name: rattletrap version: 4.0.1 category: Game description: Rattletrap parses and generates Rocket League replays. extra-source-files: - CHANGELOG.markdown - package.yaml - README.markdown - stack.yaml github: tfausak/rattletrap license-file: LICENSE.markdown license: MIT maintainer: Taylor Fausak synopsis: Parse and generate Rocket League replays. dependencies: aeson-pretty: == 0.8.5.* aeson: == 1.2.3.* base: == 4.10.1.* binary-bits: == 0.5.* binary: == 0.8.5.* bytestring: == 0.10.8.* containers: == 0.5.10.* filepath: == 1.4.1.* http-client-tls: == 0.3.5.* http-client: == 0.5.7.* template-haskell: == 2.12.* text: == 1.2.2.* transformers: == 0.5.2.* ghc-options: - -Weverything - -Wno-implicit-prelude - -Wno-missing-import-lists - -Wno-safe - -Wno-unsafe library: source-dirs: library executable: dependencies: rattletrap ghc-options: - -rtsopts - -threaded main: Main.hs source-dirs: executables tests: test: dependencies: HUnit: == 1.6.* rattletrap: temporary: == 1.2.1.* ghc-options: - -rtsopts - -threaded main: Main.hs source-dirs: tests