# quiet Generic deriving of `Read` / `Show` with no record labels. [![Hackage][hackage-shield]][hackage] [![Travis][travis-shield]][travis] Often one wants to create a `newtype` which has a convenient field accessor like `unUserId` below, but that makes the derived `Show` instance overly verbose. For example: ```hs newtype UserId = UserId { unUserId :: String } deriving (Show) ``` Renders as: ``` ghci> show (UserId "simon") UserId {unUserId = "simon"} ``` With 'qshowsPrec' you can have a `Show` instance which doesn't print the field labels. It will render as if the `unUserId` accessor wasn't present at all. ```hs newtype UserId = UserId { unUserId :: String } deriving (Generic) instance Show UserId where showsPrec = qshowsPrec ``` ``` ghci> show (UserId "simon") UserId "simon" ``` A compatible `Read` instance can also be derived using `qreadPrec` if necessary. ```hs instance Read UserId where showsPrec = qreadPrec ``` [hackage]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/quiet [hackage-shield]: https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/quiet.svg?style=flat [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/jacobstanley/quiet [travis-shield]: https://travis-ci.org/jacobstanley/quiet.svg?branch=master