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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.Redis.IO.Settings where

import Data.Time
import Data.Word
import Database.Redis.IO.Types (Milliseconds (..))

data Settings = Settings
    { sHost            :: String
    , sPort            :: Word16
    , sIdleTimeout     :: NominalDiffTime
    , sMaxConnections  :: Int
    , sPoolStripes     :: Int
    , sMaxWaitQueue    :: Maybe Word64
    , sConnectTimeout  :: Milliseconds
    , sSendRecvTimeout :: Milliseconds

-- | Default settings.
-- * host = localhost
-- * port = 6379
-- * idle timeout = 60s
-- * stripes = 2
-- * connections per stripe = 25
-- * max. wait queue = unbounded
-- * connect timeout = 5s
-- * send-receive timeout = 10s
defSettings :: Settings
defSettings = Settings "localhost" 6379
    60      -- idle timeout
    25      -- max connections per stripe
    2       -- max stripes
    Nothing -- max wait queue
    5000    -- connect timeout
    10000   -- send and recv timeout (sum)

setHost :: String -> Settings -> Settings
setHost v s = s { sHost = v }

setPort :: Word16 -> Settings -> Settings
setPort v s = s { sPort = v }

setIdleTimeout :: NominalDiffTime -> Settings -> Settings
setIdleTimeout v s = s { sIdleTimeout = v }

-- | Maximum connections per pool stripe.
setMaxConnections :: Int -> Settings -> Settings
setMaxConnections v s = s { sMaxConnections = v }

-- | Maximum length of the wait queue, i.e. the queue where attempts to
-- acquire a connection from the pool build up if all connections are in
-- use. If the maximum length has been reached, attempting to acquire
-- a connection will cause a 'ConnectionsBusy' 'ConnectionError'.
setMaxWaitQueue :: Word64 -> Settings -> Settings
setMaxWaitQueue v s = s { sMaxWaitQueue = Just v }

setPoolStripes :: Int -> Settings -> Settings
setPoolStripes v s
    | v < 1     = error "Network.Redis.IO.Settings: at least one stripe required"
    | otherwise = s { sPoolStripes = v }

-- | When a pool connection is opened, connect timeout is the maximum time
-- we are willing to wait for the connection attempt to the redis server to
-- succeed.
setConnectTimeout :: NominalDiffTime -> Settings -> Settings
setConnectTimeout v s = s { sConnectTimeout = Ms $ round (1000 * v) }

setSendRecvTimeout :: NominalDiffTime -> Settings -> Settings
setSendRecvTimeout v s = s { sSendRecvTimeout = Ms $ round (1000 * v) }