## Req 1.2.1 * Fixed a typo in the type signature of `parseUrl`. ## Req 1.2.0 * Added the `parseUrl` function. ## Req 1.1.0 * Added `customAuth` and `attachHeader` to facilitate creation of custom authentication options. * Added `basicProxyAuth` authentication option. ## Req 1.0.0 * Added the `reqBr` function allowing to consume `Response BodyReader` without using a pre-defined instance of `HttpResponse`, in a custom way. * Now streaming of response body does not happen until we've checked headers and status code with `httpConfigCheckResponse`. It also doesn't happen on every retry. Streaming and obtaining of final response value happens only once when we're happy with everything. Previously we first tried to consume and interpret response body before checking status code and determining whether we should retry the request. This was not good, because we could expect a JSON response but get a response with status code 500, and then still we would try to parse it as JSON first before letting `httpConfigCheckResponse` throw an exception. The corrected behavior should also make retrying more efficient. * Changed signatures of several fields of `HttpConfig`: `httpConfigCheckResponse`, `httpConfigRetryPolicy`, and `httpConfigRetryJudge` in order to eliminate redundant `IO` and prevent the possibility that these functions could start consuming `BodyReader`. * Removed the `makeResponsePreview` method from the `HttpResponse` type class. Preview business is handled by the library automatically on a lower level now. Users do not need to concern themselves with such stuff. * Changed the type signature of the `getHttpResponse` method of the `HttpResponse` type class. Previously it left too much freedom (and responsibility) to implementers of the method. In fact, we now limit what `getHttpResponse` does to just consuming and interpreting `Response BodyReader`, so we can properly control details of connection opening/closing etc., for the user. * Dropped support for GHC 7.8. * Minor documentation improvements. ## Req 0.5.0 * Changed the signature of the `makeResponseBodyPreview` from `response -> IO ByteString` to `response -> ByteString`. * Minor documentation improvements. ## Req 0.4.0 * Added the `Req` monad and `runReq` function to run it. This allows to use `req` without defining new (orphan) instances. ## Req 0.3.1 * Added `basicAuthUnsafe`. ## Req 0.3.0 * Made URL parsing functions `parseUrlHttp` and `parseUrlHttps` recognize port numbers. * Added `req'` function that allows to perform requests via a callback that receives pre-constructed request and manager. * Removed the `ReturnRequest` HTTP response implementation as it was not quite safe and was not going to work with retrying. Use `req'` instead for “pure” testing. * Changed the type of `httpConfigCheckResponse`, so the second argument can be any instance of `HttpResponse`. * Added built-in automatic retrying. See `httpConfigRetryPolicy` and `httpConfigRetryJudge` in `HttpConfig`. The default configuration retries 5 times on request timeouts. * Added the `makeResponseBodyPreview` method to the `HttpResponse` type class that allows to specify how to build a “preview” of response body for inclusion into exceptions. * Improved wording in the documentation and `README.md`. ## Req 0.2.0 * Added support for multipart form data in the form of `ReqBodyMultipart` body option and `reqBodyMultipart` helper function. This also required a change in the type signature of `getRequestContentType`, which now takes `body`, not `Proxy body` because we need to extract boundary from `body` and put it into `Content-Type` header. This change, however, shouldn't be too dangerous for end-users. * Added support for OAuth 1.0 authentication via `oAuth1` option. ## Req 0.1.0 * Initial release.