-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. {-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module CommandTests (tests) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.ByteString.Conversion import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Monoid import Database.Redis.IO import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Data.Set as Set default (ByteString, Int) tests :: Pool -> TestTree tests p = testGroup "commands" [ testGroup "server" [ testCase "save" $ save $$ (== ()) , testCase "flushdb" $ flushdb $$ (== ()) , testCase "flushall" $ flushall $$ (== ()) , testCase "bgsave" $ bgsave $$ (== ()) , testCase "bgrewriteaof" $ bgrewriteaof $$ (== ()) , testCase "dbsize" $ dbsize $$ (>= 0) , testCase "lastsave" $ lastsave $$ (> 1408021976) ] , testGroup "connection" [ testCase "ping" $ ping $$ (== ()) , testCase "echo" $ echo True $$ (== True) , testCase "select" $ select 0 $$ (== ()) ] , testGroup "keys" [ testCase "randomkey1" $ randomkey $$ (== Nothing) , testCase "randomkey2" $ withFoo randomkey (== Just "foo") , testCase "exists1" $ exists "foo" $$ (== False) , testCase "exists2" $ withFoo (exists "foo") (== True) , testCase "expire" $ withFoo (expire "foo" (Seconds 60)) (== True) , testCase "expireAt" $ withFoo (expireat "foo" (Timestamp 9408023026)) (== True) , testCase "persist1" $ withFoo (persist "foo") (== False) , testCase "persist2" $ withFoo (expire "foo" (Seconds 60) >> persist "foo") (== True) , testCase "keys" $ withFoo (keys "foo") (== ["foo"]) , testCase "rename" $ withFoo (rename "foo" "bar") (== ()) , testCase "renamenx" $ withFoo (renamenx "foo" "baz") (== True) , testCase "ttl" $ withFoo (expire "foo" (Seconds 60) >> ttl "foo") (<= Just (TTL 60)) , testCase "type" $ withFoo (typeof "foo") (== Just RedisString) , testCase "scan" $ withFoo (scan zero (match "foo" <> count 10)) (\(c, k) -> c == zero && k == ["foo" :: ByteString]) ] , testGroup "strings" [ testCase "append" $ with [("foo", "xx")] (append "foo" "y")(== 3) , testCase "get" $ with [("foo", "42")] (get "foo") (== Just 42) , testCase "getrange" $ with [("foo", "42")] (getrange "foo" 0 0) (== 4) , testCase "getset" $ with [("foo", "42")] (getset "foo" 0) (== Just 42) , testCase "mget" $ with [("foo", "42"), ("bar", "43")] (mget ("foo" :| ["bar", "xxx"])) (== [Just 42, Just 43, Nothing]) , testCase "msetnx" $ msetnx (("aaa", "4343") :| [("bcbx", "shsh")]) $$ (== True) , testCase "set" $ set "aa" "bb" none $$ (== True) , testCase "setrange" $ setrange "aa" 1 "cc" $$ (== 3) , testCase "strlen" $ strlen "aa" $$ (== 3) ] , testGroup "bits" [ testCase "bitand" $ do with [("n1", 0), ("n2", 1)] (bitand "r" ("n1" :| ["n2"])) (== 1) get "r" $$ (== Just 0) , testCase "bitor" $ do with [("n1", 0), ("n2", 1)] (bitor "r" ("n1" :| ["n2"])) (== 1) get "r" $$ (== Just 1) , testCase "bitxor" $ do with [("n1", 0), ("n2", 1)] (bitor "r" ("n1" :| ["n2"])) (== 1) get "r" $$ (== Just 1) , testCase "bitnot" $ do with [("n1", 0)] (bitnot "r" "n1") (== 1) get "r" $$ (== Just "\xcf") , testCase "bitcount" $ with [("n1", "1")] (bitcount "n1" (range 0 0)) (== 3) , testCase "getbit" $ with [("n1", "1")] (getbit "n1" 0) (== 0) , testCase "setbit" $ with [("n1", "1")] (setbit "n1" 0 True) (== 0) , testCase "bitpos" $ with [("n1", "123")] (bitpos "n1" True (start 0) (end 10)) (== 2) ] , testGroup "numeric" [ testCase "decr" $ with [("x", "100")] (decr "x") (== 99) , testCase "decrby" $ with [("x", "100")] (decrby "x" 50) (== 50) , testCase "incr" $ with [("x", "99")] (incr "x") (== 100) , testCase "incrby" $ with [("x", "30")] (incrby "x" 20) (== 50) , testCase "incrbyfloat" $ with [("x", "2")] (incrbyfloat "x" 0.5) (== 2.5) ] , testGroup "hashes" [ testCase "hset" $ hset "h" "k" 42 $$ (== True) , testCase "hget" $ bracket (hset "h" "k" 4) (del (one "h")) (hget "h" "k") (== Just 4) , testCase "hexists" $ do hexists "h" "x" $$ (== False) bracket (hset "h" "k" 4) (del (one "h")) (hexists "h" "k") (== True) bracket (hset "h" "k" 4) (del (one "h")) (hexists "h" "j") (== False) , testCase "hgetall" $ do bracket (hmset "h" (("k", 4) :| [("j", 5)])) (del (one "h")) (hgetall "h") (== [("k", 4), ("j", 5)]) , testCase "hmget" $ do bracket (hmset "h" (("k", "4") :| [("j", "5")])) (del (one "h")) (hmget "h" ("k" :| ["j"])) (== ([Just 4, Just 5] :: [Maybe Int])) , testCase "hsetnx" $ do hsetnx "h" "k" "42" $$ (== True) bracket (hset "h" "k" "4") (del (one "h")) (hsetnx "h" "k" "42") (== False) , testCase "hdel" $ bracket (hset "h" "k" "4") (del (one "h")) (hdel "h" (one "k")) (== 1) , testCase "hincrby" $ bracket (hset "h" "k" "4") (del (one "h")) (hincrby "h" "k" 10) (== 14) , testCase "hincrbyfloat" $ bracket (hset "h" "k" "4") (del (one "h")) (hincrbyfloat "h" "k" 0.5) (== 4.5) , testCase "hkeys" $ do bracket (hmset "h" (("k", "4") :| [("j", "5")])) (del (one "h")) (hkeys "h") (== ["k", "j"]) , testCase "hvals" $ do bracket (hmset "h" (("k", "4") :| [("j", "5")])) (del (one "h")) (hvals "h") (== ([4, 5] :: [Int])) ] , testGroup "lists" [ testCase "lpush" $ lpush "l" (0 :| [1, 2, 3]) $$ (== 4) , testCase "lpop" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (lpop "l") (== Just 3) , testCase "rpop" $ bracket (rpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (rpop "l") (== Just 3) , testCase "rpoplpush" $ bracket (rpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (rpoplpush "l" "l") (== Just 3) , testCase "lpushx" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (lpushx "l" 5) (== 4) , testCase "rpushx" $ bracket (rpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (rpushx "l" 5) (== 4) , testCase "lindex" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (lindex "l" 0) (== Just 3) , testCase "linsert" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (linsert "l" Before 2 0) (== 4) , testCase "llen" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (llen "l") (== 3) , testCase "lrange" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 3])) (del (one "l")) (lrange "l" 1 2) (== [2, 1]) , testCase "lrem" $ do bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "l")) (lrem "l" 1 1) (== 1) bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "l")) (lrem "l" (-1) 1) (== 1) bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "l")) (lrem "l" 0 1) (== 2) , testCase "lset" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "l")) (lset "l" 1 1 >> lrange "l" 0 3) (== [1, 1, 1]) , testCase "ltrim" $ bracket (lpush "l" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "l")) (ltrim "l" 0 1 >> lrange "l" 0 3) (== [1, 2]) ] , testGroup "sets" [ testCase "sadd" $ sadd "a" (one 0) $$ (== 1) , testCase "scard" $ bracket (sadd "s" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "s")) (scard "s") (== 2) , testCase "spop" $ bracket (sadd "s" (one 1)) (del (one "s")) (spop "s") (== Just 1) , testCase "srandmember" $ bracket (sadd "s" (one 1)) (del (one "s")) (srandmember "s" One) (== [1]) , testCase "srem" $ bracket (sadd "s" (one 1)) (del (one "s")) (srem "s" (one 1)) (== 1) , testCase "sismember" $ bracket (sadd "s" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "s")) (sismember "s" 2) (== True) , testCase "smembers" $ bracket (sadd "s" (1 :| [2, 1])) (del (one "s")) (smembers "s") ((== Set.fromList [1, 2]) . Set.fromList) , testCase "sdiff" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sdiff ("x" :| ["y"])) (== [2]) , testCase "sdiffstore" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sdiffstore "z" ("x" :| ["y"]) >> smembers "z") (== [2]) , testCase "sinter" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sinter ("x" :| ["y"])) (== [1]) , testCase "sinterstore" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sinterstore "z" ("x" :| ["y"]) >> smembers "z") (== [1]) , testCase "sunion" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sunion ("x" :| ["y"])) ((== Set.fromList [1, 2]) . Set.fromList) , testCase "sunionstore" $ bracket (sadd "x" (1 :| [2]) >> sadd "y" (one 1)) (del ("x" :| ["y"])) (sunionstore "z" ("x" :| ["y"]) >> smembers "z") ((== Set.fromList [1, 2]) . Set.fromList) ] , testGroup "sorted sets" [ testCase "zadd" $ zadd "w" (one (1.0, 0)) $$ (== 1) , testCase "zcard" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, 1) :| [(2, 2), (3, 1)])) (del (one "v")) (zcard "v") (== 2) , testCase "zcount" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, 1) :| [(2, 2), (3, 3)])) (del (one "v")) (zcount "v" 1 2) (== 2) , testCase "zincrby" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, 1) :| [(2, 2), (3, 3)])) (del (one "v")) (zincrby "v" 0.5 2) (== (2.5 :: Double)) , testCase "zinterstore" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, 1) :| [(2, 2), (3, 3)])) (del (one "v")) (zinterstore "z" (one "v") [3] Max) (== 3) , testCase "zunionstore" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, 1) :| [(2, 2), (3, 3)])) (del (one "v")) (zunionstore "z" (one "v") [3] Max) (== 3) , testCase "zlexcount" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(1, "b"), (1, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zlexcount "v" (MinIncl "b") (MaxExcl "c")) (== 1) , testCase "zrange" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrange "v" 0 1 True) (== (ScoreList [1, 10] ["a" :: ByteString, "b"])) , testCase "zrangebylex" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrangebylex "v" (MinIncl "a") (MaxExcl "c") (limit 0 2)) (== (["a", "b"] :: [ByteString])) , testCase "zrevrange" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrevrange "v" 0 1 True) (== (ScoreList [20, 10] ["c" :: ByteString, "b"])) , testCase "zrangebyscore" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrangebyscore "v" 1 10 True (limit 0 10)) (== (ScoreList [1, 10] ["a" :: ByteString, "b"])) , testCase "zrevrangebyscore" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrevrangebyscore "v" 10 1 True (limit 0 10)) (== (ScoreList [10, 1] ["b" :: ByteString, "a"])) , testCase "zrank" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrank "v" "b") (== Just 1) , testCase "zrevrank" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrevrank "v" "b") (== Just 1) , testCase "zrem" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zrem "v" (one "b")) (== 1) , testCase "zscore" $ bracket (zadd "v" ((1, "a") :| [(10, "b"), (20, "c")])) (del (one "v")) (zscore "v" "b") (== Just (10 :: Double)) ] , testGroup "sort" [ testCase "sort" $ bracket (lpush "l" (5 :| [2, 3, 1, 7])) (del (one "l")) (sort "l" (limit 0 10 <> asc)) (== ([1, 2, 3, 5, 7] :: [Int])) ] , testGroup "hyperloglog" [ testCase "pfcount" $ bracket (pfadd "p" (5 :| [2, 3, 1, 7])) (del (one "p")) (pfcount (one "p")) (== 5) , testCase "pfmerge" $ bracket (pfadd "p" (one 5) >> pfadd "q" (one 6)) (del ("p" :| ["q"])) (pfmerge "t" ("p" :| ["q"]) >> pfcount (one "t")) (== 2) ] , testGroup "pub/sub" [ testCase "pub/sub" (pubSubTest p) ] ] where ($$) :: (Eq a, Show a) => Redis IO a -> (a -> Bool) -> Assertion r $$ f = do x <- runRedis p $ commands r assertBool (show x) (f x) bracket :: Show c => Redis IO a -> Redis IO b -> Redis IO c -> (c -> Bool) -> Assertion bracket a r f t = runRedis p $ commands $ do void a x <- f void r liftIO $ assertBool (show x) (t x) with :: (ToByteString b, Show a) => [(Key, b)] -> Redis IO a -> (a -> Bool) -> Assertion with kv r f = bracket (mset (head kv :| tail kv)) (del (fst (head kv) :| map fst (tail kv))) r f withFoo :: Show a => Redis IO a -> (a -> Bool) -> Assertion withFoo = with [("foo", 42 :: Int)] pubSubTest :: Pool -> IO () pubSubTest p = do a <- async $ runRedis p $ commands $ do liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000 void $ publish "a" "hello" void $ publish "b" "world" void $ publish "z.1" "foo" void $ publish "a" "add" void $ publish "a" "quit" runRedis p $ pubSub k $ do subscribe (one "a") subscribe (one "b") psubscribe (one "z.*") wait a where k pat ch ms = do liftIO $ print $ "message: " <> maybe "" (<> ": ") pat <> ch <> ": " <> ms case ms of "quit" -> unsubscribe [] >> punsubscribe [] "add" -> subscribe (one "x") _ -> return ()