# qrcode QR code library in pure Haskell ## qrcode-core Basic functionality to create a QRCode. All modes are supported: - Numeric (digits only) - Alphanumeric (digits, letters and some other chars) - Binary / Text (ISO 8859-1 and UTF-8) - Kanji There are function to create those specifically and an auto-detect. The module `Codec.QRCode` has functions which creates an image out of the input. The module `Codec.QRCode.Intermediate` has functions to create segments of a QRCode, join them together and finally create the image. The core of the resulting image is an `Vector` of `Bool`s, each element describing a module ("pixel") where `False` is white and `True` is black. ## thanks Project Nayuki for https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator, which is the foundation of this package.