-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2020 The Qtah Authors. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamReader ( aModule, c_QXmlStreamReader, e_Error, e_ReadElementTextBehaviour, e_TokenType, ) where import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( addReqIncludes, classSetEntityPrefix, ident, ident1, includeStd, makeClass, mkConstMethod, mkCtor, mkMethod', mkMethod, mkProp, np, ) --import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QStringRef (c_QStringRef) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QString (c_QString) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QByteArray (c_QByteArray) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QIODevice (c_QIODevice) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (c_QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration, qXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (qXmlStreamEntityDeclarations) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamEntityResolver (c_QXmlStreamEntityResolver) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (qXmlStreamNotationDeclarations) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QXmlStreamAttributes (c_QXmlStreamAttributes) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types (boolT, charT, voidT, enumT, constT, objT, ptrT, refT, toGcT) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Version (collect, just) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Module (AModule (AQtModule), makeQtModule) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.Types (qint64) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModule ["Core", "QXmlStreamReader"] [ qtExport c_QXmlStreamReader , qtExport e_Error , qtExport e_ReadElementTextBehaviour , qtExport e_TokenType ] c_QXmlStreamReader = addReqIncludes [ includeStd "QXmlStreamReader" ] $ classSetEntityPrefix "" $ makeClass (ident "QXmlStreamReader") Nothing [] $ collect [ just $ mkCtor "new" np , just $ mkCtor "newWithPtrChar" [ptrT $ constT charT] , just $ mkCtor "newWithString" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QString] , just $ mkCtor "newWithByteArray" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QByteArray] , just $ mkCtor "newWithIODevice" [ptrT $ objT c_QIODevice] , just $ mkProp "namespaceProcessing" boolT , just $ mkMethod' "addData" "addDataWithByteArray" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QByteArray] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "addData" "addDataWithString" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "addData" "addDataWithPtrChar" [ptrT $ constT charT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "addExtraNamespaceDeclaration" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration] voidT , just $ mkMethod "addExtraNamespaceDeclarations" [refT $ constT $ objT qXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations] voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "atEnd" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "attributes" np $ toGcT $ objT c_QXmlStreamAttributes , just $ mkConstMethod "characterOffset" np qint64 , just $ mkMethod "clear" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "columnNumber" np qint64 , just $ mkProp "device" $ ptrT $ objT c_QIODevice --, just $ mkConstMethod "documentEncoding" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "documentVersion" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "dtdName" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "dtdPublicId" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "dtdSystemId" np $ objT c_QStringRef , just $ mkConstMethod "entityDeclarations" np $ toGcT $ objT qXmlStreamEntityDeclarations , just $ mkProp "entityResolver" $ ptrT $ objT c_QXmlStreamEntityResolver , just $ mkConstMethod "error" np $ enumT e_Error , just $ mkConstMethod "errorString" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "hasError" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isCDATA" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isCharacters" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isComment" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isDTD" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isEndDocument" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isEndElement" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isEntityReference" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isProcessingInstruction" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isStandaloneDocument" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isStartDocument" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isStartElement" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isWhitespace" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "lineNumber" np qint64 -- , just $ mkConstMethod "name" np $ objT c_QStringRef , just $ mkConstMethod "namespaceDeclarations" np $ toGcT $ objT qXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations --, just $ mkConstMethod "namespaceUri" np $ objT c_QStringRef , just $ mkConstMethod "notationDeclarations" np $ toGcT $ objT qXmlStreamNotationDeclarations --, just $ mkConstMethod "prefix" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "processingInstructionData" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "processingInstructionTarget" np $ objT c_QStringRef --, just $ mkConstMethod "qualifiedName" np $ objT c_QStringRef , just $ mkMethod' "raiseError" "raiseError" np voidT , just $ mkMethod' "raiseError" "raiseErrorWithMessage" [refT $ constT $ objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "readElementText" "readElementText" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkMethod' "readElementText" "readElementTextWithBehaviour" [enumT e_ReadElementTextBehaviour] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkMethod "readNext" np $ enumT e_TokenType , just $ mkMethod "readNextStartElement" np boolT , just $ mkMethod "skipCurrentElement" np voidT --, just $ mkConstMethod "text" np $ objT c_QStringRef , just $ mkConstMethod "tokenString" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "tokenType" np $ enumT e_TokenType ] e_Error = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QXmlStreamReader" "Error") [includeStd "QXmlStreamReader"] [ "NoError" , "UnexpectedElementError" , "CustomError" , "NotWellFormedError" , "PrematureEndOfDocumentError" ] e_ReadElementTextBehaviour = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QXmlStreamReader" "ReadElementTextBehaviour") [includeStd "QXmlStreamReader"] [ "ErrorOnUnexpectedElement" , "IncludeChildElements" , "SkipChildElements" ] e_TokenType = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QXmlStreamReader" "TokenType") [includeStd "QXmlStreamReader"] [ "NoToken" , "Invalid" , "StartDocument" , "EndDocument" , "StartElement" , "EndElement" , "Characters" , "Comment" , "DTD" , "EntityReference" , "ProcessingInstruction" ]