{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Instances ( DotNetTime() , DList() , VP.Vector() , Value() ) where import Data.Aeson #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as K import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM #endif import Data.DList (DList, fromList, toList) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime) import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (oneof, resize) #else import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), oneof, resize) #endif import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic import Test.QuickCheck.Instances() instance Arbitrary DotNetTime where arbitrary = do diff <- arbitrary -- DotNetTime is only accurate to the millisecond let floored = (/ 1000) . fromIntegral . (floor :: NominalDiffTime -> Int64) $ (diff :: NominalDiffTime) * 1000 return $ DotNetTime $ posixSecondsToUTCTime floored shrink = fmap DotNetTime . shrink . fromDotNetTime instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (DList a) where arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary shrink = fmap fromList . shrink . toList instance (Arbitrary a, VP.Prim a) => Arbitrary (VP.Vector a) where arbitrary = VP.fromList <$> arbitrary shrink = fmap VP.fromList . shrink . VP.toList instance Arbitrary Value where arbitrary = oneof [ resize 5 $ Object <$> arbitrary , resize 5 $ Array <$> arbitrary , String <$> arbitrary , Number <$> arbitrary , Bool <$> arbitrary , pure Null ] shrink = genericShrink #if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(1,5,2) -- | This is here just to test 'Set' in 'parseCollection' instance Ord Value where Null `compare` Null = EQ Null `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Null = GT a `compare` b | Bool a' <- a, Bool b' <- b = a' `compare` b' | Number a' <- a, Number b' <- b = a' `compare` b' | String a' <- a, String b' <- b = a' `compare` b' | Array a' <- a, Array b' <- b = a' `compare` b' | Object a' <- a, Object b' <- b = a' `compare` b' Bool{} `compare` _ = LT Number{} `compare` Bool{} = GT Number{} `compare` _ = LT String{} `compare` Bool{} = GT String{} `compare` Number{} = GT String{} `compare` _ = LT Array{} `compare` Object{} = LT _ `compare` _ = GT #endif #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (KM.KeyMap v) where arbitrary = KM.fromList <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary K.Key where arbitrary = K.fromText <$> arbitrary #endif