# raylib-imgui: Haskell bindings for rlImGui This package provides bindings to rlImGui allowing raylib and dear-imgui interop. ## Usage Add the following in your `.cabal` file: ```cabal ... build-depends: , base , dear-imgui==1.2.2 , gl , GLFW-b , h-raylib , raylib-imgui== ... ``` **NOTE: Each version of raylib-imgui requires a specific version of dear-imgui. raylib-imgui requires dear-imgui 1.2.2** And in your `cabal.project` file add the following: ``` package dear-imgui flags: -sdl +glfw +opengl3 ``` This is required because raylib uses GLFW rather than SDL. See the `example` directory in the source for example code. ## See also - [dear-imgui.hs](https://github.com/haskell-game/dear-imgui.hs#dear-imguihs) for Dear ImGui setup - [h-raylib](https://github.com/Anut-py/h-raylib#h-raylib-haskell-bindings-for-raylib) for rayllib setup