-- This file is part of Quipper. Copyright (C) 2011-2014. Please see the -- file COPYRIGHT for a list of authors, copyright holders, licensing, -- and other details. All rights reserved. -- -- ====================================================================== -- | This module defines the state monad used in -- 'Libraries.Template.Lifting' for Template Haskell -- term manipulation. module Libraries.Template.LiftQ where import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.List as List import Language.Haskell.TH (Name) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..)) import Control.Monad (liftM, ap) import qualified Libraries.Template.ErrorMsgQ as Err import Libraries.Template.ErrorMsgQ (ErrMsgQ) -- | State of the monad. data LiftState = LiftState { boundVar :: Map Name Int, -- ^ How many times each name is bound. prefix :: Maybe String, -- ^ The template prefix . monadName :: Maybe String -- ^ The name of the monad. } -- | An empty state. emptyLiftState :: LiftState emptyLiftState = LiftState { boundVar = Map.empty, prefix = Nothing, monadName = Nothing } -- | Shortcut to @StateT LiftState ErrMsgQ@. type LiftQState = StateT LiftState ErrMsgQ -- | The monad. data LiftQ a = LiftQ (LiftQState a) instance Monad LiftQ where return x = LiftQ $ return x (>>=) (LiftQ x) f = LiftQ $ do x' <- x let (LiftQ y) = f x' y instance Applicative LiftQ where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Functor LiftQ where fmap = liftM -- | Retrieve the state from the monad. getState :: LiftQ LiftState getState = LiftQ $ mapStateT (\x -> do ((),s) <- x; return (s,s)) (return ()) -- | Set the state of the monad. setState :: LiftState -> LiftQ () setState s = LiftQ $ mapStateT (\_ -> return ((),s)) ((return ()) :: LiftQState ()) -- * Various functions to go back and forth between monads. -- | From 'ErrMsgQ' to 'LiftQ'. embedErrMsgQ :: ErrMsgQ a -> LiftQ a embedErrMsgQ q = LiftQ $ mapStateT (\x -> do ((),s) <- x; y <- q; return (y,s)) (return ()) -- | From 'TH.Q' to 'LiftQ'. embedQ :: TH.Q a -> LiftQ a embedQ q = LiftQ $ mapStateT (\x -> do ((),s) <- x; y <- Err.embedQ q; return (y,s)) (return ()) -- | Get 'TH.Q' out of 'LiftQ' extractQ :: String -> LiftQ a -> TH.Q a extractQ s (LiftQ x) = Err.extractQ s $ evalStateT x emptyLiftState -- | Set an error message. errorMsg :: String -> LiftQ a errorMsg s = embedErrMsgQ $ Err.errorMsg s -- * Working with variable names. -- | Increase the number of binds of a variable name. addToBoundVar :: Name -> LiftQ () addToBoundVar n = do s <- getState let new_value = if (Map.member n $ boundVar s) then 1 + ((boundVar s) Map.! n) else 0 setState $ s { boundVar = Map.insert n new_value $ boundVar s } -- | Decrease the number of binds of a variable name. removeFromBoundVar :: Name -> LiftQ () removeFromBoundVar n = do s <- getState if (not $ Map.member n $ boundVar s) then errorMsg ((show n) ++ " is not a bound value") else let old_value = (boundVar s) Map.! n in if old_value == 0 then setState $ s { boundVar = Map.delete n $ boundVar s } else setState $ s { boundVar = Map.insert n (old_value - 1) $ boundVar s } -- | Run a computation with a particular name being bound. withBoundVar :: Name -> LiftQ a -> LiftQ a withBoundVar n comp = do addToBoundVar n a <- comp removeFromBoundVar n return a -- | Run a computation with a particular list of names being bound. withBoundVars :: [Name] -> LiftQ a -> LiftQ a withBoundVars names comp = foldl (flip withBoundVar) comp names -- | Say whether a given name is bound. isBoundVar :: Name -> LiftQ Bool isBoundVar n = do s <- getState return $ Map.member n $ boundVar s -- * Other operations on monad state. -- | Set the template prefix. setPrefix :: String -> LiftQ () setPrefix p = do s <- getState case (prefix s) of Just p' -> errorMsg ("cannot set the prefix to " ++ (show p) ++ ": prefix already defined as " ++ p') Nothing -> setState $ s { prefix = Just p } -- | Get the template prefix. getPrefix :: LiftQ String getPrefix = do s <- getState case (prefix s) of Nothing -> errorMsg "undefined prefix" Just p -> return p -- | Set the monad name. setMonadName :: String -> LiftQ () setMonadName m = do s <- getState case (monadName s) of Just m' -> errorMsg ("cannot set the monad to " ++ (show m) ++ ": monad already defined as " ++ m') Nothing -> setState $ s { monadName = Just m } -- | Get the monad name. getMonadName :: LiftQ String getMonadName = do s <- getState case (monadName s) of Nothing -> errorMsg "undefined monad" Just m -> return m -- * Functions dealing with variable names. -- | Make a name out of a string. mkName :: String -> Name mkName s = TH.mkName s -- | Make a name out of a string, monadic-style. newName :: String -> LiftQ Name newName st = embedQ $ TH.newName st -- | Make any string into a string containing only @[0-9a-zA-Z_.]@. -- For example, it replaces any occurrence of @\"+\"@ with -- @\"symb_plus_\"@. sanitizeString :: String -> String sanitizeString name = List.concat (List.map (\c -> Map.findWithDefault c c (Map.map (\s -> "symb_" ++ s ++ "_") unicodeNames)) (List.map (\x -> [x]) name)) where unicodeNames :: Map.Map String String unicodeNames = Map.fromList [("!","exclamation"), ("\"","doublequote"), ("#","sharp"), ("$","dollar"), ("%","percent"), ("&","ampersand"), ("'","quote"), ("(","oparent"), (")","cparent"), ("*","star"), ("+","plus"), (",","comma"), ("-","minus"), -- we keep dots ("/","slash"), (":","colon"), (";","semicolon"), ("<","oangle"), ("=","equal"), (">","cangle"), ("?","question"), ("@","at"), ("[","obracket"), ("\\","backslash"), ("]","cbracket"), ("^","caret"), -- we keep _ ("`","graveaccent"), ("{","obrace"), ("|","vbar"), ("}","cbrace"), ("~","tilde")] -- | Take a string and make it into a valid Haskell name starting with -- @\"template_\"@. templateString :: String -> LiftQ String templateString s = do p <- getPrefix return (p ++ (sanitizeString s)) -- | Look for the corresponding "template" name. lookForTemplate :: Name -> LiftQ (Maybe Name) lookForTemplate n = do t_string <- templateString $ TH.nameBase n embedQ $ TH.lookupValueName t_string -- | Make a the template version of a given name. makeTemplateName :: Name -> LiftQ Name makeTemplateName n = do t_string <- templateString $ TH.nameBase n return $ TH.mkName t_string -- * Other functions. -- | Print on the terminal a monadic, printable object. prettyPrint :: TH.Ppr a => LiftQ a -> IO () prettyPrint x = (TH.runQ $ extractQ "prettyPrint: " x) >>= (putStrLn . TH.pprint) -- | Project patterns out of a clause. clauseGetPats :: TH.Clause -> [TH.Pat] clauseGetPats (TH.Clause pats _ _) = pats -- | Check that the list is a non-empty repetition of the same -- element. equalNEListElts :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool equalNEListElts [] = True equalNEListElts (h:list) = foldl (&&) True $ map (== h) list -- | Returns the length of the patterns in a list of clauses. Throw an -- error if the patterns do not have all the same size. clausesLengthPats :: [TH.Clause] -> LiftQ Int clausesLengthPats [] = errorMsg "empty clause" clausesLengthPats clauses | (equalNEListElts $ map length $ map clauseGetPats clauses) = return $ length $ clauseGetPats $ head clauses clausesLengthPats _ = errorMsg "patterns in clause are not of equal size"