{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns                    #-}

-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

-- Module      : Network.HTTP.QueryString.Pickle
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013 Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- License     : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
--               Berkeley Software Distribution License, v. 3.0.
--               You can obtain it at
--               http://http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)

module Network.HTTP.QueryString.Pickle
    -- * Class
      IsQuery      (..)

    -- * Functions
    , toQuery
    , fromQuery
    , encodeQuery
    , decodeQuery

    -- * Data Types
    , Query        (..)
    , QueryPU      (..)

    -- * Options
    , QueryOptions (..)
    , defaultQueryOptions
    , loweredQueryOptions

    -- * Generics
    , GIsQuery     (..)
    , genericQueryPickler

    -- * Combinators
    , qpWrap
    , qpElem
    , qpPair
    , qpLift
    , qpPrim
    , qpOption
    , qpDefault
    , qpSum
    , qpEither
    , qpOrdinalList
    , qpList
    ) where

import           Data.ByteString       (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import           Data.Char             (isUpper, isLower, toLower)
import           Data.Either
import           Data.Foldable         (foldl')
import           Data.List             (sort)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text             (Text)
import           Data.Text.Encoding
import           GHC.Generics

-- Types

-- | A type that has a pairing of pickler + unpickler.
-- Using the @DeriveGeneric@ language extension, this class specifies a
-- default generic implementation using 'genericQueryPickler'.
-- For example:
-- @{-\# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric \#-}
-- import GHC.Generics
-- data Foo = Foo { fooIntX :: Int, fooIntY :: Int } deriving (Generic)
-- instance IsQuery Foo
-- @
-- Note that you can parameterise some of the options to 'genericQueryPickler'
-- by specifying an implementation instead of using @DefaultSignatures@.
-- The previous example:
-- @
-- instance IsQuery Foo where
--     queryPickler = 'genericQueryPickler' 'defaultQueryOptions'
-- @
-- More examples of creating 'queryPickler' implementations can be found in the
-- @README@ or in the @tests@.
class IsQuery a where
    queryPickler :: PU a

    default queryPickler :: (Generic a, GIsQuery (Rep a)) => PU a
    queryPickler = genericQueryPickler defaultQueryOptions

-- | Internal tree representation for queries.
data Query
    = List [Query]
    | Pair ByteString Query
    | Value ByteString
      deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord Query where
    compare (List  ls)  (List  rs)  = ls `compare` rs
    compare (Pair k1 _) (Pair k2 _) = k1 `compare` k2
    compare (Value v1)  (Value v2)  = v1 `compare` v2

    compare (List _)   (Pair _ _) = GT
    compare (List _)   (Value _)  = GT
    compare (Pair _ _) (Value _)  = GT

    compare _ _ = LT

instance Monoid Query where
    mempty                    = List []
    mappend (List l) (List r) = List $ l ++ r
    mappend (List l) r        = List $ r : l
    mappend l        (List r) = List $ l : r
    mappend l        r        = List [l, r]

-- | Pairing of pickler to unpickler.
data QueryPU a = QueryPU
    { pickle   :: a -> Query
    , unpickle :: Query -> Either String a

type PU = QueryPU

-- | Options for 'genericQueryPickler' to parameterise how constructor and record
-- field labels are un/pickled.
-- For example:
-- @import GHC.Generics
-- data Bar { barThisIsAByteString :: ByteString } deriving (Generic)
-- instance IsQuery Foo where
--     queryPickler = 'genericQueryPickler' $ Options
--         { queryCtorModifier  = id
--         , queryFieldModifier = dropWhile isLower
--         }
-- @
-- Would remove @bar@ from the record field @barThisIsAByteString@ so the resulting
-- pair for that field in the association list would be @(ThisIsAByteString, n :: Int)@.
-- The above example is how 'defaultQueryOptions' behaves.
data QueryOptions = QueryOptions
    { queryCtorModifier  :: String -> String
      -- ^ Function applied to constructor tags.
    , queryFieldModifier :: String -> String
      -- ^ Function applied to record field labels.

-- | Strips lowercase prefixes from record fields.
defaultQueryOptions :: QueryOptions
defaultQueryOptions = QueryOptions id dropLower

-- | Strips lowercase prefixes from record fields and subsequently lowercases
-- the remaining identifier.
loweredQueryOptions :: QueryOptions
loweredQueryOptions = defaultQueryOptions
    { queryFieldModifier = map toLower . dropLower

dropLower :: String -> String
dropLower s
     | any isUpper s = dropWhile isLower s
     | otherwise     = s

-- Functions

-- | Pickle a data type with an 'IsQuery' instance to an association list.
toQuery :: IsQuery a => a -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
toQuery = enc "" . pickle queryPickler
    enc k (List qs) = concatMap (enc k) qs
    enc k (Value v) = [(k, v)]
    enc k (Pair k' q)
        | BS.null k = enc k' q
        | otherwise = enc (k <> "." <> k') q

-- | Unpickle an association list to an 'IsQuery' type, returning an error
-- message when unpickling fails.
fromQuery :: IsQuery a => [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Either String a
fromQuery = unpickle queryPickler . foldl' (\a b -> reify b <> a) mempty
    reify (k, v)
        | BS.null k       = Value v
        | '.' `BS.elem` k = let ks     = BS.split '.' k
                                f k' q = Pair k' q
                             in foldr f (Pair (last ks) $ Value v) $ init ks
        | otherwise       = Pair k $ Value v

-- | Helper to encode an association list as a single canonical query string.
encodeQuery :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -- ^ URL Value Encoder
            -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ Key/Value Pairs
            -> ByteString
encodeQuery f = BS.intercalate "&" . map (\(k, v) -> mconcat [k, "=", f v]) . sort

-- | Helper to decode a query string to an association list.
decodeQuery :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -- ^ URL Value Decoder
            -> ByteString                 -- ^ Input Query String
            -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
decodeQuery f = map (pair . BS.split '=')
    . BS.split '&'
    . BS.dropWhile (\c -> c == '/' || c == '?')
    pair (k:vs) = (k, f $ BS.intercalate "=" vs)
    pair []     = ("", "")

-- Generics

genericQueryPickler opts =
    (to, from) `qpWrap` (gQueryPickler opts) (genericQueryPickler opts)

class GIsQuery f where
    gQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> PU (f a)

instance IsQuery a => GIsQuery (K1 i a) where
    -- Constants
    gQueryPickler _ _ = (K1, unK1) `qpWrap` queryPickler

instance GIsQuery U1 where
    -- Empty Constructors Parameters
    gQueryPickler _ _ = (const U1, const ()) `qpWrap` qpLift ()

instance GIsQuery a => GIsQuery (M1 i d a) where
    -- Discard Metadata
    gQueryPickler opts = qpWrap (M1, unM1) . gQueryPickler opts

instance CtorIsQuery a => GIsQuery (C1 c a) where
    -- Constructor Encoding
    gQueryPickler opts = qpWrap (M1, unM1) . ctorQueryPickler opts

instance ( AllNullary  (a :+: b) allNullary
         , NullIsQuery (a :+: b) allNullary
         ) => GIsQuery (a :+: b) where
    -- Nullary Constructors
    gQueryPickler opts =
        (unTagged :: Tagged allNullary (PU ((a :+: b) d)) -> (PU ((a :+: b) d)))
            . nullQueryPickler opts

-- Nullary

class NullIsQuery f allNullary where
    nullQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> Tagged allNullary (PU (f a))

instance SumIsQuery (a :+: b) => NullIsQuery (a :+: b) True where
    nullQueryPickler opts _ = Tagged $ sumQueryPickler opts

instance (GIsQuery a, GIsQuery b) => NullIsQuery (a :+: b) False where
    nullQueryPickler opts f = Tagged $
        (gQueryPickler opts f `qpSum` gQueryPickler opts f)

class SumIsQuery f where
    sumQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU (f a)

instance (SumIsQuery a, SumIsQuery b) => SumIsQuery (a :+: b) where
    sumQueryPickler opts = sumQueryPickler opts `qpSum` sumQueryPickler opts

instance Constructor c => SumIsQuery (C1 c U1) where
    sumQueryPickler opts = QueryPU
        { pickle   = const $ Value name
        , unpickle = valueExists
        name = BS.pack . queryCtorModifier opts $ conName (undefined :: t c U1 p)

        valueExists qry
            | (List [Value v]) <- qry, v == name = Right $ M1 U1
            | (Value v)        <- qry, v == name = Right $ M1 U1
            | otherwise = Left . BS.unpack $ "valueExists: failure - " <> name

-- Records

class CtorIsQuery f where
    ctorQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> PU (f a)

class CtorIsQuery' f isRecord where
    ctorQueryPickler' :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> Tagged isRecord (PU (f a))

instance (IsRecord f isRecord, CtorIsQuery' f isRecord) => CtorIsQuery f where
    ctorQueryPickler opts = (unTagged :: Tagged isRecord (PU (f a)) -> PU (f a))
        . ctorQueryPickler' opts

instance RecIsQuery f => CtorIsQuery' f True where
    ctorQueryPickler' opts = Tagged . recQueryPickler opts

instance GIsQuery f => CtorIsQuery' f False where
    ctorQueryPickler' opts = Tagged . gQueryPickler opts

class RecIsQuery f where
    recQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> PU (f a)

instance (RecIsQuery a, RecIsQuery b) => RecIsQuery (a :*: b) where
    recQueryPickler opts f = qpWrap
        (uncurry (:*:), \(a :*: b) -> (a, b))
        (recQueryPickler opts f `qpPair` recQueryPickler opts f)

instance (Selector s, GIsQuery a) => RecIsQuery (S1 s a) where
    recQueryPickler opts f = qpElem
        (BS.pack . queryFieldModifier opts $ selName (undefined :: S1 s a r))
        ((M1, unM1) `qpWrap` gQueryPickler opts f)

instance (Selector s, IsQuery a) => RecIsQuery (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a))) where
    recQueryPickler opts _ =
        (M1 . K1, unK1 . unM1) `qpWrap` qpOption (qpElem name queryPickler)
        name = BS.pack
            . queryFieldModifier opts
            $ selName (undefined :: t s (K1 i (Maybe a)) p)

-- Tagging

class IsRecord (f :: * -> *) isRecord | f -> isRecord

instance (IsRecord f isRecord) => IsRecord (f :*: g) isRecord
instance IsRecord (M1 S NoSelector f) False
instance (IsRecord f isRecord) => IsRecord (M1 S c f) isRecord
instance IsRecord (K1 i c) True
instance IsRecord U1 False

class AllNullary (f :: * -> *) allNullary | f -> allNullary

instance ( AllNullary a allNullaryL
         , AllNullary b allNullaryR
         , And allNullaryL allNullaryR allNullary
         ) => AllNullary (a :+: b) allNullary
instance AllNullary a allNullary => AllNullary (M1 i c a) allNullary
instance AllNullary (a :*: b) False
instance AllNullary (K1 i c) False
instance AllNullary U1 True

data True
data False

class And bool1 bool2 bool3 | bool1 bool2 -> bool3

instance And True  True  True
instance And False False False
instance And False True  False
instance And True  False False

newtype Tagged s b = Tagged { unTagged :: b }

-- Combinators

qpWrap :: (a -> b, b -> a) -> PU a -> PU b
qpWrap (f, g) pua = QueryPU
    { pickle   = pickle pua . g
    , unpickle = fmap f . unpickle pua

qpElem :: ByteString -> PU a -> PU a
qpElem name pu = QueryPU
    { pickle   = Pair name . pickle pu
    , unpickle = \qry -> (unpickle pu =<<) . note qry $ findPair name qry
    note _ = maybe (Right $ List []) Right

    findPair k qry
        | List qs <- qry            = mconcat $ map (findPair k) qs
        | Pair k' q <- qry, k == k' = Just q
        | otherwise                 = Nothing

qpPair :: PU a -> PU b -> PU (a, b)
qpPair pua pub = QueryPU
    { pickle   = \(a, b) -> pickle pua a <> pickle pub b
    , unpickle = \qry -> case (unpickle pua qry, unpickle pub qry) of
          (Right a, Right b) -> Right (a, b)
          (Left ea, _)       -> failure qry $ "left - " ++ ea
          (_,       Left eb) -> failure qry $ "right - " ++ eb
    failure qry s = Left ("qpPair: " ++ s ++ ", qry: " ++ show qry)

qpLift :: a -> PU a
qpLift x = QueryPU
    { pickle   = const $ List []
    , unpickle = const $ Right x

qpPrim :: (Read a, Show a) => PU a
qpPrim = QueryPU
    { pickle   = Value . BS.pack . show
    , unpickle = (eitherRead =<<) . findValue
    eitherRead (BS.unpack -> s) = case reads s of
        [(x, "")] -> Right x
        _         -> Left $ "qpPrim: failed to read value - " ++ s

    findValue qry
        | List [Value v] <- qry = Right v
        | (Value v)      <- qry = Right v
        | otherwise = Left $ "qpPrim: unexpected non-value - " ++ show qry

qpOption :: PU a -> PU (Maybe a)
qpOption pu = QueryPU
    { pickle   = maybe (List []) (pickle pu)
    , unpickle = either (const $ Right Nothing) (Right . Just) . unpickle pu

qpDefault :: a -> PU a -> PU a
qpDefault x pu = QueryPU
    { pickle    = pickle pu
    , unpickle  = either (const $ Right x) Right . unpickle pu

qpSum :: PU (f r) -> PU (g r) -> PU ((f :+: g) r)
qpSum left right = (inp, out) `qpWrap` qpEither left right
    inp (Left  x) = L1 x
    inp (Right x) = R1 x

    out (L1 x) = Left x
    out (R1 x) = Right x

qpEither :: PU a -> PU b -> PU (Either a b)
qpEither pua pub = QueryPU pickleEither unpickleEither
    unpickleEither qry = either
        (handleFailure qry)
        (Right . Left) $ unpickle pua qry

    handleFailure qry err1 = either
        (\err2 -> Left $ "qpEither: both failed - " ++ err1 ++ " - " ++ err2)
        (Right . Right) $ unpickle pub qry

    pickleEither (Left  x) = pickle pua x
    pickleEither (Right y) = pickle pub y

qpOrdinalList :: PU a -> PU [a]
qpOrdinalList pu = QueryPU
    { pickle   = List . zipWith pickler ([1..] :: [Integer])
    , unpickle = \qry -> case qry of
          (List qs) -> concatEithers $ map (unpickle pu) [v | Pair _ v <- sort qs]
          _         -> Left $ "qpOrdinalList: unexpected non-list - " ++ show qry
    pickler (BS.pack . show -> k) = Pair k . pickle pu

qpList :: PU a -> PU [a]
qpList pu = QueryPU
    { pickle   = mconcat . map (pickle pu)
    , unpickle = \qry -> case qry of
          v@(Value _) -> fmap (:[]) $ unpickle pu v
          (List [])   -> Right []
          (List qs)   -> fmap reverse . concatEithers $ map (unpickle pu) qs
          _           -> Left $ "qpList: unexpected non-list - " ++ show qry

concatEithers :: [Either b c] -> Either b [c]
concatEithers xs = case partitionEithers xs of
    (l:_, _) -> Left l
    ([], rs) -> Right rs

-- Instances

instance IsQuery Char where
    queryPickler = QueryPU
        { pickle   = Value . BS.singleton
        , unpickle = \qry -> case qry of
              Value v | BS.length v == 1 -> Right (BS.head v)
              _ -> Left $ "qpChar: unexpected value - " ++ show qry

instance IsQuery Int where
    queryPickler = qpPrim

instance IsQuery Integer where
    queryPickler = qpPrim

instance IsQuery ByteString where
    queryPickler = QueryPU
        { pickle   = Value
        , unpickle = \qry -> case qry of
              Value v -> Right v
              _       -> Left $ "qpByteString: unexpected non-value - " ++ show qry

instance IsQuery Text where
    queryPickler = (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) `qpWrap` queryPickler