module Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Desugar (moduleToCoreFn) where import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (sort, sortBy, nub) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Arrow (second, (***)) import Language.PureScript.Crash import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos import Language.PureScript.AST.Traversals import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Ann import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Binders import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Expr import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Literals import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Meta import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Module import Language.PureScript.Environment import Language.PureScript.Names import Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses (typeClassMemberName, superClassDictionaryNames) import Language.PureScript.Types import Language.PureScript.Comments import qualified Language.PureScript.AST as A -- | -- Desugars a module from AST to CoreFn representation. -- moduleToCoreFn :: Environment -> A.Module -> Module Ann moduleToCoreFn _ (A.Module _ _ _ _ Nothing) = internalError "Module exports were not elaborated before moduleToCoreFn" moduleToCoreFn env (A.Module _ coms mn decls (Just exps)) = let imports = nub $ mapMaybe importToCoreFn decls ++ findQualModules decls exps' = nub $ concatMap exportToCoreFn exps externs = nub $ mapMaybe externToCoreFn decls decls' = concatMap (declToCoreFn Nothing []) decls in Module coms mn imports exps' externs decls' where -- | -- Desugars member declarations from AST to CoreFn representation. -- declToCoreFn :: Maybe SourceSpan -> [Comment] -> A.Declaration -> [Bind Ann] declToCoreFn ss com (A.DataDeclaration Newtype _ _ [(ctor, _)]) = [NonRec (properToIdent ctor) $ Abs (ss, com, Nothing, Just IsNewtype) (Ident "x") (Var nullAnn $ Qualified Nothing (Ident "x"))] declToCoreFn _ _ d@(A.DataDeclaration Newtype _ _ _) = error $ "Found newtype with multiple constructors: " ++ show d declToCoreFn ss com (A.DataDeclaration Data tyName _ ctors) = flip map ctors $ \(ctor, _) -> let (_, _, _, fields) = lookupConstructor env (Qualified (Just mn) ctor) in NonRec (properToIdent ctor) $ Constructor (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) tyName ctor fields declToCoreFn ss _ (A.DataBindingGroupDeclaration ds) = concatMap (declToCoreFn ss []) ds declToCoreFn ss com (A.ValueDeclaration name _ _ (Right e)) = [NonRec name (exprToCoreFn ss com Nothing e)] declToCoreFn ss com (A.FixityDeclaration _ name (Just alias)) = [NonRec (Op name) (Var (ss, com, Nothing, getValueMeta alias) alias)] declToCoreFn ss _ (A.BindingGroupDeclaration ds) = [Rec $ map (\(name, _, e) -> (name, exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing e)) ds] declToCoreFn ss com (A.TypeClassDeclaration name _ supers members) = [NonRec (properToIdent name) $ mkTypeClassConstructor ss com supers members] declToCoreFn _ com (A.PositionedDeclaration ss com1 d) = declToCoreFn (Just ss) (com ++ com1) d declToCoreFn _ _ _ = [] -- | -- Desugars expressions from AST to CoreFn representation. -- exprToCoreFn :: Maybe SourceSpan -> [Comment] -> Maybe Type -> A.Expr -> Expr Ann exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.NumericLiteral v) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (NumericLiteral v) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.StringLiteral v) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (StringLiteral v) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.CharLiteral v) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (CharLiteral v) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.BooleanLiteral v) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (BooleanLiteral v) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.ArrayLiteral vs) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (ArrayLiteral $ map (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing) vs) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.ObjectLiteral vs) = Literal (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (ObjectLiteral $ map (second (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing)) vs) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Accessor name v) = Accessor (ss, com, ty, Nothing) name (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.ObjectUpdate obj vs) = ObjectUpdate (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing obj) $ map (second (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing)) vs exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Abs (Left name) v) = Abs (ss, com, ty, Nothing) name (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v) exprToCoreFn _ _ _ (A.Abs _ _) = internalError "Abs with Binder argument was not desugared before exprToCoreFn mn" exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.App v1 v2) = App (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v1) (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v2) exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Var ident) = Var (ss, com, ty, getValueMeta ident) ident exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.IfThenElse v1 v2 v3) = Case (ss, com, ty, Nothing) [exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v1] [ CaseAlternative [LiteralBinder nullAnn $ BooleanLiteral True] (Right $ exprToCoreFn Nothing [] Nothing v2) , CaseAlternative [LiteralBinder nullAnn $ BooleanLiteral False] (Right $ exprToCoreFn Nothing [] Nothing v3) ] exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Constructor name) = Var (ss, com, ty, Just $ getConstructorMeta name) $ fmap properToIdent name exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Case vs alts) = Case (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (map (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing) vs) (map (altToCoreFn ss) alts) exprToCoreFn ss com _ (A.TypedValue _ v ty) = exprToCoreFn ss com (Just ty) v exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.Let ds v) = Let (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (concatMap (declToCoreFn ss []) ds) (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing v) exprToCoreFn ss com _ (A.TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp name (A.TypedValue _ (A.ObjectLiteral vs) _)) = let args = map (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing . snd) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) vs ctor = Var (ss, [], Nothing, Just IsTypeClassConstructor) (fmap properToIdent name) in foldl (App (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing)) ctor args exprToCoreFn ss com ty (A.TypeClassDictionaryAccessor _ ident) = Abs (ss, com, ty, Nothing) (Ident "dict") (Accessor nullAnn (runIdent ident) (Var nullAnn $ Qualified Nothing (Ident "dict"))) exprToCoreFn _ com ty (A.PositionedValue ss com1 v) = exprToCoreFn (Just ss) (com ++ com1) ty v exprToCoreFn _ _ _ e = error $ "Unexpected value in exprToCoreFn mn: " ++ show e -- | -- Desugars case alternatives from AST to CoreFn representation. -- altToCoreFn :: Maybe SourceSpan -> A.CaseAlternative -> CaseAlternative Ann altToCoreFn ss (A.CaseAlternative bs vs) = CaseAlternative (map (binderToCoreFn ss []) bs) (go vs) where go :: Either [(A.Guard, A.Expr)] A.Expr -> Either [(Guard Ann, Expr Ann)] (Expr Ann) go (Left ges) = Left $ map (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing *** exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing) ges go (Right e) = Right (exprToCoreFn ss [] Nothing e) -- | -- Desugars case binders from AST to CoreFn representation. -- binderToCoreFn :: Maybe SourceSpan -> [Comment] -> A.Binder -> Binder Ann binderToCoreFn ss com (A.NullBinder) = NullBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.BooleanBinder b) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (BooleanLiteral b) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.StringBinder s) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (StringLiteral s) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.CharBinder c) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (CharLiteral c) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.NumberBinder n) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (NumericLiteral n) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.VarBinder name) = VarBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) name binderToCoreFn ss com (A.ConstructorBinder dctor@(Qualified mn' _) bs) = let (_, tctor, _, _) = lookupConstructor env dctor in ConstructorBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Just $ getConstructorMeta dctor) (Qualified mn' tctor) dctor (map (binderToCoreFn ss []) bs) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.ObjectBinder bs) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (ObjectLiteral $ map (second (binderToCoreFn ss [])) bs) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.ArrayBinder bs) = LiteralBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) (ArrayLiteral $ map (binderToCoreFn ss []) bs) binderToCoreFn ss com (A.NamedBinder name b) = NamedBinder (ss, com, Nothing, Nothing) name (binderToCoreFn ss [] b) binderToCoreFn _ com (A.PositionedBinder ss com1 b) = binderToCoreFn (Just ss) (com ++ com1) b binderToCoreFn ss com (A.TypedBinder _ b) = binderToCoreFn ss com b -- | -- Gets metadata for values. -- getValueMeta :: Qualified Ident -> Maybe Meta getValueMeta name = case lookupValue env name of Just (_, External, _) -> Just IsForeign _ -> Nothing -- | -- Gets metadata for data constructors. -- getConstructorMeta :: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName) -> Meta getConstructorMeta ctor = case lookupConstructor env ctor of (Newtype, _, _, _) -> IsNewtype dc@(Data, _, _, fields) -> let constructorType = if numConstructors (ctor, dc) == 1 then ProductType else SumType in IsConstructor constructorType fields where numConstructors :: (Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName), (DataDeclType, ProperName 'TypeName, Type, [Ident])) -> Int numConstructors ty = length $ filter (((==) `on` typeConstructor) ty) $ M.toList $ dataConstructors env typeConstructor :: (Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName), (DataDeclType, ProperName 'TypeName, Type, [Ident])) -> (ModuleName, ProperName 'TypeName) typeConstructor (Qualified (Just mn') _, (_, tyCtor, _, _)) = (mn', tyCtor) typeConstructor _ = internalError "Invalid argument to typeConstructor" -- | -- Find module names from qualified references to values. This is used to -- ensure instances are imported from any module that is referenced by the -- current module, not just from those that are imported explicitly (#667). -- findQualModules :: [A.Declaration] -> [ModuleName] findQualModules decls = let (f, _, _, _, _) = everythingOnValues (++) fqDecls fqValues fqBinders (const []) (const []) in f `concatMap` decls where fqDecls :: A.Declaration -> [ModuleName] fqDecls (A.TypeInstanceDeclaration _ _ (Qualified (Just mn) _) _ _) = [mn] fqDecls (A.FixityDeclaration _ _ (Just (Qualified (Just mn) _))) = [mn] fqDecls _ = [] fqValues :: A.Expr -> [ModuleName] fqValues (A.Var (Qualified (Just mn) _)) = [mn] fqValues (A.Constructor (Qualified (Just mn) _)) = [mn] fqValues _ = [] fqBinders :: A.Binder -> [ModuleName] fqBinders (A.ConstructorBinder (Qualified (Just mn) _) _) = [mn] fqBinders _ = [] -- | -- Desugars import declarations from AST to CoreFn representation. -- importToCoreFn :: A.Declaration -> Maybe ModuleName importToCoreFn (A.ImportDeclaration name _ _ _) = Just name importToCoreFn (A.PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = importToCoreFn d importToCoreFn _ = Nothing -- | -- Desugars foreign declarations from AST to CoreFn representation. -- externToCoreFn :: A.Declaration -> Maybe ForeignDecl externToCoreFn (A.ExternDeclaration name ty) = Just (name, ty) externToCoreFn (A.PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = externToCoreFn d externToCoreFn _ = Nothing -- | -- Desugars export declarations references from AST to CoreFn representation. -- CoreFn modules only export values, so all data constructors, class -- constructor, instances and values are flattened into one list. -- exportToCoreFn :: A.DeclarationRef -> [Ident] exportToCoreFn (A.TypeRef _ (Just dctors)) = map properToIdent dctors exportToCoreFn (A.ValueRef name) = [name] exportToCoreFn (A.TypeClassRef name) = [properToIdent name] exportToCoreFn (A.TypeInstanceRef name) = [name] exportToCoreFn (A.PositionedDeclarationRef _ _ d) = exportToCoreFn d exportToCoreFn _ = [] -- | -- Makes a typeclass dictionary constructor function. The returned expression -- is a function that accepts the superclass instances and member -- implementations and returns a record for the instance dictionary. -- mkTypeClassConstructor :: Maybe SourceSpan -> [Comment] -> [Constraint] -> [A.Declaration] -> Expr Ann mkTypeClassConstructor ss com [] [] = Literal (ss, com, Nothing, Just IsTypeClassConstructor) (ObjectLiteral []) mkTypeClassConstructor ss com supers members = let args@(a:as) = sort $ map typeClassMemberName members ++ superClassDictionaryNames supers props = [ (arg, Var nullAnn $ Qualified Nothing (Ident arg)) | arg <- args ] dict = Literal nullAnn (ObjectLiteral props) in Abs (ss, com, Nothing, Just IsTypeClassConstructor) (Ident a) (foldr (Abs nullAnn . Ident) dict as) -- | -- Converts a ProperName to an Ident. -- properToIdent :: ProperName a -> Ident properToIdent = Ident . runProperName