{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances
           , MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This module declares the representation and basic classes of references.
-- This module should not be imported directly.
module Control.Reference.Representation where

import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity(..))
import Control.Monad.List (ListT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)

-- | A reference is an accessor to a part or different view of some data. 
-- The referenc has a separate getter, setter and updater. In some cases,
-- the semantics are a bit different
-- == Reference laws
-- As the references are generalizations of lenses, they should conform to the lens laws:
-- 1) You get back what you put in:
-- @
-- 'refSet' l a s >>= 'refGet' l return ≡ a
-- @
-- 2) Putting back what you got doesn't change anything:
-- @
-- 'refGet' l return a >>= \\b -> 'refSet' l b s ≡ s
-- @
-- 3) Setting twice is the same as setting once:
-- @
-- 'refSet' l a s >>= 'refSet' l b ≡ 'refSet' l b s
-- @
-- But because update, set and get are different operations, .
-- 4) Updating something is the same as getting and then setting (if the reader and writer monads are the same, or one can be converted into the other):
-- @
-- 'refGet' l a >>= f >>= \\b -> 'refSet' l b s ≡ 'refUpdate' l f s
-- @
-- This has some consequences. For example @lensUpdate l id = return@.
-- == Type arguments of 'Reference'
--   ['w'] Writer monad, controls how the value can be reassembled when the part is changed.
--          See differences between 'Lens', 'IOLens' and 'StateLens'
--   ['r'] Reader monad. Controls how part of the value can be asked. 
--          See differences between 'Lens', 'Partial' and 'Traversal'
--   [@w'@] Backward writer monad. See 'turn'
--   [@r'@] Backward reader monad. See 'turn'
--   ['s'] The type of the original context.
--   ['t'] The after replacing the accessed part to something of type 'b'
--          the type of the context changes to 't'.
--   ['a'] The type of the accessed part.
--   ['b'] The accessed part can be changed to something of this type.
-- Usually 's' and 'b' determines 't', 't' and 'a' determines 's'.
-- The reader monad usually have more information (@MMorph 'w' 'r'@).

data Reference w r w' r' s t a b
  = Reference { refGet    :: forall x . (a -> r x) -> s -> r x      
                -- ^ Getter for the lens. Takes a monadic function and runs it
                -- on the accessed value. This is necessary to run actions after
                -- a read.
              , refSet    :: b -> s -> w t
                -- ^ Setter for the lens
              , refUpdate :: (a -> w b) -> s -> w t   
                -- ^ Updater for the lens. Handles monadic update functions.
              , refGet'     :: forall x . (s -> r' x) -> a -> r' x
              , refSet'     :: t -> a -> w' b
              , refUpdate'  :: (s -> w' t) -> a -> w' b

-- Creates a two-way reference
bireference :: (RefMonads w r, RefMonads w' r')
            => (s -> r a) -- ^ Getter
            -> (b -> s -> w t) -- ^ Setter
            -> ((a -> w b) -> s -> w t) -- ^ Updater
            -> (a -> r' s) -- ^ Backward getter
            -> (t -> a -> w' b) -- ^ Backward setter
            -> ((s -> w' t) -> a -> w' b) -- ^ Backward updater
            -> Reference w r w' r' s t a b
bireference get set upd get' set' upd'
  = Reference (\f s -> get s >>= f) set upd 
              (\f s -> get' s >>= f) set' upd'
-- | Creates a reference.
reference :: ( RefMonads w r ) 
          => (s -> r a) -- ^ Getter
          -> (b -> s -> w t) -- ^ Setter
          -> ((a -> w b) -> s -> w t) -- ^ Updater
          -> Reference w r MU MU s t a b
reference gets sets updates = Reference (\f s -> gets s >>= f) sets updates 
                                        (\_ _ -> MU) (\_ _ -> MU) (\_ _ -> MU)

-- | Creates a reference where all operations are added in their original form.
-- The use of this method is not suggested, because it is closely related to the
-- representation of the references.
rawReference :: (RefMonads w r, RefMonads w' r')
             => (forall x . (a -> r x) -> s -> r x)     -- ^ Getter
             -> (b -> s -> w t)                         -- ^ Setter
             -> ((a -> w b) -> s -> w t)                -- ^ Updater
             -> (forall x . (s -> r' x) -> a -> r' x)    -- ^ Backward getter
             -> (t -> a -> w' b)                        -- ^ Backward setter
             -> ((s -> w' t) -> a -> w' b)              -- ^ Backward updater
             -> Reference w r w' r' s t a b
rawReference = Reference
-- | Creates a reference with explicit close operations that are executed
-- after the data is accessed.
  :: ( Functor w, Applicative w, Monad w
             , Functor r, Applicative r, Monad r ) 
  => (s -> r a) -- ^ Getter
     -> (s -> r ()) -- ^ Close after getting
  -> (b -> s -> w t) -- ^ Setter
     -> (s -> w ()) -- ^ Close after setting
  -> ((a -> w b) -> s -> w t) -- ^ Updater
     -> (s -> w ()) -- ^ Close after updating
  -> Reference w r MU MU s t a b
referenceWithClose get getClose set setClose update updateClose
  = Reference (\f s -> (get s >>= f) <* getClose s)
              (\b s -> set b s <* setClose s)
              (\trf s -> update trf s <* updateClose s)
              (\_ _ -> MU) (\_ _ -> MU) (\_ _ -> MU)
-- | Polymorph unit type. Can represent a calculation that cannot calculate anything.
data MU a = MU

instance Functor MU where
  fmap _ _ = MU
instance Applicative MU where
  pure _ = MU
  _ <*> _ = MU
instance Monad MU where
  return _ = MU
  _ >>= _ = MU
instance MonadPlus MU where
  mzero = MU
  mplus _ _ = MU
-- | A simple class to enforce that both reader and writer semantics of the reference are 'Monad's
-- (as well as 'Applicative's and 'Functor's)
class ( Functor w, Applicative w, Monad w
      , Functor r, Applicative r, Monad r
      ) => RefMonads w r where
instance ( Functor w, Applicative w, Monad w
         , Functor r, Applicative r, Monad r )
         => RefMonads w r where

-- | A monomorph 'Lens', 'Traversal', 'Partial', etc... 
-- Setting or updating does not change the type of the base.
type Simple t s a = t s s a a

-- * Pure references
-- | A two-way 'Reference' that represents an isomorphism between two datatypes.
-- Can be used to access the same data in two different representations.
type Iso s t a b
  = forall w r w' r' . (RefMonads w r, RefMonads w' r') => Reference w r w' r' s t a b
-- | A partial lens that can be turned to get a total lens.         
type Prism s t a b
  = forall w r w' r' . (RefMonads w r, RefMonads w' r'
                       , MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r 
                       , MonadPlus w', MMorph Maybe w') 
      => Reference w r w' r' s t a b
-- | A 'Reference' that can access a part of data that exists in the context.
-- Every well-formed 'Reference' is a 'Lens'.
type Lens s t a b
  = forall w r . RefMonads w r => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | Strict lens. A 'Reference' that must access a part of data that surely exists
-- in the context.
type Lens' = Reference Identity Identity MU MU

-- | A reference that may not have the accessed element, and that can
-- look for the accessed element in multiple locations.
type RefPlus s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MonadPlus r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b
-- | Partial lens. A 'Reference' that can access data that may not exist in the context.
-- Every lens is a partial lens.
-- Any reference that is a partial lens should only perform the action given to its
-- 'updateRef' function if it can get a value (the value returned by 'getRef' is not
-- the lifted form of 'Nothing').
type Partial s t a b
  = forall w r . ( Functor w, Applicative w, Monad w
                 , Functor r, Applicative r, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | Strict partial lens. A 'Reference' that must access data that may not exist
-- in the context.
type Partial' = Reference Identity Maybe MU MU

-- | A reference that can access data that is available in a number of instances
-- inside the contexts.
-- Any reference that is a 'Traversal' should perform the action given to its
-- updater in the exactly the same number of times that is the number of the values
-- returned by it's 'getRef' function.
type Traversal s t a b
  = forall w r . (RefMonads w r, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph [] r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | Strict traversal. A reference that must access data that is available in a
-- number of instances inside the context.
type Traversal' = Reference Identity [] MU MU

-- * References for 'IO'

class ( MMorph IO w, MMorph IO r
      , MonadBaseControl IO w, MonadBaseControl IO r ) => IOMonads w r where
instance ( MMorph IO w, MMorph IO r
         , MonadBaseControl IO w, MonadBaseControl IO r ) => IOMonads w r where

-- | A reference that can access mutable data.
type IOLens s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, IOMonads w r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access mutable data that is available in the context.
type IOLens' = Reference IO IO MU MU

-- | A reference that can access mutable data that may not exist in the context.
type IOPartial s t a b
  = forall w r . (RefMonads w r, IOMonads w r, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access mutable data that may not exist in the context.
type IOPartial' = Reference IO (MaybeT IO) MU MU
type IOTraversal s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, IOMonads w r, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph [] r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that can access mutable data that is available in a number of
-- instances inside the contexts.
type IOTraversal' = Reference IO (ListT IO) MU MU

-- * References for 'StateT'

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad.
type StateLens st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (StateT st m) w, MMorph (StateT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad.
type StateLens' s m = Reference (StateT s m) (StateT s m) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type StatePartial st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (StateT st m) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph (StateT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type StatePartial' s m = Reference (StateT s m) (MaybeT (StateT s m)) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type StateTraversal st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (StateT st m) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph [] r, MMorph (StateT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'StateT' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type StateTraversal' s m = Reference (StateT s m) (ListT (StateT s m)) MU MU

-- * References for 'WriterT'

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'WriterT' transformed monad.
type WriterLens st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (WriterT st m) w, MMorph (WriterT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'WriterT' transformed monad.
type WriterLens' s m = Reference (WriterT s m) (WriterT s m) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'WriterT' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type WriterPartial st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (WriterT st m) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph (WriterT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'WriteT' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type WriterPartial' s m = Reference (WriterT s m) (MaybeT (WriterT s m)) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside a 'WriteT' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type WriterTraversal st m s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (WriterT st m) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph [] r, MMorph (WriterT st m) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b
-- | A reference that must access a value inside a 'WriteT' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type WriterTraversal' s m = Reference (WriterT s m) (ListT (WriterT s m)) MU MU

-- * References for 'ST'

-- | A reference that can access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad.
type STLens st s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (ST st) w, MMorph (ST st) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad.
type STLens' s = Reference (ST s) (ST s) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type STPartial st s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (ST st) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph (ST st) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b

-- | A reference that must access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad
-- that may not exist.
type STPartial' s = Reference (ST s) (MaybeT (ST s)) MU MU

-- | A reference that can access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type STTraversal st s t a b
  = forall w r . ( RefMonads w r, MMorph (ST st) w, MonadPlus r, MMorph Maybe r, MMorph [] r, MMorph (ST st) r )
    => Reference w r MU MU s t a b
-- | A reference that must access a value inside an 'ST' transformed monad
-- that may exist in multiple instances.
type STTraversal' s = Reference (ST s) (ListT (ST s)) MU MU

-- | States that 'm1' can be represented with 'm2'.
-- That is because 'm2' contains more infromation than 'm1'.
-- The 'MMorph' relation defines a natural transformation from 'm1' to 'm2'
-- that keeps the following laws:
-- > morph (return x)  =  return x
-- > morph (m >>= f)   =  morph m >>= morph . f
-- It is a reflexive and transitive relation.
class MMorph (m1 :: * -> *) (m2 :: * -> *) where
  -- | Lifts the first monad into the second.
  morph :: m1 a -> m2 a

instance MMorph IO (MaybeT IO) where
  morph = MaybeT . liftM Just

instance MMorph IO (ListT IO) where
  morph = ListT . liftM (:[])

instance MMorph IO IO where
  morph = id

instance MMorph Identity Maybe where
  morph = return . runIdentity

instance MMorph Identity [] where
  morph = return . runIdentity
instance MMorph Maybe Maybe where
  morph = id
instance MMorph Maybe [] where
  morph = maybeToList
instance MMorph [] [] where
  morph = id
instance MMorph m MU where
  morph _ = MU