{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} {- This module tests the construction of some simple values using a registry -} module Test.Data.Registry.SmallExample where import Data.Registry import Data.Text (splitOn) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Protolude as P import Test.Tasty.Extensions -- | Components of the application newtype Logger = Logger { info :: Text -> IO () } deriving Typeable newLogger :: Logger newLogger = Logger print noLogging = Logger (const (pure ())) newtype LinesCounter = LinesCounter { count :: Text -> Int } deriving Typeable newLinesCounter :: LinesCounter newLinesCounter = LinesCounter $ \t -> length (splitOn "\n" t) newtype S3 = S3 { store :: Text -> IO () } deriving Typeable data S3Config = S3Config { bucket :: Text , key :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) newS3 :: MonadIO m => S3Config -> Logger -> m S3 newS3 config logger = pure $ S3 $ \t -> (logger & info) ("storing on S3 with config " <> P.show config) >> void (print t) -- send the text to s3 newtype Application = Application { run :: Text -> IO Int } deriving Typeable newApplication :: MonadIO m => Logger -> LinesCounter -> S3 -> m Application newApplication logger counter s3 = pure $ Application $ \t -> do (logger & info) "count lines" let n = (counter & count) t (logger & info) "store the lines on s3" (s3 & store) ("counted " <> P.show n <> " lines") pure n -- | Create a registry for all constructors registry = funAs @IO (newS3 @IO) +: funAs @IO (newApplication @IO) +: funTo @IO newLogger +: funTo @IO newLinesCounter +: valTo @IO (S3Config "bucket" "key") +: end -- | To create the application you call `make` for the `Application` type -- with the registry above -- Since the registry contains all functions and values necessary to create the application -- Everything will work fine createApplication :: IO Application createApplication = make @(IO Application) (funTo @IO noLogging +: registry) test_create = test "create the application" $ do app <- liftIO $ createApplication -- nothing should crash! r <- liftIO $ (app & run) "hello\nworld" r === 2 ---- tests = $(testGroupGenerator)