{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards,
    ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Network.Riak.Connection.Pool
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc.
-- License:     Apache
-- Maintainer:  Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@mailrank.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- A high-performance striped pooling abstraction for managing
-- connections to a Riak cluster. This is a thin wrapper around
-- 'Data.Pool'.
module Network.Riak.Connection.Pool
    , client
    , create
    , idleTime
    , maxConnections
    , numStripes
    , withConnection
    ) where

import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network.Riak (Client(clientID), Connection, connect, disconnect)
import Network.Riak.Connection (makeClientID)
import qualified Data.Pool as Pool

-- | A pool of connections to a Riak server.
-- This pool is \"striped\", i.e. it consists of several sub-pools
-- that are managed independently.
-- The total number of connections that can possibly be open at once
-- is 'maxConnections' * 'numStripes'.
data Pool = Pool {
      client :: Client
    -- ^ Client specification.  The client ID is ignored, and always
    -- regenerated automatically for each new connection.
    , pool :: Pool.Pool Connection
    } deriving (Typeable)

instance Show Pool where
    show p = "Pool { client = " ++ show (client p) ++ ", " ++
                    "numStripes = " ++ show (numStripes p) ++ ", " ++
                    "idleTime = " ++ show (idleTime p) ++ ", " ++
                    "maxConnections = " ++ show (maxConnections p) ++ "}"

instance Eq Pool where
    a == b = client a == client b && numStripes a == numStripes b &&
             idleTime a == idleTime b && maxConnections a == maxConnections b

-- | Create a new connection pool.
create :: Client
       -- ^ Client configuration.  The client ID is ignored, and
       -- always regenerated automatically for each new connection.
       -> Int
       -- ^ Stripe count.  The number of distinct sub-pools to
       -- maintain.  The smallest acceptable value is 1.
       -> NominalDiffTime
       -- ^ Amount of time for which an unused connection is kept
       -- open.  The smallest acceptable value is 0.5 seconds.
       -- The elapsed time before closing may be a little longer than
       -- requested, as the reaper thread wakes at 2-second intervals.
       -> Int
       -- ^ Maximum number of connections to keep open per stripe.
       -- The smallest acceptable value is 1.
       -- Requests for connections will block if this limit is reached
       -- on a single stripe, even if other stripes have idle
       -- connections available.
       -> IO Pool
create client ns it mc =
    Pool client `fmap` Pool.createPool c disconnect ns it mc
  where c = do
          cid <- makeClientID
          connect client { clientID = cid }

-- | Stripe count.  The number of distinct sub-pools to maintain.  The
-- smallest acceptable value is 1.
numStripes :: Pool -> Int
numStripes = Pool.numStripes . pool

-- | Amount of time for which an unused connection is kept open.  The
-- smallest acceptable value is 0.5 seconds.
-- The elapsed time before closing may be a little longer than
-- requested, as the reaper thread wakes at 1-second intervals.
idleTime :: Pool -> NominalDiffTime
idleTime = Pool.idleTime . pool

-- | Maximum number of connections to keep open per stripe.  The
-- smallest acceptable value is 1.
-- Requests for connections will block if this limit is reached on a
-- single stripe, even if other stripes have idle connections
-- available.
maxConnections :: Pool -> Int
maxConnections = Pool.maxResources . pool

-- | Temporarily take a connection from a 'Pool', perform an action
-- with it, and return it to the pool afterwards.
-- * If the pool has a connection available, it is used
--   immediately.
-- * Otherwise, if the maximum number of connections has not been
--   reached, a new connection is created and used.
-- * If the maximum number of connections has been reached, this
--   function blocks until a connection becomes available, then that
--   connection is used.
-- If the action throws an exception of any type, the 'Connection' is
-- destroyed, and not returned to the pool.
-- It probably goes without saying that you should never call
-- 'disconnect' on a connection, as doing so will cause a subsequent
-- user (who expects the connection to be valid) to throw an exception.
withConnection :: Pool -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
withConnection = Pool.withResource . pool