import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Data.Yaml import Data.List (sort) import Control.DeepSeq import Text.Puzzles.Puzzle import Data.Puzzles.Elements (Thermometer) import Text.Puzzles.Util (parseChar, parseMultiOutsideClues) import Text.Puzzles.PuzzleTypes import qualified Data.Puzzles.Grid as Grid import Data.Puzzles.Pyramid (PyramidSol(..)) import Data.Puzzles.Grid (multiOutsideClues, OutsideClues(..)) import Diagrams.Puzzles.PuzzleGrids import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.SVG import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.Text (renderSvg) import Data import Util main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [ parseUtilTests, parseTests, parseDataTests, renderTests, dataTests ] testParsePzl, testParseSol, testNonparsePzl, testNonparseSol :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> ParsePuzzle a b -> Value -> TestTree testParsePzl name parser yaml = testCase ("parse " ++ name) $ testParse (fst parser) yaml testParseSol name parser yaml = testCase ("parse " ++ name ++ " (sol)") $ testParse (snd parser) yaml testNonparsePzl name parser yaml = testCase ("don't parse broken " ++ name) $ testNonparse (fst parser) yaml testNonparseSol name parser yaml = testCase ("don't parse broken " ++ name ++ " (sol)") $ testNonparse (snd parser) yaml parseUtilTests :: TestTree parseUtilTests = testGroup "Parsing infrastructure tests (parseChar)" [ testCase "parse digit" $ (parseMaybe parseChar '5' :: Maybe Int) @=? Just 5 , testCase "don't parse hex chars" $ (parseMaybe parseChar 'a' :: Maybe Int) @=? Nothing , testCase "don't break on non-digits" $ (parseMaybe parseChar ' ' :: Maybe Int) @=? Nothing ] parseTests :: TestTree parseTests = testGroup "Parsing tests (full puzzles, no details)" [ testParsePzl "geradeweg" geradeweg geradeweg_1 , testParseSol "geradeweg" geradeweg geradeweg_1_sol , testParsePzl "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_1 , testParseSol "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_1_sol , testNonparsePzl "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_broken_1 , testNonparsePzl "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_broken_2 , testNonparseSol "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_sol_broken , testNonparseSol "tightfit" tightfitskyscrapers tightfit_sol_broken_2 , testNonparseSol "slalom" slalom slalom_sol_broken , testParsePzl "kpyramid" kpyramid kpyramid_1 , testParseSol "kpyramid" kpyramid kpyramid_1_sol , testNonparsePzl "kpyramid" kpyramid kpyramid_broken_1 , testNonparsePzl "kpyramid" kpyramid kpyramid_broken_2 , testNonparsePzl "kpyramid" kpyramid kpyramid_broken_3 , testParsePzl "compass" compass compass_1 , testNonparsePzl "compass" compass compass_broken_1 , testNonparsePzl "compass" compass compass_broken_2 , testNonparsePzl "compass" compass compass_broken_3 , testNonparsePzl "compass" compass compass_broken_4 , testNonparsePzl "compass" compass compass_broken_5 , testParsePzl "thermosudoku" thermosudoku thermo_1 , testParsePzl "thermosudoku" thermosudoku thermo_2 , testNonparsePzl "thermosudoku" thermosudoku thermo_broken_1 , testNonparsePzl "thermosudoku" thermosudoku thermo_broken_2 ] test_thermo_1 :: [Thermometer] test_thermo_1 = either (const []) snd $ parseEither (fst thermosudoku) thermo_1 -- two neighbouring a's, should be fine test_thermo_2 :: [Thermometer] test_thermo_2 = either (const []) snd $ parseEither (fst thermosudoku) thermo_2 testThermo :: [Thermometer] -> [Thermometer] -> Assertion testThermo t expect = sort t @?= expect test_tightfit_1 :: Bool test_tightfit_1 = either (const False) test_both res where res = parseEither (fst tightfitskyscrapers) tightfit_1 test_both (o, g) = test_size g && test_clues o test_size g = Grid.size g == (3, 3) test_clues (Grid.OC l r b t) = l == [Nothing, Nothing, Just 3] && r == [Nothing, Just 4, Nothing] && b == [Just 3, Just 5, Nothing] && t == [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] test_pyramid_sol :: Bool test_pyramid_sol = either (const False) test_content res where res = parseEither (snd kpyramid) kpyramid_1_sol test_content (PyramidSol rs) = rs == [[3], [8,5], [1,9,4], [3,2,7,3], [1,2,4,3,6]] test_multioutside :: Assertion test_multioutside = Right oc @=? res where res = parseEither parseMultiOutsideClues multioutside oc = OC [[3], [1, 2]] [[1, 0], []] [[0, 0, 1]] [[1, -1]] :: OutsideClues [Int] parseDataTests :: TestTree parseDataTests = testGroup "Parsing tests (full puzzles, result checks)" [ testCase "parse tightfit, correct size" $ test_tightfit_1 @? "error in puzzle" , testCase "parse kpyramid sol properly" $ test_pyramid_sol @? "wrong solution" , testCase "parse thermos" $ testThermo test_thermo_1 [ [(0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 4), (1, 3)] , [(4, 0), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 1)] ] , testCase "parse thermos" $ testThermo test_thermo_2 [ [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0)] , [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)] , [(4, 0), (4, 1), (3, 2)] ] , testCase "parse multioutsideclues" $ test_multioutside ] -- this used to cause a rendering crash, though it's -- caught by parsing by now testBreakSlalom :: Bool testBreakSlalom = case parseMaybe (snd slalom) slalom_sol_broken of Nothing -> True Just s -> let d = drawSlalomDiags s svg = renderDia SVG (SVGOptions (Width 100) Nothing) d svgt = renderSvg svg in (show svgt) `deepseq` True renderTests :: TestTree renderTests = testGroup "Rendering tests" [ testCase "don't break rendering invalid slalom solution" $ testBreakSlalom @? "just testing against errors" ] testMultiOutsideClues :: Assertion testMultiOutsideClues = multiOutsideClues (OC l r b t) `sorteq` res where sorteq xs ys = sort xs @?= sort ys l = [[1, 2], [3]] r = [[], [1, 0]] b = [[0, 0, 1]] t = [[1, -1]] res = [ ((-1,0), 1), ((-2,0), 2), ((-1,1), 3), ((1,1), 1), ((2,1), 0), ((0,-1), 0), ((0,-2), 0), ((0,-3), 1), ((0,2), 1), ((0,3), -1) ] :: [((Int, Int), Int)] dataTests :: TestTree dataTests = testGroup "Generic tests for the Data modules" [ testCase "multiOutsideClues" testMultiOutsideClues ]