-- |
-- Module      : Data.ByteString.RawFilePath
-- Copyright   : (c) XT 2016
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : e@xtendo.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX
-- A variant of @Data.ByteString@ from the @bytestring@ package that provides
-- file I/O functions with 'RawFilePath' instead of 'FilePath'.

module Data.ByteString.RawFilePath
    ( module B
    , RawFilePath
    , readFile
    , writeFile
    , appendFile
    , withFile

    ) where

-- base modules

import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, appendFile)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO (IOMode(..), Handle, hClose)

-- extra modules

import System.Posix.ByteString
import Data.ByteString as B hiding (readFile, writeFile, appendFile)

-- | Read an entire file at the 'RawFilePath' strictly into a 'ByteString'.
readFile :: RawFilePath -> IO ByteString
readFile path = withFile path ReadMode B.hGetContents

-- | Write a 'ByteString' to a file at the 'RawFilePath'.
writeFile :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
writeFile path content = withFile path WriteMode (`B.hPut` content)

-- | Append a 'ByteString' to a file at the 'RawFilePath'.
appendFile :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
appendFile path content = withFile path AppendMode (`B.hPut` content)

-- | Acquire a file handle and perform an I/O action. The file will be closed
-- on exit or when this I/O action throws an exception.
withFile :: RawFilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withFile path ioMode = bracket (open >>= fdToHandle) hClose
    open = case ioMode of
        ReadMode -> openFd path ReadOnly Nothing defaultFlags
        WriteMode -> createFile path stdFileMode
        AppendMode -> openFd path WriteOnly (Just stdFileMode) appendFlags
        ReadWriteMode -> openFd path ReadWrite (Just stdFileMode) defaultFlags
    defaultFlags = OpenFileFlags
        { System.Posix.ByteString.append = False
        , exclusive = False
        , noctty = True
        , nonBlock = False
        , trunc = False
    appendFlags = defaultFlags { System.Posix.ByteString.append = True }