{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}


This module provides property tests for functions that operate on
list-like data types. If your data type is fully polymorphic in its
element type, is it recommended that you use @foldableLaws@ and
@traversableLaws@ from @Test.QuickCheck.Classes@. However, if your
list-like data type is either monomorphic in its element type
(like @Text@ or @ByteString@) or if it requires a typeclass
constraint on its element (like @Data.Vector.Unboxed@), the properties
provided here can be helpful for testing that your functions have
the expected behavior. All properties in this module require your data
type to have an 'IsList' instance.

module Test.QuickCheck.Classes.IsList
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
  , foldlProp
  , foldlMProp
  , mapProp
  , imapProp
  , imapMProp
  , traverseProp
  , generateProp
  , generateMProp
  , replicateProp
  , replicateMProp
  , filterProp
  , filterMProp
  , mapMaybeProp
  , mapMaybeMProp
  ) where

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST,runST)
import Control.Monad (mapM,filterM,replicateM)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import GHC.Exts (IsList,Item,toList,fromList)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe,catMaybes)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Test.QuickCheck (Property,Arbitrary,Function,CoArbitrary,(===),property,
import qualified Data.List as L

foldrProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> c -> b) -- ^ foldr function
  -> Property
foldrProp _ f = property $ \c (b0 :: Integer) func ->
  let g = applyFun2 func in
  L.foldr g b0 (toList c) === f g b0 c
foldlProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (forall b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> c -> b) -- ^ foldl function
  -> Property
foldlProp _ f = property $ \c (b0 :: Integer) func ->
  let g = applyFun2 func in
  L.foldl g b0 (toList c) === f g b0 c

foldlMProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (forall s b. (b -> a -> ST s b) -> b -> c -> ST s b) -- ^ monadic foldl function
  -> Property
foldlMProp _ f = property $ \c (b0 :: Integer) func ->
  runST (foldlM (stApplyFun2 func) b0 (toList c)) === runST (f (stApplyFun2 func) b0 c)

mapProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> ((a -> b) -> c -> d) -- ^ map function
  -> Property
mapProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (map (applyFun func) (toList c)) === f (applyFun func) c

imapProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> ((Int -> a -> b) -> c -> d) -- ^ indexed map function
  -> Property
imapProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (imapList (applyFun2 func) (toList c)) === f (applyFun2 func) c

imapMProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> (forall s. (Int -> a -> ST s b) -> c -> ST s d) -- ^ monadic indexed map function
  -> Property
imapMProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (runST (imapMList (stApplyFun2 func) (toList c))) === runST (f (stApplyFun2 func) c)

traverseProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> (forall s. (a -> ST s b) -> c -> ST s d) -- ^ traverse function
  -> Property
traverseProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (runST (mapM (return . applyFun func) (toList c))) === runST (f (return . applyFun func) c)

-- | Property for the @generate@ function, which builds a container
--   of a given length by applying a function to each index.
generateProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (Int -> (Int -> a) -> c) -- generate function
  -> Property
generateProp _ f = property $ \(NonNegative len) func ->
  fromList (generateList len (applyFun func)) === f len (applyFun func)

generateMProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (forall s. Int -> (Int -> ST s a) -> ST s c) -- monadic generate function
  -> Property
generateMProp _ f = property $ \(NonNegative len) func ->
  fromList (runST (stGenerateList len (stApplyFun func))) === runST (f len (stApplyFun func))

replicateProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (Int -> a -> c) -- replicate function
  -> Property
replicateProp _ f = property $ \(NonNegative len) a ->
  fromList (replicate len a) === f len a

replicateMProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> (forall s. Int -> ST s a -> ST s c) -- replicate function
  -> Property
replicateMProp _ f = property $ \(NonNegative len) a ->
  fromList (runST (replicateM len (return a))) === runST (f len (return a))

-- | Property for the @filter@ function, which keeps elements for which
-- the predicate holds true.
filterProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ element type
  -> ((a -> Bool) -> c -> c) -- ^ map function
  -> Property
filterProp _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (filter (applyFun func) (toList c)) === f (applyFun func) c

-- | Property for the @filterM@ function, which keeps elements for which
-- the predicate holds true in an applicative context.
filterMProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ element type
  -> (forall s. (a -> ST s Bool) -> c -> ST s c) -- ^ traverse function
  -> Property
filterMProp _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (runST (filterM (return . applyFun func) (toList c))) === runST (f (return . applyFun func) c)

-- | Property for the @mapMaybe@ function, which keeps elements for which
-- the predicate holds true.
mapMaybeProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Eq d, IsList d, Arbitrary b, Show d, Show b, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> ((a -> Maybe b) -> c -> d) -- ^ map function
  -> Property
mapMaybeProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (mapMaybe (applyFun func) (toList c)) === f (applyFun func) c

mapMaybeMProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a)
  => Proxy a -- ^ input element type
  -> Proxy b -- ^ output element type
  -> (forall s. (a -> ST s (Maybe b)) -> c -> ST s d) -- ^ traverse function
  -> Property
mapMaybeMProp _ _ f = property $ \c func ->
  fromList (runST (mapMaybeMList (return . applyFun func) (toList c))) === runST (f (return . applyFun func) c)

imapList :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
imapList f xs = map (uncurry f) (zip (enumFrom 0) xs)

imapMList :: (Int -> a -> ST s b) -> [a] -> ST s [b]
imapMList f = go 0 where
  go !_ [] = return []
  go !ix (x : xs) = liftA2 (:) (f ix x) (go (ix + 1) xs)

mapMaybeMList :: Applicative f => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> f [b]
mapMaybeMList f = fmap catMaybes . traverse f

generateList :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> [a]
generateList len f = go 0 where
  go !ix = if ix < len
    then f ix : go (ix + 1)
    else []

stGenerateList :: Int -> (Int -> ST s a) -> ST s [a]
stGenerateList len f = go 0 where
  go !ix = if ix < len
    then liftA2 (:) (f ix) (go (ix + 1))
    else return []

stApplyFun :: Fun a b -> a -> ST s b
stApplyFun f a = return (applyFun f a)

stApplyFun2 :: Fun (a,b) c -> a -> b -> ST s c
stApplyFun2 f a b = return (applyFun2 f a b)