# [Rattletrap][] [![Version badge][]][version] [![Windows build badge][]][windows build] [![Build badge][]][build] [![Docker build badge][]][docker build] Rattletrap parses and generates [Rocket League][] replays. Parsing replays can be used to analyze data in order to collect high-level statistics like players and points, or low-level details like positions and cameras. Generating replays can be used to modify replays in order to force everyone into the same car or change the map a game was played on. Rattletrap supports every version of Rocket League up to [1.84][], which was released on 2020-06-16. If a replay can be played by the Rocket League client, it can be parsed by Rattletrap. (If not, that's a bug. Please report it!) Rattletrap is a command-line application. You should only use it if you're comfortable running things in terminals or command prompts. Otherwise consider using another tool like [Ball Chasing][]. Rattletrap is written in [Haskell][]. If you'd like to use a program written in a different language, consider @jjbott's [C# parser][] or @nickbabcock's [Rust parser][]. ## Install Get Rattletrap by downloading [the latest release][] for your platform. Rattletrap is also available as [a Docker image][]. To build Rattletrap from source, install [Stack][]. Then run `stack --resolver lts-14.25 install rattletrap`. ## Replays Rocket League saves your replays in a folder that depends on your operating system. - Windows: - `%UserProfile%/Documents/My Games/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - For example: `C:/Users/Taylor/Documents/My Games/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - macOS: - `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - For example: `/Users/taylor/Library/Application Support/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - Linux: - `$HOME/.local/share/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - For example: `/home/taylor/.local/share/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` ## Interface Rattletrap is a command line application. ``` sh $ rattletrap --help ``` ``` rattletrap version 9.0.1 -c --compact minify JSON output -f --fast only encode or decode the header -h --help show the help -i FILE|URL --input=FILE|URL input file or URL -m MODE --mode=MODE decode or encode -o FILE --output=FILE output file -v --version show the version ``` By default Rattletrap will try to determine the appropriate mode (either decode or encode) based on the file extensions of the input or output. You can override this behavior by passing `--mode` (or `-m`) with either `decode` or `encode`. Input extension | Output extension | Mode --- | --- | --- `.replay` | anything | `decode` (parse) `.json` | anything | `encode` (generate) anything | `.replay` | `encode` (generate) anything | `.json` | `decode` (parse) anything | anything | `decode` (parse) ## Parse Rattletrap can parse (decode) Rocket League replays and output them as JSON. ``` sh $ rattletrap --input http://example.com/input.replay --output output.json # or $ rattletrap -i input.replay -o output.json # or $ rattletrap < input.replay > output.json ``` The input argument can either be a local path or a URL. By default the JSON is pretty-printed. To minify the JSON, pass `--compact` (or `-c`) to Rattletrap. Even when the JSON is minified, it's extremely large. The output can be up to 100 times larger than the input. For example, a 1.5 MB replay turns into 31 MB of minified JSON or 159 MB of pretty-printed JSON. ## Generate Rattletrap can also generate (encode) Rocket League replays from JSON files. ``` sh $ rattletrap --input http://example.com/input.json --output output.replay # or $ rattletrap -i input.json -o output.replay # or $ rattletrap --mode encode < input.json > output.replay ``` The input argument can either be a local path or a URL. If the JSON was generated by Rattletrap, the output replay will be bit-for-bit identical to the input replay. ## Modify By inserting another program between parsing and generating, Rattletrap can be used to modify replays. ``` sh $ rattletrap -i input.replay | modify-replay-json | rattletrap -o output.replay ``` [Rattletrap]: https://github.com/tfausak/rattletrap [Version badge]: https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/rattletrap.svg?logo=haskell&label=version&color=brightgreen [version]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rattletrap [Windows build badge]: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/taylorfausak/rattletrap/master.svg?logo=appveyor&logoColor=white [windows build]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/taylorfausak/rattletrap [Build badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/tfausak/rattletrap/master.svg?logo=travis-ci&logoColor=white [build]: https://travis-ci.org/tfausak/rattletrap [Docker build badge]: https://img.shields.io/docker/build/taylorfausak/rattletrap.svg?label=docker&logo=docker&logoColor=white [docker build]: https://hub.docker.com/r/taylorfausak/rattletrap [Rocket League]: https://www.rocketleague.com [1.84]: https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-v1-84/ [Ball Chasing]: https://ballchasing.com [Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org [C# parser]: https://github.com/jjbott/RocketLeagueReplayParser [Rust parser]: https://github.com/nickbabcock/rrrocket [the latest release]: https://github.com/tfausak/rattletrap/releases/latest [a Docker image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/taylorfausak/rattletrap [Stack]: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/