{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Web.Routing.SafeRouting where

import qualified Data.PolyMap as PM
import Data.HVect hiding (null, length)
import qualified Data.HVect as HV
import Web.Routing.AbstractRouter

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), Alternative (..))
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Web.PathPieces
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T

data RouteHandle m a
   = forall as. RouteHandle (Path as) (HVectElim as (m a))

newtype HVectElim' x ts = HVectElim' { flipHVectElim :: HVectElim ts x }

data SafeRouter (m :: * -> *) a = SafeRouter

instance AbstractRouter (SafeRouter m a) where
    newtype Registry (SafeRouter m a) = SafeRouterReg (PathMap (m a), [[T.Text] -> m a])
    newtype RoutePath (SafeRouter m a) xs = SafeRouterPath (Path xs)
    type RouteAction (SafeRouter m a) = HVectElim' (m a)
    type RouteAppliedAction (SafeRouter m a) = m a
    subcompCombine (SafeRouterPath p1) (SafeRouterPath p2) =
        SafeRouterPath $
        p1 </> p2
    emptyRegistry = SafeRouterReg (emptyPathMap, [])
    rootPath = SafeRouterPath Empty
    defRoute (SafeRouterPath path) action (SafeRouterReg (m, cAll)) =
        ( insertPathMap (RouteHandle path (flipHVectElim action)) m
        , cAll
    fallbackRoute routeDef (SafeRouterReg (m, cAll)) =
        SafeRouterReg (m, cAll ++ [routeDef])
    matchRoute (SafeRouterReg (m, cAll)) pathPieces =
        let matches = match m pathPieces
            matches' =
                if null matches
                then matches ++ (map (\f -> f pathPieces) cAll)
                else matches
        in zip (replicate (length matches') HM.empty) matches'

data Path (as :: [*]) where
  Empty :: Path '[] -- the empty path
  StaticCons :: T.Text -> Path as -> Path as -- append a static path piece to path
  VarCons :: (PathPiece a, Typeable a) => Path as -> Path (a ': as) -- append a param to path

pathToRep :: Path as -> Rep as
pathToRep Empty = RNil
pathToRep (StaticCons _ p) = pathToRep p
pathToRep (VarCons p) = RCons (pathToRep p)

data PathMap x =
  { pm_here :: [x]
  , pm_staticMap :: HM.HashMap T.Text (PathMap x)
  , pm_polyMap :: PM.PolyMap PathPiece PathMap x

instance Functor PathMap where
  fmap f (PathMap h s p) = PathMap (fmap f h) (fmap (fmap f) s) (fmap f p)

instance Applicative PathMap where
  pure x = PathMap [x] mempty PM.empty
  PathMap h s p <*> y =
    let start = PathMap mempty (fmap (<*> y) s) (PM.updateAll (\a -> fmap flip a <*> y) p)
    in foldl' (\pm f -> pm `mappend` fmap f y) start h

instance Alternative PathMap where
  empty = emptyPathMap
  (<|>) = mappend

instance NFData x => NFData (PathMap x) where
  rnf (PathMap h s p) = rnf h `seq` rnf s `seq` PM.rnfHelper rnf p

emptyPathMap :: PathMap x
emptyPathMap = PathMap mempty mempty PM.empty

instance Monoid (PathMap x) where
  mempty = emptyPathMap
  mappend (PathMap h1 s1 p1) (PathMap h2 s2 p2) =
    PathMap (h1 `mappend` h2) (HM.unionWith mappend s1 s2) (PM.unionWith mappend p1 p2)

insertPathMap' :: Path ts -> (HVect ts -> x) -> PathMap x -> PathMap x
insertPathMap' path action (PathMap h s p) =
  case path of
    Empty -> PathMap (action HNil : h) s p
    StaticCons pathPiece path' ->
      let subPathMap = fromMaybe emptyPathMap (HM.lookup pathPiece s)
      in PathMap h (HM.insert pathPiece (insertPathMap' path' action subPathMap) s) p
    VarCons path' ->
      let alterFn = Just . insertPathMap' path' (\vs v -> action (v :&: vs))
                         . fromMaybe emptyPathMap
      in PathMap h s (PM.alter alterFn p)

singleton :: Path ts -> HVectElim ts x -> PathMap x
singleton path action = insertPathMap' path (HV.uncurry action) mempty

insertPathMap :: RouteHandle m a -> PathMap (m a) -> PathMap (m a)
insertPathMap (RouteHandle path action) = insertPathMap' path (HV.uncurry action)

match :: PathMap x -> [T.Text] -> [x]
match (PathMap h _ _) [] = h
match (PathMap _ s p) (pp:pps) =
  let staticMatches = maybeToList (HM.lookup pp s) >>= flip match pps
      varMatches = PM.lookupConcat (fromPathPiece pp)
                     (\piece pathMap' -> fmap ($ piece) (match pathMap' pps)) p
  in staticMatches ++ varMatches

-- | A route parameter
var :: (Typeable a, PathPiece a) => Path (a ': '[])
var = VarCons Empty

type Var a = Path (a ': '[])

-- | A static route piece
static :: String -> Path '[]
static s =
  let pieces = filter (not . T.null) $ T.splitOn "/" $ T.pack s
  in foldr StaticCons Empty pieces

instance (a ~ '[]) => IsString (Path a) where
    fromString = static

-- | The root of a path piece. Use to define a handler for "/"
root :: Path '[]
root = Empty

(</>) :: Path as -> Path bs -> Path (Append as bs)
(</>) Empty xs = xs
(</>) (StaticCons pathPiece xs) ys = (StaticCons pathPiece (xs </> ys))
(</>) (VarCons xs) ys = (VarCons (xs </> ys))

renderRoute :: Path as -> HVect as -> T.Text
renderRoute p h =
    T.intercalate "/" $ renderRoute' p h

renderRoute' :: Path as -> HVect as -> [T.Text]
renderRoute' Empty _ = []
renderRoute' (StaticCons pathPiece pathXs) paramXs =
    ( pathPiece : renderRoute' pathXs paramXs )
renderRoute' (VarCons pathXs) (val :&: paramXs) =
    ( toPathPiece val : renderRoute' pathXs paramXs)
renderRoute' _ _ =
    error "This will never happen."

parse :: Path as -> [T.Text] -> Maybe (HVect as)
parse Empty [] = Just HNil
parse _ [] = Nothing
parse path (pathComp : xs) =
    case path of
      Empty -> Nothing
      StaticCons pathPiece pathXs ->
          if pathPiece == pathComp
          then parse pathXs xs
          else Nothing
      VarCons pathXs ->
          case fromPathPiece pathComp of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just val ->
                let finish = parse pathXs xs
                in fmap (\parsedXs -> val :&: parsedXs) finish