{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}

module Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer
       ( -- ** The pointer type.
         -- ** Type safe length units.
       , LengthUnit(..), movePtr
       , BYTES(..), BITS(..),  ALIGN, Align, inBits
         -- ** Some length arithmetic
       , bitsQuotRem, bytesQuotRem
       , bitsQuot, bytesQuot
       , atLeast, atMost
         -- * Helper function that uses generalised length units.
       , allocaBuffer, allocaSecure, mallocBuffer
       , hFillBuf, byteSize
       , memset, memmove, memcpy
       ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative   ( (<$>)   )

import Control.Exception     ( bracket_)
import Control.Monad         ( void, when )
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr           ( Ptr, plusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable      (Storable, sizeOf, alignment)
import System.IO             (hGetBuf, Handle)

import Raaz.Core.MonoidalAction
import Raaz.Core.Types.Equality

-- Developers notes: I assumes that word alignment is alignment
-- safe. If this is not the case one needs to fix this to avoid
-- performance degradation or worse incorrect load/store.

-- | A type whose only purpose in this universe is to provide
-- alignment safe pointers.
newtype Align = Align Word deriving Storable

-- | The pointer type used by all cryptographic library.
type Pointer = Ptr Align

-- | In cryptographic settings, we need to measure pointer offsets and
-- buffer sizes in different units. To avoid errors due to unit
-- conversions, we distinguish between different length units at the
-- type level. This type class capturing such types, i.e. types that
-- stand of length units.
class (Num u, Enum u) => LengthUnit u where
  -- | Express the length units in bytes.
  inBytes :: u -> BYTES Int

-- | Type safe lengths/offsets in units of bytes.
newtype BYTES a  = BYTES a
        deriving ( Show, Eq, Equality, Ord, Enum, Integral
                 , Real, Num, Storable

-- | Type safe lengths/offsets in units of bits.
newtype BITS  a  = BITS  a
        deriving ( Show, Eq, Equality, Ord, Enum, Integral
                 , Real, Num, Storable

newtype ALIGN    = ALIGN Int
                 deriving ( Show, Eq,Ord, Enum, Integral
                          , Real, Num, Storable

instance LengthUnit ALIGN where
  inBytes (ALIGN x) = BYTES $ x * alignment (undefined :: Align)
  {-# INLINE inBytes #-}

instance LengthUnit (BYTES Int) where
  inBytes = id
  {-# INLINE inBytes #-}

-- | Express the length units in bits.
inBits  :: LengthUnit u => u -> BITS Word64
inBits u = BITS $ 8 * fromIntegral by
  where BYTES by = inBytes u

-- | Express length unit @src@ in terms of length unit @dest@ rounding
-- upwards.
atLeast :: ( LengthUnit src
           , LengthUnit dest
        => src
        -> dest
atLeast src | r == 0    = u
            | otherwise = u + 1
    where (u , r) = bytesQuotRem $ inBytes src

-- | Express length unit @src@ in terms of length unit @dest@ rounding
-- downwards.
atMost :: ( LengthUnit src
          , LengthUnit dest
       => src
       -> dest
atMost = fst . bytesQuotRem . inBytes

-- | A length unit @u@ is usually a multiple of bytes. The function
-- `bytesQuotRem` is like `quotRem`: the value @byteQuotRem bytes@ is
-- a tuple @(x,r)@, where @x@ is @bytes@ expressed in the unit @u@
-- with @r@ being the reminder.
bytesQuotRem :: LengthUnit u
             => BYTES Int
             -> (u , BYTES Int)
bytesQuotRem bytes = (u , r)
  where divisor = inBytes (1 `asTypeOf` u)
        (q, r)  = bytes `quotRem` divisor
        u       = toEnum $ fromEnum q

-- | Function similar to `bytesQuotRem` but returns only the quotient.
bytesQuot :: LengthUnit u
          => BYTES Int
          -> u
bytesQuot bytes = u
  where divisor = inBytes (1 `asTypeOf` u)
        q       = bytes `quot` divisor
        u       = toEnum $ fromEnum q

-- | Function similar to `bytesQuotRem` but works with bits instead.
bitsQuotRem :: LengthUnit u
            => BITS Word64
            -> (u , BITS Word64)
bitsQuotRem bits = (u , r)
  where divisor = inBits (1 `asTypeOf` u)
        (q, r)  = bits `quotRem` divisor
        u       = toEnum $ fromEnum q

-- | Function similar to `bitsQuotRem` but returns only the quotient.
bitsQuot :: LengthUnit u
         => BITS Word64
         -> u
bitsQuot bits = u
  where divisor = inBits (1 `asTypeOf` u)
        q       = bits `quot` divisor
        u       = toEnum $ fromEnum q

-- | The most interesting monoidal action for us.
instance LengthUnit u => LAction (Sum u) Pointer where
  a <.> ptr  = plusPtr ptr offset
    where BYTES offset = inBytes $ getSum a
  {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}

movePtr :: LengthUnit u => Pointer -> u -> Pointer
movePtr ptr u = Sum u <.> ptr
{-# INLINE movePtr #-}


-------------------- Sizes, offsets and pointer arithmetic -------

-- | Similar to `sizeOf` but returns the length in type safe units.
byteSize :: Storable a => a -> BYTES Int
{-# INLINE byteSize #-}
byteSize = BYTES . sizeOf

------------------------ Allocation --------------------------------

-- | The expression @allocaBuffer l action@ allocates a local buffer
-- of length @l@ and passes it on to the IO action @action@. No
-- explicit freeing of the memory is required as the memory is
-- allocated locally and freed once the action finishes. It is better
-- to use this function than @`allocaBytes`@ as it does type safe
-- scaling. This function also ensure that the allocated buffer is
-- word aligned.
allocaBuffer :: LengthUnit l
             => l                    -- ^ buffer length
             -> (Pointer -> IO b)  -- ^ the action to run
             -> IO b
{-# INLINE allocaBuffer #-}
allocaBuffer l = allocaBytesAligned bytes align
  where BYTES bytes = inBytes l
        BYTES align = inBytes (1 :: ALIGN)

-- | This function allocates a chunk of "secure" memory of a given
-- size and runs the action. The memory (1) exists for the duration of
-- the action (2) will not be swapped during that time and (3) will be
-- wiped clean and deallocated when the action terminates either
-- directly or indirectly via errors. While this is mostly secure,
-- there can be strange situations in multi-threaded application where
-- the memory is not wiped out. For example if you run a
-- crypto-sensitive action inside a child thread and the main thread
-- gets exists, then the child thread is killed (due to the demonic
-- nature of haskell threads) immediately and might not give it chance
-- to wipe the memory clean. This is a problem inherent to how the
-- `bracket` combinator works inside a child thread.
-- TODO: File this insecurity in the wiki.
allocaSecure :: LengthUnit l
              => l
              -> (Pointer -> IO a)
              -> IO a


foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/mman.h mlock"
  c_mlock :: Pointer -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/mman.h munlock"
  c_munlock :: Pointer -> Int -> IO ()

allocaSecure l action = allocaBuffer actualSz actualAction
  where actualSz = atLeast l :: ALIGN
        BYTES sz = inBytes actualSz
        actualAction cptr = let
          lockIt    = do c <- c_mlock cptr sz
                         when (c /= 0) $ fail "secure memory: unable to lock memory"
          releaseIt =  memset cptr 0 actualSz >>  c_munlock cptr sz
          in bracket_ lockIt releaseIt $ action cptr


allocaSecure _ _ = fail "memory locking not supported on this platform"


-- | Creates a memory of given size. It is better to use over
-- @`mallocBytes`@ as it uses typesafe length.
mallocBuffer :: LengthUnit l
             => l                    -- ^ buffer length
             -> IO Pointer
{-# INLINE mallocBuffer #-}
mallocBuffer l = mallocBytes bytes
  where BYTES bytes = inBytes l

-------------------- Low level pointer operations ------------------

-- | A version of `hGetBuf` which works for any type safe length units.
hFillBuf :: LengthUnit bufSize
         => Handle
         -> Pointer
         -> bufSize
         -> IO (BYTES Int)
{-# INLINE hFillBuf #-}
hFillBuf handle cptr bufSize = BYTES <$> hGetBuf handle cptr bytes
  where BYTES bytes = inBytes bufSize

------------------- Copy move and set contents ----------------------------

-- | Some common PTR functions abstracted over type safe length.
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy" c_memcpy
    :: Pointer -> Pointer -> BYTES Int -> IO Pointer

-- | Copy between pointers.
memcpy :: LengthUnit l
       => Pointer -- ^ Dest
       -> Pointer -- ^ Src
       -> l         -- ^ Number of Bytes to copy
       -> IO ()
memcpy p q = void . c_memcpy p q . inBytes

{-# SPECIALIZE memcpy :: Pointer -> Pointer -> BYTES Int -> IO () #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memmove" c_memmove
    :: Pointer -> Pointer -> BYTES Int -> IO Pointer

-- | Move between pointers.
memmove :: LengthUnit l
        => Pointer -- ^ Dest
        -> Pointer -- ^ Src
        -> l         -- ^ Number of Bytes to copy
        -> IO ()
memmove p q = void . c_memmove p q . inBytes
{-# SPECIALIZE memmove :: Pointer -> Pointer -> BYTES Int -> IO () #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memset" c_memset
    :: Pointer -> Word8 -> BYTES Int -> IO Pointer

-- | Sets the given number of Bytes to the specified value.
memset :: LengthUnit l
       => Pointer -- ^ Target
       -> Word8     -- ^ Value byte to set
       -> l         -- ^ Number of bytes to set
       -> IO ()
memset p w = void . c_memset p w . inBytes
{-# SPECIALIZE memset :: Pointer -> Word8 -> BYTES Int -> IO () #-}