{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Monad(replicateM) import Data.Attoparsec.Text(Parser) import Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy(Result(..),parse) import Data.Char(isPrint) import Data.QIF import Data.String(fromString) import qualified Data.Text as S import Data.Text.Lazy(Text) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder(Builder, toLazyText) import Data.Time(Day(..), fromGregorian, addDays) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty(TestTree, testGroup, defaultMain) import Test.Tasty.HUnit(testCase, (@=?)) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck(testProperty) import Debug.Trace main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All Tests" [ testBasics , testBlocks , testLists ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- testBasics :: TestTree testBasics = testGroup "Basic constants" [ testQuantities , testDates , testSecurityType ] testQuantities :: TestTree testQuantities = testGroup "Simple Quantities" [ testGroup "Currency" [ testCase "1.25" (1.25 @=? (runP parseCurrency "1.25")) , testCase "$1.25" (1.25 @=? (runP parseCurrency "$1.25")) , testCase "-1.25" (-1.25 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-1.25")) , testCase "-$1.25" (-1.25 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-$1.25")) , testCase "-$1.2" (-1.2 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-$1.2")) , testCase "-$1." (-1 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-$1.")) , testCase "-1" (-1 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-1")) , testCase "-1.2" (-1.2 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-1.2")) , testCase "-1.0" (-1 @=? (runP parseCurrency "-1.0")) , testCase "1.1" (1.1 @=? (runP parseCurrency "1.1")) , testCase "1." (1 @=? (runP parseCurrency "1.")) , testProperty "Currency Serialization" currencySerialization ], testGroup "Share Quantities" [ testCase "-3.0351" (-3.0351 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3.0351")) , testCase "-3.035" (-3.035 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3.035")) , testCase "-3.03" (-3.03 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3.03")) , testCase "-3.3" (-3.3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3.3")) , testCase "-3." (-3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3.")) , testCase "-3" (-3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "-3")) , testCase "3.0351" (3.0351 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3.0351")) , testCase "3.035" (3.035 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3.035")) , testCase "3.03" (3.03 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3.03")) , testCase "3.3" (3.3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3.3")) , testCase "3." (3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3.")) , testCase "3" (3 @=? (runP parseShareQuantity "3")) , testProperty "Share quantity serialization" (standardSerializer parseShareQuantity renderShareQuantity) ] ] testDates :: TestTree testDates = testGroup "Dates" [ testCase "12/12/15" (fromGregorian 2015 12 12 @=? runP parseDate "12/12/15") , testCase "5/14/15" (fromGregorian 2015 5 14 @=? runP parseDate "5/14/15") , testCase "3/4/00" (fromGregorian 2000 3 4 @=? runP parseDate "3/4/00") , testCase "10/5/13" (fromGregorian 2013 10 5 @=? runP parseDate "10/5/13") , testProperty "Date serialization" (standardSerializer parseDate renderDate) ] testSecurityType :: TestTree testSecurityType = testGroup "Security types" [ testCase "Stock Option" (StockOption @=? runP parseSecurityType "Stock Option") , testCase "Bond" (Bond @=? runP parseSecurityType "Bond") , testCase "CD" (CD @=? runP parseSecurityType "CD") , testCase "Mutual Fund" (MutualFund @=? runP parseSecurityType "Mutual Fund") , testCase "Index" (Index @=? runP parseSecurityType "Index") , testCase "ETF" (ETF @=? runP parseSecurityType "ETF") , testCase "Money Market Fund" (MoneyMarket @=? runP parseSecurityType "Money Market Fund") , testCase "Precious Metal" (PreciousMetal @=? runP parseSecurityType "Precious Metal") , testCase "Commodity" (Commodity @=? runP parseSecurityType "Commodity") , testCase "Stock" (Stock @=? runP parseSecurityType "Stock") , testProperty "Security type serialization" (standardSerializer parseSecurityType renderSecurityType) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- testBlocks :: TestTree testBlocks = testGroup "Standard Blocks" [ testSecurity , testAccount , testCategory , testTransaction , testInvTransaction ] testSecurity :: TestTree testSecurity = testGroup "Security Block" [ testCase "Alaska Airlines" (Security "Alaska Air Group, Inc" "ALK" Stock Nothing @=? runP parseSecurity "NAlaska Air Group, Inc\nSALK\nTStock\n^\n") , testCase "Vanguard S&P" (Security "Vanguard S&P 500 Index,Investor Shares" "VFINX" MutualFund Nothing @=? runP parseSecurity "NVanguard S&P 500 Index,Investor Shares\nSVFINX\nTMutual Fund\n^\n") , testCase "Vanguard ETF" (Security "Vanguard ETF" "VET" ETF (Just "House") @=? runP parseSecurity "NVanguard ETF\nSVET\nTETF\nGHouse\n^\n") , testProperty "Security block serialization" (standardSerializer parseSecurity renderSecurity) ] testAccount :: TestTree testAccount = testGroup "Accounts" [ testCase "Umpqua Account" (Account "Umpqua Bank" BankAccount "Checking" Nothing Nothing 1234.12 @=? runP parseAccount "NUmpqua Bank\nDChecking\nX\nTBank\nB$1234.12\n^\n") , testCase "Blue Bank" (Account "Blue Bank" CreditCardAccount "" (Just 40) (Just (fromGregorian 2012 2 14)) (-520) @=? runP parseAccount "NBlue Bank\nD\nX\nTCCard\n/2/14/12\nL40.0\nB-$520.\n^\n") , testProperty "Account serialization" (standardSerializer parseAccount renderAccount) , testProperty "Account header serialization" (standardSerializer parseAccountHeader renderAccountHeader) ] testCategory :: TestTree testCategory = testGroup "Categories" [ testCase "Auto" (Category "Auto" "Automobile-related expenses" Expense False Nothing Nothing @=? runP parseCategory "NAuto\nDAutomobile-related expenses\nE\n^\n") , testCase "Registration" (Category "Registration" "" Expense True Nothing (Just 535) @=? runP parseCategory "NRegistration\nD\nT\nE\nR535\n^\n") , testCase "Salary" (Category "Salary" "Income" Income True Nothing Nothing @=? runP parseCategory "NSalary\nDIncome\nT\nI\n^\n") , testCase "Dinner" (Category "Dinner" "Yum yum" Expense False (Just 200) Nothing @=? runP parseCategory "NDinner\nDYum yum\nE\nB200.\n^\n") , testProperty "Category serialization" (standardSerializer parseCategory renderCategory) ] testTransaction :: TestTree testTransaction = testGroup "Transactions" [ testCase "Roost" (Transaction (fromGregorian 2012 2 14) "Roost" "Yay fun" (-25) Nothing (Just "Dining") True False [] @=? (runP parseTransaction "D2/14/12\nPRoost\nMYay fun\nT-25\nCX\nLDining\n^\n")) , testCase "Uncleared Roost" (Transaction (fromGregorian 2012 2 14) "Roost" "Yay fun" (-25) Nothing (Just "Dining") False False [] @=? (runP parseTransaction "D2/14/12\nPRoost\nMYay fun\nT-25.\nLDining\n^\n")) , testCase "Business Roost" (Transaction (fromGregorian 2012 2 14) "Roost" "Yay fun" (-25) Nothing (Just "Dining") True True [] @=? (runP parseTransaction "D2/14/12\nPRoost\nMYay fun\nT-25.00\nCX\nF\nLDining\n^\n")) , testCase "Paycheck" (Transaction (fromGregorian 2018 3 4) "Galois" "" 50 Nothing Nothing True False [SplitItem "" (-30) "Checking", SplitItem "" (-20) "Savings"] @=? (runP parseTransaction "D3/4/18\nPGalois\nM\nT50.0\nCX\nSChecking\nE\n$-30.0\nSSavings\nE\n$-20\n^\n")) , testProperty "Transaction serialization" (standardSerializer parseTransaction renderTransaction) ] testInvTransaction :: TestTree testInvTransaction = testGroup "Interest Transactions" [ testCase "Dividend" (Dividend (TradeInfo (fromGregorian 2065 7 7) "SEC" Nothing (Just 0) (Just 0) 0) @=? (runP parseInvTransaction "D7/7/65\nNDiv\nYSEC\nQ0\nO0.00\nT0\n^\n")) , testCase "Dividend, with share price" (Dividend (TradeInfo (fromGregorian 2065 7 7) "SEC" (Just 0) (Just 0) (Just 0) 0) @=? (runP parseInvTransaction "D7/7/65\nNDiv\nYSEC\nI0\nQ0\nO0.00\nT0\n^\n")) , testProperty "Interest transaction serialization" (standardSerializer parseInvTransaction renderInvTransaction) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- testLists :: TestTree testLists = testGroup "Lists of structures" [ testProperty "Account List" (standardSerializer parseAccountList renderAccountList) , testProperty "Category List" (standardSerializer parseCategoryList renderCategoryList) , testProperty "Investment Entries" (standardSerializer parseInvestmentEntries renderInvestmentEntries) , testProperty "Bank Entries" (standardSerializer parseTransactionList renderTransactionList) , testProperty "Credit Card Entries" (standardSerializer parseCreditCardEntryList renderCreditCardEntryList) , testProperty "Asset Entries" (standardSerializer parseAssetEntryList renderAssetEntryList) , testProperty "Liability Entries" (standardSerializer parseLiabilityEntryList renderLiabilityEntryList) , testProperty "Security list" (standardSerializer parseSecurityList renderSecurityList) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- currencySerialization :: Bool -> Currency -> Property currencySerialization doDollar amt = amt === (runP parseCurrency (runR (renderCurrency doDollar) amt)) standardSerializer :: (Eq a, Show a) => Parser a -> (a -> Builder) -> a -> Property standardSerializer parser renderer x = x === (runP parser (runR renderer x)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- runP :: Parser a -> Text -> a runP parser txt = go (parse parser txt) where go (Fail _ _ err) = error ("Parser error: " ++ err) go (Done _ res) = res runR :: (a -> Builder) -> a -> Text runR builder v = toLazyText (builder v) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Arbitrary Day where arbitrary = do let base = fromGregorian 2000 1 1 x <- choose (0, 36524) return (addDays x base) instance Arbitrary SecurityType where arbitrary = elements [ Stock, Bond, CD, MutualFund, Index, ETF, MoneyMarket, PreciousMetal, Commodity, StockOption, Other ] instance Arbitrary Security where arbitrary = Security <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary S.Text where arbitrary = do len <- choose (0,150) chrs <- replicateM len (suchThat arbitrary isPrint) return (fromString chrs) instance Arbitrary AccountType where arbitrary = elements [ BankAccount, CashAccount, CreditCardAccount, InvestmentAccount, AssetAccount, LiabilityAccount ] instance Arbitrary Account where arbitrary = Account <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Category where arbitrary = Category <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> elements [Income,Expense] <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary TradeInfo where arbitrary = TradeInfo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary TransferInfo where arbitrary = TransferInfo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary InvTransaction where arbitrary = oneof [ Buy <$> arbitrary , Sell <$> arbitrary , Transfer <$> arbitrary , Dividend <$> arbitrary , Interest <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary SplitItem where arbitrary = SplitItem <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Transaction where arbitrary = Transaction <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary