = do (_, _, _, procHandle) <- Proc.createProcess proc exitResult <- Proc.waitForProcess procHandle case exitResult of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure _ -> die $ "Failed to install packages to " <> name where name = sandboxName sandbox proc = (Proc.proc "cabal" $ ["install"] <> map T.unpack packages) { Proc.cwd = Just sandboxRoot } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TODO probably need another data type for Projects. getPackageGhcPath :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) getPackageGhcPath packageRoot = do hasConfig <- doesFileExist cabalConfigPath if not hasConfig then return Nothing else TIO.readFile cabalConfigPath <&> map readField . T.lines <&> filter (("with-compiler" ==) . fst) <&> fmap (T.unpack . snd) . listToMaybe where readField line = (T.strip k, T.strip $ T.drop 1 v) where (k, v) = T.breakOn ":" $ T.strip line cabalConfigPath = packageRoot "cabal.config" setPackageGhcPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () setPackageGhcPath packageRoot ghc = do hasConfig <- doesFileExist cabalConfigPath if not hasConfig then TIO.writeFile cabalConfigPath entry else TIO.readFile cabalConfigPath <&> T.unlines . loop [] . T.lines >>= TIO.writeFile cabalConfigPath where entry = "with-compiler: " <> T.pack ghc cabalConfigPath = packageRoot "cabal.config" loop outLines [] = reverse outLines loop outLines (x:xs) | "with-compiler" `T.isPrefixOf` T.strip x = loop (entry:outLines) xs | otherwise = loop (x:outLines) xs -- | Get the PackageDb for the given package. -- -- The package root is the directory containing the @cabal.sandbox.config@. determinePackageDb :: FilePath -> IO (Either String PackageDb) determinePackageDb packageRoot = do -- TODO check if sandboxConfig exists matches <- TIO.readFile sandboxConfig <&> filter ("package-db:" `T.isPrefixOf`) . T.lines case listToMaybe matches of Nothing -> return . Left $ "Could not determine package DB for " ++ packageRoot Just line -> let right = T.drop 1 $ T.dropWhile (/= ':') line value = T.dropWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t') right root = T.unpack value in getPackageDb root where sandboxConfig = packageRoot "cabal.sandbox.config" -- | Get the base package DB given the path to GHC. -- -- Uses the default GHC if given @Nothing@. getBasePackageDb :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either String PackageDb) getBasePackageDb ghcPath' = Proc.readProcess ghcPath ["--print-global-package-db"] "" <&> T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack >>= getPackageDb where ghcPath = fromMaybe "ghc" ghcPath' -- | Get the number of packages installed in the given package DB. installedPackageCount :: PackageDb -> Int installedPackageCount = length . packageDbInstalledPackages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ list :: IO () list = do sandman <- defaultSandman -- FIXME sandboxes <- getSandboxes sandman when (null sandboxes) $ putStrLn "No sandboxes created." forM_ sandboxes $ \sandbox -> do let name = sandboxName sandbox packageDb' <- determinePackageDb (sandboxRoot sandbox) case packageDb' of Left err -> do warn (T.pack err) TIO.putStrLn $ name <> "(ERROR: could not read package DB)" Right packageDb -> do let packageCount = installedPackageCount packageDb TIO.putStrLn $ T.unwords [name, "(" <> tshow packageCount, "packages)"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ new :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> IO () new ghcPath' name = do ghcPath <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . resolveExecutable) ghcPath' sandman <- defaultSandman -- FIXME Sandbox{sandboxRoot} <- createSandbox sandman name maybe (return ()) (setPackageGhcPath sandboxRoot) ghcPath TIO.putStrLn $ "Created sandbox " <> name <> "." where resolveExecutable path = do exists <- doesFileExist path if exists then canonicalizePath path else findExecutable path >>= maybe (die $ "Could not find GHC at " <> T.pack path) return ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ destroy :: Text -> IO () destroy name = do sandman <- defaultSandman Sandbox{sandboxRoot} <- getSandbox sandman name >>= maybe (die $ "Sandbox " <> name <> " does not exist.") return removeTree sandboxRoot TIO.putStrLn $ "Removed sandbox " <> name <> "." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ install :: Text -> [Text] -> IO () install name packages = do -- TODO parse package IDs sandman <- defaultSandman sandbox <- getSandbox sandman name >>= maybe (die $ "Sandbox " <> name <> " does not exist.") return installPackages sandbox packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ listPackages :: Text -> IO () listPackages name = do sandman <- defaultSandman -- TODO get rid of all this duplication sandbox <- getSandbox sandman name >>= maybe (die $ "Sandbox " <> name <> " does not exist.") return packageDb <- determinePackageDb (sandboxRoot sandbox) >>= either fail return let packageIds = packageDbInstalledPackages packageDb <&> installedPackageId when (null packageIds) $ dieHappy $ name <> " does not contain any packages." forM_ packageIds TIO.putStrLn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mix :: [Text] -> Bool -> Text -> IO () mix packageNames includeExecutables name = do currentPackageDb <- determinePackageDb "." >>= either fail return sandman <- defaultSandman sandbox <- getSandbox sandman name >>= maybe (die $ "Sandbox " <> name <> " does not exist.") return sandboxPackageDb <- determinePackageDb (sandboxRoot sandbox) >>= either fail return let sandboxPackageNames = Set.fromList . map installedPackageName $ packageDbInstalledPackages sandboxPackageDb -- Make sure that all requested packages are installed. forM_ packageNames $ \requestedPackage -> unless (requestedPackage `Set.member` sandboxPackageNames) $ die $ requestedPackage <> " is not installed in " <> name basePackageIds <- getPackageGhcPath (sandboxRoot sandbox) >>= getBasePackageDb >>= either fail return <&> map installedPackageId . packageDbInstalledPackages let -- Returns True if another package with the same name has already been -- installed to the target sandbox isAlreadyInstalled = (`Set.member` alreadyInstalled) . installedPackageName where alreadyInstalled = Set.fromList . map installedPackageName $ packageDbInstalledPackages currentPackageDb -- Reverse mapping from Cabal's InstalledPackageId to InstalledPackage -- for all packages in the managed sandbox installedPackageIdIndex = Map.fromList $ do installedPackage <- packageDbInstalledPackages sandboxPackageDb let pinfo = installedPackageInfo installedPackage return (PInfo.installedPackageId pinfo, installedPackage) -- Reverse mapping from package names to InstalledPackages for all -- packages in the managed sandbox installedPackageNameIndex = Map.fromList $ do installedPackage <- packageDbInstalledPackages sandboxPackageDb return (installedPackageName installedPackage, installedPackage) isBase pkgId' = any (`T.isPrefixOf` pkgId) basePackageIds where pkgId = T.pack $ Cabal.display pkgId' -- Get the InstalledPackage objects for the direct dependencies of the -- given InstaledPackage getDirectDependencies pkg = do dep <- PInfo.depends (installedPackageInfo pkg) if isBase dep then mzero else case dep `Map.lookup` installedPackageIdIndex of Nothing -> error $ unwords [ "Installed package", T.unpack (installedPackageName pkg) , "depends on", Cabal.display dep , "which is not installed in sandbox", T.unpack name ] Just depPkg -> return depPkg -- Get the InstalledPackage objects for all dependencies of the given -- InstaledPackage. -- -- This includes dependencies of dependencies and so on. getDependencies _pkg = loop Set.empty [] [_pkg] where loop _ result [] = result loop visited result (pkg:pkgs) | pname `Set.member` visited = loop visited result pkgs | otherwise = loop (pname `Set.insert` visited) (pkg:result) (pkgs ++ getDirectDependencies pkg) where pname = installedPackageName pkg -- Names of requested packages and their dependencies requestedPackages :: Set Text requestedPackages = Set.fromList $ do pkgName <- packageNames case pkgName `Map.lookup` installedPackageNameIndex of Nothing -> error $ unwords [ "Requested package", T.unpack pkgName , "is not installed in sandbox", T.unpack name ] Just installedPkg -> do depPkg <- getDependencies installedPkg [pkgName, installedPackageName depPkg] -- Whether a package was requested for installation. -- -- Always returns True if --only was skipped. If --only was given, -- returns true only for requested packages and their dependencies. isRequested = if null packageNames then const True else (`Set.member` requestedPackages) . installedPackageName -- Returns True if the package should be installed shouldInstall pkg = isRequested pkg && not (isAlreadyInstalled pkg) -- List of packages that will be installed packagesToInstall = filter shouldInstall $ packageDbInstalledPackages sandboxPackageDb newPackageCount = length packagesToInstall when (newPackageCount == 0) $ dieHappy "No packages to mix in." putStrLn $ unwords [ "Mixing", show newPackageCount , "new packages into package DB at" , packageDbRoot currentPackageDb ] let currentPackageDbRoot = packageDbRoot currentPackageDb forM_ packagesToInstall $ \installedPackage -> do let currentPath = installedPackageInfoPath installedPackage newPath = currentPackageDbRoot takeFileName currentPath copyFile currentPath newPath executables <- listDirectory (sandboxRoot sandbox "bin") when (includeExecutables && not (null executables)) $ do let newBinDir = takeDirectory currentPackageDbRoot "bin" createDirectoryIfMissing True newBinDir forM_ executables $ \exec -> do let newPath = newBinDir takeFileName exec alreadyExists <- doesFileExist newPath unless alreadyExists $ copyFile exec newPath ghcPath <- getPackageGhcPath (sandboxRoot sandbox) case ghcPath of Nothing -> return () Just path -> do putStrLn $ "Setting GHC version for project to " ++ path setPackageGhcPath "." path putStrLn "Rebuilding package cache." Proc.callProcess "cabal" ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "recache"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ clean :: IO () clean = do currentPackageDb <- determinePackageDb "." >>= either fail return sandman <- defaultSandman putStrLn "Removing all mixed sandboxes." let packages = filterPackages sandman $ packageDbInstalledPackages currentPackageDb when (null packages) $ dieHappy "No packages to remove." forM_ packages $ removeFile . installedPackageInfoPath putStrLn $ "Removed " <> show (length packages) <> " packages." putStrLn "Rebuilding package cache." Proc.callProcess "cabal" ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "recache"] where -- FIXME this will probably cause all kinds of trouble if one managed -- sandbox is mixed into another. That should be disallowed or this should -- be smarter. filterPackages :: Sandman -> [InstalledPackage] -> [InstalledPackage] filterPackages Sandman{sandmanDirectory} = filter isMixedIn where isSandmanPath p = isJust $ stripPrefix (splitDirectories sandmanDirectory) (splitDirectories p) isMixedIn installedPackage = any isSandmanPath $ concatMap ($ packageInfo) [ PInfo.importDirs , PInfo.libraryDirs , PInfo.haddockInterfaces ] where packageInfo = installedPackageInfo installedPackage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ argParser :: O.Parser (IO ()) argParser = O.subparser $ mconcat [ -- TODO come up with a better name for managed sandboxes than "sandman -- sandboxes" command "list" "List sandman sandboxes or the packages in them" $ maybe list listPackages <$> listNameArgument , command "new" "Create a new sandman sandbox" $ new <$> newOptions <*> nameArgument , command "destroy" "Delete a sandman sandbox" $ destroy <$> nameArgument , command "install" "Install a new package" $ install <$> nameArgument <*> packagesArgument , command "mix" "Mix a sandman sandbox into the current project" $ mix <$> many (T.pack <$> packageNameOption) <*> includeExecutablesOption <*> nameArgument , command "clean" "Remove all mixed sandboxes from the current project" $ pure clean ] where includeExecutablesOption = O.switch $ O.long "executables" <> O.short 'x' <> O.help "Mix executables from the managed sandbox into the project." packageNameOption = O.strOption $ O.long "only" <> O.short 'o' <> O.metavar "PACKAGE" <> O.help (unwords [ "If added, only the specified packages (and their dependencies)" , "will be mixed in. This option may be specified multiple times." ]) newOptions = O.optional . O.strOption $ O.long "with-ghc" <> O.metavar "GHC" <> O.help (unwords [ "Use a different version of GHC in this sandbox." , "When this sandbox is mixed into package sandboxes, their" , "cabal.config will be updated to use this version of GHC." ]) listNameArgument = O.optional . textArgument $ O.metavar "name" <> O.help (unwords [ "If given, list packages installed in the specified sandbox," , "otherwise list all sandman sandboxes" ]) packagesArgument = O.some . textArgument $ O.metavar "PACKAGES" <> O.help "Packages to install" nameArgument = textArgument $ O.metavar "NAME" <> O.help "Name of the sandman sandbox" textArgument = fmap T.pack . O.strArgument command name desc p = O.command name (O.info (O.helper <*> p) (O.progDesc desc)) main :: IO () main = join $ O.execParser opts where opts = O.info (O.helper <*> argParser) O.fullDesc