[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-dialog.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-dialog) _[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-dialog)_ ##<paper-dialog> Material design: [Dialogs](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/dialogs.html) `` is a dialog with Material Design styling and optional animations when it is opened or closed. It provides styles for a header, content area, and an action area for buttons. You can use the `` element (in its own repository) if you need a scrolling content area. To autofocus a specific child element after opening the dialog, give it the `autofocus` attribute. See `Polymer.PaperDialogBehavior` and `Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior` for specifics. For example, the following code implements a dialog with a header, scrolling content area and buttons. Focus will be given to the `dialog-confirm` button when the dialog is opened. ```html


Lorem ipsum...
Cancel Accept
``` ### Styling See the docs for `Polymer.PaperDialogBehavior` for the custom properties available for styling this element. ### Animations Set the `entry-animation` and/or `exit-animation` attributes to add an animation when the dialog is opened or closed. See the documentation in [PolymerElements/neon-animation](https://github.com/PolymerElements/neon-animation) for more info. For example: ```html


Dialog body
``` ### Accessibility See the docs for `Polymer.PaperDialogBehavior` for accessibility features implemented by this element.