[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-icon.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-icon) _[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icon)_ ##<iron-icon> The `iron-icon` element displays an icon. By default an icon renders as a 24px square. Example using src: ```html ``` Example setting size to 32px x 32px: ```html ``` The iron elements include several sets of icons. To use the default set of icons, import `iron-icons.html` and use the `icon` attribute to specify an icon: ```html ``` To use a different built-in set of icons, import the specific `iron-icons/-icons.html`, and specify the icon as `:`. For example, to use a communication icon, you would use: ```html ``` You can also create custom icon sets of bitmap or SVG icons. Example of using an icon named `cherry` from a custom iconset with the ID `fruit`: ```html ``` See [iron-iconset](iron-iconset) and [iron-iconset-svg](iron-iconset-svg) for more information about how to create a custom iconset. See the [iron-icons demo](iron-icons?view=demo:demo/index.html) to see the icons available in the various iconsets. To load a subset of icons from one of the default `iron-icons` sets, you can use the [poly-icon](https://poly-icon.appspot.com/) tool. It allows you to select individual icons, and creates an iconset from them that you can use directly in your elements. ### Styling The following custom properties are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--iron-icon-width` | Width of the icon | `24px` | | `--iron-icon-height` | Height of the icon | `24px` | | `--iron-icon-fill-color` | Fill color of the svg icon | `currentcolor` | | `--iron-icon-stroke-color` | Stroke color of the svg icon | none |