#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --package reanimate {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import Reanimate import Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation import Linear.V2 import Linear.Vector import Linear.Metric import Graphics.SvgTree hiding ( Text , Point , height ) import Data.Text ( Text ) import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Printf import Geom2D.CubicBezier ( QuadBezier(..) , evalBezier , Point(..) ) main :: IO () main = reanimate $ sceneAnimation $ do newSpriteSVG_ $ mkBackgroundPixel rtfdBackgroundColor newSpriteSVG_ static dotPath <- newVar (QuadBezier (Point 0 0) (Point 0 0) (Point 0 0)) dotParam <- newVar 0 newSprite_ $ redDot <$> (evalBezier <$> unVar dotPath <*> unVar dotParam) let moveDot a b = do pos <- evalBezier <$> readVar dotPath <*> pure 1 writeVar dotPath $ QuadBezier pos a b writeVar dotParam 0 tweenVar dotParam 5 $ \v -> fromToS v 1 . curveS 2 wait 1 wait 1 moveDot (Point 0 1) (Point 4 2) moveDot (Point (-1) 0) (Point (-4) 3) moveDot (Point (0) 0) (Point (-4) (-3)) moveDot (Point (0) 0) (Point (5) (-2)) moveDot (Point (6) 2) (Point 2 1) moveDot (Point (0) 0) (Point 0 0) redDot :: Point Double -> SVG redDot (Point x y) = translate x y $ mkGroup [ translate 0 (-0.5) $ scale 0.5 $ outlinedText $ T.pack $ printf "%.1f,%.1f" x y , withFillColor "red" $ mkCircle 0.1 ] static :: SVG static = mkGroup [ grid , withStrokeColor "grey" $ mkLine (-screenWidth, 0) (screenWidth, 0) , withStrokeColor "grey" $ mkLine (0, -screenHeight) (0, screenHeight) , curlyBracket (V2 (-screenWidth / 2 + defaultStrokeWidth) (screenHeight / 2)) (V2 (screenWidth / 2 - defaultStrokeWidth) (screenHeight / 2)) 1 , translate 0 3 $ outlinedText "16 units" , curlyBracket (V2 (-screenWidth / 2) (-screenHeight / 2 + defaultStrokeWidth)) (V2 (-screenWidth / 2) (screenHeight / 2 - defaultStrokeWidth)) 1 , translate (-6.5) 0 $ rotate 90 $ outlinedText "9 units" ] outlinedText :: Text -> SVG outlinedText txt = mkGroup [ center $ withStrokeColorPixel rtfdBackgroundColor $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth * 8) $ withFillOpacity 0 $ latex txt , center $ latex txt ] curlyBracket :: RPoint -> RPoint -> Double -> SVG curlyBracket from to height = withStrokeColor "black" $ withFillOpacity 0 $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth * 2) $ mkPath [ MoveTo OriginAbsolute [from] , CurveTo OriginAbsolute [(from + outwards, halfway, halfway + outwards)] , CurveTo OriginAbsolute [(halfway, to + outwards, to)] ] where outwards = case normalize (from - to) ^* height of V2 x y -> V2 (-y) x halfway = lerp 0.5 from to grid :: SVG grid = withStrokeColor "grey" $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth * 0.5) $ mkGroup [ mkGroup [ translate 0 (i / (screenHeight) * screenHeight - screenHeight / 2 - screenHeight / 18) $ mkLine (-screenWidth, 0) (screenWidth, 0) | i <- [0 .. screenHeight] ] , mkGroup [ translate (i / (screenWidth) * screenWidth - screenWidth / 2) 0 $ mkLine (0, -screenHeight) (0, screenHeight) | i <- [0 .. screenWidth] ] ]