-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | Hey! Hey! Can u rel8? -- -- Hey! Hey! Can u rel8? @package rel8 @version module Rel8.Expr.Time -- | Corresponds to date(now()). today :: Expr Day -- | Corresponds to calling the date function with a given time. toDay :: Expr UTCTime -> Expr Day -- | Corresponds to x::timestamptz. fromDay :: Expr Day -> Expr UTCTime -- | Move forward a given number of days from a particular day. addDays :: Expr Int32 -> Expr Day -> Expr Day -- | Find the number of days between two days. Corresponds to the -- - operator. diffDays :: Expr Day -> Expr Day -> Expr Int32 -- | Subtract a given number of days from a particular Day. subtractDays :: Expr Int32 -> Expr Day -> Expr Day -- | Corresponds to now(). now :: Expr UTCTime -- | Add a time interval to a point in time, yielding a new point in time. addTime :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime -- | Find the duration between two times. diffTime :: Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Subtract a time interval from a point in time, yielding a new point in -- time. subtractTime :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime scaleInterval :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one second. second :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of seconds. seconds :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one minute. minute :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of minutes. minutes :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one hour. hour :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of hours. hours :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one day. day :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of days. days :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one week. week :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of weeks. weeks :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one month. month :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of months. months :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | An interval of one year. year :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -- | Create a literal interval from a number of years. years :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime module Rel8.Expr.Text -- | The PostgreSQL string concatenation operator. (++.) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text infixr 6 ++. -- | Matches regular expression, case sensitive -- -- Corresponds to the ~. operator. (~.) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool infix 2 ~. -- | Matches regular expression, case insensitive -- -- Corresponds to the ~* operator. (~*) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool infix 2 ~* -- | Does not match regular expression, case sensitive -- -- Corresponds to the !~ operator. (!~) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool infix 2 !~ -- | Does not match regular expression, case insensitive -- -- Corresponds to the !~* operator. (!~*) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool infix 2 !~* -- | Corresponds to the bit_length function. bitLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the char_length function. charLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the lower function. lower :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the octet_length function. octetLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the upper function. upper :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the ascii function. ascii :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the btrim function. btrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the chr function. chr :: Expr Int32 -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the convert function. convert :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString -- | Corresponds to the convert_from function. convertFrom :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the convert_to function. convertTo :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString -- | Corresponds to the decode function. decode :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString -- | Corresponds to the encode function. encode :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the initcap function. initcap :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the left function. left :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the length function. length :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the length function. lengthEncoding :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the lpad function. lpad :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the ltrim function. ltrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the md5 function. md5 :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the pg_client_encoding() expression. pgClientEncoding :: Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the quote_ident function. quoteIdent :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the quote_literal function. quoteLiteral :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the quote_nullable function. quoteNullable :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the regexp_replace function. regexpReplace :: () => Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the regexp_split_to_array function. regexpSplitToArray :: () => Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr [Text] -- | Corresponds to the repeat function. repeat :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the replace function. replace :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the reverse function. reverse :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the right function. right :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the rpad function. rpad :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the rtrim function. rtrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the split_part function. splitPart :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the strpos function. strpos :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -- | Corresponds to the substr function. substr :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Int32) -> Expr Text -- | Corresponds to the translate function. translate :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text module Rel8.Expr.Num -- | Cast DBIntegral types to DBNum types. For example, this -- can be useful if you need to turn an Expr Int32 into an -- Expr Double. fromIntegral :: (Sql DBIntegral a, Sql DBNum b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Cast DBNum types to DBFractional types. For example, his -- can be useful to convert Expr Float to Expr Double. realToFrac :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBFractional b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Perform integral division. Corresponds to the div() function. div :: Sql DBIntegral a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | Corresponds to the mod() function. mod :: Sql DBIntegral a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | Round a DBFractional to a DBIntegral by rounding to the -- nearest larger integer. -- -- Corresponds to the ceiling() function. ceiling :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Round a DFractional to a DBIntegral by rounding to the -- nearest smaller integer. -- -- Corresponds to the floor() function. floor :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Round a DBFractional to a DBIntegral by rounding to the -- nearest integer. -- -- Corresponds to the round() function. round :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Round a DBFractional to a DBIntegral by rounding to the -- nearest integer towards zero. truncate :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b) => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Rel8.Tabulate provides an alternative API (Tabulation) -- for writing queries that complements the main Rel8 API -- (Query). module Rel8.Tabulate -- | A Tabulation k a is like a Query a, -- except that each row also has a key k in addition to the -- value a. Tabulations can be composed monadically just -- like Querys, but the resulting join is more like a NATURAL -- JOIN (based on the common key column(s) k) than the -- CROSS JOIN given by Query. -- -- Another way to think of Tabulation k a is as analogous -- to Map k a in the same way Query a is -- analogous to [a]. However, there's nothing stopping a -- Tabulation from containing multiple rows with the same key, so -- technically Map k (NonEmpty a) is more accurate. -- -- Tabulations can be created from Querys with -- fromQuery and liftQuery and converted back to -- Querys with lookup and toQuery (though note the -- caveats that come with the latter). data Tabulation k a -- | Any Query of key-value pairs (k, a) can be a -- Tabulation k a. fromQuery :: Query (k, a) -> Tabulation k a -- | Convert a Tabulation k a back into a Query of -- key-value pairs. -- -- Note that the result of a toQuery is undefined (will always -- return zero rows) on Tabulations constructed with -- liftQuery or pure. So while toQuery . fromQuery -- is always id, fromQuery . toQuery is not. -- -- A safer, more predictable alternative to toQuery is to use -- lookup with an explicit set of keys: -- --
--   do
--      k <- keys
--      a <- lookup k tabulation
--      pure (k, a)
-- -- Having said that, in practice, most legitimate uses of -- Tabulation will have a well-defined toQuery. It would be -- possible in theory to encode the necessary invariants at the type -- level using an indexed monad, but we would lose the ability to use -- do-notation, which is the main benefit of having -- Tabulation as a monad in the first place. -- -- In particular, toQuery t is well-defined for any -- Tabulation t defined as t = fromQuery _. -- toQuery t is also well-defined for any -- Tabulation t defined as t = t' >>= _ or -- t = t' *> _ where toQuery t' is -- well-defined. There are other valid permutations too. Generally, -- anything that uses fromQuery at some point, unless wrapped in a -- top-level present or absent, will have a well-defined -- toQuery. toQuery :: Table Expr k => Tabulation k a -> Query (k, a) -- | A Query a can be treated as a Tabulation k -- a where the given a values exist at every possible key -- k. liftQuery :: Query a -> Tabulation k a -- | Run a Kleisli arrow in the the Query monad "through" a -- Tabulation. Useful for filtering a Tabulation. -- --
--   filter ((>=. 30) . userAge) `through` usersById
through :: (a -> Query b) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b infixr 1 `through` -- | lookup k t returns the value(s) at the key k -- in the tabulation t. lookup :: EqTable k => k -> Tabulation k a -> Query a -- | aggregate aggregates the values within each key of a -- Tabulation. There is an implicit GROUP BY on all the -- key columns. aggregate :: forall k aggregates exprs. (EqTable k, Aggregates aggregates exprs) => Tabulation k aggregates -> Tabulation k exprs -- | distinct ensures a Tabulation has at most one value for -- each key, i.e., it drops duplicates. In general it keeps only the -- "first" value it encounters for each key, but note that "first" is -- undefined unless you first call order. distinct :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a -- | order orders the values of a Tabulation within -- their respective keys. This specifies a defined order for -- distinct. It also defines the order of the lists produced by -- many and some. order :: OrdTable k => Order a -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a -- | count returns a count of how many entries are in the given -- Tabulation at each key. -- -- The resulting Tabulation is "magic" in that the value -- 0 exists at every possible key that wasn't in the given -- Tabulation. count :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Int64) -- | optional produces a "magic" Tabulation whereby each -- entry in the given Tabulation is wrapped in justTable, -- and every other possible key contains a single nothingTable. -- -- This is used to implement leftAlignWith. optional :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (MaybeTable Expr a) -- | many aggregates each entry with a particular key into a single -- entry with all of the values contained in a ListTable. -- -- order can be used to give this ListTable a defined -- order. -- -- The resulting Tabulation is "magic" in that the value -- 'Rel8.listTable []' exists at every possible key that wasn't -- in the given Tabulation. many :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a) => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (ListTable Expr a) -- | some aggregates each entry with a particular key into a single -- entry with all of the values contained in a NonEmptyTable. -- -- order can be used to give this NonEmptyTable a defined -- order. some :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a) => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (NonEmptyTable Expr a) -- | exists produces a "magic" Tabulation which contains the -- value true at each key in the given Tabulation, and the -- value false at every other possible key. exists :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Bool) -- | present produces a Tabulation where a single () -- row exists for every key that was present in the given -- Tabulation. -- -- This is used to implement similarity. present :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k () -- | absent produces a Tabulation where a single () -- row exists at every possible key that absent from the given -- Tabulation. -- -- This is used to implement difference. absent :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k () -- | Performs a NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to align. align :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (TheseTable Expr a b) -- | Performs a NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to alignWith. alignWith :: EqTable k => (TheseTable Expr a b -> c) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c -- | Performs a NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to rpadZip. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with optional and the -- Applicative instance for Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- left right -> liftA2 (,) left (optional right). You can also -- use do@-notation. leftAlign :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (a, MaybeTable Expr b) -- | Performs a NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to rpadZipWith. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with optional and the -- Applicative instance for Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- f left right -> liftA2 f left (optional right). You can also -- use do@-notation. leftAlignWith :: EqTable k => (a -> MaybeTable Expr b -> c) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c -- | Performs a NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to lpadZip. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with optional and the -- Applicative instance for Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- left right -> liftA2 (flip (,)) right (optional left). You can -- also use do@-notation. rightAlign :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (MaybeTable Expr a, b) -- | Performs a NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analogous to lpadZipWith. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with optional and the -- Applicative instance for Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- f left right -> liftA2 (flip f) right (optional left). You can -- also use do@-notation. rightAlignWith :: EqTable k => (MaybeTable Expr a -> b -> c) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c -- | Performs a NATURAL INNER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analagous to zip. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with the Applicative -- instance of Tabulation, i.e., this is just 'liftA2 -- (,)'. You can also use do-notation. zip :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (a, b) -- | Performs a NATURAL INNER JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- Analagous to zipWith. -- -- Note that you can achieve the same effect with the Applicative -- instance of Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- liftA2. You can also use do-notation. zipWith :: EqTable k => (a -> b -> c) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c -- | Performs a NATURAL SEMI JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- The result is a subset of the left tabulation where only entries which -- have a corresponding entry in the right tabulation are kept. -- -- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with present and the -- Applicative instance of Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- left right -> left <* present right. You can also use -- do-notation. similarity :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a -- | Performs a NATURAL ANTI JOIN based on the common key -- columns. -- -- The result is a subset of the left tabulation where only entries which -- do not have a corresponding entry in the right tabulation are kept. -- -- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with absent and the -- Applicative instance of Tabulation, i.e., this is just -- left right -> left <* absent right. You can also use -- do-notation. difference :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a instance Rel8.Table.Projection.Biprojectable Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation instance Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation instance GHC.Base.Functor (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Projection.Projectable (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => Data.Functor.Bind.Class.Apply (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => GHC.Base.Applicative (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => Data.Functor.Bind.Class.Bind (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => GHC.Base.Monad (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => Rel8.Table.Alternative.AltTable (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k => Rel8.Table.Alternative.AlternativeTable (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k) instance (Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k, Rel8.Table.Table Rel8.Expr.Expr a, GHC.Base.Semigroup a) => GHC.Base.Semigroup (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k a) instance (Rel8.Table.Eq.EqTable k, Rel8.Table.Table Rel8.Expr.Expr a, GHC.Base.Semigroup a) => GHC.Base.Monoid (Rel8.Tabulate.Tabulation k a) instance Data.Functor.Contravariant.Contravariant Rel8.Tabulate.Predicate instance GHC.Base.Semigroup (Rel8.Tabulate.Predicate k) instance GHC.Base.Monoid (Rel8.Tabulate.Predicate k) module Rel8 -- | Haskell types that can be represented as expressions in a database. -- There should be an instance of DBType for all column types in -- your database schema (e.g., int, timestamptz, etc). -- -- Rel8 comes with stock instances for most default types in PostgreSQL, -- so you should only need to derive instances of this class for custom -- database types, such as types defined in PostgreSQL extensions, or -- custom domain types. class NotNull a => DBType a typeInformation :: DBType a => TypeInformation a -- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value -- using a JSON encoding described by aeson's ToJSON and -- FromJSON type classes. newtype JSONEncoded a JSONEncoded :: a -> JSONEncoded a [fromJSONEncoded] :: JSONEncoded a -> a -- | Like JSONEncoded, but works for jsonb columns. newtype JSONBEncoded a JSONBEncoded :: a -> JSONBEncoded a [fromJSONBEncoded] :: JSONBEncoded a -> a -- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value -- using a Haskell's Read and Show type classes. newtype ReadShow a ReadShow :: a -> ReadShow a [fromReadShow] :: ReadShow a -> a -- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell -- product type in a single Postgres column using a Postgres composite -- type. -- -- Note that this must map to a specific extant type in your database's -- schema (created with CREATE TYPE). Use DBComposite to -- specify the name of this Postgres type and the names of the individual -- fields (for projecting with decompose). newtype Composite a Composite :: a -> Composite a -- | DBComposite is used to associate composite type metadata with a -- Haskell type. class (DBType a, HKDable a) => DBComposite a -- | The names of all fields in the composite type that a maps to. compositeFields :: DBComposite a => HKD a Name -- | The name of the composite type that a maps to. compositeTypeName :: DBComposite a => String -- | Collapse a HKD into a PostgreSQL composite type. -- -- HKD values are represented in queries by having a column for -- each field in the corresponding Haskell type. compose collapses -- these columns into a single column expression, by combining them into -- a PostgreSQL composite type. compose :: DBComposite a => HKD a Expr -> Expr a -- | Expand a composite type into a HKD. -- -- decompose is the inverse of compose. decompose :: forall a. DBComposite a => Expr a -> HKD a Expr -- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store an "enum" type -- (in Haskell terms, a sum type where all constructors are nullary) -- using a Postgres enum type. -- -- Note that this should map to a specific type in your database's schema -- (explicitly created with CREATE TYPE ... AS ENUM). Use -- DBEnum to specify the name of this Postgres type and the names -- of the individual values. If left unspecified, the names of the values -- of the Postgres enum are assumed to match exactly exactly the -- names of the constructors of the Haskell type (up to and including -- case sensitivity). newtype Enum a Enum :: a -> Enum a -- | DBEnum contains the necessary metadata to describe a -- PostgreSQL enum type. class (DBType a, Enumable a) => DBEnum a -- | Map Haskell values to the corresponding element of the enum -- type. The default implementation of this method will use the exact -- name of the Haskell constructors. enumValue :: DBEnum a => a -> String -- | The name of the PostgreSQL enum type that a maps to. enumTypeName :: DBEnum a => String -- | Types that are sum types, where each constructor is unary (that is, -- has no fields). class (Generic a, GEnumable (Rep a)) => Enumable a -- | TypeInformation describes how to encode and decode a Haskell -- type to and from database queries. The typeName is the name -- of the type in the database, which is used to accurately type -- literals. data TypeInformation a TypeInformation :: (a -> PrimExpr) -> Value a -> String -> TypeInformation a -- | How to encode a single Haskell value as a SQL expression. [encode] :: TypeInformation a -> a -> PrimExpr -- | How to deserialize a single result back to Haskell. [decode] :: TypeInformation a -> Value a -- | The name of the SQL type. [typeName] :: TypeInformation a -> String -- | Simultaneously map over how a type is both encoded and decoded, while -- retaining the name of the type. This operation is useful if you want -- to essentially newtype another DBType. -- -- The mapping is required to be total. If you have a partial mapping, -- see parseTypeInformation. mapTypeInformation :: () => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b -- | Apply a parser to TypeInformation. -- -- This can be used if the data stored in the database should only be -- subset of a given TypeInformation. The parser is applied when -- deserializing rows returned - the encoder assumes that the input data -- is already in the appropriate form. parseTypeInformation :: () => (a -> Either String b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b -- | The class of DBTypes that form a semigroup. This class is -- purely a Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the Semigroup -- class. class DBType a => DBSemigroup a -- | An associative operation. (<>.) :: DBSemigroup a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a infixr 6 <>. -- | The class of DBTypes that form a semigroup. This class is -- purely a Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the Monoid class. class DBSemigroup a => DBMonoid a memptyExpr :: DBMonoid a => Expr a -- | The class of database types that support the +, *, -- - operators, and the abs, negate, -- sign functions. class DBType a => DBNum a -- | The class of database types that can be coerced to from integral -- expressions. This is a Rel8 concept, and allows us to provide -- fromIntegral. class DBNum a => DBIntegral a -- | The class of database types that support the / operator. class DBNum a => DBFractional a -- | The class of database types that support the / operator. class DBFractional a => DBFloating a -- | This type class allows you to define custom Tables using -- higher-kinded data types. Higher-kinded data types are data types of -- the pattern: -- --
--   data MyType f =
--     MyType { field1 :: Column f T1 OR HK1 f
--            , field2 :: Column f T2 OR HK2 f
--            , ...
--            , fieldN :: Column f Tn OR HKn f
--            }
-- -- where Tn is any Haskell type, and HKn is any -- higher-kinded type. -- -- That is, higher-kinded data are records where all fields in the record -- are all either of the type Column f T (for any T), -- or are themselves higher-kinded data: -- -- -- --
--   data Nested f =
--     Nested { nested1 :: MyType f
--            , nested2 :: MyType f
--            }
-- -- The Rel8able type class is used to give us a special mapping -- operation that lets us change the type parameter f. -- -- -- -- This type class should be derived generically for all table types in -- your project. To do this, enable the DeriveAnyType and -- DeriveGeneric language extensions: -- --
--   {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}
--   data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
--     deriving ( GHC.Generics.Generic, Rel8able )
class HTable (GColumns t) => Rel8able t -- | The kind of Rel8able types type KRel8able = Rel8able -- | This type family is used to specify columns in Rel8ables. In -- Column f a, f is the context of the column (which -- should be left polymorphic in Rel8able definitions), and -- a is the type of the column. type family Column context a type family HADT context t -- | Nest an Either value within a Rel8able. HEither f -- a b will produce a EitherTable a b in the -- Expr context, and a Either a b in the -- Result context. type family HEither context = either | either -> context -- | Nest a Maybe value within a Rel8able. HMaybe f -- a will produce a MaybeTable a in the -- Expr context, and a Maybe a in the -- Result context. type family HMaybe context = maybe | maybe -> context -- | Nest a list within a Rel8able. HList f a will -- produce a ListTable a in the Expr context, -- and a [a] in the Result context. type family HList context = list | list -> context -- | Nest a NonEmpty list within a Rel8able. HNonEmpty -- f a will produce a NonEmptyTable a in the -- Expr context, and a NonEmpty a in the -- Result context. type family HNonEmpty context = nonEmpty | nonEmpty -> context -- | Nest an These value within a Rel8able. HThese f a -- b will produce a TheseTable a b in the -- Expr context, and a These a b in the -- Result context. type family HThese context = these | these -> context type family Lift context a -- | Tables are one of the foundational elements of Rel8, and -- describe data types that have a finite number of columns. Each of -- these columns contains data under a shared context, and contexts -- describe how to interpret the metadata about a column to a particular -- Haskell type. In Rel8, we have contexts for expressions (the -- Expr context), aggregations (the Aggregate context), -- insert values (the Insert contex), among others. -- -- In typical usage of Rel8 you don't need to derive instances of -- Table yourself, as anything that's an instance of -- Rel8able is always a Table. class (HTable (Columns a), context ~ Context a, a ~ Transpose context a) => Table context a | a -> context where { -- | The HTable functor that describes the schema of this table. type family Columns a :: HTable; -- | The common context that all columns use as an interpretation. type family Context a :: Context; -- | The FromExprs type family maps a type in the Expr -- context to the corresponding Haskell type. type family FromExprs a :: Type; type family Transpose (context' :: Context) a :: Type; type Columns a = GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a)); type Context a = GContext TContext (Rep (Record a)); type FromExprs a = Map TFromExprs a; type Transpose context a = Map (TTranspose context) a; } toColumns :: Table context a => a -> Columns a context fromColumns :: Table context a => Columns a context -> a fromResult :: Table context a => Columns a Result -> FromExprs a toResult :: Table context a => FromExprs a -> Columns a Result toColumns :: (Table context a, Generic (Record a), GTable (TTable context) TColumns (Rep (Record a)), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => a -> Columns a context fromColumns :: (Table context a, Generic (Record a), GTable (TTable context) TColumns (Rep (Record a)), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => Columns a context -> a toResult :: (Table context a, Generic (Record (FromExprs a)), GSerialize TSerialize TColumns (Rep (Record a)) (Rep (Record (FromExprs a))), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => FromExprs a -> Columns a Result fromResult :: (Table context a, Generic (Record (FromExprs a)), GSerialize TSerialize TColumns (Rep (Record a)) (Rep (Record (FromExprs a))), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => Columns a Result -> FromExprs a -- | A HTable is a functor-indexed/higher-kinded data type that is -- representable (htabulate/hfield), constrainable -- (hdicts), and specified (hspecs). -- -- This is an internal concept for Rel8, and you should not need to -- define instances yourself or specify this constraint. class HTable t -- | Transposes from to a b means that a and -- b are Tables, in the from and to -- contexts respectively, which share the same underlying structure. In -- other words, b is a version of a transposed from the -- from context to the to context (and vice versa). class (Table from a, Table to b, Congruent a b, b ~ Transpose to a, a ~ Transpose from b) => Transposes from to a b | a -> from, b -> to, a to -> b, b from -> a -- | Like Alt in Haskell. This class is purely a Rel8 concept, and -- allows you to take a choice between two tables. See also -- AlternativeTable. -- -- For example, using <|>: on MaybeTable allows you -- to combine two tables and to return the first one that is a "just" -- MaybeTable. class AltTable f -- | An associative binary operation on Tables. (<|>:) :: (AltTable f, Table Expr a) => f a -> f a -> f a infixl 3 <|>: -- | Like Alternative in Haskell, some Tables form a monoid -- on applicative functors. class AltTable f => AlternativeTable f -- | The identity of <|>:. emptyTable :: (AlternativeTable f, Table Expr a) => f a -- | The class of Tables that can be compared for equality. Equality -- on tables is defined by equality of all columns all columns, so this -- class means "all columns in a Table have an instance of -- DBEq". class Table Expr a => EqTable a -- | Compare two Tables for equality. This corresponds to comparing -- all columns inside each table for equality, and combining all -- comparisons with AND. (==:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 ==: -- | Test if two Tables are different. This corresponds to comparing -- all columns inside each table for inequality, and combining all -- comparisons with OR. (/=:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 /=: -- | The class of Tables that can be ordered. Ordering on tables -- is defined by their lexicographic ordering of all columns, so this -- class means "all columns in a Table have an instance of -- DBOrd". class EqTable a => OrdTable a -- | Construct an Order for a Table by sorting all columns -- into ascending orders (any nullable columns will be sorted with -- NULLS FIRST). ascTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a -- | Construct an Order for a Table by sorting all columns -- into descending orders (any nullable columns will be sorted with -- NULLS LAST). descTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a -- | Use lit to turn literal Haskell values into expressions. -- lit is capable of lifting single Exprs to full -- tables. lit :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => a -> exprs -- | An if-then-else expression on tables. -- -- bool x y p returns x if p is -- False, and returns y if p is True. bool :: Table Expr a => a -> a -> Expr Bool -> a -- | Produce a table expression from a list of alternatives. Returns the -- first table where the Expr Bool expression is True. -- If no alternatives are true, the given default is returned. case_ :: Table Expr a => [(Expr Bool, a)] -> a -> a -- | MaybeTable t is the table t, but as the result of an -- outer join. If the outer join fails to match any rows, this is -- essentialy Nothing, and if the outer join does match rows, -- this is like Just. Unfortunately, SQL makes it impossible to -- distinguish whether or not an outer join matched any rows based -- generally on the row contents - if you were to join a row entirely of -- nulls, you can't distinguish if you matched an all null row, or if the -- match failed. For this reason MaybeTable contains an extra -- field - a "nullTag" - to track whether or not the outer join produced -- any rows. data MaybeTable context a -- | Perform case analysis on a MaybeTable. Like maybe. maybeTable :: Table Expr b => b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> b -- | Project a single expression out of a MaybeTable. You can think -- of this operator like the $ operator, but it also has the -- ability to return null. ($?) :: forall a b. Sql DBType b => (a -> Expr b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr (Nullify b) infixl 4 $? -- | The null table. Like Nothing. nothingTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable Expr a -- | Lift any table into MaybeTable. Like Just. Note you can -- also use pure. justTable :: a -> MaybeTable Expr a -- | Check if a MaybeTable is absent of any row. Like -- isNothing. isNothingTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool -- | Check if a MaybeTable contains a row. Like isJust. isJustTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool -- | Convert a query that might return zero rows to a query that always -- returns at least one row. -- -- To speak in more concrete terms, optional is most useful to -- write LEFT JOINs. optional :: Query a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a) -- | Filter out MaybeTables, returning only the tables that are -- not-null. -- -- This operation can be used to "undo" the effect of optional, -- which operationally is like turning a LEFT JOIN back into a -- full JOIN. You can think of this as analogous to -- catMaybes. catMaybeTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Query a -- | Extend an optional query with another query. This is useful if you -- want to step through multiple LEFT JOINs. -- -- Note that traverseMaybeTable takes a a -> Query b -- function, which means you also have the ability to "expand" one row -- into multiple rows. If the a -> Query b function returns -- no rows, then the resulting query will also have no rows. However, -- regardless of the given a -> Query b function, if the -- input is nothingTable, you will always get exactly one -- nothingTable back. traverseMaybeTable :: (a -> Query b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr b) -- | Lift an aggregating function to operate on a MaybeTable. -- nothingTables and justTables are grouped separately. aggregateMaybeTable :: () => (exprs -> aggregates) -> MaybeTable Expr exprs -> MaybeTable Aggregate aggregates -- | Construct a MaybeTable in the Name context. This can be -- useful if you have a MaybeTable that you are storing in a table -- and need to construct a TableSchema. nameMaybeTable :: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> a -> MaybeTable Name a -- | An EitherTable a b is a Rel8 table that contains either the -- table a or the table b. You can construct an -- EitherTable using leftTable and rightTable, and -- eliminate/pattern match using eitherTable. -- -- An EitherTable is operationally the same as Haskell's -- Either type, but adapted to work with Rel8. data EitherTable context a b -- | Pattern match/eliminate an EitherTable, by providing mappings -- from a leftTable and rightTable. eitherTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> c -- | Construct a left EitherTable. Like Left. leftTable :: Table Expr b => a -> EitherTable Expr a b -- | Construct a right EitherTable. Like Right. rightTable :: Table Expr a => b -> EitherTable Expr a b -- | Test if an EitherTable is a leftTable. isLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Test if an EitherTable is a rightTable. isRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Filter EitherTables, keeping only leftTables. keepLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query a -- | Filter EitherTables, keeping only rightTables. keepRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query b -- | bitraverseEitherTable f g x will pass all leftTables -- through f and all rightTables through g. -- The results are then lifted back into leftTable and -- rightTable, respectively. This is similar to -- bitraverse for Either. -- -- For example, -- --
--   >>> :{
--   select do
--     x <- values (map lit [ Left True, Right (42 :: Int32) ])
--     bitraverseEitherTable (\y -> values [y, not_ y]) (\y -> pure (y * 100)) x
--   :}
--   [ Left True
--   , Left False
--   , Right 4200
--   ]
bitraverseEitherTable :: () => (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr c d) -- | Lift a pair of aggregating functions to operate on an -- EitherTable. leftTables and rightTables are -- grouped separately. aggregateEitherTable :: () => (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> EitherTable Expr exprs exprs' -> EitherTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates' -- | Construct a EitherTable in the Name context. This can be -- useful if you have a EitherTable that you are storing in a -- table and need to construct a TableSchema. nameEitherTable :: Name EitherTag -> a -> b -> EitherTable Name a b -- | TheseTable a b is a Rel8 table that contains either the table -- a, the table b, or both tables a and -- b. You can construct TheseTables using -- thisTable, thatTable and thoseTable. -- TheseTables can be eliminated/pattern matched using -- theseTable. -- -- TheseTable is operationally the same as Haskell's -- These type, but adapted to work with Rel8. data TheseTable context a b -- | Pattern match on a TheseTable. Corresponds to these. theseTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> c -- | Construct a TheseTable. Corresponds to This. thisTable :: Table Expr b => a -> TheseTable Expr a b -- | Construct a TheseTable. Corresponds to That. thatTable :: Table Expr a => b -> TheseTable Expr a b -- | Construct a TheseTable. Corresponds to These. thoseTable :: a -> b -> TheseTable Expr a b -- | Test if a TheseTable was constructed with thisTable. -- -- Corresponds to isThis. isThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Test if a TheseTable was constructed with thatTable. -- -- Corresponds to isThat. isThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Test if a TheseTable was constructed with thoseTable. -- -- Corresponds to isThese. isThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Test if the a side of TheseTable a b is present. -- -- Corresponds to hasHere. hasHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Test if the b table of TheseTable a b is present. -- -- Corresponds to hasThere. hasThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool -- | Attempt to project out the a table of a TheseTable a -- b. -- -- Corresponds to justHere. justHereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context a -- | Attempt to project out the b table of a TheseTable a -- b. -- -- Corresponds to justThere. justThereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context b -- | Corresponds to a FULL OUTER JOIN between two queries. alignBy :: () => (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query a -> Query b -> Query (TheseTable Expr a b) keepHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b) loseHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b keepThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b) loseThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a keepThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a loseThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b) keepThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b loseThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b) keepThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, b) loseThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr a b) bitraverseTheseTable :: () => (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (TheseTable Expr c d) -- | Lift a pair of aggregating functions to operate on an -- TheseTable. thisTables, thatTables and -- thoseTables are grouped separately. aggregateTheseTable :: () => (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> TheseTable Expr exprs exprs' -> TheseTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates' -- | Construct a TheseTable in the Name context. This can be -- useful if you have a TheseTable that you are storing in a table -- and need to construct a TableSchema. nameTheseTable :: () => Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> a -> b -> TheseTable Name a b -- | A ListTable value contains zero or more instances of -- a. You construct ListTables with many or -- listAgg. data ListTable context a -- | Construct a ListTable from a list of expressions. listTable :: Table Expr a => [a] -> ListTable Expr a -- | Project a single expression out of a ListTable. ($*) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> ListTable Expr a -> Expr [b] infixl 4 $* -- | Construct a ListTable in the Name context. This can be -- useful if you have a ListTable that you are storing in a table -- and need to construct a TableSchema. nameListTable :: Table Name a => a -> ListTable Name a -- | Aggregate a Query into a ListTable. If the supplied -- query returns 0 rows, this function will produce a Query that -- returns one row containing the empty ListTable. If the -- supplied Query does return rows, many will return -- exactly one row, with a ListTable collecting all returned -- rows. -- -- many is analogous to many from -- Control.Applicative. many :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (ListTable Expr a) -- | A version of many specialised to single expressions. manyExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr [a]) -- | Expand a ListTable into a Query, where each row in the -- query is an element of the given ListTable. -- -- catListTable is an inverse to many. catListTable :: Table Expr a => ListTable Expr a -> Query a -- | Expand an expression that contains a list into a Query, where -- each row in the query is an element of the given list. -- -- catList is an inverse to manyExpr. catList :: Sql DBType a => Expr [a] -> Query (Expr a) -- | A NonEmptyTable value contains one or more instances of -- a. You construct NonEmptyTables with some or -- nonEmptyAgg. data NonEmptyTable context a -- | Construct a NonEmptyTable from a non-empty list of -- expressions. nonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmpty a -> NonEmptyTable Expr a -- | Project a single expression out of a NonEmptyTable. ($+) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Expr (NonEmpty b) infixl 4 $+ -- | Construct a NonEmptyTable in the Name context. This can -- be useful if you have a NonEmptyTable that you are storing in a -- table and need to construct a TableSchema. nameNonEmptyTable :: Table Name a => a -> NonEmptyTable Name a -- | Aggregate a Query into a NonEmptyTable. If the supplied -- query returns 0 rows, this function will produce a Query that -- is empty - that is, will produce zero NonEmptyTables. If the -- supplied Query does return rows, some will return -- exactly one row, with a NonEmptyTable collecting all returned -- rows. -- -- some is analogous to some from -- Control.Applicative. some :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (NonEmptyTable Expr a) -- | A version of many specialised to single expressions. someExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr (NonEmpty a)) -- | Expand a NonEmptyTable into a Query, where each row in -- the query is an element of the given NonEmptyTable. -- -- catNonEmptyTable is an inverse to some. catNonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Query a -- | Expand an expression that contains a non-empty list into a -- Query, where each row in the query is an element of the given -- list. -- -- catNonEmpty is an inverse to someExpr. catNonEmpty :: Sql DBType a => Expr (NonEmpty a) -> Query (Expr a) data ADT t context class (Generic (Record (t Result)), HTable (GColumnsADT t), GSerializeADT TSerialize TColumns (Eval (ADTRep t Expr)) (Eval (ADTRep t Result))) => ADTable t type BuildADT t name = GGBuild 'Sum name (ADTRep t) (ADT t Expr) buildADT :: forall t name. BuildableADT t name => BuildADT t name type ConstructADT t = forall r. GGConstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) r constructADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => ConstructADT t -> ADT t Expr type DeconstructADT t r = GGDeconstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) (ADT t Expr) r deconstructADT :: forall t r. (ConstructableADT t, Table Expr r) => DeconstructADT t r type NameADT t = GGName 'Sum (ADTRep t) (ADT t Name) nameADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => NameADT t type AggregateADT t = forall r. GGAggregate 'Sum (ADTRep t) r aggregateADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => AggregateADT t -> ADT t Expr -> ADT t Aggregate data HKD a f class (Generic (Record a), HTable (GColumns (HKD a)), KnownAlgebra (GAlgebra (Rep a)), Eval (GGSerialize (GAlgebra (Rep a)) TSerialize TColumns (Eval (HKDRep a Expr)) (Eval (HKDRep a Result))), GRecord (GMap (TColumn Result) (Rep a)) ~ Rep (Record a)) => HKDable a type BuildHKD a name = GGBuild (GAlgebra (Rep a)) name (HKDRep a) (HKD a Expr) buildHKD :: forall a name. BuildableHKD a name => BuildHKD a name type ConstructHKD a = forall r. GGConstruct (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r constructHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => ConstructHKD a -> HKD a Expr type DeconstructHKD a r = GGDeconstruct (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) (HKD a Expr) r deconstructHKD :: forall a r. (ConstructableHKD a, Table Expr r) => DeconstructHKD a r type NameHKD a = GGName (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) (HKD a Name) nameHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => NameHKD a type AggregateHKD a = forall r. GGAggregate (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r aggregateHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => AggregateHKD a -> HKD a Expr -> HKD a Aggregate -- | The schema for a table. This is used to specify the name and schema -- that a table belongs to (the FROM part of a SQL query), along -- with the schema of the columns within this table. -- -- For each selectable table in your database, you should provide a -- TableSchema in order to interact with the table via Rel8. data TableSchema names TableSchema :: String -> Maybe String -> names -> TableSchema names -- | The name of the table. [name] :: TableSchema names -> String -- | The schema that this table belongs to. If Nothing, whatever is -- on the connection's search_path will be used. [schema] :: TableSchema names -> Maybe String -- | The columns of the table. Typically you would use a a higher-kinded -- data type here, parameterized by the ColumnSchema functor. [columns] :: TableSchema names -> names -- | A Name is the name of a column, as it would be defined in a -- table's schema definition. You can construct names by using the -- OverloadedStrings extension and writing string literals. This -- is typically done when providing a TableSchema value. data Name a -- | Construct a table in the Name context containing the names of -- all columns. Nested column names will be combined with /. -- -- See also: namesFromLabelsWith. namesFromLabels :: Table Name a => a -- | Construct a table in the Name context containing the names of -- all columns. The supplied function can be used to transform column -- names. -- -- This function can be used to generically derive the columns for a -- TableSchema. For example, -- --
--   myTableSchema :: TableSchema (MyTable Name)
--   myTableSchema = TableSchema
--     { columns = namesFromLabelsWith last
--     }
-- -- will construct a TableSchema where each columns names exactly -- corresponds to the name of the Haskell field. namesFromLabelsWith :: Table Name a => (NonEmpty String -> String) -> a -- | Typed SQL expressions. data Expr a -- | The Sql type class describes both null and not null database -- values, constrained by a specific class. -- -- For example, if you see Sql DBEq a, this means any database -- type that supports equality, and a can either be exactly an -- a, or it could also be Maybe a. class (constraint (Unnullify a), Nullable a) => Sql constraint a -- | Produce an expression from a literal. -- -- Note that you can usually use lit, but litExpr can -- solve problems of inference in polymorphic code. litExpr :: Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a -- | Cast an expression to a different type. Corresponds to a -- CAST() function call. unsafeCastExpr :: Sql DBType b => Expr a -> Expr b -- | Unsafely construct an expression from literal SQL. -- -- This is an escape hatch, and can be used if Rel8 can not adequately -- express the query you need. If you find yourself using this function, -- please let us know, as it may indicate that something is missing from -- Rel8! unsafeLiteral :: String -> Expr a -- | nullify a means a cannot take null as a -- value. class (Nullable a, IsMaybe a ~ 'False) => NotNull a -- | Nullable a means that rel8 is able to check if the -- type a is a type that can take null values or not. class Nullable' (IsMaybe a) a => Nullable a -- | Corresponds to SQL null. null :: DBType a => Expr (Maybe a) -- | Lift an expression that can't be null to a type that might be -- null. This is an identity operation in terms of any generated -- query, and just modifies the query's type. nullify :: NotNull a => Expr a -> Expr (Maybe a) -- | Like maybe, but to eliminate null. nullable :: Table Expr b => b -> (Expr a -> b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> b -- | Like isNothing, but for null. isNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool -- | Like isJust, but for null. isNonNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool -- | Lift an operation on non-null values to an operation on -- possibly null values. When given null, mapNull -- f returns null. -- -- This is like fmap for Maybe. mapNull :: DBType b => (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b) -- | Lift a binary operation on non-null expressions to an -- equivalent binary operator on possibly null expressions. If -- either of the final arguments are null, liftOpNull -- returns null. -- -- This is like liftA2 for Maybe. liftOpNull :: DBType c => (Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b) -> Expr (Maybe c) -- | Filter a Query that might return null to a -- Query without any nulls. -- -- Corresponds to catMaybes. catNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Query (Expr a) -- | Convert a Expr (Maybe Bool) to a Expr Bool by -- treating Nothing as False. This can be useful when -- combined with where_, which expects a Bool, and -- produces expressions that optimize better than general case analysis. coalesce :: Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Expr Bool -- | Database types that can be compared for equality in queries. If a type -- is an instance of DBEq, it means we can compare expressions for -- equality using the SQL = operator. class DBType a => DBEq a -- | The SQL true literal. true :: Expr Bool -- | The SQL false literal. false :: Expr Bool -- | The SQL NOT operator. not_ :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -- | The SQL AND operator. (&&.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool infixr 3 &&. -- | Fold AND over a collection of expressions. and_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool -- | The SQL OR operator. (||.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool infixr 2 ||. -- | Fold OR over a collection of expressions. or_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool -- | Compare two expressions for equality. -- -- This corresponds to the SQL IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator, -- and will equate null values as true. This differs -- from = which would return null. This operator -- matches Haskell's == operator. For an operator identical to SQL -- =, see ==?. (==.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 ==. -- | Test if two expressions are different (not equal). -- -- This corresponds to the SQL IS DISTINCT FROM operator, and -- will return false when comparing two null values. -- This differs from ordinary = which would return -- null. This operator is closer to Haskell's == -- operator. For an operator identical to SQL =, see /=?. (/=.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 /=. -- | Test if two expressions are equal. This operator is usually the best -- choice when forming join conditions, as PostgreSQL has a much harder -- time optimizing a join that has multiple True conditions. -- -- This corresponds to the SQL = operator, though it will always -- return a Bool. (==?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 ==? -- | Test if two expressions are different. -- -- This corresponds to the SQL <> operator, though it will -- always return a Bool. (/=?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 /=? -- | Like the SQL IN operator, but implemented by folding over a -- list with ==. and ||.. in_ :: forall a f. (Sql DBEq a, Foldable f) => Expr a -> f (Expr a) -> Expr Bool -- | Eliminate a boolean-valued expression. -- -- Corresponds to bool. boolExpr :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool -> Expr a -- | A multi-way ifthenelse statement. The first argument to -- caseExpr is a list of alternatives. The first alternative -- that is of the form (true, x) will be returned. If no such -- alternative is found, a fallback expression is returned. -- -- Corresponds to a CASE expression in SQL. caseExpr :: [(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | The class of database types that support the <, -- <=, > and >= operators. class DBEq a => DBOrd a -- | Corresponds to the SQL < operator. Note that this differs -- from SQL < as null will sort below any other -- value. For a version of < that exactly matches SQL, see -- (<?). (<.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 <. -- | Corresponds to the SQL <= operator. Note that this differs -- from SQL <= as null will sort below any other -- value. For a version of <= that exactly matches SQL, see -- (<=?). (<=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 <=. -- | Corresponds to the SQL > operator. Note that this differs -- from SQL > as null will sort below any other -- value. For a version of > that exactly matches SQL, see -- (>?). (>.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 >. -- | Corresponds to the SQL >= operator. Note that this differs -- from SQL > as null will sort below any other -- value. For a version of >= that exactly matches SQL, see -- (>=?). (>=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 >=. -- | Corresponds to the SQL < operator. Returns null -- if either arguments are null. ( Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 <= operator. Returns null -- if either arguments are null. (<=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 <=? -- | Corresponds to the SQL > operator. Returns null -- if either arguments are null. (>?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 >? -- | Corresponds to the SQL >= operator. Returns null -- if either arguments are null. (>=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 >=? -- | Given two expressions, return the expression that sorts less than the -- other. -- -- Corresponds to the SQL least() function. leastExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | Given two expressions, return the expression that sorts greater than -- the other. -- -- Corresponds to the SQL greatest() function. greatestExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | This type class exists to allow function to have arbitrary -- arity. It's mostly an implementation detail, and typical uses of -- Function shouldn't need this to be specified. class Function arg res -- | Construct an n-ary function that produces an Expr that when -- called runs a SQL function. function :: Function args result => String -> args -> result -- | Construct a function call for functions with no arguments. nullaryFunction :: Sql DBType a => String -> Expr a -- | Construct an expression by applying an infix binary operator to two -- operands. binaryOperator :: Sql DBType c => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c -- | The Query monad allows you to compose a SELECT -- query. This monad has semantics similar to the list ([]) -- monad. data Query a -- | Convert a Query to a String containing a SELECT -- statement. showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String -- | A Projection a bs is a special type of function a -- -> b whereby the resulting b is guaranteed to be -- composed only from columns contained in a. type Projection a b = Transpose (Field a) a -> Transpose (Field a) b -- | Projectable f means that f is a kind of -- functor on Tables that allows the mapping of a -- Projection over its underlying columns. class Projectable f -- | Map a Projection over f. project :: (Projectable f, Projecting a b) => Projection a b -> f a -> f b -- | Biprojectable p means that p is a kind of -- bifunctor on Tables that allows the mapping of a pair of -- Projections over its underlying columns. class Biprojectable p -- | Map a pair of Projections over p. biproject :: (Biprojectable p, Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> p a c -> p b d -- | The constraint Projecting a b ensures that -- Projection a b is a usable Projection. class (Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a), Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)) => Projecting a b -- | A special context used in the construction of Projections. data Field table a -- | Selects a b means that a is a schema (i.e., a -- Table of Names) for the Expr columns in -- b. class Transposes Name Expr names exprs => Selects names exprs -- | Select each row from a table definition. This is equivalent to -- FROM table. each :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -- | Construct a query that returns the given input list of rows. This is -- like folding a list of return statements under union, -- but uses the SQL VALUES expression for efficiency. values :: (Table Expr a, Foldable f) => f a -> Query a -- | filter f x will be a zero-row query when f x is -- False, and will return x unchanged when f x -- is True. This is similar to guard, but as the -- predicate is separate from the argument, it is easy to use in a -- pipeline of Query transformations. filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a -- | Drop any rows that don't match a predicate. where_ expr is -- equivalent to the SQL WHERE expr. where_ :: Expr Bool -> Query () -- | Produce the empty query if the given query returns no rows. -- present is equivalent to WHERE EXISTS in SQL. present :: Query a -> Query () -- | Produce the empty query if the given query returns rows. -- absent is equivalent to WHERE NOT EXISTS in SQL. absent :: Query a -> Query () -- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates. -- distinct q is equivalent to the SQL statement SELECT -- DISTINCT q. distinct :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -- | Select all distinct rows from a query, where rows are equivalent -- according to a projection. If multiple rows have the same projection, -- it is unspecified which row will be returned. If this matters, use -- distinctOnBy. distinctOn :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Query a -> Query a -- | Select all distinct rows from a query, where rows are equivalent -- according to a projection. If there are multiple rows with the same -- projection, the first row according to the specified Order will -- be returned. distinctOnBy :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Order a -> Query a -> Query a -- | limit n select at most n rows from a query. -- limit n is equivalent to the SQL LIMIT n. limit :: Word -> Query a -> Query a -- | offset n drops the first n rows from a query. -- offset n is equivalent to the SQL OFFSET n. offset :: Word -> Query a -> Query a -- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type, collapsing -- duplicates. union a b is the same as the SQL statement x -- UNION b. union :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type, retaining -- duplicates. unionAll a b is the same as the SQL statement -- x UNION ALL b. unionAll :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Find the intersection of two queries, collapsing duplicates. -- intersect a b is the same as the SQL statement x -- INTERSECT b. intersect :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Find the intersection of two queries, retaining duplicates. -- intersectAll a b is the same as the SQL statement x -- INTERSECT ALL b. intersectAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Find the difference of two queries, collapsing duplicates except a -- b is the same as the SQL statement x INTERSECT b. except :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Find the difference of two queries, retaining duplicates. -- exceptAll a b is the same as the SQL statement x EXCEPT -- ALL b. exceptAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a -- | Checks if a query returns at least one row. exists :: Query a -> Query (Expr Bool) -- | with is similar to filter, but allows the predicate to -- be a full query. -- -- with f a = a <$ present (f a), but this form matches -- filter. with :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a -- | Like with, but with a custom membership test. withBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a -- | Filter rows where a -> Query b yields no rows. without :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a -- | Like without, but with a custom membership test. withoutBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a -- | Aggregate is a special context used by aggregate. data Aggregate a -- | Aggregates a b means that the columns in a are all -- Aggregates for the Expr columns in b. class Transposes Aggregate Expr aggregates exprs => Aggregates aggregates exprs -- | Apply an aggregation to all rows returned by a Query. aggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => Query aggregates -> Query exprs -- | Count the number of rows returned by a query. Note that this is -- different from countStar, as even if the given query yields -- no rows, countRows will return 0. countRows :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64) -- | Group equal tables together. This works by aggregating each column in -- the given table with groupByExpr. groupBy :: forall exprs aggregates. (EqTable exprs, Aggregates aggregates exprs) => exprs -> aggregates -- | Aggregate rows into a single row containing an array of all aggregated -- rows. This can be used to associate multiple rows with a single row, -- without changing the over cardinality of the query. This allows you to -- essentially return a tree-like structure from queries. -- -- For example, if we have a table of orders and each orders contains -- multiple items, we could aggregate the table of orders, pairing each -- order with its items: -- --
--   ordersWithItems :: Query (Order Expr, ListTable Expr (Item Expr))
--   ordersWithItems = do
--     order <- each orderSchema
--     items aggregate $ listAgg <$ itemsFromOrder order
--     return (order, items)
listAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> ListTable Aggregate aggregates -- | Collect expressions values as a list. listAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate [a] -- | Like listAgg, but the result is guaranteed to be a non-empty -- list. nonEmptyAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable Aggregate aggregates -- | Collect expressions values as a non-empty list. nonEmptyAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a) -- | The class of database types that support the max aggregation -- function. class DBOrd a => DBMax a -- | Produce an aggregation for Expr a using the max -- function. max :: Sql DBMax a => Expr a -> Aggregate a -- | The class of database types that support the min aggregation -- function. class DBOrd a => DBMin a -- | Produce an aggregation for Expr a using the max -- function. min :: Sql DBMin a => Expr a -> Aggregate a -- | The class of database types that support the sum() -- aggregation function. class DBType a => DBSum a -- | Corresponds to sum. Note that in SQL, sum is type -- changing - for example the sum of integer returns a -- bigint. Rel8 doesn't support this, and will add explicit cast -- back to the original input type. This can lead to overflows, and if -- you anticipate very large sums, you should upcast your input. sum :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a -- | Take the sum of all expressions that satisfy a predicate. sumWhere :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBSum a) => Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate a -- | The class of data types that support the string_agg() -- aggregation function. class DBType a => DBString a -- | Corresponds to string_agg(). stringAgg :: Sql DBString a => Expr db -> Expr a -> Aggregate a -- | Count the occurances of a single column. Corresponds to -- COUNT(a) count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64 -- | Corresponds to COUNT(*). countStar :: Aggregate Int64 -- | Count the number of distinct occurances of a single column. -- Corresponds to COUNT(DISTINCT a) countDistinct :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Aggregate Int64 -- | A count of the number of times a given expression is true. countWhere :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64 -- | Corresponds to bool_and. and :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool -- | Corresponds to bool_or. or :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool -- | Order the rows returned by a query. orderBy :: Order a -> Query a -> Query a -- | An ordering expression for a. Primitive orderings are defined -- with asc and desc, and you can combine Order -- via its various instances. -- -- A common pattern is to use <> to combine multiple -- orderings in sequence, and >$< to select individual -- columns. data Order a -- | Sort a column in ascending order. asc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a) -- | Sort a column in descending order. desc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a) -- | Transform an ordering so that null values appear first. This -- corresponds to NULLS FIRST in SQL. nullsFirst :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a)) -- | Transform an ordering so that null values appear first. This -- corresponds to NULLS LAST in SQL. nullsLast :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a)) -- | Pair each row of a query with its index within the query. indexed :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64, a) -- | rebind takes a variable name, some expressions, and binds each -- of them to a new variable in the SQL. The a returned consists -- only of these variables. It's essentially a let binding for -- Postgres expressions. rebind :: Table Expr a => String -> a -> Query a -- | Serializable witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between -- the type sql, which contains SQL expressions, and the type -- haskell, which contains the Haskell decoding of rows -- containing sql SQL expressions. class (ToExprs exprs a, a ~ FromExprs exprs) => Serializable exprs a | exprs -> a -- | ToExprs exprs a is evidence that the types exprs and -- a describe essentially the same type, but exprs is -- in the Expr context, and a is a normal Haskell type. class Table Expr exprs => ToExprs exprs a -- | The Result context is the context used for decoded query -- results. -- -- When a query is executed against a PostgreSQL database, Rel8 parses -- the returned rows, decoding each row into the Result context. type Result = Identity -- | Run a SELECT statement, returning all rows. select :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => Query exprs -> Statement () [a] -- | The constituent parts of a SQL INSERT statement. data Insert a [Insert] :: Selects names exprs => {into :: TableSchema names " Which table to insert into.", rows :: Query exprs " The rows to insert. This can be an arbitrary query — use 'Rel8.values' insert a static list of rows.", onConflict :: OnConflict names " What to do if the inserted rows conflict with data already in the table.", returning :: Returning names a " What information to return on completion."} -> Insert a -- | OnConflict represents the ON CONFLICT clause of an -- INSERT statement. This specifies what ought to happen when -- one or more of the rows proposed for insertion conflict with an -- existing row in the table. data OnConflict names -- | Abort the transaction if there are conflicting rows (Postgres' -- default) Abort :: OnConflict names -- |
DoNothing :: OnConflict names -- |
DoUpdate :: Upsert names -> OnConflict names -- | The ON CONFLICT (...) DO UPDATE clause of an INSERT -- statement, also known as "upsert". -- -- When an existing row conflicts with a row proposed for insertion, -- ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE allows you to instead update this -- existing row. The conflicting row proposed for insertion is then -- "excluded", but its values can still be referenced from the -- SET and WHERE clauses of the UPDATE -- statement. -- -- Upsert in Postgres requires an explicit set of "conflict targets" — -- the set of columns comprising the UNIQUE index from conflicts -- with which we would like to recover. data Upsert names [Upsert] :: (Selects names exprs, Projecting names index, excluded ~ exprs) => {index :: Projection names index " The set of conflict targets, projected from the set of columns for the whole table", set :: excluded -> exprs -> exprs " How to update each selected row.", updateWhere :: excluded -> exprs -> Expr Bool " Which rows to select for update."} -> Upsert names -- | Run an Insert statement. insert :: Insert a -> Statement () a -- | Corresponds to the SQL DEFAULT expression. -- -- This Expr is unsafe for numerous reasons, and should be used -- with care: -- --
  1. This Expr only makes sense in an INSERT or -- UPDATE statement.
  2. --
  3. Rel8 is not able to verify that a particular column actually has a -- DEFAULT value. Trying to use unsafeDefault where -- there is no default will cause a runtime crash
  4. --
  5. DEFAULT values can not be transformed. For example, the -- innocuous Rel8 code unsafeDefault + 1 will crash, despite -- type checking.
  6. --
-- -- Given all these caveats, we suggest avoiding the use of default values -- where possible, instead being explicit. A common scenario where -- default values are used is with auto-incrementing identifier columns. -- In this case, we suggest using nextval instead. unsafeDefault :: Expr a -- | Convert an Insert to a String containing an -- INSERT statement. showInsert :: Insert a -> String -- | The constituent parts of a DELETE statement. data Delete a [Delete] :: Selects names exprs => {from :: TableSchema names " Which table to delete from.", using :: Query using " @USING@ clause — this can be used to join against other tables, and its results can be referenced in the @WHERE@ clause", deleteWhere :: using -> exprs -> Expr Bool " Which rows should be selected for deletion.", returning :: Returning names a " What to return from the @DELETE@ statement."} -> Delete a -- | Run a Delete statement. delete :: Delete a -> Statement () a -- | Convert a Delete to a String containing a -- DELETE statement. showDelete :: Delete a -> String -- | The constituent parts of an UPDATE statement. data Update a [Update] :: Selects names exprs => {target :: TableSchema names " Which table to update.", from :: Query from " @FROM@ clause — this can be used to join against other tables, and its results can be referenced in the @SET@ and @WHERE@ clauses.", set :: from -> exprs -> exprs " How to update each selected row.", updateWhere :: from -> exprs -> Expr Bool " Which rows to select for update.", returning :: Returning names a " What to return from the @UPDATE@ statement."} -> Update a -- | Run an UPDATE statement. update :: Update a -> Statement () a -- | Convert an Update to a String containing an -- UPDATE statement. showUpdate :: Update a -> String -- | Insert, Update and Delete all support returning -- either the number of rows affected, or the actual rows modified. data Returning names a -- | Return the number of rows affected. [NumberOfRowsAffected] :: Returning names Int64 -- | Projection allows you to project out of the affected rows, -- which can be useful if you want to log exactly which rows were -- deleted, or to view a generated id (for example, if using a column -- with an autoincrementing counter via nextval). [Projection] :: (Selects names exprs, Serializable returning a) => (exprs -> returning) -> Returning names [a] -- | Given a TableSchema and Query, createView runs -- a CREATE VIEW statement that will save the given query as a -- view. This can be useful if you want to share Rel8 queries with other -- applications. createView :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Statement () () -- | See -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-sequence.html nextval :: String -> Expr Int64 -- | evaluate takes expressions that could potentially have side -- effects and "runs" them in the Query monad. The returned -- expressions have no side effects and can safely be reused. evaluate :: Table Expr a => a -> Query a